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Incredible Results: Dyna Gro recipe


New member
Dolomite lime is STRONG stuff; a little goes a long way ! and it's last within your mixture for a long time.

Remember you can always add more, but never take away......

That's why I suggest pick one feeding method and start with that.


New member
BTW I'm very impressed with Dyna-GRO !!! I've tried others and they've been good, but not good enough to convenience me to change from Dyna-Gro


New member
Mitch I hope this gets to you in time. I have a CAP Ebb and Flo myself, and so I hope you reconsider buying the full system, and instead do some upgrades I’ve researched and seen others implement with great success.

First consider using 5 gallon buckets w/ 3.5 gallon buckets nested, it will cost more in media, however your plants will love the extra root space over the CAP’s 2 gallons, and honestly the Everest is over-charging you for buckets you can source yourself for far less.
Secondly consider then using standard ¾” garden hose combined w/ appropriate bulkheads (less leaks, less worry of tubes getting pulled/knocked loose), using this is far less expensive than poly, the higher diameter on the tube compared to the standard CAP is a major factor in your flood and drain times per bucket, and with as many sites as you’re planning on having this would definitely be a good thing for you.
Thirdly the pumps that come with the retail systems are very weak for the price you pay, I suggest you source your own pump for the controller bucket and reservoir, for the reservoir I highly recommend a sump type pump as its design allows it to drain to nearly the bottom of the bucket, which the ones that come with the systems definitely do, at least not the CAP.
In closing you can save a lot of a nice chunk of change and have better pumps, bigger space for roots, etc. Now the last thing is even with all this, you need the controller unit, there’s an excellent DIY in the Link-O-Rama on it, or if you don’t feel up to building it yourself, which I can certainly understand, you can always acquire the CAP controller separately.
Good luck with the system sir.
Dyna-Rok is just a brand name like Higromite, it’s the fossilized remains of Diatoms, the same unicellular life-form that constitutes what we know as Diatomaceous Earth, you can find several sources for it, its main selling features are its superior to Hydroton moisture absorption, cation exchange ratio, and the fact it’s composed of roughly 15% soluble plant available amorphous silica.
Hope this helps.


Well-known member
I like the green trees control bucket, black 5 gal buckets, 3/4 fill/drain line, heavy duty sumps, and a 96 gal toter trashcan for a res. draining these things are a pain. it's good to raise the buckets off the floor to help drain faster.
I can see making a switch, making great cents! Say you have a 55gal res. Using H&G Aquaflakes at the end of veg you use 7.5ml/gal, that's 412.5ml total. If one wants to use Dynagro in the same size res you must use 3tsp (15ml) per gal, that's 825ml/gal!!!

H&G is more concentrated, however, $30 will get you one Liter of H&G (2.42 batches) , or one GALLON of Dynagro (4.84 batches)! You can run 2x the batches of Dynagro for the same price! If you run a small rez with a few plants, you can try just about any product. But when you run a large rez and have to use 1/2 - 2/3 of a Liter bottle in one batch, then the nutes become a huge finacial factor! Something to think about for anyone who is thinking about stepping up their game!

Dynagro = $6.19 per batch
H&G = $12.39 per batch

I'm sold! Now if DynaGro would produce an enzyme product or a version of "drip clean"!


Well-known member
if price was the only benefit.... eliminate stoner error mixing up ferts.. use a 1 part that haS EVERYTHING your plant's want, nothing they dont..
Good point toohigh! I actually noticed a flaw in my logic. I said that H&G was more concentrated, but I wasn't considering the 2 parts. You must use 412ml/55gal of A&B, that's 824ml. Dynagro uses 825ml/55gal. I guess I was right, it is more concentrated! By 1 mililiter! YAY! H&G's claim to fame is their product's concentration. This comparison is just by the Grow formula. Not sure about the bloom, but I'm sure it's the same story.

2 Quick questions to those using Dynagro:
1, is $55 for a gallon a good price to pay at a hydro shop? Price is the same for grow & bloom.
2, do any of you use the OrchidPro formula? If so do you use it for flowering or all the way through?
Well I guess after shipping online, $55 issn't to bad. I think I'm gonna have my ppl make the switch. I'm experiencing yellowing on top growth that looks like a zinc deficiency, and now I'm loosing the bottom fan leaves in late veg. Hope the dynagro will fix that. Having trouble narrowing down the actual prob cause there are bugs that look like winged root aphids around but when we pull the buckets to look at the roots (ebb'ngro) there are no bugs! Would be nice to use a nutrient that is less likely to cause difficiency.

TooHigh: The AuquaFlakes does not list zinc on the label, does that mean it's not present in the formula?


Well-known member
zinc is usually found in calmg like products with other good stuff like iron. If it's not listed on the bottle, there probably isn't any. I don't know the H&G line very well. used their Aqua flakes, shooting powder and roots excelurator. clean stuff. I still used it with calmg+ conditioned RO. to find it all in dyna bloom, it's hard for me to pass up.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What ppm of tap water is consider hard for a nute program to be successful?


Well-known member
good question. if my PPM is over 300 I run a RO filter, or reduced my micros. If your not getting good stream water, I would be running at 50/50 tap/RO. my tap is 700+ and feeds plants without ferts!


New member
after using 3 part gh and flora products for years I switched to dynagro plants are much more robust adding sea kelp and mollases this batch


New member
I am COMPLETELY sold on Dyna-gro. After wading through the TONS of hype out there on nutes, Dyna-Gro is, as noted above, the absoulute best bang for the buck. My results have been as good or better as the stuff twice the price and I have to use a lot less of it. It's got the three C's, Cheap, Concentrated, Complete Nutrition. The science is there to review if you wish. Go to their website, compare the numbers, and make your own educated decision. Don't just believe what you are told! Know More = Grow More.

Laughing Jim

Active member
I wonder why my grow shop doesn't push more people towards Dyna Grow. They kinda muscled me into going with GH.

It's called the "Bottom Line"... shop owners who are purely motivated by PROFIT will steer you towards the products with the highest gross profit margins. That's business.


New member
Laughing Jim,
You hit the nail on the HEED to say.... no $$$ in them selling saying a 1 quart bottle for like 20 bucks..no profit there for them LoL...

Lets keep this Thread moving on Dyna ROX

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