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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Yeah man, please do.

Everything worked out fine for me, thanks guys. I don't have a scale or anything, but I'd say I got about an oz. The ice is pretty darn good. Could have used maybe another week, but definitely fine. The other plant out of the safari mix was not so much. Harvesting weeks, maybe a month, early, horrible time drying and curing, and all other mistakes made for some pretty bland mids. Airy buds with crap taste and smell, smoked it all in spliffs.

Not great, but I am happy to have the bud as well as the experience. I won't be up again for a while, but I'll be around, reading and learning.

BC, bro... Nasty nugs!!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks blwd67!! I'd like to try the ice sometime...
hey everyone!! thought I'd drop in to show you whats up...


this is where we are at day 20 of bloom..lots more light and bigger colas..I hope!!
Thanks to you for the help!!! please comment if you see anything!!!


Well-known member
Hey BC, looks like you had a killer harvest:) What was the final dry weight on that bad boy? The new scrog is certainly coming together as well. Keep up the good work buddy.


Bulb life

Bulb life

I don't want to stir up a hornets nest or nuttin', I'm just a little confused about this matter. I've read that it is wise to change your bulb after 3 grows or so. But my confusion lies in wondering if that is meaning those that veg with a 150W HPS, or includes those that use theirs to just flower (like myself). I realize there are those that advocate switching out every grow. I'm just looking for some thoughts on the matter.


Active member
Either way I recommend switching out your bulb every six months. Some bulbs last and some don't. If you want to know scientifically use a light meter.

Good Luck,



Sour D and Cheeze

Sour D and Cheeze

Got myself a new 150w:dance013: and have been following this thread for a while now and I finally get to post some of my own shots. The Cheeze is a clone(tall) from the CoOp and I burnt the shit out of the leaves when I first put it in there I thought I could have it closer to the light but I guess not so I did some trimming of the dead leaves and tied it down a little. The Sour D I have been playing around with I want a Scrog but I'm a newbie at this so I'm trying my best. I have a thread going come and check it out and help me got some good smoke.:wave:


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Yeah its not in the pic its a ghetto one that I did work on lol but it works I want to employ BC's idea of using to pc fans to help with the heat and just wire them to an old cell charger.




greetings everyone. I am new to this but am by no means uneducated. Over the past week I've read every article and have been lurking the forums. It's unbelievable how much information is available about this. I've grown many vegetables outdoors quite successfully in the past.

I am starting my very first grow in a small closet using a single 150 watt hps. Using DWC (emily's garden) Currently germinating Northern Lights and Aghan. I'd like to cross the two or at least get some good seeds for future use.

This thread has given me hope that I too can grow with what I have. Very minimal investment.

I'm new to this town and don't want to get involved in trying to find it for personal use. This is a great alternative and I'm very excited about the possibilities.

Wish me luck and I'll post pics up when things get growing.


Welcome to the club HobbyGrower and GrowBox. Be warned- growing your own is highly addictive. If your like most of us, you'll be spendin money on grow gadgets n shit soon enough.

Wound up gettin a grand total of 8.1 grams from the first plant I harvested last week. Also my fears were confirmed by the presence of a few tiny white immature seeds in a few of the lower buds-hermy! Thought somethin didnt look just right, just wasnt sure what I was lookin at. Thinkin maybe I didnt do a good enough job with lightproofing my intakes. Learning all the time. Got another plant bout done, probably a hermy too but oh well it gets me way higher than the mid grade we get around here. Pics this weekend. And enough rambling.

Take care everybody.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Hey All.
Been a while.
Good to see things going well here and folks are enjoying some beautiful harvests.
Also good to see some new faces and older ones giving out sage advice.

Spent the last month doing a bit of traveling, soul searching, and spiritual cleansing.
As part of it I decided to stay off-line and also gave up TV, Radio, and Newspapers.
What a wonderful experience it was, facilitated by an excellent advisor/guide that I can not thank enough.
You don't have to leave this country or even the North East to be able to totally immerse yourself in nature within the most beautiful surroundings.
The song 'Almost Heaven West Virginia' may ring true for some, but I just discovered that rural Northern Maine is just as good for me.
It really doesn't take long in a place like that to realize, most of what we own in life is just excess baggage.
Hope you all can lighten you load just a drop.

Best regards to all, PD



half cat half man half baked
Good advice PD.

Even if one lives in a city, take the time (even if it is hours) to drive out to paths man has less traveled. I was raised where there are more cows per square mile than people and having moved to the cities, I just can not escape enough. Farming is in my blood and growing cannabis, as I have learned to do especially from this thread and will forever be grateful for, has really given me a new perspective on life in general. The human experience inherently is something that we can only experience through ourselves. We only understand others through ourselves and the age old question of who are we, who am I, is something that we can not yet answer, but I am personally find peace knowing that if nothing else, I'm a living organism on this planet. The trips out to nature realize how small my role is amongst this world as I gaze upon thousands of plants at once and contemplate all the other life forms they feed, including me.

I really find I need to take such vacations when dealing with the burden that my family is disappointed in me because I have moved to the cities. Many of them feel I turned my back on them by leaving my agricultural based home and some day I hope I can share to them that I've been farming in my way. Some day I hope I can return hope and gaze upon thousands of cannabis plants plotted in fields with no fear of persecution and the peace of mind to share it's existence with as many people as possible. Until then, I will keep myself busy playing God per say for the 2 square feet that I have learned to control thanks to mentors here at ICMAG.

I wish my view about the world was more positive like yours PD, but I can hardly go on day after day without breaking down in rage about how fucked up our planet has become, because of us. I'm a fighter and as long as there is hope, no matter how little, I will continue to fight, but every now and then I fall to my knees and I need someone to pick me back up again. Thanks for the kind words and I hope I can help pay the favor forward by picking up others who have fallen. I'm more so interested in cultivated other fighters, but we all have our roles and we'd be no where if we didn't work together. Taking a trip outside of our modern worlds allows me to realign and question what is worth fighting for and frees mind to better plan my attacks.
Originally Posted by GrowBox420 View Post
Wow man how long did you veg for? nice
10 weeks, give or take a day or two.

earlier DISCOBISCUIT said he had photos of 50 days flower...

if this is same plants thats 70 days veg and 50 days flower....

im wondering if the biscuits are burned???:laughing::wave:

this is supposed to be a joke.....