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Get this chick to carry it for ya...

Get this chick to carry it for ya...


After arresting Stephanie Moreland for shoplifting, the cops apparently had no desire to strip search her. As a result, she hung on to one item she stole for three days by hiding it in her crotch. It was a $6,500 mink coat.

After a sales associate at the Alaskan Fur Company noticed the coat was missing, she confronted Moreland. Moreland denied knowing anything about the coat and took off.

Since she had acted so suspiciously while in the store, the associate wrote down the tag number of the car Moreland left in and called the police. Cops tracked her down and found the hanger for the coat, but no sign of the fur. She was arrested for theft, searched for weapons and booked into jail.

Three days later during a police interview, Moreland confessed that she had stolen the coat, but said she had already sold it. When she was advised that she would be transferred to another jail, realizing the jig was up, she lifted her dress and pulled the mink coat out of her underwear.

So the coat was recovered, however, will there be any takers on a mink that’s been stuffed into a crotch for three days?
If that cow could keep a mink coat in her meat wallet - imagine how much weed could be stashed there???

Might be hard to light afterward - and have a tuna aftertaste...



I crossed the Canadian border a couple summers ago with about an eigth hidden in a ziploc sandwich bag rolled up tight and stuffed into a full mustard container in with our camping gear. They stopped us, I guess because of our Cali plates and our big van full of camping stuff. I was shitting myself inside the building as I watched their dog completely miss my eigth.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
This is what i use but use ona liquid instead of fabreeze......DONT use this when dogs are involved .....it might work but i'd recommend not taking the chance

Reservoir's Foolproof 100% Odor Control Method:

You'll need a good-quality vacuum sealer,like a Foodsaver,and the BRAND NAME BAGS* that go with it,and also,a bottle of (non-generic,again!) Fabreeze(tm) or other fabric/household odor eliminating spray.

1) Vacuum-seal your herbs as usual.

2) Thoroughly COAT the outside of freshly-sealed bag with Fabreeze.

3) Place the freshly-sealed bag into another vacuum bag,
and then seal that bag well.

4) Repeat with another layer,if necessary.
(It rarely is!)

The first bag should still have enough air retained in it to form a crush proof bud pack (as to avoid the hard compressed Mexibrick syndrome. ;) )
I know of firsthand accounts of heat sealed "Reynolds" (brand of) "turkey bags" beating the deputized pooches when handled...
(by calm drivers with brass balls)... :smoke:
similarly to what Rezdog describes with the first bag being spray bottled wet/drenched treated with the "ona" linen brand of odor neutralizing agent and then vacuum sealed with another Large Turkey bag that is Sprayed & then wiped down with an undiluted (lemon) scented household ammonia just prior to being packed into a "never seen so much as even an Aspirin in it" type vehicle. :)

Secret compartments are always a nice touch when on the go, but stay out of Jersey as they'll jail ya, fine ya and seize your car just for having possession of a secret compartment in ones vehicle (legislation is coming soon to a state near you. ;) )

Not just for the airports anymore:
Big Sister has (a few?) new generation "Backscatter" Mobile Vehicle Xray units that have apparently been deployed to the domestic drug war front (used surplus units from a foreign war front...) along the nations interstate transportation corridors and are capable of finding bulk carbon based materials that dogs can sometimes miss.

A breakthrough in X-ray detection technology, AS&E's Z Backscatter Van™ (ZBV) is a low-cost, extremely maneuverable screening system built into a commercially available delivery van.
The ZBV allows for immediate deployment in response to security threats, and its high throughput capability facilitates rapid inspections.
The system's unique "drive-by" capability allows one or two operators to conduct X-ray imaging of suspect vehicles and objects while the ZBV drives past.

The ZBV can also be operated in stationary mode by parking the system and producing X-ray images of vehicles as they pass by.
Screening can also be accomplished remotely while the system is parked.
Remote operation allows scanning to be done safely, even in dangerous environments, while maintaining low-profile operation.
The system is unobtrusive, as it maintains the outward appearance of an ordinary van....

The ZBV employs AS&E's patented Z Backscatter technology, which reveals contraband that transmission X-rays miss - such as explosives and plastic weapons - and provides photo-like imaging for rapid analysis.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_X-ray

IMB :)
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Not just for the airports anymore:
Big Sister has (a few?) new generation "Backscatter" Mobile Vehicle Xray units that have apparently been deployed to the domestic drug war front (used surplus units from a foreign war front...) along the nations interstate transportation corridors and are capable of finding bulk carbon based materials that dogs can sometimes miss.

The system's unique "drive-by" capability allows one or two operators to conduct X-ray imaging of suspect vehicles and objects while the ZBV drives past.

The ZBV can also be operated in stationary mode by parking the system and producing X-ray images of vehicles as they pass by.
Screening can also be accomplished remotely while the system is parked.
Remote operation allows scanning to be done safely, even in dangerous environments, while maintaining low-profile operation.
The system is unobtrusive, as it maintains the outward appearance of an ordinary van....
If I am reading this right and they intend to just cruise the highway and x-ray random vehicle at will... well... that sounds highly unconstitutional. That would certainly constitute a search, and without a warrant or probable cause I just don't think such a thing can be legal.


You guys can lock thread after i tell you.

ARMY AMMO CANS cans with a good seal. no smell at all no matter how much funk you have or how funky. I thought of it myself *patting self on shoulder*


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wouldn't they weigh the cans if busted.. pretty heavy.

Probably think they had the biggest terrorist bust too lol...Can see bomb squad being called and all sorts of retarded federal shit they are known for.

I only used mine as a stash box in my room cuz they are very heavy and sometimes smell like gunpowder. Need to cleanem heh. They really are air-tight and water proof though...Army strong.

Cool Moe

Active member
opsak odor proof barrier bags. worth the price times five. no smell gets through and they last forever. undefeated against all major shippers.


Thats pretty cool. How big do they come?

the .50 cal can 100 round will hold a dry LB. I took a few on the Amtrak, got off in City Amtrak Station, walked by german shephard, it didnt flinch, But I was scared as fuck. I didnt want to go out of the way to avoid the cop so as not to look suspicious. I was already walking his way so I just kept going. I was no more than 6 feet from that dog. nothing :dance013: