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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Damning New Study: Eco Bulbs Cause Cancer

Americans will be forced to use CFLs that contain poisonous carcinogens after government ban on traditional light bulb begins to take effect in January

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A damning new study conducted by German scientists has found that so-called energy saving light bulbs contain poisonous carcinogens that could cause cancer and should be “kept as far away as possible from the human environment,” but Americans will be forced to replace their traditional light bulbs with toxic CFLs ahead of a government ban set to take effect at the start of next year.

“German scientists claimed that several carcinogenic chemicals and toxins were released when the environmentally-friendly compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) were switched on, including phenol, naphthalene and styrene,” reports the London Telegraph.

The study, conducted by Peter Braun at the Berlin’s Alab Laboratory, led the scientists involved to warn that the bulbs should only be used sparingly, in areas with good ventilation, and “definitely not in the proximity of the head,” due to the danger of the electrical smog the bulbs generate impacting human health.

That’s going to cause difficulties for Americans who will be forced to buy the bulbs following a government ban on traditional incandescent lighting that comes into effect on January 1, 2012.

A 2007 bill signed in to law by President George W. Bush mandates that, “Manufacturers will no longer be able to make the 100-watt Thomas Edison bulb after Jan. 1, 2012, followed by the 75-watt version in Jan. 2013, and the the 60- and 40-watt bulbs in Jan. 2014.”

The legislation mirrors similar laws in Europe, where incandescent bulbs began to be phased out in 2009. The EU also plans to ban halogen bulbs by 2016, forcing people to use compact fluorescent lamps, or CFLs, which produce a poor quality of light with an attendant flicker affect that causes many people to become dizzy and ill.

Ron Paul is amongst those leading a charge in Congress to repeal the draconian state phase out of Thomas Edison’s iconic invention. The Freedom Action group has also launched a national campaign to repeal the ban. Last week, the South Carolina House passed a bill overturning the ban and similar legislation is in the works in Texas, Georgia and Minnesota.

“It is my strong belief that the feds have overstepped the 10th Amendment and now are venturing into telling us what kind of lighting we can have in our homes and businesses,” Republican Rep. Bill Sandifer said in a statement after the House passed his legislation. “This bill is about taking a stand against government intrusion in our everyday lives. I am championing this bill because I believe that we must fight for limited government, personal freedoms, and the free market.”

Forcing Americans to buy CFL bulbs that are harmful to their health and the environment is completely unconstitutional. Indeed, in a similar vein to forcing Americans to buy mandatory health insurance under Obamacare, it’s a clear violation of the Commerce Clause.

The so-called “dirty energy” emitted by CFLs produces radiation that has been linked with migraine headaches, sleep abnormalities, fatigue, and other health defects.

The new German study adds to concerns raised by separate research conducted by Abraham Haim, a professor of biology at Haifa University in Israel, who found that the light emitted by CFL’s increased the chance of women getting breast cancer by disrupting the body’s production of the hormone melatonin.

CFLs are also more harmful to the environment because they are filled with toxic mercury that contaminates the environment when the bulbs reach the landfill.

“A report released in 2008 from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection revealed that when a CFL bulb is broken, it can release dangerously high levels of mercury into the air,” writes Ethan Huff.

“In Toronto, city officials require people to dispose of CFL bulbs at special hazardous waste facilities because they don’t want the city’s landfills to become contaminated with mercury. While used CFL bulbs are not legally recognized as hazardous waste, they are treated as such because they pose serious environmental threats when broken and released into the environment.”

Americans have begun stockpiling dwindling supplies of incandescent light bulbs as the 2012 ban nears.

The light bulb ban is a foretaste of what’s to come as the enforcement arm of the eco-fascist agenda unfolds. As we have documented, enviro-Nazis envisage a future world in which car use will be heavily restricted, CO2 emissions will be rationed, meat will be considered a rare delicacy, the state will decide your career, and only the mega-rich elitists enforcing all these new rules and regulations will be exempt from them.

Indeed, as Rand Paul recently highlighted, the light bulb ban mirrors the collectivist dictatorship fictionalized in Ayn Rand’s dystopic novel Anthem, where the elite decides to replace light bulbs with candles as part of its purge of individual choice.

“There’s a young man and his name is Equality,” explained U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican and tea party favorite, at a recent energy hearing in Washington where he talked about the book. “[The character] is an intelligent young man but he is banned from achieving or reaching any sort of occupation that would challenge him. He is a street sweeper.”

“Over time, he discovers an abandoned subway and rediscovers the incandescent light bulb,” Paul continued. “And he thinks, naively, that electricity and the brilliance of light would be an advantage for society and that it would bring great new things as far as being able to see at night, being able to read and the advancement of civilization.”

“He takes it before the collective of elders, and they take the light bulb, and basically it’s crushed beneath the boot heel of the collective,” Paul went on. “The collective has no place basically for individual choice.”


Thought the community deserves a heads up on this. Some may know some of this info but most are in the dark.

I have broken a few and sure as shit aint calling a hazmat team into my grow room...!


?? really?? Why don't they link or show the study? Would that offset their spin on the gov't trying to control us some more. I'm not a fan of gov't control but this is just crazy nonsense. Who would believe this crock of shit?

I see no study published. Coming from a Liberal media outlet I'm not surprised. How much you wanna bet that the amount of carcinogens in the bulb are less than most manufactured soft plastics and whatnot. EVERYTHING IS CANCEROUS. Remember the cell phone cancer scare? This reminds me of that. A bunch of nut jobs get hold of a report and blow it out of proportion.

The liberal media and conspiracy outlets got hold of a little study that probably said trace carcinogens were found but at the non-lethal minimum levels, then someone decides to spin it so they can say "Look what they are doing, forcing us to buy eco-bulbs and its unconstitutional to our rights." What a crock of shit. The only thing worse than the gov't is these radical wackjobs like Alex Jones. He's entertaining, don't get me wrong, but to take him seriously on all his BS is not too intelligent. They are always looking for the next story to get attention. There is no real reporting these days, just made up crap sprinkled on 10% truth to fit an agenda.

I just had to dig a little bit to find a buried article on the subject.

British experts insisted that more research was needed and urged consumers not to panic.
Dr Michelle Bloor, senior lecturer in Environmental Science at Portsmouth University, told the Daily Express: “Further independent studies would need to be undertaken to back up the presented German research.”

The Department for the Environment insists the bulbs are safe, despite the fact that they contain small amounts of mercury which would leak out if the glass was broken.
Advice on its website states: “Energy efficient light bulbs are not a danger to the public.

“Although they contain mercury, limited at 5mg per lamp, it cannot escape from a lamp that is intact.

“In any case, the very small amount contained in an energy efficient bulb is unlikely to cause harm even if the lamp should be broken.”

No more details on this German study that I can find. I want to see the emitted carcinogens and the levels that were reported. CFLs should be banned for LEDs due to the mercury in the bulbs. That poses a bigger threat than running the damn things. You think people dispose of them properly?


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
?? really?? Why don't they link or show the study? Would that offset their spin on the gov't trying to control us some more. I'm not a fan of gov't control but this is just crazy nonsense. Who would believe this crock of shit?

I see no study published. Coming from a Liberal media outlet I'm not surprised. How much you wanna bet that the amount of carcinogens in the bulb are less than most manufactured soft plastics and whatnot. EVERYTHING IS CANCEROUS. Remember the cell phone cancer scare? This reminds me of that. A bunch of nut jobs get hold of a report and blow it out of proportion.

The liberal media and conspiracy outlets got hold of a little study that probably said trace carcinogens were found but at the non-lethal minimum levels, then someone decides to spin it so they can say "Look what they are doing, forcing us to buy eco-bulbs and its unconstitutional to our rights." What a crock of shit. The only thing worse than the gov't is these radical wackjobs like Alex Jones. He's entertaining, don't get me wrong, but to take him seriously on all his BS is not too intelligent. They are always looking for the next story to get attention. There is no real reporting these days, just made up crap sprinkled on 10% truth to fit an agenda.

I just had to dig a little bit to find a buried article on the subject.

No more details on this German study that I can find. I want to see the emitted carcinogens and the levels that were reported. CFLs should be banned for LEDs due to the mercury in the bulbs. That poses a bigger threat than running the damn things. You think people dispose of them properly?

Thanks for the reply.

This is being reported in media across the spectrum.

There is no question these bulbs contain mercury and the effects of which are extermely harmful.

What ever happened to personal choice? Its very hard to find regular bulbs these days.

I am encouraged by reading the comments left in these articles. Most people see the logical fallacy of claiming these are better for the environment.

Is is even possible to get a HAZMAT team in to clean up if one breaks? Who could even afford this?

I would much prefer to spend my money on detox using spirulina or zeolite.


Edit: Yes i would like to read the study also. It was carried out by Andreas Kirchner, of the Federation of German Engineers,


breathe deep
"CFLs, which produce a poor quality of light with an attendant flicker affect that causes many people to become dizzy and ill."

"The light bulb ban is a foretaste of what’s to come as the enforcement arm of the eco-fascist agenda unfolds. As we have documented, enviro-Nazis envisage a future world in which car use will be heavily restricted, CO2 emissions will be rationed, meat will be considered a rare delicacy, the state will decide your career, and only the mega-rich elitists enforcing all these new rules and regulations will be exempt from them."

Its silly statements like this that tip me off that this is a total crock of shit. Of course they contain Mercury, of course Mercury is not advisable to come into contact with, but as Smok4 conveyed so is all plastic and many other things in our environment.
Its too bad politics are involved in discourse such as this, because they turn intelligent discussion into infantile mudslinging.
This is not the liberal media. This is the conservative media.

Standing up makes people dizzy sometimes. Everybody stay on the couch, standing up is dangerous...fricking ridiculous!


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
So you feel safe having these around your house and perhaps near children?

5mg of mercury on average per bulb. Enough to make 6000 gallons of water toxic.

Yay or nay?


breathe deep
So you feel safe having these around your house and perhaps near children?

5mg of mercury on average per bulb. Enough to make 6000 gallons of water toxic.

Yay or nay?

Yay. I have broken many light bulbs. Including most recently a 1000mh that had a reflector malfunction and hit bulb. Holding a cfl in my hand, they feel VERY sturdy. Sure they could brake, and i would not let my infant daughter play with the thing, but they would need a long fall to a hard surface, for any breakage.
Hey man i am the last person thats going to tell you to not worry about the dangers of consumer products, i just think its a bit uncalled for when folks conjure up the whole "elite liberal mafia" card when trying to make a claim. These labels prevent folks from actually thinking about shit and instead has them digging in on their respective sides.
CFLs are not the golden egg. Neither is the unchecked use of energy. There is a middle road. its whats good for this living organism that is earth and all of us inhabiting it, i hope we can all put our 'teams' aside and work together.


breathe deep
Stats like, "enough to make 6000 gallons of water toxic" mean very little at face value. I would think that if i took a yogurt container out of my fridge and melted it into 6000 gallons of water, that water would be toxic. Maybe 10,000 gallons of it. How toxic? Toxic to mice, human babies, or giraffes?
almost EVERYTHING IS TOXIC. The IV fluid bags that are keeping folks alive are leaching toxic carcinogens into the fluids and into peoples bodies. The lining on the inside of a can of soup is toxic.
The bristles on your toothbrush may be toxic...



This link tells you how to clean up after a breakage.

Step 1: Evacuate the area!
I'm pretty sure any time there is a bunch of broken glass on the floor everybody should stay away. It's not a toxic sludge spill, it's a small hazard to which you should minimize your exposure. Any kind of official literature like this is going to be worded to be overly cautious, this much should be obvious to anybody. Did you know that the iPhone manual says to keep the phone 5/8" or further from your head when making calls?

Most people see the logical fallacy of claiming these are better for the environment.
Most of our power comes from coal, the burning of which creates toxic emissions. Did you consider that the risk from increased emissions may be more than that of potentially broken bulbs? There is probably also less of a chance of breaking a CFL since you don't have to replace them as much. If we had unlimited clean power it may be one thing, but I think you're overlooking the benefits of reduced energy consumption, which is the whole reason we are switching to them in the first place.

Is is even possible to get a HAZMAT team in to clean up if one breaks? Who could even afford this?
Now you're just being ridiculous.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I aint joking about the mercury.

Mercury is a neurotoxin and it is the cumilative effect that is dangerous. Thats why tuna have high amounts.

It is deadly poison. It is in gas form and can easily be breathed as a vapour.

You need to think long and hard about that.

How many of these mercury containing bulbs have been manufactured? Millions and millions and they will eventully end in the landfill. I believe it is criminal. Unlike coal power which can be made much cleaner and disappates in the atmosphere. The mercury will dissapate directly into the enviroment of your home/grow area.

I have broken 3 of these in about 5 years that i remember. The ones with 3 u shaped elements break off quite easily. They dont actually shatter like old style ones but once opened they lose all their gas.

Only one of the boxes i looked at today (and they had a decent range) had a mercury warning label. This one was the homebrand. The phillips and ge versions look all nice and cloudy blue and earth friendly but they have enough toxins inside to kill a small child or at least do permenant damage.

Do you know what a neurotoxin is?

I have been to the supermarket today and gotten some new ones with led elements.


Active member
yer ok ok

yer ok ok

Ok so mercurys toxic ive been using mercury vapor lamps 35 years up to 24 kw at a time. I dropped n broke a mercury thermometer i smelt it i ran out got a sore throat 9 yrs ago ,i worked with lead hands on for 3 years .
Im 55 now still nothing wrong.
Im gonna keep on using them.A


...Mercury is a neurotoxin and it is the cumilative effect that is dangerous. Thats why tuna have high amounts.
because tuna crave danger? :laughing:

If you think CFLs are dangerous, there is much more harmful gas and tiny glass particles from a broken big fluorescent tube, but as far as the risks of turning on a CFL bulb, that's hard to believe. CFL's have to cost more to manufacture, and you can get them cheap, this really seems like some sort of bullshit.

The liberal media is the problem alright, the media that is extremely liberal with the truth, political ideologies aside, there are plenty on the left and the right that are so full of shit...


Active member
Wow, this is so dumb. Not the CFLs but the backlash against them. Do they think the extra electricity to run traditional incandescent bulbs comes from nowhere? That the coal we burn to throw away all that electricity we generate from it, it burns cleanly, it doesn't pollute our atmosphere and cause more pollution EVERYWHERE for us to breathe in everyday?

This is why journalists need to get some degree of scientific education. This kind of article makes me sick.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Ok so mercurys toxic ive been using mercury vapor lamps 35 years up to 24 kw at a time. I dropped n broke a mercury thermometer i smelt it i ran out got a sore throat 9 yrs ago ,i worked with lead hands on for 3 years .
Im 55 now still nothing wrong.
Im gonna keep on using them.A

You dropped and broke a mercury thermometer and got a sore throat? That doesnt make sense mercury as a solid (well liquid solid) cant be breathed in?? I have held the liquid stuff in science class as a kid.

Its your risk. I dont want them in my house or anywhere near my children!

But big brother says you must obey.

Fuckin bullshit! :wave:


Active member
bet some people are thinking, this is ok.

got too much of people and too little green.

kill lots of the people with cancer, meanwhile cutting down on pollution, saving the green and restoring for the special few that are gonna survive.

(incidentally, usually everyone thinks they Are the one to survive :D)


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Had one in my bedside lamp....Knocked it over one day and it broke under my bed. I was lazy and left it for a week or so. Cleaned it right up when i read this. Now im scared ive killed me and my wife with cancer 20 yrs from now. ;) sheesh

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