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If this were to happen in the USA.....

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yep, with this thingy the internet there will be a much greater awareness of the real story, and the masses will no longer cower in the shadows, but show the powers that be who the real power is.


hell yes this could happen in the USA. people are frustrated here too, but they are afraid to vent their frustrations. it can only go so far before the pressure builds to an explosion, and when that happens things are going to be insane. we have to many paranoid people with guns and when the first one goes beyond defending what is his (which should take 30 seconds or so) there will be plenty of crazies to follow him.

i hope that cooler heads prevail and we can keep it to bb guns and sling shots .......... but i don't think that is going to happen. america is a very divided country, money, politics ,race and religion are something that folks have been bickering about for a long time ...... when the guys in control lose the ability to keep the very delicate balance that we live with every day, it is going to get very interesting very quickly.

with any luck the "lunatic fringe-ers" on both ends of the spectrum will take each other out and the folks who are willing to work with each other can pick up the mess and start over again ..........but pragmatism has not been seen here for about 225 years so i am not counting on that happening either.

sucks IMHO .... but what can we do at this point to avoid it?


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
yep, with this thingy the internet there will be a much greater awareness of the real story, and the masses will no longer cower in the shadows, but show the powers that be who the real power is.

And many are virtual reality...
with any luck the "lunatic fringe-ers" on both ends of the spectrum will take each other out and the folks who are willing to work with each other can pick up the mess and start over again ..........but pragmatism has not been seen here for about 225 years so i am not counting on that happening either.

sucks IMHO .... but what can we do at this point to avoid it?
The "lunatic fringe-ers" on the right are the top 1% who happen to OWN this country. In order to avoid a revolution they would have to give back the country. Not going to happen. But don't worry, a revolt won't happen in our life time. People are way too apathetic.


Well-known member
Before guns, there was peace, lol

The Romans, Turks, Ottomans, Mongols, etc were all peaceful until the gun was invented.

Hand to hand combat mate....nowt wrong with that.

They had to look in to the eyes of a man before killing him.

Bit cowardly using guns....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hand to hand combat mate....nowt wrong with that.

They had to look in to the eyes of a man before killing him.

Bit cowardly using guns....

I agree, the worst thing that ever happened was when they invented guns and made it possible for virtually anyone with little to no combat skill, be able to easily kill someone from a safe distance. Imagine how bad ass the world would be if everyone still had to use swords and knives and bows and arrows to kill.


Well-known member
Big up HempKat.

I know in the US you have the right to bare arms, that just makes your police not give a second thought to shooting you dead. They new what they were doing when they wrote that constitution, use it against the people later on.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Big up HempKat.

I know in the US you have the right to bare arms, that just makes your police not give a second thought to shooting you dead. They new what they were doing when they wrote that constitution, use it against the people later on.

No that's not at all what they had in mind when they wrote that into the constitution. They were feeling grateful that they had the ability to arm themselves and form a militia against an unjust government and felt it was important that future generations should have that same ability. They had no idea at all though that America and it's laws would be perverted into what it is now a days.

As for police brutallity I'm not sure that American gun ownership makes a difference, not when you see unarmed people being tazed for saying things the cop doesn't like.


I agree, the worst thing that ever happened was when they invented guns and made it possible for virtually anyone with little to no combat skill, be able to easily kill someone from a safe distance. Imagine how bad ass the world would be if everyone still had to use swords and knives and bows and arrows to kill.

i almost agree ......... the worst thing that ever happened was when the guys who actually started the shit did not have to show up to finish it. its easy to be the pric that sends the generals and police to do your bidding, while you and yours stay home .........


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i almost agree ......... the worst thing that ever happened was when the guys who actually started the shit did not have to show up to finish it. its easy to be the pric that sends the generals and police to do your bidding, while you and yours stay home .........

Yeah but that was true whether there were guns or not. At least without guns, you have to know what you're doing first of all and you have to be willing to get up close and personal where your opponant, even without a weapon, would still have a chance.

I seriously doubt there would be as much random violence and murder if those doing it had to face the possibility of being sliced open or stabbed by a sword.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Meh, I'll take my ACOG scoped AR-15 over sticks and stones any day. I may be a pussy, but I'll be an alive pussy.


Yeah but that was true whether there were guns or not. At least without guns, you have to know what you're doing first of all and you have to be willing to get up close and personal where your opponant, even without a weapon, would still have a chance.

I seriously doubt there would be as much random violence and murder if those doing it had to face the possibility of being sliced open or stabbed by a sword.

very true ........ i was talking about guys you read about in the history books ..... alexander the great, hannibal, gengis khan and a whole bunch of roman leaders were hands on kind of guys. but then it's like you said, no guns. leader today see cameras and drones as military might (fuckheads don't even have to get off the couch). there was a time when leaders had a good horse, a strong arm and balls that no normal human being could carry. those guys inspired everyone around them. the fucks who are running things these days are just ass kissing PR machines that spend to much time being politicly correct and asking their minions how they are doing in the polls
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