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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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George Soros is the 35th richest man in the world with 14 billion dollars....he is exactly the type of person who can make this happen, regardless of prop. 19 passing.

The strain game is going to go crazy once prohibition is lifted. All the strains you thought were dead will most likely become available. Just think about the hybrids that will be developed by real breeders @Burpee...Have you seen their catalog? It's impressive to say the least. I'm sure something like Seed Savers Exchange will also be set up for the preservation of lines.

This bill is extremely beneficial to the preservation and overall well being of cannabis.

Vote yes....save the clock tower.


ICMag Donor
Does this Dragonfly have a place where we couild contact her letting her know we are not buying her lies?

People like her give this whole program a bad name.... We might better change her name to Garbagefly if she wants to spew garbage.....


Kiss My Ring
Soros is a businesman, he is unlikely to spend 1$m recklessly, or fruitlessly. If you think he doesn't see potential return, you're deluded.
The potential for cannabis is extradinary and he knows it.
Shame most of us cannot see past the inebriant qualities.

YES vote provides opportunities to return our economy to viability.

Not because of the relationship to getting looped, but because there are so many things can be made of it. Open your eyes.


Active member
George Soros

George Soros

From wikipedia on soros:

Drug policy reform

Soros has funded worldwide efforts to promote drug policy reform. In 2008, Soros donated $400,000 to help fund a successful ballot measure in the state of Massachusetts known as the Massachusetts Sensible Marijuana Policy Initiative which decriminalized possession of less than 1 oz (28g) of marijuana in the state. Soros has also funded similar measures in California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Nevada and Maine.<sup id="cite_ref-51" class="reference">[52]</sup> Among the drug decriminalization groups that have received funding from Soros are the Lindesmith Center and Drug Policy Foundation.<sup id="cite_ref-52" class="reference">[53]</sup>
Soros donated $1.4 million to publicity efforts to support California's Proposition 5 in 2008, a failed ballot measure that would have expanded drug rehabilitation programs as alternatives to prison for persons convicted of non-violent drug-related offenses. [2] <sup id="cite_ref-53" class="reference">[54]</sup>
According to remarks in an interview in October, 2009, it is Soros's opinion that marijuana is less addictive but not appropriate for use by children and students. He himself has not used marijuana for years.


rick shaw

Right on BHT the genie is going to be out of the bottle.The green energy program stalled because of lack of consumers demand causes manufacturing to slow causing lower employment completing the cycle.The California green program is going to be an economic engine.


If anyone has a direct line to Richard Lee or one of his people, could you please get this info to him? This device, if it is all that it is supposed to be would defeat the position that the Chamber of Commerce is pushing in their adds. I have mentioned this before in this thread. I think it may be important.


I read somewhere that it was being officially unveiled in November at a German medical science expo, but I can't find that now.


rick shaw

Saliva/sweat tests are not recognized by Department Of Transportation or Department of Labor.This might by the German company you are looking for www.securetec.net


Active member
This load of bullshit from the baptist church:
Prop 19 opponents: Don't let Soros buy marijuana vote

Posted on Oct 27, 2010 | by Michael Foust

LOS ANGELES (BP)--Opponents of a California initiative that would legalize marijuana e-mailed an "emergency alert" to subscribers Oct. 26, noting they have a small lead in the polls but warning that a last-minute $1 million donation by George Soros to the "yes" side could swing the race.

Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who donates often to liberal causes, made the donation Tuesday, the same day the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece by him, "Why I Support Legal Marijuana." Californians already are voting on the proposal, known as Proposition 19, in early voting.

Soros' $1 million contribution to the Drug Policy Alliance dwarfs all previous contributions, particularly of the "no" side, and will allow the alliance to put ads on the air in the final days. The No on Proposition 19 campaign has relied on free media and not aired any ads, although the California Chamber of Commerce is spending $250,000 on radio ads urging a "no" vote.

"How much pot can a million dollars buy?" Tim Rosales, campaign manager for the No on Proposition 19 campaign (NoOnProposition19.com), wrote. "... If we don't raise enough money right now, recreational marijuana will be coming to your workplace, schools, and highways -- just in time for Thanksgiving. Remember: every 45 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver. How often will someone be killed by a stoned driver?"


Sorcerer's Apprentice
"Remember: every 45 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver. How often will someone be killed by a stoned driver?"

Um... none times? The stoned driver will be doing 35 on the highway and sweating because he's driving "so fast."


Active member
If we don't raise enough money right now, recreational marijuana will be coming to your workplace, schools, and highways -- just in time for Thanksgiving.
Just in time for the Holidays, SWEET!
Another item to add to the list of things we are thankful for this thanksgiving.(Legal weed)


Saliva/sweat tests are not recognized by Department Of Transportation or Department of Labor.This might by the German company you are looking for www.securetec.net
If this is true that is a ginourmous crock. Saliva tests are the key to accuracy in thc intoxication testing. The only reason the DOT or DOL wouldn't want accuracy, is to keep us being held down by the man! Whew, that felt good! Power to the people!!

Not a German company, but a German tradeshow. it is called Medica http://www.medica-tradefair.com/ I was running out the door and didn't have time to google yesterday.

Regardless, I would still like someone to make sure he knows about this device. If nothing else, it may be an effective argument to their whole "stoned at work" scenario. I haven't been able to get much info on it presumably because the release is pending, but they have resources that I don't obviously.



Active member
Check this out...free MP3 ...Great Song!!!!


Recording artist Ziggy Marley has released a new single, "A Fire Burns For Freedom," also known as "Wild and Free," in support of Prop 19 and cannabis reform, and is offering the song as a free download on his website.

"I would love if everyone enlightened themselves on the many uses and benefits of this plant," Marley said. "A plant that if utlized to its full potential will greatly benefit humankind in the many different aspects of our lives and existence."

Ziggy's aim is to spread the word about marijuana and what if offers the human race.

"I have been quite surprised in my travels to realize that those who I have come in contact with seem oblivious to the 'other' uses of this amazing gift that has been given to us," Marley said.
Ziggy was on the Dylan Ratigan Show last Friday. Spoke fairly well about the movement. made the Hemp bio-fuel argument quite well. He said, "How can we have this green movement, without the greenest plant on earth," or something along those lines.

rick shaw

I find it interesting that Steve De'Angelo,chief of Harborside,sales $21 million last year. Was a vocal opponent of Prop 19,now is one of the applicants for the four commercial spaces Oakland plans.One of his people told me he plans to subdivide and lease to small grows.Damn I should have trademarked "THE 5x5".
He was pro-19 at the HT MedCan Cup. Openly. I was very skeptical of him, but he gave me some hope. He's a business person, and therefore shrewd and fickle. grain of slat and all that.
I dunno. just my :2cents:.

rick shaw

I think you got a good feel for him,he is a business man.I give him props for paying $15/hr and a gram at the end of your shift,but look at price he charges.He paid taxes on $21 million last year,that is over $57 thousand a day,they even re-pack beans ala Emery.Compassion does not come to my mind when I witness their operation.People like him are one of the reasons I grow my own.


Freedom Fighter
I find it interesting that Steve De'Angelo,chief of Harborside,sales $21 million last year. Was a vocal opponent of Prop 19,now is one of the applicants for the four commercial spaces Oakland plans.One of his people told me he plans to subdivide and lease to small grows.Damn I should have trademarked "THE 5x5".

The Oakland thing is Medical-- It has nothing to do with Prop 19 (Yet)--
The Oakland proposal is for 4 Mega Grows to supply MMJ for the Oakland 4--
At least that is how I understand it-- Been a while since I read it--
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