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Security in tornado alley?


Active member
I'd ride the Storm Out and keep my head low...

If your hit your plants will be the least of your worries...

Just my 2c...

Good Vibs to You and yours...


I'd say definitely ride it out. According to the National Center for Health Statistics you have a 1 in 60,000 chance of dying from a tornado in that region which puts you above your chance of dying from capital punishment! In all seriousness, I think the tornado, if it was ripping up your house, would definitely take a few light plants with it. Besides, with that type of devastation, you could say they flew into there from someone else's property. Shit, they can't figure out where they came from.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
If your house did get hit by a tornado, there's no way they could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the plants, if they can be found at all, belong to you. Tornado's throw shit everywhere. When a house gets hit or severly damaged by one and someone shows up, their main interest is to make sure everyone is alive and safe. They won't be rummaging through your stuff. This is also considering you only have 10 plants, if it was a grow house with 3 bedrooms wall to wall with plants, it might be a different story.


Active member
First person I've ever seen who's thinking about chopping due to tornado fear.
That wouldn't even make my 100 things to worry about while growing list.
That's in the same category as "plants struck by lightening" and "plants attacked by shark"

They will be fine.


I spent many decades in Tornado Alley. I had a tornado come right up to where I lived go up in the sky and drop back down. I watched it from my balcony. I have also had a tornado go right over an apartment I lived in and do a bit of roof damage. That being said you need to lay off the herb because I think you are being a bit paranoid. :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Thanks, kinda what Id like to do. Thought maybe people would say Id be crazy not close shop. If it skips us, I will update tomorrow. If I dont come back, then well, then it doesn't matter. Peace.
Sometimes people err on the side of caution too much, IMO.
You already been living with the danger for over 5 weeks...
At least get something for it. We all stress and how we deal with it is important.
10% of life is what happens to you.
90% is how you react.

And I third the tornado blew it in. If your house gets 'touched' then it's going to rip the shit outta it (and your neighbors, and half of the town).
Be prepared with trash bags, should only minor damage occur, and you need to remove shit.
Have a plan, or plan to fail.

P.S. Just read double-wide. So that is the risk you run. At least it isn't your home. Have a way to make sure the lights are off should gaping holes happen in the roof. Or you could just say that beam of light is God blessing your double-wide.

P.S.S. Now you have a reason to build a storm-shelter and get out the backhoe.


Active member
. Not concerned with safety of the plants, or worried about sharks for that matter.
Well, it's all fun and games until a landshark gets your plants.


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My town did get hit by a tornado last night, however I was lucky. No severe damage. Power was out all night because some car landed on the power lines but all is well. :bongsmi:


Do you stay up nights worrying about asteroids hitting your house too?

Nope, but if my neighbors house was destroyed b y one then I might. grow up, if you have nothing useful to add, then move the fuck on.

:thank you:


Glad to hear you made it through the storms OK. Unfortunately, it's unlikely the last time you'll have to deal with it this year. You might want to consider moving your grow into the basement for safety instead of the double wide.

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