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Sour Diesel Vs. New York City Diesel


When you said networking I assumed you meant both way's. But you and me BOI both know that is a must. Also BIO is completely right. Don't take any extra risks.


BIO do you feel that it is likely that you might have your cut mislabeled? I have just had friend who this has happened to. Now not being an MMJ patient. I do not know first hand. Only what I have been told. But I would like your opinion on this?


Active member
So far you guys have managed to use the term "f1" incorrectly exactly 99% of the time,and out of context.
(It was only stated once that an f1 hybrid uses "two unlike mothers". A true F1 Hybrid is based on two "unlikes" as seriously diverse as a PURE Indica and a Pure Sativa. Landrace. Combined.)
Sour Diesel was NEVER an "F1 Hybrid" from Day One. It's a poly-hybrid,plain and clear.
Reservoir has refined The Sour Diesel Clone in to seed form by initially out-crossing then in-breeding many generations of Sour Diesel seeds. The results not only produce damn good representations of the original ECSD Clone,they also produce Sour Diesel plants that FAR exceed the original Sour Diesel Clone.
There's YEARS of grow reports and threads with great pics to back this up,and 1000s of more-than-satisfied Sour Diesel growers,worldwide. It does more than "all right" in competitions,too. :)
That shows me that you all have NO idea wtf you're talking about,and you're not worthy of my taking (wasting) the time to discuss your inane,ignorant,agenda-filled drivel.
Side Note: Sub-hack and his stable of over-bred poly-poly-poly-poly-poly clusterfuck hybrids, idiot grow books and photshopped bud books are an industry joke and aren't worth a second mention-let alone any of the hilarious "Glen Beck Style" "breeding" charts he scratches out. Most of Reservoir's "lab work" is well-documented,the rest is proprietary. Don't like it? Fuck off,Reservoir doesn't owe you any explanation. :)
If I explained in detail how Reservoir does what it does best,some goober like you would try to ape it and just fuck it up-and we can't have that,can we? :D
When you kids learn a LOT more about cannabis (liven,whitecmountian,and biohaz-hole) come see me in my forum for a real discussion. Until then-Go buy some horticulture books and quit misinforming people with BS that you state as "fact".
(Hint: Wiki is NOT a good resource!) :D
I'm done with you clowns and your smack-talking know-nothing silliness. I suggest you head back over to the other site and talk smack about me and how "dumb" I am. The PR will sell more Reservoir Seeds,as you guys are SO far off-base that the backlash can only benefit Reservoir & SB,and embarrass you guys. :)



You are right about needing LR's to make a "true" f1. So maybe that term was used incorrectly. But it still Is not a IBL. And you are beating around the bush, just puting people down. We do not have billions of dollars to carry out the work that you do. Let alone the information at hand 24 hrs. a day. But we do know fore a fact that it is NOT an IBL and just can't be. Then say we use the term F1 incorrectly. You have just made yourself look crazy saying you have breed f14's. Then stating it is near imposable just for the fact that you do need LR's. And well if you are useing S.D. then that is nowhere near a LR so how can you magically make f14's from some strain that is not an LR???


ICMag Donor
You two are close to being "sent back home". So don't think you're fooling anyone......


Active member
You two are close to being "sent back home". So don't think you're fooling anyone......

If you look at my posts. I have been nothing but respectful and just expressing my experiences.

I have given Rez many compliments in my posts, I'm not here to bash anyone - or just start drama for no reason.

He made a claim that he went on to say wasn't true, and people were inquiring around the specifics of it. Nothing more.


I am not hear to bash either. Nor here for any hidden reason. I am strictly asking nicely. Why, how it is an IBL? I have even said his seeds are the best rep. out there in seed form. I have never said anything out of spite. I am strictly trying to learn. And I think that is what this site was made for. I also am giving my input on the strain. But that IS what this thread is for. We have been respectful. We just where asking questions. And I am wondering why he is taking it personal? I said he makes killer beans. I just don't understand how it could be a IBL. And that IS what it is labeled. Sorry to offend anyone, But I am here to learn. And asking ? is how you learn best.


Active member
Sour Diesel IBL is most certainly by definition an Inbred Line.
If you'd like to further address this topic in a month,then feel free to drop a thread in my forum & it'll get discussed-Who knows? You may learn something if you can get the wax out of your fucking ears.
I'm finished discussing this with you probable trolls for now,for the reasons explained above. If you still want to discuss this in a month,as I said above,post a thread in my forum & we'll discuss it then-Assuming you're not spewing inaccuracies etc. between now & then.



Fair enough. Still disrespectful. But fair. I will Talk to you in a month if that is the time you want. I am open to your terms. I just wanted to learn more on how it is an IBL. But you are stating that you are open to talk about it. And that is all I did ask. And never did I say your sd sucks. It is the best in seed form. But while working with the original cut, I do have an opinion on the subject. And it is normal for people to have a difference of opinion.


sour pics once again...

sour pics once again...

mass/ri/con clone passed to a newyawker... with peace to the homies !!


And every picture of SD that has been pasted in the thread is a seed copy.

Liven i'm about the only one posting pics in this thread...and its clone not seed homie. maybe some of you chatty types can get the coolpix out of your fanny packs and enlighten us some more.

peace homies


hell is for haters ...

hell is for haters ...

sublime sour cannabis seeds purchased from the house that rezdog built



Well-known member
...........Reservoir has refined The Sour Diesel Clone in to seed form by initially out-crossing then in-breeding many generations of Sour Diesel seeds. The results not only produce damn good representations of the original ECSD Clone,they also produce Sour Diesel plants that FAR exceed the original Sour Diesel Clone.

Just so I am clear as to what I am disagreeing with....You are saying your seeds produce superior plants to the original sour diesel (ecsd)? And just to be super clear by original clone I mean the one you are trying to copy? I think you may have become a bit biased over the years.....kinda the same way every grower thinks their product is the best I guess.
Sorry Rez but your claim is like taking a porsche and putting a turbo on it and saying you made a better porsche.....lame marketing.....just be honest and tell it like it is.....Your version produces the nearest result to the original clone. DLB


Active member
Just so I am clear as to what I am disagreeing with....You are saying your seeds produce superior plants to the original sour diesel (ecsd)? And just to be super clear by original clone I mean the one you are trying to copy? I think you may have become a bit biased over the years.....kinda the same way every grower thinks their product is the best I guess.
Sorry Rez but your claim is like taking a porsche and putting a turbo on it and saying you made a better porsche.....lame marketing.....just be honest and tell it like it is.....Your version produces the nearest result to the original clone. DLB

In Rez's defense. It is possible to unlock hidden expressions or phenotypes in f2+ gen's, as well as S1's. This doesn't mean a pheno neccesarily expressed better than the clone - but with chance you never know. Again "better" is a personal preference not an objective fact. But hey, I'm up for unlocking as many Chemdawg/Sour Diesel phenos as possible.


porsche turbo by rezdog

porsche turbo by rezdog

Just so I am clear as to what I am disagreeing with....You are saying your seeds produce superior plants to the original sour diesel (ecsd)?

Sorry Rez but your claim is like taking a porsche and putting a turbo on it and saying you made a better porsche.....

rez sour has improved yield !! another pic adding support to my babble...



Active member
In Rez's defense. It is possible to unlock hidden expressions or phenotypes in f2+ gen's, as well as S1's. This doesn't mean a pheno neccesarily expressed better than the clone - but with chance you never know. Again "better" is a personal preference not an objective fact. But hey, I'm up for unlocking as many Chemdawg/Sour Diesel phenos as possible.


ie chem '91 -> OG kush


ICMag Donor
Sorry Rez but your claim is like taking a porsche and putting a turbo on it and saying you made a better porsche.....lame marketing.....just be honest and tell it like it is.....Your version produces the nearest result to the original clone. DLB

DLB, this analogy does not work, google "Ruf" !

Out of curiosity,why would it "not" be able to produce better results?

Ecsd had gotta b in every state, but it is super hard to
Obtain. I live in the area & I still couldnt find it locally, a really good old friend mailed it from co for me. Beside the states listed previously I know people in Ohio, Illinois, mintant & wy that have it. My boy in mi will have it shortly.
I'm pretty sure I even know of someone in TN that has it, he's not a good friend so I'm not 100% on that but I would out mad $ down that the ecsd is in every state.

& thanks liven, totally forgot about subcool somehow &!I just told my boy to get his instead of Rez


Liven i'm about the only one posting pics in this thread...and its clone not seed homie. maybe some of you chatty types can get the coolpix out of your fanny packs and enlighten us some more.

peace homies
First of all I was talking about other pic's. I know you are real proud of what you grew. But honestly, I just overlooked the pic's from you. There where no comments. Just pic's. So to me it added nothing to the conversation, other than you wanted to show of your grows. I do think they came out real nice. But I was talking about the smaller ones that did'nt take up half a thread. And if you want to know why I don't post pic's. I am NOT going to risk something golden, to just show thing's off. I live in a non MMJ state. And have way to much to lose. but if you are a local head. How does this sound. We can just meet somewhere with less than an O. and puff it up? Because to me posting pic's means nothing. It can look headdie and without the proper cure. It is just a mid grade bud.


WhiteMountain, How does this sound bro. I say we meet some of these heads and show them how the sour is suppose to taste? You know no one here but Chemdog has us beat on this one....

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