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Vertical first attempt


We are Farmers
MC, lmao... I am also going to run a new thread in the vert section, I will just be posting the magenta 99 results on the DG thread... There will be a thread here in the vert section too that shows the entire grow as I will be using some other genetics to fill all 8 seats in the room...



New member
Epic fail on last post, was meant for the new thread. I meant to ask on this one at some point did you mention which nutes you used for this grow I'm very curious? If you did I missed it. =\


space gardener
Epic fail on last post, was meant for the new thread. I meant to ask on this one at some point did you mention which nutes you used for this grow I'm very curious? If you did I missed it. =\

I used GH Micro and Bloom Mixed 70% micro 30% bloom in veg to 500ppm in R/O water. I then add cal mag as needed usually bump it to 600-700 ppm with the cal mag added....
For flower I mix 60% bloom and 40% micro to the same 500ppm in R/O water then add cal mag to 600-700ppm all through flower.

Hope this helps, I usually run very low ppm and add nutes almost daily based on how the leaves look and ppm/ph readings.. Because of this, I can't offer any kinda bullet proof formula to follow...


New member
Hi Aero. How is everything going?

I wanted to ask if you know of a good book about hydroponic nutrients, or any threads, info, etc about marijuana requirements. I'm trying to build a formula myself because I live in South America, and there aren't GH nutes or any other for purchase in here.

I already found the Hydrobuddy and the fatman post, but they don't seem to give that much info, or maybe I'm missing something.

I'm currently using a formula for lettuce. It works nice for veg but it isn't that good for flowering as you might expect.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Thanks for the nute info Aero, I had one other question. The adapter pieces you used to hook up one bucket to another.. What are they? you have a close up of one by chance, I looked all over my local hardware store and couldn't find anything similar to it. Looks to me like a simple 1/2 tubing coupler, but what's the white part? Looks like it's threaded.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Aero you ok bro? I saw you posted on the 28th but you have been pretty quiet, just miss your witty repartee'.

Are you going to do another killah doughnut o weed?


space gardener
Aero you ok bro? I saw you posted on the 28th but you have been pretty quiet, just miss your witty repartee'.

Are you going to do another killah doughnut o weed?

Yes Bro, everything is fine... Apologies for my lack of updates but I have come into a little windfall and been having too much fun.... This is ofcourse magnified greatly by having good smoke at hand at all times...

I owe everyone a few smoke reports and I'm actually working on those but so far the smoke report is very stoned!!

I have done quite a bit of work to the closet for the next round, just haven't posted it... I'll start a new thread very soon with the modified room, more plants, upgraded hydro setup, bigger exhaust....ect

I am planning a bigger badder crazier weed doughnut than the last one.... Should get kicked off very soon...


New member
Thanks dude!

Thanks dude!

Aero, I've read through this thread twice, and I'm convinced this is my new growing Bible. I plan to take your advice and try to replicate your DWC system. I really just wanted to say thanks for all the effort you put into this thread! Best of luck.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
and even better when it's your own stuff and you have a "limitless" supply.


I'm thinking of doing a super donut, 2 levels of 8 plants in 5x5 tent stacked 6s


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
chris1, i have a 5x5 tent(dr150ll) with 2 levels.
600w on top and 400w(planning to throw 600w during winter) on bottom like aero.
i planned on 8 plants per level with 5 gallon buckets, but its a bit tight.

i fit 10 on top and 6 on bottom, next time i think im going to do 8 up top and 4 on bottom. or you can do smaller containers.

just food for thought.

J Budman

Hey Aerohead I have a question for you. I have an almost identical to yours with mylar and another exhause hole with three 6" fans pushing out. If I did it the same was as you with a 600 Watt swithable MH/HPS light do you think I could do away with the second exhaust hole, and use the three 6"s as intakes? Would the temps get too high with a 600W MH? A friend of mine said it's better to have more coming in your intakes and les going out your exhaust. I actually figure the opposite. I'm just trying not to have to have two carbon filters to vent out the two exhausts. If you can come check out my signature. The only thing I might do different is six individual buckets just in case God forbid anything ever went wrong it would only affect that bucket. I know it's more work, but I want to fine tune my first hydro grow and have a great success rate. If you could please take a peek at my post in my signature and check out my room and hoe similar they are. I already have 3 of the bubble buckets built an ready three more to build. I might keep a Rez on standby in case I decide to build it into one big system. Please get back to me if you can, I'd love to hear what you have to say and I'd like to have your yields. Haha

Thanks for your time man,
J Budman


space gardener
Hey Aerohead I have a question for you. I have an almost identical to yours with mylar and another exhause hole with three 6" fans pushing out. If I did it the same was as you with a 600 Watt swithable MH/HPS light do you think I could do away with the second exhaust hole, and use the three 6"s as intakes? Would the temps get too high with a 600W MH? A friend of mine said it's better to have more coming in your intakes and les going out your exhaust. I actually figure the opposite. I'm just trying not to have to have two carbon filters to vent out the two exhausts. If you can come check out my signature. The only thing I might do different is six individual buckets just in case God forbid anything ever went wrong it would only affect that bucket. I know it's more work, but I want to fine tune my first hydro grow and have a great success rate. If you could please take a peek at my post in my signature and check out my room and hoe similar they are. I already have 3 of the bubble buckets built an ready three more to build. I might keep a Rez on standby in case I decide to build it into one big system. Please get back to me if you can, I'd love to hear what you have to say and I'd like to have your yields. Haha

Thanks for your time man,
J Budman

If you have the time to manage six seperate hydro setups, more power to ya, nothing wrong with that. I believe that the additional water volume of a res plus connecting the buckets is much more stable and manageble than a gang of small units.

If you prefer to run multiple stand alone buckets to reduce the chances of total crop failure, I understand but I would suggest atleast trying to make the leap to a single system at some point...

The extra water volume added by the res and connected buckets makes the system much more consistent than six seperate hydro systems. I believe a single system with large water volume is much easier than several small volume hydro systems..

That said, there is no wrong way, just an easier way, connect the hydro system and it's easier.. If you have problems with one large system, you will certainly have even more troubles with 6 independant ones...

As far as your exhaust fans go, this is a very difficult question to answer because it really depends on the ambient temps for your location.. I am a little confused by your question (are your 6" fans centrifugal)?... I used a single 6" centrifugal rated at 480 cfm or so to cool 1k of lighting (passive intake) in a 6X6X8.5 room with an average ambient temp of 69F and it worked well...trouble free cooling..

For the summer, I upgraded to an 8" 750cfm exhust on a speed controller because ambient temps are gonna rise 10F or so.. Always go with an oversized carbon filter for best results...

As far as intake v.s. exhaust, the goal is slightly more exhaust than intake to create negative pressure. This is for odor control, if the intake is too large, there is a chance of odor bypassing the system and getting funky smells in your general area...

More than happy to help with any additional questions, let me know...

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