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World's Oceans In 'shocking' decline

The iD

both sides tout the information they deem most fit to achieve their respective goals, which basically boils down to control/power. lauding that humans have zero effect on their environment is as ridiculous as stating that humans are the ONLY cause of environmental change. reality is truly abolished when one cannot look about and trust their own eyes. when people can let go of their self delusions, ego, and greed, then progress may finally begin. the world is not black/white, capitalist/communist, catholic/jew, republican/democrat, hot/cold. it is an interaction, a multitude of additive and subtractive technicolour wavelengths that change and adapt as one rejects and modifies their own perspectives and ideologies.

you say the sky is blue? i say it is translucent.

a philosophical question: if all of Vegas was corrupt, would it matter at which house you played? would it matter which game in that house you chose to play, if all the decks were stacked and all the games rigged? would you be surprised when you always lose?

who is to blame... the player, or the game?

stay frosty,



Crotchety Cabaholic
I cant wait for the magnetic poles to reverse (as they have done hundreds of times documented in the geologic record) so we can hear how man caused this problem as well.

Here's some astronomy 101 for ya.

The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical pattern. That pattern is not static. Sometimes the ellipse is more circular, sometimes more flat.
The Earth also rotates on it's axis. That axis is tilted approximatelt 22.5 degrees off of vertical. The tilt is also not static. Every 11,000 years, the tilt makes a complete revolution about itself.
Our place in the Solar System is not static. There are countless variables which effect climate here on Earth. Blaming an atmospheric gas solely for climate change is short sighted.

You need to get over your anthropocentric views of the world. Man doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme of things. 99% of all species that have existed are extinct. Man will be another added to the list.

Copernicus and Gallileo were shunned by the Catholic Church for proposing a heliocentric model of the Solar System. I see the same "religion" in the AGW debate.

Get over yourselves and your place in this world, people.


weed fiend
i have no idea about how you relate this to free market economy( in the definition sence) ....

I referenced free-market in an ideological sense. Suggesting that free markets would govern themselves (to me) is not unlike releasing criminals. Some will do the right thing and some won't.

a free market means sell what you want buy what you want acording to my understanding. (no FED)(no FDA) no federal involvment period.


yes if you cant use it its a waste to you and a perk for companies espeacially if you have to pay on the cost of building and use ,upkeep and replacment.

I understand your reasoning. If I felt the same, I'd probably draw similar conclusion. But IMO, we have no choice than to convert to renewables. Carbon energy is shortening our lease, not to mention future generations.

they are for the most part the same ,so i would stop seeing the popular vote as the only way to vote.

I agree in the sense we're all human. I'm not against a new direction. However, 'they are for the most part the same' will still be here. IMO, market principles won't govern their actions any more than market principles govern monopolies, Wall Street and varying degrees of fraud in the tens of thousands.

Thanks for the responses. You make sound rebuttal.
Got to love this braindead analysis.
Obviously you took samples to dispute the rising acidity problem?

No I'm leaving that stuff for you to do bub, I've got more things to do when I'm by the ocean. Apparently you are the braindead one, go check the acidity and get back with us.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The rise of acidity in our Oceans is due to the exessive amount of "COAL" we are using.. Acid Rain.. peace out Headband707


weed fiend
Remember the ozone hole scare of the 90's or the global cooling scare from the 70's? Same story, different decade.

Sure is. We traded ozone caps to finance less industrial CFC emissions. We halted the use of ozone depleting refrigerants in air conditioners among other things. Remember R12 going to R32? My current ride isn't grandfathered for R32. The slang term is "oil" but it's not the classic refrigerant that depletes the ozone.

The ozone 'hole' is still there. But it's less significant. We're on the right track with ozone restoration.

Dont be a media puppet. Analyze and investigate for yourself. The truth is out there. It just isn't fashionable to report.

Peer-reviewed journals tell us what's happening whether major media reports it or not. When peer-review "news" hits the media, the observations are the same on Fox or Huffpo. Non-scientific editorializing begets the hullabaloo.

I remember when Chuck Yeager wanted to be an astronaut. He had the physiology required for test pilot but he wasn't formerly educated in aeronautics. So Chuck tried to fly his test plane through the envelope. When the atmosphere became too thin, his plane took a crap and ejected his ass. Poor Chuck had an oxygen mask in the jet but he didn't have oxygen during his fall. At least until he fell tens of thousands of feet. Fortunate resuscitation saved his life.

In other words, we can't substitute the scientific process with common-sense approach. But we can apply common-sense reasoning to the fix. Your ozone example demonstrates this.


No I'm leaving that stuff for you to do bub, I've got more things to do when I'm by the ocean. Apparently you are the braindead one, go check the acidity and get back with us.
Why do i need to check the ocean acidity when many scientists have already studied this problem in deatil? Your the clown who disputes their findings, so its not up to me to baby sit clowns through basic understanding when the truth has been laid out before you.


Active member
Big Oil profits ok; Big Oil subsidies are not. (Jun 2007)
Voted NO on enforcing limits on CO2 global warming pollution. (Jun 2009)
Voted NO on tax credits for renewable electricity, with PAYGO offsets. (Sep 2008)
Voted NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation. (May 2008)
Voted NO on tax incentives for renewable energy. (Feb 2008)
Voted NO on criminalizing oil cartels like OPEC. (May 2007)
Voted NO on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. (Jan 2007)
Voted NO on keeping moratorium on drilling for oil offshore. (Jun 2006)
Voted YES on scheduling permitting for new oil refinieries. (Jun 2006)
Voted NO on passage of the Bush Administration national energy policy. (Jun 2004)
Voted NO on implementing Bush-Cheney national energy policy. (Nov 2003)
Voted NO on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels. (Aug 2001)
Voted NO on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR. (Aug 2001)
Voted NO on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol. (Jun 2000)
Repeal the gas tax. (May 2001)
Rated 0% by the CAF, indicating opposition to energy independence. (Dec 2006)
Bar greenhouse gases from Clean Air Act rules. (Jan 2009)
Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP. (Nov 2010)
No EPA regulation of greenhouse gases. (Jan 2011)
Liberty Candidate: tax incentives for US-based alternatives. (Sep 2010)

Son of a bitch! I'm starting to like this guy!


philosophy... is a walk on a slippery rock :rtfo:

That metaphor is more appropriate for religion imo, but I guess religion is just a narrow form of philosophy; one that subscribes to faith over reason. Then again, that lyric was written by a lush hippy.


...You show me scientific evidence that AGW is real and I'll show you contrary scientific evidence that it's not...

Conflicting science eh? What is more believable, that people would make up bullshit science to hurt an industry, or that people would make up bullshit science to help an industry?

We all know companies are allowed to do shit to our planet that should be illegal, things that if they were to find a safer alternative route to do, would not only create much more jobs for people, but would allow people to reap the benefits of the earth without practically depleting it.

What is going to happen to our water supplies if fracking, a new natural gas drilling technique, developed by our friends at Haliburton no less, that has very serious proven ill effects, starts happening in even more places on the earth

They like fracking because they get energy for cheap to sell back to us, and they got their "science" to show that it is safe, but I'd sooner spend my energy money on the natural gas drilling done the proper way, or bypass the gas and use some hybrid of solar, wind, and hydro electricity.


Active member
Conflicting science eh? What is more believable, that people would make up bullshit science to hurt an industry

The fact that you needed to ask that question should disqualify you from voting due to your "special needs" requirements.

Of course institutions formally known for their science are making up bullshit to hurt industry. These institutions are now receiving the bulk of their incomes from the current government and their anti oil, anti farming, anti coal etc.etc.. agenda.

Just look at who our clown of a president has appointed in his cabinet. Muslim outreach for NASA? And you silly people thought NASA was still doing science. LOL


Game Bred
One question though.

Can some really smart person point to me exactly what subsidies are given to "big oil"?

Oh and before you make yourself look stupid,


do yourself some research on exemptions for ALL oil companies on state taxes in louisiana put in place by the feds...

it's a convoluted mess but suffice it to say if they were made to pay the same rates they are in EVERY OTHER STATE Louisiana would be BY FAR the richest state in the union..

but alas the oil is drilled just far enough off shore the per barrel tax is not due to LA...

is it the gov. cutting a check?

but as adults we understand subsidies aren't always a deposit.

you know kinda like we all understand when uncle sam borrows(the federal reserve prints/creates digitally) money the taxpayer WILL end up with the bill.


weed fiend
Lol. Check out the link. It lists subsidies and then opines what aren't subsidies. In other words, leave the .. uh, (not) subsidies alone.

Nobody cares about a stupid song.


Active member
lets get off the over population bullshit...

australia is 2,931,300 Sq miles or 1,882,432,000 acres.

with a world poulation of 7 billion that means we could all fit on australia and we would still have a 1/4 acre apiece...

Sure, so long as you bring your own supply of water and food... The vast majority of Aussie is uninhabitable bro, your suggestion isn't ever going to work.


3rd-Eye Jedi
simple concept live in harmony or in discord with the environment you are a part of

mankind is the only one who has been given a choice