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BhT goes toe-to-toe with tea party fanatics

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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Anyone see Brendan Steinhauser on Colbert show last night? Seriously funny shit. Colbert made him look like a damn fool.....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
There was this otherwise funny site someone posted the other day, that went as far as to compare to Anslinger to Glen Beck. All while GB is opposed to prohibition. You guys just can't keep your shit to yourself. Oh well.

I'm not sure if you actually listened to the context of Glenn Beck's rant about legalization of marijuana. What he said is that we should get rid of the gray area. Either all marijuana use should be legal OR it should all be illegal. He didn't care to comment on the atrocities of treating mj users like they were domestic terroists by jack boot government thugs, the massive economic and social disaster marijuana prohibition has caused the American people or the monumental revenue sources that it's legality could inject into the economy or at the very least how keeping mj illegal is just another way the government has denied us the freedom as responsible adults to choose what we can and can't put in our body.

Baba Ku

Active member
....If certain societies did not waste money on waging wars......there would be more than enough to go around to feed the hungry and heal the sick.......and educate the masses....
But what about the situation where a society has war waged against it? Should that society simply abstain from waring?

And I don't think there is a problem with there being enough. There is enough to go around war or no war. It would need to be redistributed for it to happen, and the societal model of redistribution of wealth has proven time and time again to be a failure.
The model is not sustainable.

Maybe we should all turn to the societies that do not war, and have no blood on their hands, for guidance?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
but hey if you hate the tea party so much....i guess you can enjoy the alternative

I don't hate the tea party. All I knew about them was a few basic ideals (lower taxes, less intrusive gov. and more emphasis on states rights). So I decided that if there was any rally this close to a major election that could possiby be influenced by a crowd who shares ideals that I believe in, it possibly would have been a chance to create some real change, rather than debating on it through the keyboard.

So I took the fight to the streets. Knowing that I would be met with opposition, I prepared myself mentally and tailored my talking points so that they would have been relatable to a demographic like the tea party members.

I also said that I handed out 200 fliers. Sure some of them ended up in the garbage. Some people thanked me for my effort. Others accepted the flier and folded it up and stuck it in their pocket, maybe to read later or maybe to be respectful and not throw it away right in my view. But regardless 200 people took a flier. That alone means that at least some of the people at least took the time to read it and decide accordingly on how they would vote come november.

I only relayed what I saw. Maybe I just happened to be at a very radical tea party rally? But the amount of hate and ignorance I viewed from this "pro-freedom" crowd was utterly disgusting and has yet to be denounced by any of the people leading the tea party. If this party ever wants to be taken seriously it needs to get the crazy under control or at the very least come out in opposition of the racisism that is easily visible at these tea party rallies.

Yes I did vote for Obama, but I also voted for George W. Bush in 2000 because I was led to believe he was a pro-states right candidate who was in favor of marijuana for medical purposes.

I have said many a time that I am not a democrat or a republican, i'm an american and a damn proud one at that. I believe the two party system has served the greatest injustice to democracy by creating enemies within our own country. Candidates should run on a platform of self-ideals, rather then jumping on the red or blue bandwagon. So many people have blindly voted for candidates based on party affiliation rather then researching these individuals and what they truly stand for.

So am I an extreme pussy liberal leftist that is part of the blame america first party because I voted for Obama? Many people sure have made that statement, but as we have learned simply because you can spout words out of your voicebox doesnt make it true.

I voted for Obama because I could not possibly have voted for someone as disqualified as Sarah Palin. Even staunch long-time republicans agreed with me that it was an insult that she would even be nominated to be the vice-president.

Do I agree with everything Obama has accompished. No. But he drew my vote because at least he wasn't in direct opposition of marijuana and state's right to choose if they would want to allow marijuana for medical purposes, much unlike McCain who would have shut down the entire medical marijuana system if given the chance.
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Baba Ku

Active member
I hear these charges of racism ad infinitum, yet we see no proof of there being ANY of that going on or even eluded to by the TEA party rallies.
I suggest if you lay that charge, you back it up. So far you have only stated you saw it. Just WTF did you see?

Wait...after re-reading your last post, it becomes painfully obvious that you are not telling the strait of things. You are now stating that you "decided that if there was any rally this close to a major election that could possiby be influenced by a crowd who shares ideals that I believe in, it possibly would have been a chance to create some real change, rather than debating on it through the keyboard."
It seems pretty obvious that you did not go to the rally with intentions of sharing with like minded individuals at all. Quite the opposite is apparent.

So, be well and have fun.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
teabaggers are like baby seals...bullets work, but clubs are cheaper and can be reused

wow...i feel a lil....i dunno....embarrassed...maybe a lil shamed...by my remarks yesterday....i felt the need to come back here and point out something i should have made clear yesterday...i certainly, in no way, endorse violence against seals...there..i said it...i feel better...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I hear these charges of racism ad infinitum, yet we see no proof of there being ANY of that going on or even eluded to by the TEA party rallies.
I suggest if you lay that charge, you back it up. So far you have only stated you saw it. Just WTF did you see?.

if you haven't seen racism from the tea party you must be blind

Baba Ku

Active member
if you haven't seen racism from the tea party you must be blind

If you were honest with yourself, you would get to the root of this whole problem.

For you to make a simple come back like that shows me you have nothing at all. And no, I do not, and have not, seen any racism associated with the TEA party. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

When charges were laid at the feet of the TEA party for being racist by carrying signs, calling racist names, and even spitting on a black congressman, it was shown time and time again that NONE of the charges were founded in any truth or reality. Absolutely nothing was brought forward to back up these claims.
A reward for a huge sum of money was offered to anyone who could prove these allegations. No takers.

And that is the problem. We have people...unscrupulous people...that lay these false charges down. They probably themselves feel like they are true charges. They must be true. And in the minds of these folks...it probably is all true.
BUT..it is THESE PEOPLE who are the problems. They are being driven by a skewed sense of reality, and have it in their minds that the folks that would be of a TEA party persuasion simply have to be racists. They have nothing but their gut feelings on this, and probably feel like every other clear thinking individual sees the thing exactly like they do. They understand each other perfectly when they share in calling racist bastard.
It is these people of are the problems, because they make this shit up, to put it bluntly and to save time.

And fuck a bunch of that sort of stuff. These are human beings we are talking about here, not cattle of a breed you don't care for.
IMO, if you are going to charge someone...anyone..with the racist label, you better fucking well be able to back it up with more than your gut feelings about things, or the conventional wisdom you share with a particular group. Your gut is super fucked up when you perpetuate such baseless claims and needs to be called out into the open. This sort of bullshit is the problem, and it has gone on long enough.

Marijuana will never get properly reformed with such ignorant divisiveness run amok. It is why we are where we are now.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If you were honest with yourself, you would get to the root of this whole problem.

For you to make a simple come back like that shows me you have nothing at all. And no, I do not, and have not, seen any racism associated with the TEA party. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

When charges were laid at the feet of the TEA party for being racist by carrying signs, calling racist names, and even spitting on a black congressman, it was shown time and time again that NONE of the charges were founded in any truth or reality. Absolutely nothing was brought forward to back up these claims.
A reward for a huge sum of money was offered to anyone who could prove these allegations. No takers.

And that is the problem. We have people...unscrupulous people...that lay these false charges down. They probably themselves feel like they are true charges. They must be true. And in the minds of these folks...it probably is all true.
BUT..it is THESE PEOPLE who are the problems. They are being driven by a skewed sense of reality, and have it in their minds that the folks that would be of a TEA party persuasion simply have to be racists. They have nothing but their gut feelings on this, and probably feel like every other clear thinking individual sees the thing exactly like they do. They understand each other perfectly when they share in calling racist bastard.
It is these people of are the problems, because they make this shit up, to put it bluntly and to save time.

And fuck a bunch of that sort of stuff. These are human beings we are talking about here, not cattle of a breed you don't care for.
IMO, if you are going to charge someone...anyone..with the racist label, you better fucking well be able to back it up with more than your gut feelings about things, or the conventional wisdom you share with a particular group. Your gut is super fucked up when you perpetuate such baseless claims and needs to be called out into the open. This sort of bullshit is the problem, and it has gone on long enough.

Marijuana will never get properly reformed with such ignorant divisiveness run amok. It is why we are where we are now.

Gut feeling? These people were yelling "get the spics out of my country" ... "i want my country back from barack obama". Signs that portray obama as a monkey with handfulls of dollars that reads "MONKEY SEE MONKEY SPEND". Signs that read "its called the WHITE house for a good reason...". Jesus christ, if none of that is racism then I obviously dont know what it is.... and at the rally I couldnt find one person who WASNT white. NOT ONE. They even brought some guy up whos son was killed by an illegal immigrant to stir this anti-mexican bullshit that is portrayed as immigatrion policy when its nothing more than a way to say "i hate mexicans and want them all out of my country". If anyone should be pissed off and screaming "i want my country back!" it SHOULD be the mexicans. Whos land did we steal to form the southern most states of our country???

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I hear these charges of racism ad infinitum, yet we see no proof of there being ANY of that going on or even eluded to by the TEA party rallies.
I suggest if you lay that charge, you back it up. So far you have only stated you saw it. Just WTF did you see?

Wait...after re-reading your last post, it becomes painfully obvious that you are not telling the strait of things. You are now stating that you "decided that if there was any rally this close to a major election that could possiby be influenced by a crowd who shares ideals that I believe in, it possibly would have been a chance to create some real change, rather than debating on it through the keyboard."
It seems pretty obvious that you did not go to the rally with intentions of sharing with like minded individuals at all. Quite the opposite is apparent.

So, be well and have fun.

I went there hoping that I would be able to gain support for prop 19 from people who are staunch anti-marijuana advocates through common ideals we both shared.

I knew however, that I would be met with serious opposition and ignorance, little did I realize how much ignorance I would have been challenged with...

Not to say EVERY SINGLE PERSON at the rally was unwilling to listen to ideas and facts surrounding marijuana legalization, but a vast majority wanted nothing to do with legalization and many made a point to tell me they are voting against prop 19, even if they couldnt give me a valid reason for doing so....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Would a bagger of tea also be considered a teabagger?

What if you just harvest it to dry it?

Would that be considered "bagging" it?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
But what about the situation where a society has war waged against it? Should that society simply abstain from waring?

And I don't think there is a problem with there being enough. There is enough to go around war or no war. It would need to be redistributed for it to happen, and the societal model of redistribution of wealth has proven time and time again to be a failure.
The model is not sustainable.

Maybe we should all turn to the societies that do not war, and have no blood on their hands, for guidance?

With the money that is used by these societies war machines to further create disharmony coupled with the corporate greed associated with it and their bankers who push for more wars due to increased greed whilst brain-washing the proletariat into believing via the corporate owned media.... that it's all good and righteous (hunky-dory) to do so, even if it means the full-out occupation and destruction of lands far-far from their own borders......where is the justification?

It not only alienates the rest of the worlds populace but also a sizable chunk of the very societies/nations populations that are propagating these wars in the first place..... for they are the ones that are paying for it too.....in blood, sweat and tax dollars....

Perhaps as you mention these warring societies should turn to look at modern and economically progressive societies that do not war as a model for their future political/social and economic structure?.......it makes much more sense to me if humanity stands any further chance of evolving and having any forward momentum to gain anything near or close to a peaceful civilization......
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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
If you look at past wars, you will see that the main driving force behind those wars was...land and the resources therein. Cultural differences aside, the fact that people want to see people that look like them in power is a fact of life. Land is the one thing that holds a group together, not money, not taking back the government, not lofty goals of a perfect society...It's all about land, scarce resources and in some cases cultural preservation.

If I could go to Mexico and buy some property, I would do it in a heartbeat. The fact is, as a US citizen, I cannot own property in Mexico near the coast because the Mexican government has seen fit to not allow non-citizens to own property outright. If the US government had an immigration policy similar to Mexico, we'd be called xenophobes.

Of course, Mexicans are just preserving their culture and don't want to see change in their country because they know what would happen if they had a bunch of gringos crossing over and buying everything up. They would lose their political power over time and eventually, everyone would be speaking English....

Again, it's all about land and preserving a culture that in some cases is thousands of years old. This is nothing new.

What the tea party stands for is limited government and constitutionality. If they want to go back to that model, I'm fine with it.

That said, it's just going to lead to more of the same because people are greedy by nature. They covet what their neighbor has and in most cases, it's all about survival and control. When you pick a side in a political argument, you are simply picking which slavemaster is going to tell you what to think and do. I'd almost call it a Hobson's choice.

These people that write our laws are smarter than us. They know how to talk a good game and get us to believe one way is better than the other. They slide amendments into bills under the cloak of darkness and get you to think you're doing the right thing by voting this way or that. No matter how flat a pancake is, there is always two sides. They are experts at pitting one side against another.

The only real "winners" are the ultra rich. You don't hear about them, but they're pulling the strings just as they have since the bronze age. George Soros is a rich man, but the guy telling him what to do isn't even on the radar.

They control the democrats, the republicans, and the tea party as well as the media. They tell you what to believe and you fall for it in the name of whatever cause you're fighting for.

I still say whomever you decide to go with, it ain't going to change a damn thing. Obama hasn't done anything of note except run the printing presses 24/7. This has only helped the wealthy get wealthier on the backs of taxpayers. The muck is so deep, you'll need a super sized back hoe to get through it.

Meanwhile, the tea party has brought a knife to a gun fight.

As far as the election goes, McCain chose the wrong running mate. He would have won the election, (which again, wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference since McCain is NOT a conservative) if he had chosen someone more qualified for the vp job. It would have calmed down the markets a bit because you'd have your requisite old white guy in office, but it still would have been a clusterfuck. McCain is NOT a conservative and his economic policies would have probably been very similar to what Obama is currently pushing.

Basically, we would have been screwed either way. The real sad truth is that many people don't like Obama because he's not a white guy...it's sad, but it's oh so true. Don't forget the fact that he was an educator. This fact really riles the monied elite as they seem to mention it quite often when discussing Obama's policies.

He's not a member of the monied elite, he's a member of the educated elites who have always fought tooth and nail with the folks with money. This isn't anything new. The intelligensia has been in an ongoing battle with the establishment for power since before we were all born. The tea party ain't going to change that because the shitstem is so ingrained in our world economy, there is literally nothing they can do. Our puppetmasters are global now. The teapartiers are local. You do the math.

Until the powerful decide that they no longer have a need to control people, we will be the unfortunate pawns in the game. Can it be changed? Of course!

A natural disaster that makes it so the remaining population must come together to survive is the only way I can think of. Wiping the slate clean is one way to get things to where they should be, but this isn't something people (including myself) want to think about, let alone wish for.



thats nothing but fear tacticts...

and almost insulting..... Because i live in California, there is not a MEXICANS who is not legal here who can pay taxes.

Or they would be admitting they are breaking the law. So once again prop 19 still makes them ILLEGAL. does not legalize border hopping.

And nothing wrong with a MEXICAN, trying to MAKE MONEY, just like everyone else.

Your telling me California has no illegal Mexicans there? And that all Mexicans in California are legal tax paying citizens...is that what you were trying to say in your broken spanglish? Yeah right.

Oh and BTW, the Mexican agent in charge of recovering a body from the Lake Falcon incident got his head chopped off yesterday by the drug cartel. Now tell me again how illegal Mexicans have any rights at all in the USA. I lived here all my life and I have seen the changes friend, and I'm not spreading fear. I'm telling the truth. The bullshit happening on and within our borders with regard to illegal aliens is what's to be feared.

I hate to single people out...but you need to be singled out here.
Let me tell you that YOU are a big problem with our society today. Spouting off that sort of shit may sound real cute, and it may get the approval of many here, but it is nothing but ignorant divisive bullshit of the highest order.

Exactly...that's what got me started when BhT made the comment "To me it seemed like a mere faux to hold a rally for white people who didnt want to see any mexicans, blacks, or muslims in their country reaping any benefits".

I don't get why race has to be an issue. They were Americans practicing their rights under the Constitution. BhT went there to start shit, as his first post, and the title of this thread proves,
I'll be out today working to convince the tea party to vote yes on 19. If you hear of a riot that develops at a tea party rally, you'll know why and who caused it. Wish me luck. -BhT
and he succeeded in doing that, no surprise there. He started this thread to do the same thing...it's my opinion this thread should be closed.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BhT went there to start shit, as his first post, and the title of this thread proves,
and he succeeded in doing that, no surprise there. He started this thread to do the same thing...it's my opinion this thread should be closed.

Thankfully you can't deny me the very same privilidge to free speech that you commend the tea party for exercising. I love how you tea party people claim how supportive of freedom you are, yet work to deny these freedoms to others who may oppose what you believe.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Your telling me California has no illegal Mexicans there? And that all Mexicans in California are legal tax paying citizens...is that what you were trying to say in your broken spanglish? Yeah right.

Oh and BTW, the Mexican agent in charge of recovering a body from the Lake Falcon incident got his head chopped off yesterday by the drug cartel. Now tell me again how illegal Mexicans have any rights at all in the USA. I lived here all my life and I have seen the changes friend, and I'm not spreading fear. I'm telling the truth. The bullshit happening on and within our borders with regard to illegal aliens is what's to be feared.

Exactly...that's what got me started when BhT made the comment "To me it seemed like a mere faux to hold a rally for white people who didnt want to see any mexicans, blacks, or muslims in their country reaping any benefits".

I don't get why race has to be an issue. They were Americans practicing their rights under the Constitution. BhT went there to start shit, as his first post, and the title of this thread proves,
and he succeeded in doing that, no surprise there. He started this thread to do the same thing...it's my opinion this thread should be closed.

please dont insult me. I never said any of what you are implying. I stated that Mexicans have the right to be here and make a living too!!!! And that prop 19 wont effect them if they are not legal, as they WONT PAY TAXES EITHER, AS THIS IS THE REGULATE AND TAX ACT OF CANNABIS! i dont think its my English, i think its your reading skills.

Im saying, Mexicans, who are trying to make a living, and feed there family's, deserve the same rights as us immigrants. as this was the MEXICAN INDIAN's who owned this land first anyways before it was stolen, and used to bring black people from Africa as Slaves.

As far as DRUG CARTELS, there wouldn't be any if drugs where legal...

You cant stop people from coming over the boarder on any side, and legalizing prop 19, will PUT A STOP to the crime, as 70 percent of there money is MARIJUANA!! And now we can grow our own, and not have to buy off the black market!! Imagine that, stoping violence, by stopping the BLACK MARKET.

you got here because your family are immigrants. I personally try not to throw stones in glass houses..

and if you want to bring up murders, American Citizens are just as bad with murder, just look at Scott Peterson, who killed his wife and unborn child and threw her into the San Fransisco Bay.....

And OJ Simpson who VIOLENTLY murdered his ex wife, and boyfriend.

But im sure you will argue there defense to right? But dont forget, you got here on your family being illegal immigrants. What comes around goes around...


and im done with this crap feast.....

i love how all these people starting crap, have join dates of 2010... while the other people who are being attack, have a join date of many years......
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