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Strainhunters MYSTERY GROW!



Hey, is this you?

Let me know about those affordable hotels! ;)

Very cool man, thanks for sharing. :)


Tropical Outcast

I'm sure the Soul synthetic is good stuff but any late flower bloom booster is going to do the same.

..... Where is your drying room? That will have to be fairly large or are you going to use the room they are in?


Good luck, peace

I agree with you about the booster, pretty much anything with high P (and low to zero N) in it will do.
However I used what I got from my visiting friend since I don't have access to anything else unless I order it and that takes time, a long time.

My drying room has to be the same the flowering room is.
I can't dry elsewhere due to the frequent power outages and the resulting temperature/humidity spikes if there is no back-up.


Active member
Awesome grow Strainhunter!

Im glad i dropped in this late cause i wouldn't be able to wait for the updates....:smoke:
Really looking forward to see the difference in bud size since last few pics
keep it going!


Tropical Outcast
On a side note I just got back from one of the neighboring islands hunting pigs and I found a very covered area (from the sea winds).
I will plant a dozen or so HiJacks out there maybe this weekend and see how they're gonna do.
Soil there is VERY poor, basically just sand and some organic "contamination" lol (from surrounding vegetation)
Some rich guy his wife down the beach from me has half of a pallet with composted cow manure left over
(from some failed veggie project his wife had started) he shipped in some time back and he said I can have it.
So that's the stuff I will mix with the sand and see how it goes.

Well...I took my boat over to the other island I am talking about in the above post.
Almost 3 weeks ago now I took 15 plants I have been growing indoor from seed since 12/15/10 (germination).
They were approx. 20" tall when I took them out there but I put only one in to the ground, the rest I left in their pots.
5 of the plants had fallen over from the strong winds we have blowing here every day but they were OK.
5 out of the 15 turned out to be males including the one I had put in to the ground.
They all are in full flowering now since I am within 20 degrees of the Equator and the days here are around 12 hours all year (+/- 30 mins winter/summer).
I guess full blown Sativas are the only way to go. I will have to stick with my Jamaica plans on getting the beans or maybe I will mailorder some or have someone bring me some when they come visiting.

So that's it for now. Of course I culled the males lol
It always kinda hurts doing so. :petting:

Oh yeah and one more thing:
I did not bring my regular camera so I had to use the underwater one I always have on the boat.
Naturally that one does not take great above water pics hence only one pic turned out to be somewhat usable...



living the dream! Out of curiosity what hoops must one jump through to move to an island paradise such as yours? Is land/housing cheap? Is cost of living expensive? Fairly ignorant about what it would take, but i think you have inspired me to pursue a new goal in life! Can't believe i missed this thread til now! Thanks for sharing man!



Tropical Outcast
living the dream! Out of curiosity what hoops must one jump through to move to an island paradise such as yours? Is land/housing cheap? Is cost of living expensive?


No hoops if you get married to the "right" person (a native) or are related to one in one or the other way.
If you are a foreigner and just "move in" you will hardly ever be accepted as one of the locals. Local status is veeeeery hard to earn if one is able to get it @ all.
Not being a local translates in to a different type of respect, tourist prices to pay, a different level of tolerance when it comes to certain activities (no not criminal stuff but amount of fish caught, visiting sacred grounds etc.).

Land won't cost you anything if living where I live and IF you are accepted as a local. Housing won't cost anything neither if you are (able to) take over an existing structure (many of the younger folks moved away so there is quiet a bit available). If you make changes to a structure then the material will cost you (big bucks), the labor is free.
Purchasing land on the island I live on is not possible. It is a right earned (see above).

Cost of living?

Aside from what is being grown/caught locally you would not want me to even talk about living expenses. Those are absolutely horrendous.

But if you like goat & pig, eat rice, yam, various coconut products, fish and other stuff coming from the ocean then this is the place to be.

A Heineken is US$12 a bottle. Ciggs US$ 15 to 18 a pack.

No worries if you don't care about modern stuff. No cell phone service. Sat phones are US$10/minute unless you have your own. Or if one is friends with one of the few hotels then late @ night when internet speed is up you can make calls using Skype or MagicJack.

Sunshine and 86F all year long are free.



Wow thanks for the reply mate! Weather seems to make it all worthwhile! Thanks for the info. Very curious to see how your outdoor plot fares. K++


PS better off growing your own baccy, huh?


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
It´s so nice to see someone turning dreams into reality.
Respect SH!

B. Self Reliant

What a interesting life. I love hearing about someone taking off and doing things their own way.

I'm picturing you smoking with your plants, cruising around in a center-console Boston Whaler and swimming instead of showering, but I'm sure there's more to it than that. Thanks for sharing your story!


Tropical Outcast
Regarding those posts and messages about me "Living the dream" yes it IS nice but it comes together with many things especially the younger folks these days would not want to be willing to part with if they were to do the same thing.

To have a decent life here you either have to be filthy rich or be willing to cut down on pretty much ALL modern amenities existing.

You're out of toilet paper?
Never mind, use a rag and wash it out after.

Get sick?
Be ready for a ride by boat/seaplane for several hours. AND be able to pay for it if you are not considered local.

Be ready to hang out in my grow room :tongue: or keep sweating if your blood has not gotten thin enough to be able to handle the heat.
Unless you have lived in a hot climate with no AC before that process can take years.
How many of you reading this live in a all year long hot climate but do NOT use the AC? And I mean never use it.

No Mosquitoes here but myriads of sand fleas. You get used to them.
Some never do though. Too bad. ;)
Or rub yourself with Coconut oil. Smells like hell shortly after once it mixed with sweat and got rancid.

This is one of them sand flies:

That's it for now, just got a visitor here.



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Sounds just like my kind of place

Sounds just like my kind of place

Regarding those posts and messages about me "Living the dream" yes it IS nice but it comes together with many things especially the younger folks these days would not want to be willing to part with if they were to do the same thing.

To have a decent life here you either have to be filthy rich or be willing to cut down on pretty much ALL modern amenities existing.

You're out of toilet paper?
Never mind, use a rag and wash it out after.

Get sick?
Be ready for a ride by boat/seaplane for several hours. AND be able to pay for it if you are not considered local.

Be ready to hang out in my grow room :tongue: or keep sweating if your blood has not gotten thin enough to be able to handle the heat.
Unless you have lived in a hot climate with no AC before that process can take years.
How many of you reading this live in a all year long hot climate but do NOT use the AC? And I mean never use it.

No Mosquitoes here but myriads of sand fleas. You get used to them.
Some never do though. Too bad. ;)
Or rub yourself with Coconut oil. Smells like hell shortly after once it mixed with sweat and got rancid.

This is one of them sand flies:

That's it for now, just got a visitor here.


And ain´t life great?!?!:artist:


Active member
Sand Fleas

Sand Fleas

The sand fleas get hungry as the sun goes down. That's the reason I wear pants at night when i was in Jamaica. I bet the locals don't wear shorts at night. Small price to pay for paradise. :rasta:


One day you will have to answer to the children of
That's why I like a good winter.
Kills all them fuckers ded!

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