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Florida Growers Thread

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komrade komura

Active member
Friday afternoon...and this old geezer is looking forward to surfboards this weekend.

7 outta 7 chronic are above ground and working on their first set of true leaves...YAHOO!!!

Wife will be home soon...YAHOO!!!

Hope everyone is gonna have a safe and stoney weekend.


Well-known member
Hello one and all, it's been awhile.

Boy I'm getting my ass owned by whiteflies. I've tangled with Spider mites,thrips and the ever popular fungus gnat ( thanks Fox Farm) and all dead in the end. A little follow though and no problems......but no not the fucking whitefly. Stitchs thread say's "and are not very hard to get rid of", was this a typo? Cause I can't get ride of them for shit.

I've used Soaps,soaps with oil, soaps with Pyrethrum.

Help! I would put this in the Infirmary section, but shit I've read the whole thing. Now I know that my brothers here in the land of the insect have fought this fight, so what gives ..do I just have to nuke it from space?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hello one and all, it's been awhile.

Boy I'm getting my ass owned by whiteflies. I've tangled with Spider mites,thrips and the ever popular fungus gnat ( thanks Fox Farm) and all dead in the end. A little follow though and no problems......but no not the fucking whitefly. Stitchs thread say's "and are not very hard to get rid of", was this a typo? Cause I can't get ride of them for shit.

I've used Soaps,soaps with oil, soaps with Pyrethrum.

Help! I would put this in the Infirmary section, but shit I've read the whole thing. Now I know that my brothers here in the land of the insect have fought this fight, so what gives ..do I just have to nuke it from space?

Well been to war with them myself. Especially the Gnats and Aphids. What has worked for me is Bayer Advance Complete Insect Killer. I use 15 mil a gallon. Clones and plants under 10 inches I give 7 mil gal. Then repeat in 5-7 days. Make sure to get the one with no feed. Hopes this helps as well as it did for me. Imidacloprid is the main ingredient that kills them. So if you find any product with it should be effective. Just that different brands have different strengths. Treat all plants even if you have other plants inside.


Active member
Have any of you guys noticed an abundance of fungus gnats outside already?The fuckers are every where around my area already.See them every year but it seems as if they are coming in full force already this year.

Whiteflies...i've heard that some times it is just better to bite the bullet and tear down and treat your room for a bit before starting fresh if the infestation is bad.Actually watched the ole ladys dad have to do this.Them little cock suckers had a party with any thing he tossed at'em.I saw a few last year and sprayed with azamx and tossed in a doktor doom bomb and all was good for me but i only saw a few so i wasn't that bad off.

Stay safe Fl

Guest 16149

I have fought whiteflies off and on for years now, have broke down and sanitized twice now have used most any insect product, have even hit the room with extremely high doses of CO2, the only thing that seems to help for me is to throw in beneficial bugs like green lacewing, pirate bugs, and encarcia formosa parasites, I have now reached a kind of truce with the whiteflies, they are always there but always in low enough numbers that it is not a problem as long as I keep throwing in some beneficials every now and then. Its what works for me :)

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Beautiful pics Dawn Patrol.
Euro Hybrid...hope you have a way to keep the genetics alive for your enjoyment.
komrade komura

Thanks KK,

I've kept the Euro Hybrid cut alive for 5 years now, the only precaution I take is to keep two Mums going instead of one.

This year I made a Kush cross, a Chitrali cross and a Grapefruit Haze cross with it, so it'll be fun to play with those seeds next year.


Active member
sup every1 still here no knocks or raids yet :hide: but have been notifide of an irs audit :chin:

MK- have u tried "no pest strips" i had spider mites and white flies bad at my oldplace till i started hangn 1 in the cab :jump: 4 hrs after lights off id have fan turn off for 4 hrs then back on so the strip could do its job and withn in 3-4 days no more bug all mites where dead and i havent seen neither since :good: hang it low near ur intake so when vent is on its still pullin the shit across the cab :D

hope every1ns enjoyn the weather gotta move my shit again cuz where there at now there not gettn much light got a cidny that has a week left a ECSD that has 3 1/2 weeks another ecsd that has 5 weeks and a chem sis that has 4 weeks then i get to c how dryn/trimmin outdoors goes :dunno: thats gonna make for some noid sleepless nights

stay safe

Graham Purwatt

good to hear from you toasted,hope your audit goes ok.that has to suck just sitting and waiting on them to come. again,i hope it goes well for you and turns out in your favor bro


Active member
thanx GP yea i hope it goes n my favor 2 :D

any1 get out to c the moon tonight got a couple shots first time fuckn round with manual settns on the cam
came up big and red


and i like this 1 this is the moon and it was solid dark out but it looks like a sunrise and in the middle left side there is 4 dots in the sky in perfict alignment with a line connectin them dont know wtf it is :thinking:

stay safe


Active member
Toasted did you know the pics ya took of the moon were of a moon that hasn't been that close to earth in the past 18 yrs i think it was.SUPER BRIGHT it was.
Toasted did you know the pics ya took of the moon were of a moon that hasn't been that close to earth in the past 18 yrs i think it was.SUPER BRIGHT it was.
Hmmmmmm I thought it was like every 30 years or someting like that. It looked like you could throw a golf ball and hit it the other night. Extremly bright.

Guest 88950

Toasted, good luck with the audit and nice pics of the moon.

Blanner has the best solution, beneficials. i havent had to resort to using them but its a sure and safe way to fight pests.

ladybugs are our friend, get a shit load of them and release around your house in the bushes, hedges and flower beds.

dont think ive dealt with white flys but i use Diatomaceous Earth mixed in well with my coco. i use alot, i dont measure b/c its not harmful to us or the plants. i tried top dressing it but it clumped up like wet flour and algee grew on it. since i mixed it with my coco the gnats and stray pest are few and far between.

i also read in a thread where a side effect of having Bounce Dryer sheets in micro cabs for oder control helped keep pests and bugs away. i went and bought Bounce brand and its not hurting.

good luck

komrade komura

Active member
Another monday morning back in the evil empire...but the beach was nice...and the huge moon was excellent....mojo rising.

Chronic seedling are so tall...it's like growing runner beans. Bamboo kebab stakes are very useful.

Toasted...glad to hear that you ain't been terrorised in the night. An audit is much easier and with less consequences.

Wife nixed the garden expansion plans...hahaha. She is right of course.

Time to figure out how to navigate here and other places without a footprint. Researching some pirate connections.

Hope everyone had a safe and stoney weekend and has the same for the week.

As always, I remain an....

komrade komura

Active member
Local political candidate running for office had the misfortune of knocking on my door today.

'I would vote communist before I would vote for you'....hahaha. Sad but true....as long as they never get a majority.

democrats make me ashamed by be an american.

republicans make me ashamed to be a fucking human being.

5% of the world's population....consuming 25% of its resources...and we will fucking kill anyone who tries to stop us.

Historically this has been tried before...roman empire, ottoman empire, british empire, nazi germany....always ends the same way...lots of dead women and children. I refuse to finance the madness.

Hurry up english work permit so I can leave again. Everyday I spend money here is a day I help support this madness.

Luckily I pay english income taxes so I get a credit against my us tax bill and they don't actually get any money from me. I'd rather pay for socialised medicine and cops without guns.

Welcome to Wal-Mart...watch out for falling wages.

Local political candidate running for office had the misfortune of knocking on my door today.

'I would vote communist before I would vote for you'....hahaha. Sad but true....as long as they never get a majority.

democrats make me ashamed by be an american.

republicans make me ashamed to be a fucking human being.

5% of the world's population....consuming 25% of its resources...and we will fucking kill anyone who tries to stop us.

Historically this has been tried before...roman empire, ottoman empire, british empire, nazi germany....always ends the same way...lots of dead women and children. I refuse to finance the madness.

Hurry up english work permit so I can leave again. Everyday I spend money here is a day I help support this madness.

Luckily I pay english income taxes so I get a credit against my us tax bill and they don't actually get any money from me. I'd rather pay for socialised medicine and cops without guns.

Welcome to Wal-Mart...watch out for falling wages.

Best thing I've read in a while KK. Sad but true. You make things sound good across the Atlantic. Is it that good over there? Or is it just that bad over here?

komrade komura

Active member
It is not that it is better in europe...only different. There I have to give the finger to CCTV every morning and suffer the rules of bureaucrats who think I can't make my own decisions....ala the nanny state. Fines if you put your trash in the wrong government supplied trash container....jeez.

But socialised medicine is good. Cops without guns are good. And not having 3/4 the world hoping you die in hell's flames is good too.

Better?: in some ways yes, in some ways no
Different? definitely...and while I dislike all authority, I find the priorities there less offensive that those here.

And the best thing? Amsterdam is 42 min away by plane!
It is not that it is better in europe...only different. There I have to give the finger to CCTV every morning and suffer the rules of bureaucrats who think I can't make my own decisions....ala the nanny state. Fines if you put your trash in the wrong government supplied trash container....jeez.

But socialised medicine is good. Cops without guns are good. And not having 3/4 the world hoping you die in hell's flames is good too.

Better?: in some ways yes, in some ways no
Different? definitely...and while I dislike all authority, I find the priorities there less offensive that those here.

And the best thing? Amsterdam is 42 min away by plane!
Is there any work over there?
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