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Johnny Chimpo's Reefer Madness


yeah yeah, jc is back (the other JC still coming)
you gonna show us how easy it is to make killer buds again???
clowntown said:
I take it you will be doing E/F, recirculating (rather than DTW)?
What does the future look like for the autopots?
yeeeaah the suspense is killing me
Heya Clowntown...Finally getting around to where I want to be....no plans to going bigger than that....but who knows, when I first started growing I thought a 400 HPS would do me fine. The system is a recirculating drip system....should be a short learning curve to get me to average yields hopefully. Looking for 1.5 oz per plant after a grow or two...hopin' for it on the first grow though.

I've given some equip away...probably will hang on to the 600 HPS for an emergency backup. The Autopots are fun and some found their way outside with some peppers....more next year...kinda a trial run this year. I wanted to step up my game and get more efficient and maybe a little more hands on.

Hiya Ogenko...hopefully be able to kinda "blueprint" the grow so I can pass any info I learned to anybody else interested in this type of system. Sounds like it becomes a set it and forget it for a few weeks during flowering for that much needed time away. It'll be about a month roughly before I get anything going, maybe a little longer...still making my list and gathering the "resources" for that purchase....getting electric and water hooked up at some point.

Thanks Guys :wave:

Unfortunately summer's caught up with me and I also underestimated the cost of equipment and supplies...shouldn't be toooooo much longer hopefully. Finished up essentials on the equipment list last night and will have the cash together after another paycheck...sucks depending on the dayjob for things. I think about growing everyday and can't wait to get up and running again.

I also owe someone a grow report and want to get that done coming up.

I appreciate you guys comin' by though and if ya really want I can take some veg pics. :D

Here's some Cannabutter I made recently with the recipe (7-step?) on ICmag...made some good cookies. (31 cookies-1/2 oz) Our bar tab was $6 (One tall beer a piece) and we walked home after one cookie a piece. First time cooking with Cannabis for me.



Active member
I thought it was a 12-step program? Wait you said cannabutter, hehehe

Glad to see you back posting. I fully understand how it is with budgeting and whatnot. Hope tos ee you back in action soon.
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I probably need the 12-step program this summer...haven't had this much fun in a few years. I noticed in another thread you sold your car for your grow...wish I could do that but I need some wheels for the winter. :D

Looking forward to getting going again myself...I plan on doing this one right the first time. Unfortunately not quite back posting full-time yet...I try and check in every couple days and sometimes only for a couple minutes...I need to get back around to everyone's threads.



Active member
Glad to hear you had some fun, that's what counts.

Yeah I sold my car but that wasn't in the original plan... saved up a comfy amount of money, quit my job, lost it all gambling, didn't wanna go back to work, and you know the rest.

Anyways, good luck saving up for the rest and hope to see things kickin'.
Thanks Guys...Yeah busiest summer of my life that I can remember between work and a camping trip here and there, home repairs, etc....... I'm sure you guys understand. I should be around more coming up with the cold weather approaching and my grow should be up and running about the same time. I'll have to get around to everybody's threads again and catchup...been awhile.

Hope you guys are having a great summer too and I'll get to the things I promised people as soon as I can.

A quick update non-grow related...a couple pics from a camping trip.

I'll be back guys....just need a quick break from the internet life and trying to get up and going again in my new place. Thanks for everything...I'll still check in every couple months.

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Active member
nice nature pic JC.
glad to hear that the butter worked good for you.
The isolation chamber is a good idea, but i find it hard to seal up and a problem when you open it. Next time bag him instead.
There's a thread, basically you remove all balls except the top growth. then put a small brown paper bag over it. i tear one side so i can get the stem through and i roll up the end and tape it up real good and tape it to the stem good. pinch off any fan leaves that are on the top before you bag it. There's enough leaves to feed the plant below the bag, and when you think it's done, cut the stem below the bag and take it somewhere safe to open.

your gonna rock them tables bro.


hi johnny . new member here at IC , just read ur grow diary from da start , a smashing read . highs an lows M8 , sorry to hear ur ladies got pollinated . im using an 8 valve an 8 autopot system , with a compost 70% pearlite 30% , but after seeing ur results im tempted to use it as a coco hydro . thanks . i agree with using 1 strain fed from the same water butt . still learning , usually the hard way . cheers for the insight , hope yer well an happy bongo . can i ask did u ever have to switch the valve off , stopping the automatic feeding ?
I'm Baaaaaaack!

I'm Baaaaaaack!

Alright guys I'm back.....well shortly I will be...lol. It took a little longer than expected to get up and going again.

A quick update on events....pollinated my last grow with an untested C99 male. Then I had a loooong battle with mites in my new place after that and lost everything but Cush, AKA Green Crack unfortunately.

So onto the new spot.....

Just a tiny little setup...I downsized from my tent as you can see. I'm flowering my Cush under a 60 watt CFL...Day 14 of 12/12...should be some mad dank to come out of this closet!

Just playin around....

Just playin around....

Lol....I'm just fucking around! :D

That's just part of my veg area with a 400 watt T5 4' 6 bulb light with only a few bulbs on. I really did lose everything but the Cush unfortunately, but I'm very grateful to have that still. Those are just cuts I took the other day.

Heeeere's the new setup that's been years in the making. It's basically modeled after Neptune's Tables...some of the old school peeps around here will remember him, not sure if he's still around ICmag. His thread around here was titled Neptune's Breakdown (I think). He was nice enough to answer some questions for me a couple years ago and I've been building it piece by piece ever since....way more expensive than I originally estimated. It's not completely done but it's pretty close.

There is one 4' x 8' table and one 4' x 4' table with 48 two gallon pots with two drippers running to each pot. 3000 watts flower total (3 x 1000) I'll be running straight coco in the pots. I'm trying to completely maximize this space as I'm overlapping the edges of the tables and the other edges are against the walls. I currently only have a 100 gallon reservoir but I'll probably add a second smaller one at some point in the future so I can run multiple strains. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

It'll still be a bit before everything is ready to go into the big room....kind of a preview for now. I'll update with more pics in the next couple months. I still owe a someone a grow report I hope it's better late than never as I'm a man of my word....but I still am going to wait until I get a couple runs in this system done so I can do a killer report.

Anyways thanks for stopping by...it's great to be back and it's great to see some familiar (and New) faces again.




Active member
.it's great to be back and it's great to see some familiar (and New) faces again.


likewise! great lookin setup JC... looks very clean. taggin and looking forward to seeing her filled up. the green crack under 3k sounds much better than under cfls!! what sre you planning on feeding them?
Heya Forty....been awhile....good to see ya Bro! I plan on using good 'ol GH Micro and Bloom, with some Kool-Bloom added. I remember seeing your tables of Cush back in the day...ya got any tips or suggestions for me? This will be my first time flowering her.


Guest 114956

great setup and wb JC, but disapointed when i saw no autopots.... can i ask why u decided to ditch the ap`s :|

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