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Strainhunters MYSTERY GROW!


Tropical Outcast
Not the average grow journal/test grow. :thinking:

Not the average strain.

Neither the average grow room!

Maybe THE new definition of SOG? ;)

Either way definitely a good story and fun display of how it can be done

Stay tuned! :hotbounce

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Tropical Outcast
OK y'all let's start with the story:

As the regs on here know I live on a fairly remote tropical island.

The nice thing is the decisions the Elderly responsible for these islands make supersede what elsewhere would be called the "Federal Law", however growing here is unregulated in first place anyway...
I am the only source around & pretty much everyone here smokes...and guess who grows it?

However growing here still has its own challenges:

Mail takes weeks to get here, and freight can take months depending on the time of the year and the associated weather since everything has to come in by barge/boat.
The above translates in to what ever I need either already is here or I have to get around without it for a while...ooor play "McGyver". ;)

Next thing, and this is something that caused me a great headache for a while, I can't grow outdoors.
This is not due to 12/12 all year (yes the sun comes up around 6am and disappears around 6pm and that all year long) but because every day between 10 and 11am strong winds come up and blow a salty breeze all the way across and everywhere.
Unfortunately my plants don't like the salty breeze...

So I had to go indoors:
I got myself an old 20x8 refrigeration container someone had converted and used as an office for a while. I went and covered the windows to keep outside light from coming in and screwing up the light cycle.
This thing is fairly airtight and I had to install an odor filter. Not in order to keep people from smelling anything (naturally everyone here knows what I do) but because depending on which strain I grow the smell can get just overwhelming while working inside.

I had to install a 24,500 BTU Airconditioning since the year in year out outdoor temperature is 86F and even though the light hoods are vented it still gets VERY VERY hot inside VERY QUICKLY due to the 1k bulbs used during flowering, more about that later on.
The smaller cloning/vegging room has a 6,500 BTU AC.

I myself like everyone else get my electricity through a distant Diesel generator which frequently craps out for one or the other reason or because it runs out of fuel because the guy in charge couldn't handle smoking the strong stuff and it knocked him out. :bigeye: The outages also make a good hermie test for every strain!

To keep my plants from getting all screwed up from changing light cycles due to the outages I backed up the HID lights with fluorescent fixtures which turn on automatically once the power has been out for more than 10 minutes. I have my own Diesel Genset with a 500 Gallon tank. I get the electricity & fuel supplied through a sort of "tax" implied by the Elderly or it would be impossible to pull off the whole thing financially by just me alone.

Anyways this is it for now, going for a little stroll on the beach, check back for the first pics soon!


It just crossed my mind for those who care I forgot to add how I deal with the water situation.
We have a 1,200" well here but the water still comes out salty and has to be processed through a RO system to be able to be consumed by humans (and my plants).
I have found out over the years RO water not being the most supportive when it comes to growing. It works but it doesn't work as well as regular water still having all the minerals and micro/macro nutrients in it.
So I went and got one of those kinda funny looking filters they use in commercial water processing plants after they sent their water though a RO filter. The filter I have contains a strange looking resin releasing essential minerals to enhance taste in RO processed water. It works real well and makes the water come out @ around 450PPM vs. 0PPM before and it tastes real great, too!
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Active member
Hi Sir Strainhunter ,
very nice my friend,brilliant idear !

Show me my dream Growroom on Tropical Island:)
I'm really looking forward to your great equipment and Plants!
I dream of it for years:cathug:

Go on partner !


Well-known member
sounds like a fabulous story my friend, yet the beginning is inspiring. :)
can't wait for the next part. keep it up!


Tropical Outcast
All right guys, let's start out easy.

It's a bit complicated here on my end posting pics since I have wireless internet connected to Satellite internet @ a nearby hotel and although the connection is relatively fast this system doesn't always like large files being uploaded so I either have to be patient or gotta get them uploaded by someone else who has most of my pictures as well if it won't work on my end.

Posting pics of the mother/cloning room, nothing really spectacular.

You'll notice 2x454 Watt 2"x4" Fluorescent fixtures, those don't create a lot of heat and work reliable and great.

You will also notice an Aerocloner style cloner (TurboKlone brand). I don't have that one anymore since using Rapid Rooters works just as well w/o the headache of having to keep an eye on the PH of the water, slime issues and the potential of damaging roots when transplanting.
Something to think about for you guys, RR's are SO MUCH easier when it comes to everything.
Cloning with RR's is EZ: Cut clone, dip in Clonex, stick in RR & have roots all over 2 weeks later.

You may also notice a "No Pest" strip. That one is not there for insects affecting the plants but for ME! :)
Sandflies seem to love the cooler than outside air and a major pain to deal with sucking ones blood so they gotta go. :moon:

7 Mothers in the pic, I got rid of one due to space issues.
(actually I planted it outside but it didn't make it past 2 weeks, see 1st thread why)

A different view showing a little bit of the electrical. Remember this is an old refrigeration container someone had converted to an office and then I converted for my purpose.

Another view showing the Moms, a few clones in RR's and the TurboKlone (which the last I got rid of, waste of time and effort IMHO)



Tropical Outcast
Hehe lookin good man, so you didn't like the turbokloner eh?

Well...it works as advertised
(low reservoir temps and all that) and actually is a real well built machine but RR's are zero fumbling throughout the process hence zero headache.

Cut clone > dip in Clonex > Stick in RR > Roots all over 2 weeks later @ a 100% success rate.


Life is one big grow........
nice cant wait to see the first pix...
do ya pop the seeds already?
i allways thought SH dont grow!!:hide:


Tropical Outcast
nice cant wait to see the first pix...
do ya pop the seeds already?
i allways thought SH dont grow!!:hide:

Yes seeds were popped already, got a few things going atm, some more mature than the others.

Yeah you're right I do not grow anymore...in the US. But elsewhere that's another story. See above.

More pics soon, probably in a bit once the sat traffic has settled for the night and bandwidth has gone back up.


Active member
wow, nice and clean work mate:good:
it's a little dream for me and the first time for our strains with such high wattage as you do..:yoinks:
I'm curious how they grow, they are certainly very bold.

finally you've even started with a report!
I think that's great!:thank you:

Your cuttings looks fine buddy, very healthy!

I wish you great success ...



Tropical Outcast
Technical things installed>>>

Technical things installed>>>

OK here a few pics and description of what I installed:

First of all the lights and hood venting are controlled by a Sentinel HID 2 Lighting Controller. <<< Check out this link for a detailed description.
The Sentinel is a totally awesome and very reliable controller! I use two of them, one for the flowering room and the other for the cloning/vegging room.
In the flowering room a trigger cable goes from the timer to the High Power HID Controller, 8000W of which I am using only one of the two boxes (4x1,000 Watts), the other box is for potential expansion. The same High Power HID Controller is available with one relays box only (4kw).
The 2nd plug on the controller runs the hood vent fan. That way the fan runs only when the lights are on. The fan sucks in outside air, processes the air through the hoods and back outside. Closed circuit system so I won't lose the cool inside air.
Remember outside it is 86F all year long and I like to have it @ 75F inside so I can chill...lol

The hood vent fan is a ultra quiet and balanced Eclipse Fan 6", 487 CFM. Kicks ass!

Attached to the relays box are 4x GALAXY 400-600-1000 TURBO SELECT-A-WATT.
I LOOOOVE those ballasts! I run them on 600 Watts each if I vegg in that same room and used to run them on a Generator! Try that with another ballast! They run super cool! Those of you who have run 1 or more 1KW lights know how much heat everything involved can generate. The GALAXY 400-600-1000 TURBO SELECT-A-WATT even have a little fan built in!

OK what else.....

I got a HUGE well oversized Phresh® Filter 12" x 39".
In my case I don't have that filter to keep the odor from getting outside drawing attention (if you read the 1st thread you will know every one here knows what I am doing since they are the ones who pay for some of the operating expenses) but to keep me from suffocating due to the intense smell...lol

On top of that filter sits a HUGE 12" 971 CFM Can-Fan running @ about 70% capacity so it's nice and quiet and does not sound like a jet turbine.
I turn it down using a Blower / Fan Speed Control. Works totally awesome, unlike most other models which won't last long for one or the other reason, especially not when used with a generator.

Now the hoods....

I use 4x Magnum XXXL 6" Air-Cooled Reflector.
If you want to know why I use those then go here: Read this before buying ANY reflector or hoods! Lazyman knows his shit.
Of course I have the hoods set in a way where I can easily adjust the required height. I am using THIS rope ratchet and in connection with a self built contraception.

The Air-conditioning is a LG Electronics 24,500 BTU Window Air Conditioner with Remote.
Why I like this one? Because when it turns off during one of the many (almost daily) power outages it comes back on @ the SAME SETTING it went out with. Many AC's re-set themselves after an outage...that's something you would NOT want....'cos that might just freeze your plants.
Oh and I like the remote as well in case I need to change the setting...that way I don't have to fight my way through the plant jungle. ;)
This AC has been running flawlessly and NON STOP for almost 2 years now.
I have it set where the AC fans runs continuously and the AC compressor cuts in automatically when needed...which is quiet a bit once the lights run on 4x 1KW.
Even with the high flow in & out venting the 4KW in lights still produce a TREMENDOUS amount of radiant heat.

Rough material cost before import was about US$ 8,000 not counting cost for freight which was another about $ 2,500.

I can't think of anything else to list atm and to be quiet honest after sitting here and typing/listing this for the past 3 hours and drinking 1/2 Gallon of Ice tea I am GTFO now. :Bolt:

Sun is almost due to come up and I am out of here for a swim.

Hope y'all like it.






Y'all have a nice day! :wave:


Tropical Outcast
Sorry guys, maybe I should NOT have set the picture album to "private". :hide:

I apologize for the inconvenience!


Tropical Outcast
wow very clean looking grow! very well organized.

Thanks SD!

You know I figured since I had to go through all that getting everything there I might as well do it right.
Not that I like doing things half ass in first place. ;)

Oh and wait 'till you see the rest of the pics!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Wow men, this is a crazy installation !!!

On a remote island, amazing !!! Props to you for setting up this stuff !



Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks SD!

You know I figured since I had to go through all that getting everything there I might as well do it right.
Not that I like doing things half ass in first place. ;)

Aint that the truth. I have no recollection of ever saying: "Boy, am I glad I bought the cheap one instead of the good one!"

Good parts last, and are quiet, well-made, work well, and are expensive. Buying used good equipment is much better than paying the same price for cheap crap.

Also, every time I have to make a repair, I ask myself: "What do I have to do so that I never have to fuck with this thing or worry about it again?"


Active member
OK here a few pics and description of what I installed:

First of all the lights and hood venting are controlled by a Sentinel HID 2 Lighting Controller. <<< Check out this link for a detailed description.
The Sentinel is a totally awesome and very reliable controller! I use two of them, one for the flowering room and the other for the cloning/vegging room.
In the flowering room a trigger cable goes from the timer to the High Power HID Controller, 8000W of which I am using only one of the two boxes (4x1,000 Watts), the other box is for potential expansion. The same High Power HID Controller is available with one relays box only (4kw).
The 2nd plug on the controller runs the hood vent fan. That way the fan runs only when the lights are on. The fan sucks in outside air, processes the air through the hoods and back outside. Closed circuit system so I won't lose the cool inside air.
Remember outside it is 86F all year long and I like to have it @ 75F inside so I can chill...lol

The hood vent fan is a ultra quiet and balanced Eclipse Fan 6", 487 CFM. Kicks ass!

Attached to the relays box are 4x GALAXY 400-600-1000 TURBO SELECT-A-WATT.
I LOOOOVE those ballasts! I run them on 600 Watts each if I vegg in that same room and used to run them on a Generator! Try that with another ballast! They run super cool! Those of you who have run 1 or more 1KW lights know how much heat everything involved can generate. The GALAXY 400-600-1000 TURBO SELECT-A-WATT even have a little fan built in!

OK what else.....

I got a HUGE well oversized Phresh® Filter 12" x 39".
In my case I don't have that filter to keep the odor from getting outside drawing attention (if you read the 1st thread you will know every one here knows what I am doing since they are the ones who pay for some of the operating expenses) but to keep me from suffocating due to the intense smell...lol

On top of that filter sits a HUGE 12" 971 CFM Can-Fan running @ about 70% capacity so it's nice and quiet and does not sound like a jet turbine.
I turn it down using a Blower / Fan Speed Control. Works totally awesome, unlike most other models which won't last long for one or the other reason, especially not when used with a generator.

Now the hoods....

I use 4x Magnum XXXL 6" Air-Cooled Reflector.
If you want to know why I use those then go here: Read this before buying ANY reflector or hoods! Lazyman knows his shit.
Of course I have the hoods set in a way where I can easily adjust the required height. I am using THIS rope ratchet and in connection with a self built contraception.

The Air-conditioning is a LG Electronics 24,500 BTU Window Air Conditioner with Remote.
Why I like this one? Because when it turns off during one of the many (almost daily) power outages it comes back on @ the SAME SETTING it went out with. Many AC's re-set themselves after an outage...that's something you would NOT want....'cos that might just freeze your plants.
Oh and I like the remote as well in case I need to change the setting...that way I don't have to fight my way through the plant jungle. ;)
This AC has been running flawlessly and NON STOP for almost 2 years now.
I have it set where the AC fans runs continuously and the AC compressor cuts in automatically when needed...which is quiet a bit once the lights run on 4x 1KW.
Even with the high flow in & out venting the 4KW in lights still produce a TREMENDOUS amount of radiant heat.

Rough material cost before import was about US$ 8,000 not counting cost for freight which was another about $ 2,500.

I can't think of anything else to list atm and to be quiet honest after sitting here and typing/listing this for the past 3 hours and drinking 1/2 Gallon of Ice tea I am GTFO now. :Bolt:

Sun is almost due to come up and I am out of here for a swim.

Hope y'all like it.






Y'all have a nice day! :wave:

so nice and so clean! Nice Update M8!
I love your Skillz, 4 X 1000Watts is still my dream in this room size!
it is very difficult in this country, a 1000 watt bulb to buy.
I wait for my first one over four weeks now, lol

I knew that you are professional, your outdoor sessions in paradise
were always beautiful, and now you're going purely in a converted container.
Your buried containers remain secret :D!!!
that is too large for the Internet..
very fine electric skills, you are a really good electrician:)

one of the finest container rooms I have ever seen!

Go on Bro!

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