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My 13 year old just got expelled for 2 years over a bud of marijuana

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our principal smokes the sour...

our principal smokes the sour...

we just doing god's work on earth

Public Schools suck. This may be a good thing that has happened for you guys. Maybe you will get him in a charter or private school where he can really excel. I was expelled from public schools when I was younger and it saved my life. If I did not go to private school I know for a fact I would be in prison right now. Public schools are a seth pool of infected gang mentality children. Most kids from public schools graduate with a PHD in Gangology.
lmfao!!!! Gangology??? Im glad it helped your life and all but just because you fucked up when given freedom doesnt mean we all do, and just because your school was fucked off doesnt mean they all are. I see why your so adomant about this but dude... your point of view its like 1in 500 or something along those lines, probably even less...

Your point of view is not like the norm what so ever... im just saying...


Active member
Hey Bud Bug, you have admitted that you sell herb. Suppose it was your herb that some how got into the hands of one of the parents, whose child pinched it and brought it to the school, at which it got into the hands of the boy who got busted?
Do you take responsibility for that?


Feeling good is good enough.
Also, don't forget to get your congressman involved.

Letters to congress DO work, specially when you send copy to the school board members.


Bud Bug

Hey Bud Bug, you have admitted that you sell herb. Suppose it was your herb that some how got into the hands of one of the parents, whose child pinched it and brought it to the school, at which it got into the hands of the boy who got busted?
Do you take responsibility for that?

If I gave it to the kid and he got busted and said he got it from me then if I can do the crime I can do the time.

If the parent wasn't responsible enough to have their stash locked up or taught their kids to stay away from drugs and alcohol until they are of age thats their own problem.


Active member
If I gave it to the kid and he got busted and said he got it from me then if I can do the crime I can do the time.

If the parent wasn't responsible enough to have their stash locked up or taught their kids to stay away from drugs and alcohol until they are of age thats their own problem.

BB, do you have kids?


Active member
I see both sides of this argument, and as much as BudBug might come off as a petulant, ignorant asshole, he does have a valid point -- the situation sucks, but the fact of the matter (as I see it, anyways) is that a 13 year old kid being involved with herb is not only worrisome, but clearly dangerous to his future as well -- as evidenced by his expulsion. I'm not sure that we need to be so focused on crucifying the school for doing their job -- maybe the energy wasted on that should be directed towards ensuring that the kid understands that what he did was not only wrong (by society's standards) but also incredibly stupid and dangerous. I don't know if the original poster of this thread grows herb in his home, but if so, perhaps he or she needs to have a sit down with his or her kid and explain to them that herb is not for children or adolescents.

Bud Bug

BB, do you have kids?

12 and 15 year olds. The 12 year old knows nothing of weed the 15 year old knows enough to not fuck with it till she's of age. She was already being dragged down by one of her "new" friends who was smoking dope and then wanting to skip classes. That was cut short pretty fast and she had a reality check.


ICMag Donor
So I take it you're "one of them parents" whose kids do nothing wrong and only get in trouble because of their friends? 'She was being dragged down", lol.... That's a good one......

She's screwed.....


ICMag Donor
Baddog40, I normally don't encourage kids to lie and to not take responsibility for their actions, but under these circumstances here's what I'd do.

Your boy went into the bathroom and found the bud laying on the floor. He picked it up and was showing the other kid when the teacher walked in. End of story. The simpler you keep it, the better........ The hard part is the other kid will have to go along with that story.......... If he will just keep it simple and to the point....


What really worries me here is that people seems to think its ok for a 13 year old to have and smoke weed just because its dried plant.
That is some serious BS, when you are 13 years old u'r brains still developing.
And just because its a dried plant doesnt make it less harmfull for a developing brain.
Would it be allright if it was shrooms aswell? or coca leafs?

Ofcourse he got expelled, 2 years is a bit tough YES.
But hopefully something good can come out of this, and maybe u'r kid will stay off the reefer til hes old enough.


Active member
12 and 15 year olds. The 12 year old knows nothing of weed the 15 year old knows enough to not fuck with it till she's of age. She was already being dragged down by one of her "new" friends who was smoking dope and then wanting to skip classes. That was cut short pretty fast and she had a reality check.

I'll be worrying about that in a few short years myself. Whatever it is worth, most kids get exposure to drugs via older kids and brothers/sisters not from their parents stash (Cigarettes and Alcohol aside).

Honestly I see your point but a two year expulsion is extreme and will do more harm than good to a 13 year old in this particular instance.

Bud Bug

So I take it you're "one of them parents" whose kids do nothing wrong and only get in trouble because of their friends?

She's screwed.....

As a teenager she does enough wrong on her own from not knowing whats right, thats why the parents are there to guide her.


Thanks everyone for your support. This morning I spoke to someone at the school board and asked why such a harsh punishment, their own policy states first time incidents that the student will be suspended for 5 days. I was told it was because the principal was claiming he suspected there was a sale involved. I asked what evidence did they have to back that up and they said it was a hunch. I told them if they were going to accuse him of being a dealer and deny him an education over it they had better have some strong evidence otherwise a lawsuit was going to ensue. They called me back a half hour later and said he would only be suspended for 5 days and could come back next week. Fair enough. I will let him finish out the year and next year its online school.

To butt bug, its pretty damn obvious you have issues with yourself and your own kids and are projecting. Yes he should be punished, but to be thrown out of school for two years and labeled a dealer over half a gram of weed is beyond nuts and only a miserable fuck would think thats a good thing. You are entitled to your opinion but it is one I would expect from a 70 year old bible thumper who still thinks marijuana is the devils tool, maybe you need to reevaluate your choice of hobbies.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
Thanks everyone for your support. This morning I spoke to someone at the school board and asked why such a harsh punishment, their own policy states first time incidents that the student will be suspended for 5 days. I was told it was because the principal was claiming he suspected there was a sale involved. I asked what evidence did they have to back that up and they said it was a hunch. I told them if they were going to accuse him of being a dealer and deny him an education over it they had better have some strong evidence otherwise a lawsuit was going to ensue. They called me back a half hour later and said he would only be suspended for 5 days and could come back next week. Fair enough. I will let him finish out the year and next year its online school.


Great to here man, your son has a good DAD! :)

Bud Bug

Baddog40, I normally don't encourage kids to lie and to not take responsibility for their actions, but under these circumstances here's what I'd do.

Your boy went into the bathroom and found the bud laying on the floor. He picked it up and was showing the other kid when the teacher walked in. End of story. The simpler you keep it, the better........ The hard part is the other kid will have to go along with that story.......... If he will just keep it simple and to the point....

Oh yah nothing better then teaching him how to lie right of the bat especially when it come to drugs/hiding criminal activities. Although the 2 years might be a little excessive thats the way the world works and thats what he should be taught. A 13 year old should not be taught how to circumvent the system, he's not old enough to know what that means and the consequences that come with it and it'll lead to him taking greater risks.

He needs to live with the punishment to learn that some things lead to great consequences. If you want him to learn more then he need sto be involved in watching the parent talk with the school board in possibly reducing the expulsion to a smaller term but he still need to see the punishment.


What really worries me here is that people seems to think its ok for a 13 year old to have and smoke weed just because its dried plant.
That is some serious BS, when you are 13 years old u'r brains still developing.
And just because its a dried plant doesnt make it less harmfull for a developing brain.
Would it be allright if it was shrooms aswell? or coca leafs?

Ofcourse he got expelled, 2 years is a bit tough YES.
But hopefully something good can come out of this, and maybe u'r kid will stay off the reefer til hes old enough.

Where did I say he was smoking? Another kid took it from his moms stash and brought it to school. Has he ever tried it? I can't say 100%, but as much as I am around him I can say without a doubt it is not something he has been doing on a regular basis. Personally I believe this may have happened partly because I have been honest with him about weed, I don't glamorize it but I also don't try to scare the fuck out of him about it either.


Active member
What really worries me here is that people seems to think its ok for a 13 year old to have and smoke weed just because its dried plant.
That is some serious BS, when you are 13 years old u'r brains still developing.
And just because its a dried plant doesnt make it less harmfull for a developing brain.
Would it be allright if it was shrooms aswell? or coca leafs?

Ofcourse he got expelled, 2 years is a bit tough YES.
But hopefully something good can come out of this, and maybe u'r kid will stay off the reefer til hes old enough.

My guess is that all of those would be less harmful in brain development than the pharmacological products we blindly give to our children. They are definitely less harmful than the antibiotic exposure our children have though it has nothing to do with the maturation of the brain. Until we see science's take on the effect of marijuana on the adolescent brain I am not sure we should conclude that it is at all harmful. That being said, I don't think we should run around encouraging kids to smoke weed, however, some kids may honestly benefit from its use.

OP glad to hear things got cleared up. 5 days isn't a problem as long as he can get his school work and do it while he is home and will not have enough absences to cause him to fail and be forced to repeat. It is important however, to educate him on the reality of law whether that law be just or not it still exists and can and will impact him and his future. Until he is old enough to make those decisions for himself in a responsible manner, it is your choice what he does and his responsibility to listen to you. Best of luck.


Baddog40, I normally don't encourage kids to lie and to not take responsibility for their actions, but under these circumstances here's what I'd do.

Your boy went into the bathroom and found the bud laying on the floor. He picked it up and was showing the other kid when the teacher walked in. End of story. The simpler you keep it, the better........ The hard part is the other kid will have to go along with that story.......... If he will just keep it simple and to the point....

I totally agree with you. Here's the thing though, by the time I was informed about this the principal had already interrogated him for an hour and coerced him into writing a confession, threatened him with more trouble if he didnt. Apparently school administrators have a lot more leeway when it comes to being able to do this, whereas police need the parents permission they do not. He is punishing himself enough over this but I have made it clear; under no circumstances say a word to anyone if you are being accused of something.
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