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Blumat auto watering

heady blunts

prescription blunts
SV sells it by the foot but they're out of stock for the time being.

if you don't need the patio kit you could order a couple blumats, and some of the 3mm drip line, then order some the kent system fittings that have been previously mentioned in this thread.


I find it rather challenging to find out what exactly is included in just a blumat sensor purchase and whether I get any 3mm at all with it etc.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I find it rather challenging to find out what exactly is included in just a blumat sensor purchase and whether I get any 3mm at all with it etc.

I don't know if just one sensor is available for purchase, but a sensor comes assembled with the ceramic cone, a cap, a tee, and about 4 inches of 3mm tubing.


i ordered some 3mm tubing from green acres hydro out of California this morning. they have about 50 ft left @ about .50 a foot. but they said they can refresh their stock in about a day. alot of their stuff is expensive as hell though, for example 45$ for the pressure reducer and told me they would give me a bulk discount on 50 sensors @ 7 dollars and some change a pop... id be better off waiting on the 200$ box of fifty Sustainable Village will have in stock eventually. As far as they go, (SV) they didnt tell me how many 12 pack kits they have in stock, and told me their singles are blumat jrs. i guess they dont have singles of the regular size ones. hope this information was helpful to some of you out there.

btw - we should all encourage our local stores to stock these things. they are so hard to get ahold of. im having my local store owner check a place called tradewinds dist. to see if they can get some on the shelf.
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Overkill is under-rated.
Lazyman - are there any lines of nutes that I can add to my rez for continuous feeding? I would be using an air stone to mix/oxygenate the water.

I have had excellent results with AN Sensi and GH maxibloom powders, but my list of products to avoid would include:

Molasses or similar consistency carb syrups
Hygrozyme or any similar products
Beneficial bacteria (mycorrhizae can't survive any salt-based Phosphorous anyway so hand feed it in veg only)

Basically, if its organic or thick, don't use it with Blumats.

How much nutrients do you run with in your reservoir and are you using nutrients continuous?
I'm on my second grow using the blumats and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to deliver the nutrients to the plants.

I use RO water, and rarely need to go over 500 PPM total when feeding in flower. When I do I get clawing within a couple days. A 100 ppm change is a BIG change when constant-feeding.

Yes I use nutes continuous, the last two weeks I dump the res and refill with AN Final Phase and GH Floranectar, nothing else.

This dead res thing is concerning me. How important is it?

Before the blumats I used a drip system with a pump. The kind that the drip hoses were like 1/8 inch and the nutes flowed out in a stream rather than drip out. Feeding once per day Using canna nutes and drip clean I never had a single clog ever.

Still using canna nutes and drip clean + bloombastic in flower. I put beneficial bacteria powder and Miskito dunk powder right under my drip line on my coco. If I went with a dead res it would kill my micro heard.

Is everyone running a dead res with blumats?

I think a dead res is very important, anything living will gunk up the res and therefore, the lines. Keeping them clean is what keeps your plants alive, so it's pretty important to me.

your previous drip system had much higher pressure and larger lines, so clogs werent an issue. With a slow, constant low-pressure drip, it's VERY easy for the tiny little 2mm ID lines to clog. You should not have a microherd with Blumats in the res, period. The lines will clog very quickly and the plants could die if left unattended. If you start to see pools of brown sludge on top of your medium under the dripper end, you have too much crap in your res and it needs to be flushed out with something ASAP. I would recommend physan, bleach or zone, and H&G Drip Kleen as an ongoing preventative chemical.


Active member
Thanks Lazyman, I put some bleach in a few days ago. I have been and will continue to only use canna coco A/B, Drip Clean, and Cannazyme in my res. Anything else I will just hand feed when needed.


Active member
god damn!! growin that high in the trees thats some serious guerilla shit...on some execute if they catch you kinda shit. that takes some devotion....probably the most work to grow a couple lbs ive ever seen!


I can see it now.
DEA we spotted a grow from the air and now we have been searching the ground for weeks now and have spent tens of thousands of dollars and we still can not find this grow.


What about Bud Candy? It says that it's safe for all types of hydro including drip. One problem, it contains "Sweet Brown Molasses" which everyone recommends against... Any input or experience would be appreciated!


What about Bud Candy? It says that it's safe for all types of hydro including drip. One problem, it contains "Sweet Brown Molasses" which everyone recommends against... Any input or experience would be appreciated!

this ain't you're dad's hydro drip. I see a lot of supplements labeled for tons of shit they shouldn't be used for anywho.


Active member
just bought six of the maxis, all the grow store had?

anyway, they were trying to sell me some bulk head to drill in to my rez. i don't have a drill anymore, so I didn't purchase (not in hurry to set up) but i thought people were running these on siphon, feed tube pulling from down in rez, over the side, and downward to the units.



naw, you need a bulkhead or thru hull fitting to place at the bottom of your rez. Or a grommet with straight barb fitting.