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Dry Ice Hash


Cautiously Optimistic
It's not safe to touch because it will stick to your hands and give you instant frost-bite. It's not like it has a chemical that will leech into your extract or anything like that.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
It's what you leave out, that matters most.

It's what you leave out, that matters most.

Quite right, Mr. B.

In fact we breathe a bit of CO2 all day.:)

Dry ice sublimates, (turns directly from a solid to a gas) at -100° F.!
That is way too cold for hash making!

The Dry Ice extraction method is, indeed, about quantity over quality!

IMO, the secret to great hash for personal use is what you leave out.
Wet weed, in contact with dry ice gets flash frozen/dried, which bursts all the cell walls and powders the weed.
Dry trim just gets hard frozen, then powders too, when shaken.
Not as fine a powder as the wet trim, but more than enough to dilute your concentrate.
The size of the screen used is not all that relevant with this process.
If you shake it long enough and hard enough, it will all pass through.
Turns it a nice beige color too.:)

Any yield over the actual weight percentage of resin to substrate is dilution.
Unwanted vegetable matter in my hash.:noway:
I want all water solubles, rinsed out, and everything else that's less than wonderful, filtered out.

If its all about $$ and quantity with you, shake and enjoy.:)

But, if it's about quality, and your head, read-on.

Time to whip out that microscope.
Ideally, I don't want even one cystolith in my hash.
No dirt, no bugs, no trash.

So I monitor the process.
I inspect the contents of the bubble bag and the trim after each "mash" and re-circ.

When the trim has no more "caps" and the product has the first trace of anything but caps, it's done.

122 grams of buds/trim got me 15.1 grams of the finest bubble you'll ever wrap your head around.
That's almost 12.4% by weight.

Harold Hedd.jpg


In short;
My target is excellence.
Most folks are way less "picky"
Bottom line?
It's what's acceptable to you.
No wanna "jack" this thread with a different method, so, If anyone wants details, jus' ask.
I'm easy to find.

Aloha, Y'all


Active member
I am going to try this. I bought some bags. Going to get the dry ice today. When using buds, do we need to break up the buds in any way? Thanks for the help.


Active member
I would break up the weed so there is more surface area that will come in contact with the ice. I let my trim and dry ice sit for like 20-40 min before I start to shake it. I found the longer you wait the better the quality and quantity.


Active member
I would break up the weed so there is more surface area that will come in contact with the ice. I let my trim and dry ice sit for like 20-40 min before I start to shake it. I found the longer you wait the better the quality and quantity.

Awesome. Thank you for the tips. When you say break up, are we talking by hand or coffee grinder?
I dont break up the buds. Make sure the dry ice is crushed up. You can freeze your stuff before the run. Try not to overload your bags and only shake the top bag into the other bags, dont lift it to high out of the bucket and get stuff going everywhere. I also use a little bamboo stick to hit the outside and bottom of the bags to help everything fall off the bags when I am done. A good way to know when you are done is with a white sheet of paper. Hold the top bag over and give the bottom a good little tap and is there is green then you are done.


Active member
Merlin thanks for the advice. I was planning a test run with 1oz of bud. I have Bubblebags bags (4 bag set), 5 gallon size, and a 5 gallon bucket. I was planning on doing it over a mirror (the kind with a frame around the mirror). My plan was buy 2 pounds of dry ice. I will put the buds in the freezer for about 10 hours.

I would take the dry ice (still in plastic bag) and pound it with a kitchen mallet until it's broken into small dime sized chunks. Then I was going to put a layer of dry ice in my bucket, then a layer of my frozen bud, then the rest of the dry ice on top. Then put the 160 bag over the bucket. Let that sit for 20 mins.

Then do a 2-5 minute soft shake over the mirror. Put the bucket to sit for another 5-10 minutes while I collect the first round off the mirror. Then do another round of shaking the bucket but more aggressively. I would do this until the color starts to get dark and contaminated.

How's that plan? Any help and critique is greatly appreciated.
Pulverize the dry ice, smaller the better with a few small chunks. I run mine just like bubble. Put the bags inside the bucket and shake the top (220) bag into the 160 into the 73 and then the 25. With the stuff pre-frozen you might not need to let it sit that long. Give it 5 mins and shake away for a min then rest for 5mins then shake 2mins and check




Active member
Did my round of Dry Ice hash last night. Wow, very cool! I didn't weigh it but I believe I got a ~20% return. I got three different qualities from the run. The first run looking very excellent. The 2nd run looking still pretty high quality. With the last run looking a tad green.

A couple of things I learned along the way...

I ran two separate full batches. One with bud that was pre-frozen for 10 hours. Another that I didn't pre-freeze the bud. The pre-frozen bud was SO much easier to work with. The extraction took less than 1/2 the time. Everything was better about it. Do pre-freeze your material, it's worth it.

I am not 100% sure why, but I started to get some dripping of wetness from my bucket (shaking over a mirror), on the 2nd batch. This made it harder to card up all the hash from the mirror. Next time I will only do one batch at a time. Making sure to clean my bag and dry it between runs. (unless someone can recommend a solution to this).

I pressed some of the lowest quality Kif between some paper last night and ran it through my vaporizer. It was fantastic. Smooth as silk.


Cannabis 101
? How can you put 14 grams of trim and get 19 grams of hash??? You cutting this shit??? Lol have you been in contact with my Spanish connect in Florida? No in all seriousness what the fuck? Lol cool method tho.


Active member
I think I have an answer to this mystery that the OP started...

There can be a little bit of condensation or wetness with this dry-ice method. I bet his Kif was weighed right after and there was wetness on the Kif. This would make sense and answers this mystery.

I bet if after letting it dry for a few days and re-weighed, it would be more in-tune with the 20-30% (or 4-5 grams).


Active member
I think I have an answer to this mystery that the OP started...

There can be a little bit of condensation or wetness with this dry-ice method. I bet his Kif was weighed right after and there was wetness on the Kif. This would make sense and answers this mystery.

I bet if after letting it dry for a few days and re-weighed, it would be more in-tune with the 20-30% (or 4-5 grams).

ok so logically my brain just can't proceed this info. All you are saying is : Dry ice adds more moisture weight than all the trimm matter separated from all the trichomes... sorry, but it's a complete nonesense.

for that alone all the trichomes must weight atleast as much as the green matter. for that alone you would need a 50% return.


Active member
i loved this thread, never really knew about this method, i usually do ISO but i fucking hate the smell of the evaporating alcohol, it stinks up the whole damn house.

i just hate how dick he was being to everyone as much as i learned i found it hard to look past that lol.

telling everyone to see for yourself but everyone that posted after never had more weight than what they put in.. then post later how he didnt have any of his numbers right at all. should say sorry for being so mean to people for no reason.

then to add to it all you post this.. so i had to do a recap as to why im even bothering saying all this...

p.s..... ive noticed an increase in nasty, assholish comments on IC lately. it wasnt nearly as bad when i first joined. what is happening to people around here? i really hope all the hate and nastiness subsides and everyone can return to just ENJOYING our hobby/job.

ok well lets go back further, not one person was really being negative to you at all. lets see how you responded to some pretty basic posts.

ding ding ding......... that is all that matters. who gives a shit if it bubbles or not. unless of course your someone who really loves when things bubble and get really excited like your 5yrs old and eating a candy bar.

well technically i do like my hash to bubble, it has nothing to do with how it looks but the purity of how it was made. ive never enjoyed hash otherwise because it just hasnt been as good for me. this is nothing more than a personal opinion but if you want to get high off anything thats fine by me, like i always say to people who care more about being high than the actual benefits this wonderful plant gives is you can get really high off huffing paint and car anti-freeze... just saying.. in no way was anyone being rude to you for you to respond the way you did.

p.s.... i expected some dumb ass comments, but, if you try this youll quickly be takin that **** outta your mouth

you already called half of us dumb asses why even replace the shit with asterisks?

i use this word way too much with people but damn that is so contradicting...

anyway thanks for the thread. will give this a go since im not a fan of the water, so messy and so much work.


Active member
ok so logically my brain just can't proceed this info. All you are saying is : Dry ice adds more moisture weight than all the trimm matter separated from all the trichomes... sorry, but it's a complete nonesense.

for that alone all the trichomes must weight atleast as much as the green matter. for that alone you would need a 50% return.

No problem, maybe I can take another logic stab at explaining it.

Can we agree if you have WET hash, that this wet hash is heavier than dry hash?

If you can agree that wet hash is heavier than dry hash, then I speculate that when the OP did his weighing, that his hash was slightly wet. I know mine was.

Since it was wet, it was heavier.

Or another way of looking at it, is that plant material wasn't the only thing that entered the bucket. Dry ICE and moisture from the AIR is also in there.


Active member
I did another round. This time I used trimmings from the harvest last weekend. The trimmings went into the freezer the same day of harvest.

The result wasn't even close as good. I feel that I got less. More of it was greener in color. It was hard to scrape into piles because it was wetter. Lots of the hash clumped together when scraping. And the hash doesn't smell as good. Though I bet after drying and curing the hash it will turn out smelling great. I have no idea how much I made but if I were to guess it's probably about 50-70g of keif.

I highly recommend drying the weed before doing the dry ice method.


wouldn't drying first (to get rid of excess water), then freezing to get the trichs nice and brittle second, then dropping in the bags with dry ice third be the way to go? obviously I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds very promising.

The Dog

Tried it, "heard it was good based on the people selling the stuff". Its crap do the regular ice /water bubble bag extraction, way better.


New member
Tried some of this with some old stash last night. Test run of 5 grams yielded about 0.8 g of nice blonde product, and another 0.4 g of slightly greenish product. This bears further experimentation. I think dry or fairly dry starting material is probably best.

I doubt very much it will yield product as good as a well-made ice water hash. However, it's FAST, and clean. Disclosure: I live in a very arid area, and this may have minimized moisture issues. IIRC the entire process took about 30 minutes, plus another 5 or 10 to clean up and put away equipment. This could be done in the field (literally) with a cooler full of dry ice and the appropriate bags or screening material. No water, no ice, no drying (or very little drying). Even in house, it minimizes the time when the equipment needs to be out and set up.