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Getting bullied= Commiting S*icide?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I actually really enjoy Micheal Moore's work but hey to each his own. Not all of what he says might rain true for all but I think this show hits the nail on the head if I'm wrong then watch the show and get back to me. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water atleast not in this instance. The US is in real trouble here and he does break it down so watch it and see if he is right or wrong.. peace out Headband707:)

I have watched it, I didn't say I don't like his work nor did I say I don't watch his movies. What I did say is you got to be careful of taking what he says at face value.


Yeah watch it then get back to me about that one .. I guess the TRUTH really does sting LOL LOL LOL:laughing:

Buddy, I know more about the truth than you could ever hope to imagine.

Again, I've seen the movie. It doesn't point out much other than what is common sense for those capable of critical thinking.

Watch Invisible Empire, and maybe YOU will learn something.


Active member
Not my statistics, I was talking about the thread topic when SG threw the nature of American's and how many are on Food Stamps into the mix. I was merely trying to put his 40+ million into perspective but I didn't carry the decimal position properly. I was corrected and thanked the person correcting me. As for the why so many? Well let me see near 10% unemployment takes care of explaining almost that whole amount but you can also factor in declining salaries and higher costs of living.

Oh well your brother's kid does it so yeah, I guess that proves the rest of the US population does it too? :rolleyes: That's precisely the problem in this discussion. People look around at one or two or a handful of people in their own lives and then project those people's values onto 330 Million other people they don't know and have never met. Yes Greed is the problem but no not everyone is greedy. If that were true there would be no such thing as charity or volunteers.

Actually the jobs protected by unions are some of the few manufacturing jobs still here so it's not unions that caused the problem. It's competeing with countries that don't have minimum wage laws, that don't force employers to pay an amount roughly equal to a salary for unemployment insurance, that doesn't force employers to carry workman's comp, that doesn't force manufacturers to stick to any kind of safety or health standards in their operation. Those things there acoount for most of the overhead companies deal with in the US. Since the companies in other countries aren't hamstrung by those laws and regulations they can produce the exact same thing much cheaper. That creates the reality that the only way American manufacterers can compete globally is to stop manufacturing in the US. So yeah it was an effort to lower labor costs but not because of unions.

Nope sorry the average teacher salary in the US is under $45K (http://www.payscale.com/research/US/All_K-12_Teachers/Salary). Also $30 per hour is 62.4K per year but we've already established teachers get paid about 20K less then that. Seeing as how $30 per hour was totally riddiculous there's no need to point out the absurdity of $35 per hour. Also it is not a part time job, it's not a traditional 9-5 job with two weeks paid vacation and holidays but it's far from a part time job. Well that's if you really teach and make up your own lesson plans and tests. If you're the baby sitter kind that doesn't really teach but rather makes sure the kids open and look at their text books then yeah maybe for those kind of teachers it's a part time job.

Oh so it's the kids fault? You think they take guns to school because they just thought one day "Oh snap, It'll be so cool if I take this gun to school"? They take guns to school because they feel threaten by the violence in the schools and in the neighborhoods they have to walk thru to get to school. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the cities failing to clean up the crime and gang problems in their cities? In the rich suburbs you don't have the metal dectors and police in the schools. Likely because those cities that represent the suburbs have a better handle on crime in their jurisdictions but they still have stupid teachers that just tell the kids to read from a book and then take quizes or tests that come already thought out by the publisher in the teacher's edition of the same textbook. They don't have to think, they don't have to really teach, they just need to be able to read their book so they can tell the kids what to study in their books.

Yeah there are other things that play into why the single family income ended but regardless of what caused the end of the single family income it's still that end that has led to our nation's moral decline. Our kids are the way they are because they're mostly latch key kids raised by tv, video games and the internet.

Less than 1% are volunteers...and besides, it makes some people feel good, or it gives them something to do. I'll stick with greed.

Actually...MOST manufacturing union jobs are gone. and yes, those points you made are also accurate. I never denied it's profitable to move off shore. But Americans high pay forces us out of many jobs. Our minimum wage is what? $7? What do they pay in Malaysia? .25?

When you sign a contract to work 180 days in a 365 day year...it's a part time job.

5% of the students make their job difficult...why are they still there? Throw them out and the other kids will learn again.

Yup...it's the kids and their parents, and their parents before them. you have 2 cultures in this country...the "culture of the man"...and everyone else. Those who "play by the mans rules", win...those who don't...don't.

What is different between the people who live in the inner city and have the dangerous neighborhood and school where they NEED a gun and the kid from the suburbs who is safe and everyone around them are safe? Please tell me...why can one group control themselves and the other not? It IS the kids!

I agree with you..."mom at work" fucked us up...big time! But there were far more insidious things that happened during the civil rights movement.

I have watched it, I didn't say I don't like his work nor did I say I don't watch his movies. What I did say is you got to be careful of taking what he says at face value.

Take EVERYTHING you hear at LESS than face value...trust me on this.

Nice reply HampKat...but I don't agree.


I know the reason we're so low compared to other places...but I can't say it.

WHO needs taking care of? I know... Who begs to be taken care of? I know...

So what have YOU decided? I know...

Ayn Rand...oh, I get it now...you MEANT "any" ?...OK, sorry.

Just ignore the lies. That's what I do.

It's 13%...quite a bit more than "your statistics" of 1.3%...yes, you're right, you CAN'T trust the numbers people throw around. That amount of the population IS disgusting. Why is it happening?

Really? or are they just going too far into debt because they NEED all the latest toys and their daily Starbucks fix? My brothers kid just lost their house...but they still have their fucking iphones! And they still go and have their triple latte mocha or whatever the fuck they're called. The young people these days were spoiled rotten by their parents...that's what's wrong with the youth today. Everything WAS given to them...they expect that to continue.

Greed IS the problem...but EVERYONE is greedy.

Greed of the rich didn't send our jobs away...we did...through the unions. We organized to get more and more...well, now it's too much, too expensive...the jobs went where they could afford the labor...it's quite simple.

Actually, that's your parents job...but they're too busy working to pay the bills to teach you anything. What? you CAN teach for $35 an hour but not $30? Nope, teachers are greedy too. It's a PART TIME job, yet most make over $50K a year.

Actually, the problem is with the kids. Inner city schools are more like prisons than schools. Metal detectors, police patrols, WTF is wrong with these kids? Yes, there, in the inner cities, teachers ARE baby sitters. Go to the rich suburbs...school is NOTHING like what you described. So...why the difference?

And WHERE did this happen? Anything in common?

Not ALL our decline was caused by that...but it's a biggie for sure!

I personally think our "great decline" occurred when we went from "getting the best person" to "filling a quota". When we went from striving to be our very best...to everyone is equal...I deserve my share just because.

I had a good chuckle with this one...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Less than 1% are volunteers...and besides, it makes some people feel good, or it gives them something to do. I'll stick with greed.

Actually...MOST manufacturing union jobs are gone. and yes, those points you made are also accurate. I never denied it's profitable to move off shore. But Americans high pay forces us out of many jobs. Our minimum wage is what? $7? What do they pay in Malaysia? .25?

When you sign a contract to work 180 days in a 365 day year...it's a part time job.

5% of the students make their job difficult...why are they still there? Throw them out and the other kids will learn again.

Yup...it's the kids and their parents, and their parents before them. you have 2 cultures in this country...the "culture of the man"...and everyone else. Those who "play by the mans rules", win...those who don't...don't.

What is different between the people who live in the inner city and have the dangerous neighborhood and school where they NEED a gun and the kid from the suburbs who is safe and everyone around them are safe? Please tell me...why can one group control themselves and the other not? It IS the kids!

I agree with you..."mom at work" fucked us up...big time! But there were far more insidious things that happened during the civil rights movement.

Take EVERYTHING you hear at LESS than face value...trust me on this.

Nice reply HampKat...but I don't agree.

Well see that's the wonderful thing about opinions, you don't have to agree, you can have your opinion and I can have mine. I might be wrong, you might be wrong, we both might be wrong.

What I'm sure of is that it's not as simple and cut and dried as many here seem to think. Pick any large group of people you want that share a common race, nationality, religion, sexual preference, etc. and you can not make a single judgement of them all other then they are all members of whatever group it is you picked. Beyond that individuality dictates and to lump everyone into some stereotype so you can say all of that group are this way or that is unjust and unfair to those that don't fit your stereotypes. Like your statement that everyone in America is greedy. It does an unjust discredit to the 1% of volunteers you acknowledge which also proves your statement false by the way. Oh and I know you'll probably just claim it as propagnda from the government but as of the end of 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 28.6% of the population volunteered for something in 2009. ( http://www.bls.gov/news.release/volun.nr0.htm ) It also does a discredit to the $303 Billion in charitable contributions made by Americans last year ( http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/news/2010/06/pr-GUSA2010.aspx ).


lives on planet 4:20
Well see that's the wonderful thing about opinions, you don't have to agree, you can have your opinion and I can have mine. I might be wrong, you might be wrong, we both might be wrong.

What I'm sure of is that it's not as simple and cut and dried as many here seem to think. Pick any large group of people you want that share a common race, nationality, religion, sexual preference, etc. and you can not make a single judgement of them all other then they are all members of whatever group it is you picked. Beyond that individuality dictates and to lump everyone into some stereotype so you can say all of that group are this way or that is unjust and unfair to those that don't fit your stereotypes. Like your statement that everyone in America is greedy. It does an unjust discredit to the 1% of volunteers you acknowledge which also proves your statement false by the way. Oh and I know you'll probably just claim it as propagnda from the government but as of the end of 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 28.6% of the population volunteered for something in 2009. ( http://www.bls.gov/news.release/volun.nr0.htm ) It also does a discredit to the $303 Billion in charitable contributions made by Americans last year ( http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/news/2010/06/pr-GUSA2010.aspx ).

...taking into account each person's brains has more than a trillion
brain cells, and the perception that a person has depends on the
associations between those brain cells, and plus the fact that
every person has had unique experiences in his life...it all boils
down to one thing...every person is 100% unique!

...now the way society (government, parents, friends, etc)
manipulates a human being will have an impact obviously, but
still, in the end everything that each person does, he or she
does this war his/her own unique reason...because the associations
that make the person act are 100% unique...period

and most folks look at everything as if a human has "one brain cell"...lol...

...when in fact everything is not only "more" complicated, it is one
trillion times more complicated, and there have been plenty of tests
done, and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that each person's
perceptions are 100% unique...and no one else sees the world
exactly the way he/she sees it!

...in the end statistics only prove that there was a statistic done,
and actually doesn't even prove this, because we never saw anyone
doing anything, they only get published and we never know who
is behind "creating" all these numbers.

...so in reality, the only approach that can work, is to look at
every person as a separate individual, and go from there.

...but obviously, the government, and parents have more important
things to do, and always take the path of least resistance, and do
whatever is the most "comfortable" which is usually...NOTHING

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
maybe less flowery language will educate the masses

i truly believe you are belligerent and apathetic if you think your view of the world was meant to define humanity

and yes i think you are a low life piece of shit if you interfere in another's life without consent and that is what cyber bulling is

internet pussies who dont have the balls to spew the same hate in real life

and all you holy than though pot heads that think you got your lives together talking like authorities of the life of others like you have found all the answers

LOL most of you cant live without pot so how fucking strong are your minds really?

or have you simply found a "medicine" that gets you through your day and thus have forgotten what it is to think and feel

sounds like a bunch of iconoclast hypocrites who have sold themselves on their own righteousness

id love to know how intact your personal lives and the interactions with ones you have known and loved have come to play out over the years

im sure its relative to your capacity for compassion

you reap what you sow so dont cry the fucking blues when it comes back to you

dude you just judged a whole group of people you have never met or heard about any of their experiences. Some of these people you just put down put up with a life of pain and depression from chronic and terminal illness that surpasses anything an internet bully could possibly do. If you have ever seen anyone go through kimo then you know what I am talking about. I consider my self lucky to just have a bad stomach condition that hurts everyday of my life almost, when I see people with MS, or Cancer or AIDS, my disease doesnt mean shit (it just makes me shit). It totally ruins my social life sometimes when it acts up really bad, it is embarrassing, 99.9 percent of peple dont understand it, and it sucks. But I have 2 choices, focus on the possitive, and stay active, or dwell on the negative and be depressed about it.

My cup is more than half full, it is filled to the brim!. I live in the greatest country in the world for me, and everyday is a new day. Carpe Diem

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Buddy, I know more about the truth than you could ever hope to imagine.

Again, I've seen the movie. It doesn't point out much other than what is common sense for those capable of critical thinking.

Watch Invisible Empire, and maybe YOU will learn something.

Bra anyone who thinks were not being lead around by the rings in our noses needs their heads examined lol.. They can call it whatever they want but these assholes have been around since FOREVER!!! LOL.. Wherever there is money there will always be coruption /power/greed.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
...taking into account each person's brains has more than a trillion
brain cells, and the perception that a person has depends on the
associations between those brain cells, and plus the fact that
every person has had unique experiences in his life...it all boils
down to one thing...every person is 100% unique!

...now the way society (government, parents, friends, etc)
manipulates a human being will have an impact obviously, but
still, in the end everything that each person does, he or she
does this war his/her own unique reason...because the associations
that make the person act are 100% unique...period

and most folks look at everything as if a human has "one brain cell"...lol...

...when in fact everything is not only "more" complicated, it is one
trillion times more complicated, and there have been plenty of tests
done, and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that each person's
perceptions are 100% unique...and no one else sees the world
exactly the way he/she sees it!

...in the end statistics only prove that there was a statistic done,
and actually doesn't even prove this, because we never saw anyone
doing anything, they only get published and we never know who
is behind "creating" all these numbers.

...so in reality, the only approach that can work, is to look at
every person as a separate individual, and go from there.

...but obviously, the government, and parents have more important
things to do, and always take the path of least resistance, and do
whatever is the most "comfortable" which is usually...NOTHING

Well when you talk of statistics that are about opinions what you say is true. When you talk about statistics of actions people take, our unique perceptions don't apply. They don't apply because an action is something that can be witnessed and recorded and then later counted.

I fully understand about statistics and polls though. I used to work for a research organization. First of all every poll is done of a sampling of the population. The closest thing to an actual poll of the entire population is the census and even in the census some people aren't recorded. With polls though they use what's called a "scientific sampling" or sometimes called a cross sampling. Basically this means the pollsters pick and choose people for their polls by getting a certain number of men, women, young, old, black, white, asian, hispanic, etc. And this sampling then becomes representative of the entire nation.....in theory. The problem is, these companies that do polls have it down to such a science and have a good idea of how people feel from one region to the next. That they can pretty much guarentee the customer (the person wanting a poll done) that they'll get whatever results that person wants. Further they are masters of phrasing questions in such a way as to lead people to the answers they want.

So yes most polls are crap but polls or statistics that show actions such as volunteering or giving charitable contributions tend to be a little more reliable because it's easier to confirm the results from records.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Bra anyone who thinks were not being lead around by the rings in our noses needs their heads examined lol.. They can call it whatever they want but these assholes have been around since FOREVER!!! LOL.. Wherever there is money there will always be coruption /power/greed.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:

Oh well we should just give up then seeing as how we're all being led around and there will always be coruption/power/greed wherever there is money. Unless of course we swear off money. :rolleyes:


lives on planet 4:20
So yes most polls are crap but polls or statistics that show actions such as volunteering or giving charitable contributions tend to be a little more reliable because it's easier to confirm the results from records.

True. But what I wanted to say in my post, was not so much about
statistics, but about the fact that the people commiting suicide have
a unique reason for doing it...even in the cults, where people commited
suicides...each individual cult member had a unique reason for killing
himself...because of the "uniqueness" of the associations that our
brains make.


Active member
I often ponder the nature/nurture debate.

In theory if these kids had a high enough level of dopamine, seratonin, etc...
could they have endured the bullying? We know when brain chemicals are altered, one's perception of reality is altered.
I wonder what role brain chemistry plays in suicide.


lives on planet 4:20
I often ponder the nature/nurture debate.

In theory if these kids had a high enough level of dopamine, seratonin, etc...
could they have endured the bullying? We know when brain chemicals are altered, one's perception of reality is altered.
I wonder what role brain chemistry plays in suicide.

...obviously a "huge" role...because "feelings" are the fundamental
force that controls human behavior, and if brain chemicals are
altered and this leads to feelings they simply can't cope with
they have no other option (as far as they perceive) but, to
commit suicide, because if they could cope with it...they would!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
True. But what I wanted to say in my post, was not so much about
statistics, but about the fact that the people commiting suicide have
a unique reason for doing it...even in the cults, where people commited
suicides...each individual cult member had a unique reason for killing
himself...because of the "uniqueness" of the associations that our
brains make.

I would agree that each person committing suicide has a unique reason for doing so even if they seem similarly motivated. Consider thought that while the person's specific reasoning (what they would answer if asked why they killed themselves) the external trigger can still be the same. Like take the case this thread is about, let's say another person had the same thing happen except instead of a gay sexual encounter he was caught having sex with a child and kills himself out of fear of the prison sentence he might face. In each case the reason for the suicide was different but the cause in both cases would be that their privacy was violated.

Baba Ku

Active member
I would hope all pedophiles would take the trigger treatment once they have been outed and exposed. They should be encouraged to do the right thing and do themselves in.
What a help to society that would be. Only thing better is for them to actually make it to lockup. They face a much worse fate there. Bubba awaits, and he aint nice. He's horny and hates these motherfuckers worse than I do.

Kids with sexual identity problems are not even on the same plane of reality with a pedophile. I care about the kid, I hope the pedophile gets pumped full of lead and lives so his eyes can be plucked out at a later date...but that's just moi.
Oh, and fuck a whole bunch of a pedophiles privacy.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I must have missed something.Why would you catagorize Nurses along with cops,prison guards and dea

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Oh well we should just give up then seeing as how we're all being led around and there will always be coruption/power/greed wherever there is money. Unless of course we swear off money. :rolleyes:

Give up?? or swear off money? well that would be up to you.. Be totally naive to the whole thing and go on and on about how America/Canada is so great and the land of the free and all that CRAP!! LOL Yeah that shit's getting old real fast..Whats funny is how much they can get away with without getting in shit and how we get to pay for all this lol peace out Headband707:laughing:


lives on planet 4:20
I would agree that each person committing suicide has a unique reason for doing so even if they seem similarly motivated. Consider thought that while the person's specific reasoning (what they would answer if asked why they killed themselves) the external trigger can still be the same. Like take the case this thread is about, let's say another person had the same thing happen except instead of a gay sexual encounter he was caught having sex with a child and kills himself out of fear of the prison sentence he might face. In each case the reason for the suicide was different but the cause in both cases would be that their privacy was violated.

HK...this is without a doubt true, but the most interesting part of this
whole "structure" (external trigger => internal associations =>
internal perceptions => beliefs/fears => vision of consequences
(prison, humility, shame) => actions (suicide, ignore the whole
thing, smoke a joint, film another video and put it up yourself, etc.)
in the end go through the FILTER of a person's beliefs/convictions
and the ASSUMPTIONS that this person makes about the consequences

...so in the end, it is the Programming/Conditioning that plays a major
part in this chain of events, and the EXTERNAL TRIGGER is also
a part of this Programming/Conditioning.

...this basically means that this structure has a CONFLICT inside
of it...sort of like when people try to lose weight with diets and
then they gain it back...then they try to lose it again...and then
they gain it back once more, and so on for the rest of their lives.

...the only difference here is that once a person commits suicide,
there is a RESOLUTION in the structure...and equilibrium is reached.

...equilibrium is the goal of any structure, and this is why these
conflicts exist. There is always two or more forces pulling a person
in different direction, and in the case of a suicide, one of the sides
is just so overwhelming that a person decided to put an end to it.

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