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Clones turning bright yellow with dying tops.


Active member
Rockwool cubes, solution of 6.0ph, around 100ppm with a few drops of root xcel and super thrive. strain is OG kush and LVPK. they are growing under 2ft 24w CFL lights...

Clones are still alive and popping nice lush white roots at 2 weeks.. the yellowing only occurs at the very tops of the clones, all other foliage is green and healthy.

I have been solving by simply cliping off the burnt leaves and they still survive.

It happens to about 25% of the clones in my chamber, didnt start happening to very recently...i still have a very high success rate.

my hypothesis was that its CFL light burn..but the lights are seperated from the clones by the plastic chamber

my other hypothesis is that its a nutrient overdose from the perlite that i layered the trays with to help regulate humidity. its standard chunky perlite soaked in straight tap water.

thanks in advance and rep points will be dished out to all who contribute....

Here are some pics





Maybe kinda like a acid rain from your domes condensation dripping on the delicate new growth of your clones.
Just my two cents


kinda hard to tell,
light too close? not enough fresh air gettin in?
i had a hard time trying to use rockwool, they would survive and root but end up beat up lookin, same with rapid rooters
so much easier using a bubble cloner- no dome no perlite
keep the light far away they will keep all there green
this has happened to me. i cut the leaves in half and turn the lights down. they seem to come back ok for me, somtimes the roots have lost too much mass by then but most of the time they come back.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hey Yes4Prop215 I wish you had posted your question in my Diagnose this thread?
I started a couple batches of clones specifically to show what is happening with yours. Would have saved me some time.

A couple very common mistakes people make with cloning:

*Lighting: Plants focus growth on the root zone during the dark cycle and the vegetative zone during the light cycle. Clones will develop roots quicker in low light opposed to direct light.
Your plants are trying to continue vegetative growth before they have developed roots to supply water and nutrients. In the process they are using up all available water and nutrients already in the plant trying to continue vegetative growth and creating a deficiency.

*Nutrients: Before plants can uptake nutrients they must have roots. If you splash nutrient solution on the vegetative part of a plant it will almost always cause a burn. The first 24 hours after a clone is cut it will continue trying to uptake nutrients before it realizes that it needs to shift gears and focus on generating roots.
So soaking the stem in nutrient solution before there is a root structure doesn't do anything good for the plant.

The dome and misting seem to be merely a matter of preference, people go both ways. Personally I don't use either.
Temperatures and humidity are relative; if temps raise, so must humidity. I find that an ambient room temp of around 70F and Rh about 35 with root zone about 80F works best. If temps raise then I raise the Rh also, and cooler temps requires less Rh. I use a small waterfall about head height in the room to control Rh, which is also about the same height as my cloners. I also have a humidifier on standby in case ambient temps get too high in the summer.

Cuttings will also develop roots faster without nutes because the plant is trying to uptake. So since there isn't much nutrients, if any, in the water the plant will grow roots and reach for more food just like it does after it's potted when it's let nearly dry out.


Active member
yo stresstest much props you went above and beyond the call of duty!! i will take that into account.....although the only nutrient i was using was some roots excel and super thrive....but im sure that its a combination of nute burn and too much light....they were under 2 24 watt CFLs so way too much light....i turned off one so they are only under 1 light now..

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
ST, i clone with an aero cloner and without my 4 bulb t5 right above the AeroC the plants would take weeks to clone vs. 4 days.....

y4p215, FOR SURE it is burnt from the bulbs... i can tell becaue of the dead leaf tips (which were more then likely touching the bulbs) the plastic barrier could still be very hot EVEN from the CFLs...

do the clones have roots yet?
my clones used to look like that until the guy at the hydro shop told me to take a drop or 2 of bloom and folair spray my clones once a day . i also use RW or rapid rooters . . now my clones stay very green and never yellow . they root in 7-10days vs 10-14 with my old method of just folair spraying with water w/ a drip or 2 of bloom . they are eatting themselfs to stay alive . i love my dome and would be lost without it


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
ST, i clone with an aero cloner and without my 4 bulb t5 right above the AeroC the plants would take weeks to clone vs. 4 days.....

I also use Aero cloners and love em for larger batches. I have 5 like the one below scattered around at various dispensaries in the area.
I typically get roots in about 7 to 10 days with low/indirect light and Crystal Springs bottled water and 1 tsp of H2O2 per gallon.

I've tried just about every method and technique there is and know that there is no universally "perfect" way that works for everybody so I won't argue about what works for somebody else.
What I do know is what consistently works for me. I set my cloners up in closets at the dispensaries and load em every 15 days or sooner when they call me. The closets have a 16"X16" window cut 6' from the floor and a 16"X6" register vent at the bottom. The only time there is a light on in the closets is when it's being filled or clones coming out. The rest of the time they only get what light comes through the window.
The tubs hold 112 cuts and always finish with over 100 rooted clones in 15 days or less.

Like I said in my previous post, I am in the process of running batches of cuts with light and hoods to show the differences in time and efficiency. The cuts below had a 2X4 cfl about 5 ft. above and are the last of that run after 15 days. All the others in that batch either died off or rooted. These clones took over twice as long to root than usual just by adding the light and of course the yellowing is consistent with direct light.

My cloners combined produce over 1000 clones a month for MMJ patients around the area. I gutted my flower room and switched over to cloning last year, so it's important to me that my clones root quickly and that my cloners produce healthy clones.



Active member
damn ST that just blew my mind...why the fuck am i still cloning in domes with RW...such a time consuming process sometimes.

im gonna check out that walmart cloner, i have a few extra rubbermaids just like that....i gotta build one of these asap i already have a nice closet space for it...

im surprised that you use crystal geyser? any reasoning behind this? im using tap water ph balanced with 1 drop of superthrive per gallon and maybe 3 or 4 root xcel drops...

im gonna try the foliar spray in a second..


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hahahaha, yeah it blows most people's mind when they see my rooms. Nothing but mommas and cloners, lol. Some of my moms look like they were grown by a bondage freak who has a plant fetish, but they kick out between 100 and 200 clones a month apiece.
Mostly the smaller cloners (30 site and under) I use for special orders for individual patients. The bigger units are on site and I just take the cuts the night before and transport the unrooted cuttings. So I'm not transporting plants, just plant parts and it doesn't count against my legal total count. This lets me maintain 15 nice big mothers for different strains. Speaking of which I picked up 3 new Orange Kush thins morning, I really hoping that one will be a male and 2 females. That'll give me a momma and still be able to do a seed run.

Anyway, like I noted on your page I'll get the piece list for ya asap. I even kept the receipts so I could duplicate it.

Where I live the city tap water sucks worm snot. I mean it's so bad that it will rot in the sink over night and stinks like a dead rotten chicken. It's that bad. From the tap it Ph's between 7 and 8, but requires adjustment about every 12 hours. It'll go from 5-ish off the scale in 24 hrs.

You're right about the "Crystal Geyser" brand name, I went and looked. Anyway the only reason I use it is because it is NOT distilled and is available in 1, 2.5, or 5 gal jugs locally. Distilled water works just "okay"... But distilling takes out trace minerals that filtering doesn't and I discovered that spring water roots a few days quicker. Also when I discovered the time difference, I had to find out "why" there was a difference.
Some processes of distillation change the molecular structure of H2O in such a way that it really isn't even healthy to drink, it only makes sense that plants may not like it either. So rather than investigating each water company's distillation process I said fuck it and just stuck with spring water... It works better anyway.

That Walmart cloner works fanfuckintastic for small batches. They just won't keep up with the 100+ site aero-cloners though. I do use it with peat-moss though instead of the vermiculite. Vermiculite works and all but I get better production with peat. I am on the second batch now testing it out with 50/50 Peat/verm and so far it's better than just plain verm. I'll know more after another couple of runs though.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Hey another thought is my lil baby aero-cloner. It's a 19 site rubbermaid tub about the size of a shoe box.

Cost's about $20 at Wally-world and is so easy a stoned idiot couldn't fuck it up. I know cause I've tried hahaha. It's a wet dream for anybody who doesn't want to mess with anything but stuffing cuttings in a lil hole and adding water. No need to even check Ph or root-tone or anything. Just add water.

I'll do a piece list for it as well.


so I have plants at 4 different stages. They are all in the same soil for the same amount of time showing no defiiencies.

10gal under 2k flower
3 gal under t5
1 gallons under homade cfl reflector

Some of the one gallon plants started showing symptoms like posted above. BUT..... only the taller ones, closest to the light. When a plant grows up into my t5 is burns the leaves.... pretty simple. But this isnt a burn its manifesting itself like a deficiency.

I lowered the plants down away from the light and they look to be getting better. Ive used this light before but never had them close.

Thats the only thing that stands out.


Active member
I always leave the dome for 3 or 4 days, removing several times a day to replenish the air inside the dome. Start @ day 4 or so, it's about 50/50, dome no dome.

I think DesertJoe had good advice also, cut you leaves in half or to 1/3 of the original size when you make them.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I always leave the dome for 3 or 4 days, removing several times a day to replenish the air inside the dome. Start @ day 4 or so, it's about 50/50, dome no dome.

I think DesertJoe had good advice also, cut you leaves in half or to 1/3 of the original size when you make them.

Where did he say that? I didn't see where he said it in this thread.
Maybe someplace else but I woulda ask him his reasoning if I had seen it.

There is absolutely no valid reason to kill half of a plant you are trying to bring to life. Seriously what logical reason could there be?
Somebody ages ago said that was his secret to cloning, and it got passed down and around through tradition. But the entire concept of chopping half the life out of a plant and then set there for days hoping it lives through it; has absolutely no logical or scientifically valid reasoning behind it. Back in "the day" when cloning was still new and most potheads still smoked leaf, and few knew shit about cloning, the tips died off anyway. They didn't know what causes it or how to prevent it and if they did then they couldn't afford to. So wtf, most of it will die anyway and what doesn't; might root. They were doing good to get %50 success, which created that other line we hear all the time, "Always cut twice as many as you need"... We feel like we're screwing up if we get below 80% and I consistently get 95% success on my clones. I don't need to cut 100% more than I need.
Look at the technology we have to grow with now. Pretty high tech shit. Why bungle it up with old illogical myths like that? Damn back in those days they still smoked the leaves and stems.

We have technologically founded logic now. And way better bud too.

Keep It Simple Stoners...
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Active member
Where did he say that? I didn't see where he said it in this thread.

Keep It Simple Stoners...

You're right. It wasn't desertjoe. It was oldman herb that said it.

Anyway, I'm sure there are a hundred ways to clone a plant. I've found, in my low humidity area that I get faster results when I trim my leaves.