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Clear containers really bad?


Invertebrata Inebriata
I realize this thread is really old, but It was the only one I could find on the topic, and I have a new question. Do people paint the insides of pots, and if so, what kind of paint do you use? Thanks!


Invertebrata Inebriata
Thanks! I know that sounded like a silly question, but I thought I read it somewhere on a thread here.


Speed of Dark
I'm glad this was brought up, I had asked about this in another thread and got nowhere. Probably because this was already out here.

I grow in 17" x 34" trays. Sterlite 41 liter. Clear trays and green trays side by side when I started. I detected no differences through 3 grows and my replacement trays are clear now.

However, some of the roots along the sides of trays in strong light have a green tinge fluffing like a small fern. My canopy lets very little light through, but there it is, green stuff on the roots hard up against the plastic, roots more than 1/16" in do not have this. It may have been happening in the green trays also and remained invisible, but the green is a surface phenomenom only and has no penetration.
Smaller containers with much larger surface area to volume seem not to have a problem either from what I have garnered from this thread.


Senior Member
my clear clone bubbler works just fine, personally i think the only problem with light hitting the roots is alge growth, as long as the roots stay moist they should be fine, like others here i have vegged in halved 2 liter bottles. that being said there is probably a reason NOBODY, in any growing industry, use clear containers, and obviously you can't buy clear pots anywhere. for a temporary situation they will be just fine and who knows, you might even be able to finish a whole grow in them, but, given the price of seeds, and the risk of growing illegally, why take chances that you don't have too eh?

i would mention that using green ones doesn't prove much because green plastic seems to block a lot of the damaging rays, i know this because when i was younger i used the middle section of 2 liter bottles as sleeves to protect seedlings outdoors from predators, after putting a batch out, i came back a week later to find that all the plants with clear plastic sleeves were bleached completely, but the ones with the green mt. dew sleeves were all just fine.


Active member
so much bullshit and misinformation in this thread. on the internet in general really.
algae produce oxygen and derive everything they need from the light and water, why would they harm your plants?



It is true that roots do not like light so why stress the plant at all when one piece of white paper around the container will reflect the light away from the roots? I think anything to not stress your plant is to your advantage. Any and every method stress level is discussed. I just dont understand why your fighting the idea of not using a clear container? Well in less you just invested in a Billion, lol. Just wondering is all my friend.



Active member
because all this fear mongering about clear pots is way the fuck overrated. plants grow in fucking water all the goddamn time with their roots exposed to light, and they all live, plants roots sometimes come up to the surface, they all live, algae is the most basic form of plant life and responsible for all the oxygen we take into our lungs.

yet people seem to think algae is harmful and plants will die if their roots are exposed to light. the reason roots dig in dirt is to find water, not to escape light. if you had a translucent growing medium in clear pots the plants would still grow just fine and dandy, my mom up there and some of my previous grows is all the proof you need to know that clear pots don't effect the plants one way or another.

have you ever seen someone have a bamboo plant on their desk in a clear vase? why do you suppose it doesnt die? its in a clear container with its roots exposed to light from all angles. so why does it live? maybe its because it has moisture and oxygen and light? the things plants need to live.


Invertebrata Inebriata
The problem, as I see it is this-
Some people think this thread is about "Can my plants survive being in clear containers", but the true topic is "Is it optimal?"

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