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A World On A String



its a wily plant,and modify and sterilize all you want,when nature want two things to f*** they find a way....
yes,cheaply produce Budweiser grade soma for the masses,on its way,agribusiness is salivating over the idea of patenting "strains",they cant find all our seeds!

....I don't live in fear of GM.....but I avoid it in my food....respect what science can do....but also know...what it can't do....and what ill thinking peeps can and will do with its power.

I fear...that peeps forget...this is what they've signed on for....with this kind of technology. Predictable control cloaked in uniformity/patented regulation....to keep us all safe from waking up. Make it so easy....your survival becomes dependent on products....full circle consumerism from the crib to the casket...sorry I'm not down....not for me. Fuck the reservation.

I'll stay under thank you...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hey,i can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together,im getting closer and closer to the solar and wind powered cabin way up in the hills,a greenhouse and some goats,i already live without most of what fat america takes for granted,every sheep herd needs a few wolves,otherwise there would be no point in shepherds...

been sprouting beans,got some nice looking stuff coming up DurbanThaiCindy99,a nice Destroyer cross,good beans,popped right up no problems.the first set are a week ahead,already 2/5 have caught my eye,i use a double cup method,one clear,one regular party cup,makes it easy to check the roots,and the roots are massive for such a small seedling,liking the LED lamp too


hey,i can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together,im getting closer and closer to the solar and wind powered cabin way up in the hills,a greenhouse and some goats,i already live without most of what fat america takes for granted,every sheep herd needs a few wolves,otherwise there would be no point in shepherds...

been sprouting beans,got some nice looking stuff coming up DurbanThaiCindy99,a nice Destroyer cross,good beans,popped right up no problems.the first set are a week ahead,already 2/5 have caught my eye,i use a double cup method,one clear,one regular party cup,makes it easy to check the roots,and the roots are massive for such a small seedling,liking the LED lamp too

Well man....I know I come off spacey at times....but I'm pretty conscious of how well we have been manipulated into a specific way of living. It is modern slavery...beyond what any chains could yield. It is genius...it is horrifying....and it is accepted by both slavers and slaves....that is its genius...constant fear thrown on the airways....in print...false enemies....untruths...entire communities built around prisons. Drugs sold over the counter to help turn you off....if are overly washed enough to have a melt down.....it is normal to feel anxiety...depressed...look at the pills....seems like they hand them out like candy.

Rise above.....the insanity is entertaining...I can't be sad. I intend to keep living happily....I'll manipulate myself through as I always have. But I'm not going to lie about my disgust for the human condition. Sick Animal Man....

I decide to germ up Mental Floss F2s....a Wonder Haze cross....and another cross I made a while back Bogbubble x REB X Calizahr.....see how I do...I really wasn't feeling like growing anything....see what pops....how my mood feels when I look at them.

No matter....I always find plants..or they find me...whatever....my flowers are looking promising...getting my mind blown here and there...no complaints....the PPP is treating me really good....I love all the stuff I'm smoking....all of it. The more I let myself go....the better the results....all I do is follow the plants down the holes...

I was thinking of putting all my beans in one container....one bucket of beans....no labels....just beans. I'm not there yet....but I think that's what will happen in the PPP....I see that now....

When I think I've mastered my selections....I'll let go of labels.....I need to prove some things to myself first....but that is my vision.


Jeez Unclefishtick, I'm almost the worlds biggest DTC99 fan. I grew out a bunch of hybrids this summer and they were fantastic, the thai really came out....Hey I've got a place way off the grid for ya'll, wanna buy it!!! After 5yrs, hauling water from the fish hatchery got old but it's a ski place, my intention was , well I had lots of them..now the place just sits there.I built the biggest septic you ever saw!! I still prefer the outhouse.Still waiting on the Nevilles pollen, the second male shot some out this morning, I'm going to open up the second vial of f-13, the 1st was junk...My fancy cuts are slow in putting out flowers too but I'm hitting them as they mature.All in fun, all in fun..thanks for the reading gentlemen, it's a nice break for me.:)Here's the DTC99 hybrid I grew out, I had 3 beauties, you can see some of the seed from the tendency for the plants to throw a herm around, same pollen made some nice seeds on my mango/widow...


....I don't know where my little family will be going after California. We prefer the tropics....but I love the mountains out here....in the west. I still love California...big enough....that you can still get out...I can not complain....the system has treated me ok.

Seems that I woke up after more than a decade of concentrating on career....buying property and toys...paying insurances for every little thing....thinking about investments and retirement....the whole deal...with being an upstanding adult in the "American Dream"....

I was...I now realize....drugged into sleep....every step of the way...with every success...I never felt any better....with every luxury...I just added another layer to the bullshit....one day....or over a series of years....I simply...just woke up and smelled the shit...that I had been hungrily eating to be successful. I understood then...I was not successful at all....I was not playing on my terms....I was just another brick in the wall....another cog in the machine....that I was slaving for a system that held no regard for me or mine....and in reality...was only helping me destroy my sense of freedom.

Herb....when I came back to growing....turned me on again....it changed my life.....at a crucial time. I never stopped smoking herb...even though I had to dodge piss test etc....but I had forgotten how to listen to the messages....that the influence of ganja tends to uncover in your mind. When I started listening again....I quit my hard earned career....stopped trying to numb myself....started growing everything I could get my hands on. No matter what happens now....I could never go back to that way of life....that held me under the guise of success. Nothing I did...was really being done for me....it fed my ego....it gave me status....but it was empty in the end.

I'm a much healthier person now....all way round.....not saying growing herb has changed my life...wait...actually...that is what I'm saying....you must grow....there must be connection with caring for life in itself. Watching things you planted....come to be....wow...what a rush....just amazes me. Complex in its simplicity.

I'm going out to the garden....you dudes on here.....grow some excellent stuff....gives me motivation to push further on. Where does it go? I don't really want to know....but it won't stay the same.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i have a wide nomadic streak in me,as often as i may yo yo back to the home grounds,its the new that i crave,to be integrated with the familiar comforting habits of routine,but also to shatter those habits when they no longer work or are not appropriate to what i need at that time...progressive perpetual pathways....same should hold true in my garden....
after a brief journey to the ugly underbelly of growing,a necessary if unpleasant furthering of my education as a grower....the same monocrop function over form mentality that is painting our world beige that is so rampant in the "industry"....yield yield yield they cry like the robber barons of old....screw that,im happy riding my 18 yr old bike,living a simple life,growing great herb,sittin at the workbench...the difference between being and doing...money is just a consensual hallucination we participate in....a plant is something you can see,a far more worthy use of time....people who only smoke pot are missing out on 99% of the joy that could be had....


...well you can stay in the same job....where you have...found success...found comfort....found routine....and if that is what you are looking for...fine.....it may pay you out in your old age. By that time...in most cases...your best years have passed you by....and without the job to go to....you've lost purpose...lost identity....quickly on the way...to losing your drive to continue on. I've seen it time after time.

I don't see many benefits in getting old...so why would I want to spend my best years....giving them to a system that is nothing but a bubble of false security? The world is not...never was...never will be...a safe place. You can not fear for what...in fact...does not exist. Fear mongering...is pretty close to the top of the list....as a tactic used by the slavers. To be afraid...is to remain...a slave. Unafraid peeps are the slavers worse enemy imo.

To be able to manipulate....and thrive in a system of slavery...without being a slave to it....that is success. I'm not there yet...but I'm looking for the path. Waking up is one thing...but it's what you do with your awakening....that counts. Many see....then decide it better....to go back to sleep. You take a serious beating... it goes on and on...test of faith....test of the chin...test of your balls. I have moments of doubt...but not often...as I have no other way to go...so failing is not an option. I must doubt failure.

Couple flushing Skunks....getting close....won't go 70daze...at least not these two. Showed these before....aromas mostly typical sweet skunk..on the club pheno...a bit more of a funky sweet skunk..Easy plants to grow.

Interesting plants in the Hummingbirds....vegging for another week or two....most look like the taller one....but I did get a very Kush leaning phenotype....very indie...squat and dark. I have a nice batch going.

Hummingbird= Kali Mist x ChemDKush X Grape Krush

Moving on with my progressions.....interesting things in Faye Dunaway (ChemDD X Cindy Jones)....I have a male and female Super Tribal Jack that will get involved with the Satechism (Casey Jones X Blue Satellite 2.2) project.....I'm planning to blend I-HOP Highend with ChemDD f2s.....Honey White BX1 and Sweet Milk are/or are going in the flower studio...those will work good together. All kinds of good stuff....


Strawberry Hill...."Lunker" phenotype harvest...day 78

Strawberry Hill...."Lunker" phenotype harvest...day 78

This plant reeks....not of Haze....but of berry and funk. Like rotten funk.....super strong and like musty.....almost skunky....I love the aroma....rottenberryfunk...stinking up the place.

Her top had trouble staying up....if untied...she flopped. Heavy and thick top...not at all airy Haze...like her early finishing sister. Totally...a different plant.

She presented no problems at all....simple as pie...to cultivate. I flushed her out for over 2wks....she reacted not at all...to the girdle torture.

Here....seeded flower....Thai Haze X Skunk #1....I imagine interesting plants in these beans.

...And furthermore....all the Sweet Milk and Honey White BX1....are now together in flower. I pretty much have made a clear cut section....with this batch of indicas. I had to set it up this way....to give some of the more squat phenotypes a chance at the lights. Should work out.

Here is what the male Sweet Milk= Gumblebum X LUI....look like...now removed....and gone into exile....to make dust privately. I'm happy with these two dudes....they look excited to be a part of this project.

Setting up to inline Odessa into the F2....they are fun plants....may have some variety. They are vigorous as hell....and like a beating....really starting to get going.

I'm finding out a lot about my Cindy Jones Male through the Joy Divisions I inlined....which is good....as he is the father of Odessa and Faye Dunaway...I have the Fayes coming up in the next month...and I'm planning to inline straight away...have my males stashed for the occasion....and running 2 females....a 2 on 2 pollination...so small....so trivial...


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
Hola Pablos, lookin good bro. hopefully that SHill smokes well for ya.

heres a few shots of the #5 plant outside. yields real well for a haze outcross, mostly Haze dom in aroma and taste.








How goes the battle, Pablos? :tiphat:

....Dude...the battle goes well....basically letting the plants be plants....

All the Odessa (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones) have been inlined and are jamming plants.

Collected the pollen I needed for the Sweet Milk (Gumblebum X LUI) inline and for the Honey White BX1 outcross....that is all running very smooth.

The Summertime Rolls (ChemDD X TFlux Highland) is looking killer...and was outcrossed to Odessa and Sweet Milk....on different branches....I killed her clone though...not sure why I did that...but that is why I hit her with the different pollen.

The Hummingbirds (Kali Mist x ChemDKush X Grape Krush) are looking pretty sick....most are were put into flower over the last few days....and being set up for the inline pollinations plus the outcross to Prune Juice (Querkle X Grape Krush). All that is coming together nicely....I'm way stoked on all of them.

Outdoor Purple Bastard Haze F2 still going...harvested the last indoor sister at 91daze flower.....drying now. The OD plant is still getting no favors in the weather...drilled with cold rain the last few days....no cover...no love....tough plant.

A wave of Killer Chemdogs F2s....all either outcrossed to Joy Division or Casey Jones F2......or inlined........are coming through presently along with some Skunks.....but way happy with the Killer Chemdogs....very consistently solid plants....I can see all the different moms I used.

The Skunk cross I'm working on (in the F2 and made with ChemDD males)....are all leaning to the Skunk.....nice plants....but not what I'm looking for as far as taste and resin production. Yields are good...structure fine.....and I like the high...potent. Aroma and flavor is not there though.....smells just like a sweet skunk #1...very typical.

Real world stuff is keeping me busy.....sometimes you have to slave.

I'm still reading Shakey....and realize the way David Briggs recorded Young.....is very similar to my view of Chaos in my garden/lifestyle....let the fucking tape run....don't think too much....the 1st concept is the one to go with.....don't fuck with shit...let it flow. Expect and embrace flaws.

I'd rather be a down and dirty Horse than a polished piece of shit....


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I'd rather be a down and dirty Horse than a polished piece of shit....

Neil recorded a track during the Ragged Glory sessions called 'Don't Spook the Horse', a 7m Horse jam that Neil recorded standing in a tub of horse shit. Had to get the "feel". Briggs @ the helm. :D

groovy gravy, HL


Neil recorded a track during the Ragged Glory sessions called 'Don't Spook the Horse', a 7m Horse jam that Neil recorded standing in a tub of horse shit. Had to get the "feel". Briggs @ the helm. :D

groovy gravy, HL

LOL....I did not know that....but understand exactly what the title of the song means...the entire concept (Crazy Horse)....is perfection imo. I did not know much of Briggs either....until the book....but definitely could feel his power in the music....that driving force. There is a lot I don't know...some I never want to know...but it's nice when you can find others on the same page sometimes....chaos spins. Wonderful to come across practitioners of the spin...I can understand it.

I'm really attempting that fine fine...line....on how to understand how things work....then try to forget all the influences....and rework how things work. My purpose all along...has been to follow the plants...not attempting to make them follow me. Sounds easy enough as I type this....just me and them...no advertising...no gimmicks...no preservations...take some of the most available genetic material (for the most part) and turn it away from all of that...make it into something else. Doesn't have to be perfect...but it must be soulful and have guts....otherwise...it's just gardening.

If I smoke another "Tropical" blend....I'll puke. I'm so over them right now....putting all that down for the rest of the year. I'm going in a different direction for a while.

....Off to the city....yup...gotta get off my hill...busy bee


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Man you got some great Genetics info in your thread. Maybe you can answer a question i got. I recently popped a few ****** NewBlueDiesels and one came out with two heads. Pretty wicked... I couldnt find any info on it. You ever run across a two headed seedling? Is this a good thing? Wondering if its male if i can use the pollen or is it a mutant unwanted trait.


Man you got some great Genetics info in your thread. Maybe you can answer a question i got. I recently popped a few ****** NewBlueDiesels and one came out with two heads. Pretty wicked... I couldnt find any info on it. You ever run across a two headed seedling? Is this a good thing? Wondering if its male if i can use the pollen or is it a mutant unwanted trait.

...hey Critter....sure it's not two sprouts out of the same bean? That I see from time to time....with one generally outgrowing the other....then I will cull the little one. 2 out of 20something seedlings in my last Sweet Milk batch...were doubles...but I don't usually see it that often.

I've never felt the need to separate them....but I hear of peeps that have....like I say...I'll keep the stronger sprout....

That's about all I know or have observed....thanks for stopping by


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i dunno,i had a pack of vampire twin seedlings... one used all its energy choking the other off and then died itself...6/7 did that from one pack,three seeds got crushed,the lone survivor was male...


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
No I mean its got two heads coming off a main. Like a Y heres a pic

its alot bigger now