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coco vs ffof......yeild?


way too many variables,...

coco will out-yield soil, BUT as was mentioned above, you use more and more frequent waterings (also mentioned drippers save your ass a lot of time), and most times it's lower in overall quality

I know a friend that grows organic "hydro", hand watered coco/DTW, all using various "teas" at various stages of development.
I consider myself an organic soil "craft" grower, I work at a farmers market, and live and smoke organic as much as I possibly can.
the point is my buddy's coco/hydro will set RIGHT NEXT TO MINE, in taste, smoothness, flavor, high,...everything,....BUT he's the only one I know that grows in coco, so not a very representative slice.
so, I have seen organic coco "hydro" that is JUST as good as the best soil grown stuff I know of, but it IS more work, and less forgiving if you don't have everything dialed in as far as PH, temp, RH, etc,...

(nice friggin blueberry crosses above btw :tiphat: )
I gotta ask, have you ever grown in coco? Or are you basing that on someone elses herb grown in coco?

ive grown in coco a few times already yes, found it easy to use and not as much work as some people make it seem even though it is more work then soil

thinking green your wrong about it all being in the genes, smell is increased in organics as is the brix level. also how high u get is also im afriad going to be determined by the light u supply, atleast indoors it is, not the genes, if your running just an hps your missing the uv spectrum ,by increaseing blues your increaseing some resin outpoot, genes rank very very high and flavour is in the genes.
gotta do both, nature and nurture.

funji n bacteria also play roles in soil far beyound being the middle man there actually contributing trace elements as well as proper genetic manifestation, u can breed cannabis for a while with sterlie mediums, over the long haul it must be done organically for full genetic potential to manifest. the relationship with funji n food (erb being a food) is very interlinked like all things through the myclium network and like all things is moving, genes arent set in stone, never have been never will be

ballplayer 2

Active member
Awesome comparison shots evl. I think that picture is very articulate. Cannot wait for Chimera to restock that BBxGF, indeed I HOPE that will be happening. Looks fantastic.


Could I get the big yields of coco and the ease of soil if I switch out the peat in Lc's mix for coco?

Anyone have experience with something like this??

Thinking for my next run I will test it out on one or 2 plants.



Just so happens I did just that on my first run with my 400 watt CoCo cab grow.
Just to be clear I used... 5 parts CoCo, 3 parts perlite, 2 parts earth worm castings

I think it worked alright not super impressive though.
7 oz on 4 plants, 5 gallons
and yes there were many other variables to make this a pretty much invalid argument


I usually run coco in 3 gals, went to 5 gal soil noticing a difference in growth rates coco is faster, I like the soil cause its idiot proof. Will see if the yield is that far off that I have to switch back to coco I wonder what I could do with a plant in a #7 pot of coco.


Active member
General Organics. (I believe you can still get the sample pack from GH for the cost of shipping if you send them an email--just don't mention what you're growing) I like it and will probably buy some when my samples run out.

I mix some mycorrhizae throughout the coco along with some perlite. I've also recently started adding a bit of diatomaceous earth for pest prevention and a silica boost. Tap water run through a Brita filter and stored in gallon jugs.

what ppms do you feed at w general organics? i used the recommended dosage and all my plants started yellowing up



Just so happens I did just that on my first run with my 400 watt CoCo cab grow.
Just to be clear I used... 5 parts CoCo, 3 parts perlite, 2 parts earth worm castings

Thanks for the feedback!

Did you treat it just like soil? Did it require more waterings?


It required just a bit more frequency in watering, but it is important to increase the amount of water you are passing through the CoCo as there is a higher potential for salt build-up, I believe 30% your vol. of soil mix you want as run off water. So for a 5 gal bucket, 1.5 gal run-off.
I prob only ran off about 15% and didn't see any salt build-up.


I am making the switch to coco, straight bio-bizz out of the bag coco, or b'cuzz and currently i have 2/3 in coco and 1/3 in bio-bizz soil. ALL IN 10 GALLON POTS.

I can't tell any bud difference. I'm in week 4 as we speak.

I do know the coco holds more water. I water every three days, and the soil plants are starting to get droopy but never had a coco that droops.

So, I say coco requires less watering. Interesting how we have such difference x-periences.


PigFarmer Vegs them in 1 or 3 gallons coco pots for 4 weeks then transplants them to soil 7 gallon, vegs them for another 3 weeks and them Flowers them. Sounds interesting. I think if he had vertical lighting he would rock it even more.


Active member
Back on OG soquick had a growlog showing his use of drippers and plants in 20%coco and 80% hydroton. He had buds as big as his thigh.
I am making the switch to coco, straight bio-bizz out of the bag coco, or b'cuzz and currently i have 2/3 in coco and 1/3 in bio-bizz soil. ALL IN 10 GALLON POTS.

I can't tell any bud difference. I'm in week 4 as we speak.

I do know the coco holds more water. I water every three days, and the soil plants are starting to get droopy but never had a coco that droops.

So, I say coco requires less watering. Interesting how we have such difference x-periences.

the constant water water water coco thing i never got, i notice no differance when i treat coco like soil verses hammering it with water like hydro, just more work and more waste. if u dont over feed coco u can cruise with it and not worry about salt buildup and not have to water daily, i also noticed with coco though that if i dont water ever day verses water hard daily or if it rained super hard on my coco girls they NEVER drooped, the shit just kept pumping. intersting what somone said about the coco hydroton mix, tons of air for root with that blend.

Guest 18340

I water twice per 12/12 cycle starting about 2 weeks into flower, and I use Maxibloom. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER has salt build up been a problem. I'll say it again, NEVER!!!!!!
Maxibloom @ 1tsp/gal from veg thru flower IN THE SAME POT and NEVER salt build up.
Also, my plants do not droop, ever.
Seriously, if you guys are experiencing problems like that then you're doing something wrong.
Hell, I even use micro tubing to feed my plants and the tubing never gets clogged with salt.
To top it all off, I use small 2.6Lpots, still no salt build up.
Their are guys doing NO RUN OFF with coco and do not get salt build up.
dongle69 had 90+ plants on ebb/flow tables with the same size pots and never got salt build up.
When my plants are in their 5-6 week of flower, they will suck the coco dry, still no salt build up.
I think some folks are making growing in coco harder than it really is...Either that or I'm just extremely lucky.
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I've been going on 2 years now with no-runoff in coco, 3 gallon pots in one room, 2 gallon pots in the other, in catch trays, GH 0-6-9. This last run (my best so far) I didn't flush at all til the end. Before that, every 10 days I'd give a very dilute watering, but I have yet to have a salt buildup using either method.
I set my new room up with drainage trays so I could water to runoff, but I never did. At most I got a few drops out the bottom of the pots, but never flushed, or watered to 10% runoff, or anything like that.
Many ways to skin a cat, but no runoff with low strength feeding (0-6-9) and no flush til the end Definitely works. I stopped checking PPM's, and only make sure the PH is correct. So easy a caveman could do it.

John Deere

Active member
what ppms do you feed at w general organics? i used the recommended dosage and all my plants started yellowing up

Sorry, I didn't see your question until now.

Try boosting the amount you're giving them. The feeding chart mentions that it is for light feeding and can be doubled for heavier feeders.
finally people in the coco community are thinking normal, u read the coco threads for the most part n every idiot has his system down to 30 percent run of and there thrilled about it, wasteing water n nutes that totals say 35 dollars every few months isnt that bad, it really isnt, but its totally useless, why waste effort, nutes, resources becuase u cant dial in your setup. coco with no run of is coco fed properly, u have a medium that allows a plant to have a faster metabolism due to all the air in it and people act like salt buildup happens on the second day of sprouting and are already flushing, soil grows slower then coco but peeps dont feed till 30 percent runoff with it, bottomline, if your watering a shit tone in coco youve been duped by companies and u grease the wheel of the nute economy, no bragging necessary from u.


I am making the switch to coco, straight bio-bizz out of the bag coco, or b'cuzz and currently i have 2/3 in coco and 1/3 in bio-bizz soil. ALL IN 10 GALLON POTS.

I can't tell any bud difference. I'm in week 4 as we speak.

I do know the coco holds more water. I water every three days, and the soil plants are starting to get droopy but never had a coco that droops.

So, I say coco requires less watering. Interesting how we have such difference x-periences.

I use to water my coco plants every 3 days (the grow in my sig).
I would average 20 - 22g a plant (6 plants under a 400w).

I started watering my plants daily with max 10% runoff and the growth rate doubled. One of my LSD plants weighed 60g. Thats with 4 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower. Maby 12 to 14 inches tall when put into flowering room (i veg under cfls).

Im going to hook up a reservoir and feed to waste 3 times a day. Eventually i want to have 5 - 0% runoff. Its difficult to do with alot of strains if they have different water consumption needs. (I currently have LSD(a,b + c, 3 phenotypes),Morning glory,White siberian,red diesel,red dragon and Vanilla kush and they all drink variable amounts per day. Between 600ml and 1.2 litres.

Anyways i love coco so much cant imagine changing.

Also its good advice to disregard anything "iwannatokeandbone" says. I have a feeling hes never grown anything of value, if he has in fact grown anything at all. I read a thread where this guy literally did detective work and figured out that his posts contained alot of lies. Actually let me find a post quick concerning him.....

k found some:

I took a quick look at your past threads. It doesn't seem like you grow.


Fair enough. I like to search. I saw you describing Chronic as big, fluffy buds that taste like hay. Fascinating. You can see what else I found right below.

Hmm...how can we can put this in perspective? In October of '10 you were asking about a plan to setup a grow in a kitchen cabinet cooled by a computer fan. This is your post:


Let's give you the benefit of doubt and say that you managed to get the beans, and setup the CFL microgrow by the first of November. Chronic needs at least 10 weeks to flower from seed, which would mean that you'd be harvesting right about now. Clearly, your own words contradict that idea.

Of course, this is not what happened, as near the end of November you still had not stated a grow:


So, now we're into December before you can begin growing something. As you now claim to have a HPS, the first mention of you as an actual owner of one came just yesterday, after you were accused of being a poseur scumbag in this thread.

However, this isn't over quite yet. At the end of December of '10 you uploaded this thread:


Now, it's a week before (new year) 2011 and you still don't have a HPS grow going with a strain that needs at least 10 weeks to flower, as well as time to veg. Tell us, how it it possible for you to have grown Chronic under this light, not to mention cure it? I'll tell you how; there's no alternate universe where such a thing could happen. Obviously, you are lying.

Do you have anything to add?


You know, I've been on Canna forums for years - OG and CW before IC - and have never used the ignore function. Actually, not on any forum, ever. I doubt many people have. After all, most of us come here for information and a sense of community.

There has to be a problem, when one takes the time to include an ignore message (an oxymoron in every way imaginable, I know) right under his username. Here's an example of a response by an experienced grower to some of his advice posted yesterday:


There are a few issues associated with someone pretending to be a grower, but I'll list the major two:

1. He doesn't know WTF he's talking about. Imagine some taking his advice regarding coco, as above. These postings dilute the pool of information for no reason, whatsoever, other than making an individual feel better about himself. His personal sense of well-being is not our problem, but his bullshit posted in the name of sincerity is.

2. We all put something on the line to do this. For many, it includes their freedom. Here's someone who's pretending to be such an individual, while living in a world free of the negative constrains we all encounter on a daily bases. It's insulting.



Wow what a beating. SO remember folks, "iwannatokeandbone" should be disregarded at all times.

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