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Shock: Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson favors marijuana legalization

Baba Ku

Active member
I was responding to the divisiveness that was already existing throughout this thread, I did not bring it.

The personal attacks are all coming from folks such as yourself, sac beh. When you stay on topic it seems that you come to the conclusions that what I was saying is correct. When you veer off calling me an idiot, a blatant personal attack I might add, it only shows that your emotions drive a considerable amount of your thought process. (funny how the previous personal attacker also came to the conclusion that I was in fact correct once again...lol)
And I was being completely serious...not some ad hominem attack, as you put it. (Do you say ad hominem in your everyday speech?)
My comment was directed at the lack of good parenting that happens in today's society...or parenting of any sort actually.

You wax so eloquently, and with little no echo...amazing!


Active member
Yeah, that would be the typical stance of someone that was a part of the vast minority.

What the fuck are you, some sort of detective? A piss poor one if that is the case...lol....
Oh, wait...are you a snitch and think you have something?
Get a fucking grip.
Oh yeah, it's you, I don't know why I didn't spot your flaming narrow minded republican ass sooner hoosier.
Thanks for the neg rep, another classic hoosier move.
haha about your old account.

I was stunned to see Pat had woken up, so maybe there's hope for you too, but probably not.

I'm part of the "vast minority" that posses the critical thinking skills necessary, and lack the hillbilly upbringing, to see imaginary friends for the crock of shit they are.

sac beh

I was responding to the divisiveness that was already existing throughout this thread, I did not bring it.

The personal attacks are all coming from folks such as yourself, sac beh. When you stay on topic it seems that you come to the conclusions that what I was saying is correct. When you veer off calling me an idiot, a blatant personal attack I might add, it only shows that your emotions drive a considerable amount of your thought process. (funny how the previous personal attacker also came to the conclusion that I was in fact correct once again...lol)
And I was being completely serious...not some ad hominem attack, as you put it. (Do you say ad hominem in your everyday speech?)
My comment was directed at the lack of good parenting that happens in today's society...or parenting of any sort actually.

You wax so eloquently, and with little no echo...amazing!

Whoa whoa. I never attacked anyone in this thread except Pat Robertson. I responded to you rationally on the Christian topic, then pointed out that you seem to use the procreation insults quite a bit. See the question mark at the end of my re-statement of what you were saying to ddrew?

You're just trying to stir up argument.


weed fiend
Seems you like to break everything up into a line or two. Do you have trouble putting your thoughts all together in coherent paragraphs? Folks who use this style often take things said by people out of their original context and use them in their own special way.

And then there are folks who read your posts and wonder what part of context do you not understand?

Shit was being slung from the beginning....or do you turn a blind eye to disparaging remarks when they are directed at those you also loathe?
Ok, sh!t was slung, your feelings were hurt, you're thin skinned...

Yo comprende ...

Remember the numbers, pal. Math...it exposes lots of things. It brings light to things some were simply blind to, and puts the truly insignificant in it's place.
Yep, by your math, there are less than 2 non-religious, non-conservative pot smokers in the US. :biglaugh: You got the GPS coordinates too?

80% came out of the Ku Wazoo, why not make up some more?

Also, your debating style suck balls. Really very irritating to debate an out-of-contexter such as yourself. I mean this one: {"I don't care what your political leanings are.")
It was basically a useless response. I mean, I didn't present my political leanings in the paragraph. Not in the slightest. Oh, sure you may be able to make an assumption, and probably a correct one at that...but it had jack fuck to do with the words in the paragraph. See, that is how you operate...you can't fire back with anything of substance, just one liner quips and snipes...very bitchlike quips and snipes...but I suppose there is nothing wrong with presenting things in a bitchlike manner.
Whatever, mince your own words. Your bitchlike politics in the Pat thread is pretty funny.


weed fiend
Yeah, that would be the typical stance of someone that was a part of the vast minority.

Yep, I believe Larry Craig described it as "wide". hoosierdoodoo used to swear he knew the score too.

What the fuck are you, some sort of detective? A piss poor one if that is the case...lol....
Oh, wait...are you a snitch and think you have something?
Get a fucking grip.

Nah, we know you're a pest that has nothing.


weed fiend
It's not a matter of folks bailing...it's a matter of people like you actually procreate and raise children, all the while bringing them the rare wisdom that apparently only a small minority of people share.
Ever seen bacteria grow?

Yep, this thread is growing with opinions purported as fact. Kind of like hoodydoody bacteria. Thanks for the metaphor Ku!:wave:


weed fiend
When you stay on topic it seems that you come to the conclusions that what I was saying is correct.

In yer dreams..."pal".

Baba Ku said:
When you veer off calling me an idiot, a blatant personal attack I might add, it only shows that your emotions drive a considerable amount of your thought process.
Baba Ku said:
...very bitchlike quips and snipes...but I suppose there is nothing wrong with presenting things in a bitchlike manner.

Lets see if I've got it...

"idiot" - an emotional, blatant attack

"bitchlike" - not officially part of the English language, reserved for thread trolls to demonstrate their emotional control and intelligence.

Thanks for the demonstration, Ku.

(funny how the previous personal attacker also came to the conclusion that I was in fact correct once again...lol)
And I was being completely serious...

Serious delusion.


Active member
I watched cable news tonight (Maddow) and Robertson's doin' the walk back. A spokesperson said Pat wants decrim, not legalization. :biglaugh:

that teabag's show ain't news, lol, anymore than 'Hannity' is 'news'.

neither is anything more than current affairs opinion, ...aka bullshit.

...and all you hoosierdaddy haters ought to start your own social group where you can all go and talk amongst yourselve's, lol

fact is, hoosier has helped many, many, many of us become more successful growers, myself among them, and his threads have been viewed more than 100,000 times, despite what y'all think of his politics.



weed fiend
The guy couldn't get along unless you happen to agree with anything and everything he opined. Did you see his remote ballast? The one with the load coming off the male plug?

Two peeps, common (political and style) traits, Gatemouth for President in the signature. Nobody cares if they're the same, we just reflect.


weed fiend
that teabag's show ain't news, lol, anymore than 'Hannity' is 'news'.

A Robertson spokesperson's public statement was quoted verbatim. No opinion, just fact.

I added the walked back part because that's what Pat did.

As much as I hate to admit, even Sean Hannity has some "news" to set up his spill. He gets his facts right as often as not. It's just his analysis that makes me consistently cringe.

Baba Ku

Active member
You folks are some of the best we have.

Disco, why do you find it necessary to answer for other people? I mean, when someone is responding to someone other than yourself, it really isn't very good manners to butt in and answer for other people. Or perhaps you feel like others do, and if you place up a thread you are master and commander of all things in that thread, and each and every word in it is yours to critique?

sac beh, when you called me an idiot, you put forth a personal attack. I don't care how you want to justify it in your mind. I didn't call you anything. You do understand the concept, yes?


Active member
Ok, now that we have established to most peoples satisfaction that Baba Ku is one of Hoosiers old socks that he was forced to move into after being banned, I'll try to get back on topic.(I agree he helped many, and I enjoyed his botanical garden thread)

I'm curious what the reaction of other world religious leaders is to Pats statement about MJ.
I haven't seen anything yet, my guess is most will denounce it, and keep preaching that MJ is evil, and a tool of the devil, but maybe not.
Wouldn't it be something if the Christian coalition spear headed the movement to decriminalization, I'd have to rethink my position about them being all bad.
But I think Pat will be an isolated break from the ranks.

Baba Ku

Active member
You haven't established anything, other than your arguments are pretty lame, and that you have a proclivity to be a snitch.
Why don't you show us examples of any, let alone most, of the Christian right preaching to anyone and saying that MJ is evil and a tool of the devil. You made that shit up in your head, just like everything else I see coming from you. Nothing to back up your wild assertions.

lol...to most people's satisfaction? Not only a piss poor detective, but a swami to boot!

You folks are very entertaining to watch.

sac beh

sac beh, when you called me an idiot, you put forth a personal attack. I don't care how you want to justify it in your mind. I didn't call you anything. You do understand the concept, yes?

If I want to call someone an idiot, I won't put a question mark after. It was a restatement, in question form, of what you said!

You're clearly trying to stir up arguments with every you can here.


Active member
You haven't established anything, other than your arguments are pretty lame, and that you have a proclivity to be a snitch.
Why don't you show us examples of any, let alone most, of the Christian right preaching to anyone and saying that MJ is evil and a tool of the devil. You made that shit up in your head, just like everything else I see coming from you. Nothing to back up your wild assertions.

lol...to most people's satisfaction? Not only a piss poor detective, but a swami to boot!

You folks are very entertaining to watch.
I wish I could show you my rep hoosier, everyone knows it's you now.

You are so narrow and thick headed when it comes to religion and the republican party, you want everyone to believe that they are the champions of marijuana reform and it's just not the case, the opposite is true, they are the ones doing everything in their power to keep it illegal, and not because they stand to gain, which I don't approve of, but can understand, but because they have swallowed hook, line, and sinker all the lies told about MJ, and believe them to be true, just like they believe there is a grandfatherly old white guy in the sky watching over them.

Pull your head out of the sand, wake up, and do some research, instead of blindly accepting what your religious leaders and political heros say.

Pat will stand alone, the rest are complete morons, and will fight tooth and nail to stay that way.

Have you looked into any anger management courses yet hoosier?
Like I said before to your old account, if you don't get a handle on this anger and bitterness you have soon, you're going to have a heart attack.
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Active member
Why don't you show us examples of any, let alone most, of the Christian right preaching to anyone and saying that MJ is evil and a tool of the devil. You made that shit up in your head, just like everything else I see coming from you. Nothing to back up your wild assertions.


No Problem Hoody doody

"Time to again mobilize against marijuana"


"Christians Against Marijuana is on Facebook
Sign up for Facebook to connect with Christians Against Marijuana."


"Evangelicals Applaud Supreme Court Ruling Against Medical Marijuana"

"What’s My View of Christians Smoking Pot?"


My fellow Christians, why do you hate cannabis but love alcohol? Hypocrites?


Here's some of the many priceless answers to that question, there's others that are better, but to long to quote

"marijuana does the same thing and Christians don't love alcohol. do you really think God wants you wasting yourself like that? it ruins the body He gave you and your probably too high to read this so why do i try? I hope someone gets back to their senses"

"The bible states that God doesnt like sorcerers They wont enter into heaven, that translates into and includes Drug addicts, and others. So what youre saying is that Christians , Muslims and Jews should teach against the word of God, for Marijauana<WBR>­'s sake? Well the they wouldnt be Christians , Muslims and Jews then would they."

"Marijuana causes schizophre<WBR>­nia among people who use it when young. The brain is still developing up until age 25, so, using marijuana during teen years / early 20's, can seriously harm the evolving neurochemi<WBR>­stry of the brain, causing subjects to develop schizophre<WBR>­nia. In fact, marijuana users have as high a chance to get schizophre<WBR>­nia as those with a family history of it. This poison is illegal for good reason."

I could post 5000 examples of christians and their moronic, ignorant views on MJ
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I love my life
"marijuana does the same thing and Christians don't love alcohol. do you really think God wants you wasting yourself like that? it ruins the body He gave you and your probably too high to read this so why do i try? I hope someone gets back to their senses"

Well the author of that quote may not be high, but even so his mastery of the English language has third graders in awe! Besides not knowing the difference between your and you're the clown thinks "I" should be "i" and "he" should be "He."

Instead of getting people back to their senses this guy should go get his grade 6.


Baba Ku

Active member
OK, yeah you win. You are completely correct and I am way wrong on each and every issue.
It is obvious that you are superior to me in each and every way.

BTW, do you fucks grow pot? I don't see much on your pages. Not much at all really. What I see is a gaggle of blogsports rubbing each others nads. Seems these same people constantly engage the controversial threads, yet have jack shit to add when it comes to what we are really here for. I am always suspicious of those who stay here lots, yet have zero to show. (shrug)

And Disco...lol...man you really do have a lot of room to throw stones at peoples grows and equipment. I won't say much more...it's all there for us to enjoy. I can only hope that you were hoping for bad karma, because it is surely headed your way.
Or maybe I am reading things wrong...maybe you are wanting some critique of your stuff. Maybe that is why you think it important to point out what you think are flaws in other peoples methods and equipment? Are you trying to provide some constructive criticism, or perhaps you are simply throwing hate stones and really trying to ridicule someone? Is that your game? Your stuff can be taken apart and made look juvenile..you do realize this, yes?
Or do you think that your stuff is so beyond reproach that you can afford to point out others flaws? Hmmmm....

See, there is a theme in here that often rears its head...and many of the same folks are always in attendance. The theme is hatred of anything and everything that is Christian or politically conservative. The same people never fail to voice their loathe any chance they get. But guess what, there are lots of conservatives and Christians on this board. And it really sucks to see people throw stones at them all the time. You fucks never hesitate to throw stones at those you think are being bigots and spew hate speech...yet when it comes to groups you loathe, the hate speech and bigotry is justified.

Sadly others tend to not chastise you for such hatred and shit, basically because they probably agree with the hate and spew that is being laid out.
Funny how bigots can point out all the bigots.


weed fiend
You folks are some of the best we have.

And then there's you.:)

Disco, why do you find it necessary to answer for other people? I mean, when someone is responding to someone other than yourself, it really isn't very good manners to butt in and answer for other people.
Earth to Ku... responses aren't for your eyes only. Internet forums aren't real-time. There's no such thing as interrupting a virtual community conversation.

Didn't you address me without an express invitation? You certainly did. You don't like to debate because you can't hold water. Getting snippy with members is all you have. That and baseless assumptions.

You could Google your feelings and emotions, including facts or consensus in your posts. But it's obvious you put more onus on party persuasion.

Or perhaps you feel like others do, and if you place up a thread you are master and commander of all things in that thread, and each and every word in it is yours to critique?
Nah, I just think you're a stooge.

sac beh, when you called me an idiot, you put forth a personal attack. I don't care how you want to justify it in your mind. I didn't call you anything. You do understand the concept, yes?
Sac's already addressed you, Ku. Get off the tired excuse. I remember somebody else making head/ass insults so grow a pair.

You haven't established anything, other than your arguments are pretty lame, and that you have a proclivity to be a snitch.
Why don't you show us examples of any, let alone most, of the Christian right preaching to anyone and saying that MJ is evil and a tool of the devil. You made that shit up in your head, just like everything else I see coming from you. Nothing to back up your wild assertions.

Ku, the ONLY tool you possess is made up in your head. It's your one stop shop, your complete information source, your...

space between your ears.

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