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the 10-10-10 thread...what is your opinion?

SF, I'm gonna put this out then I'm gonna dip:

That book looks very interesting. I tried to scan it and sum it up but I couldn't. I gotta say tho that what I have been referring you to is "a hoo nubba leba."

Accepted For Value - Banker's Acceptance - Commercial Acceptance

There is no money, all accounts must be ZERO at the E.O.D. Remember, there is NO MONEY like the masses believe there is. ONLY debits and credits. ONLY accounts which simply must balance to ZERO at the end of the day.

batman57, he's got some stuff on talkshoe, talkshoe[dot]com. Don't need to have an account, just search for his name, d/l the mp3s, and start listening.

This might be the beginning, but its the end. I'm not trying to send people down rabbit holes - you'll find those on your own.

Finally, to those who are aware of the "conspiracies," let it go. Trust me and please ALWAYS bring to mind, that the system is perfect - PERFECT - the way it is. If many have been fooled and some have taken advantage, let that be on them. Address what you can touch, see, hear, and smell. "Prophecy?" Maybe. Maybe. Are you willing to bet your health and happiness on it? Too many prophecies that "make sense," end up being mutually exclusive. . . The more I focus on what I can touch, what I can see and hear, the clearer my perception becomes. "Let the world turn without you tonight." It will be there tomorrow. Greet it like the birds.

Accept for Value. The system is perfect. And the only thing bigger than the system is your private life. Keep them appropriately separate from each other and we can continue to heal this place.


lives on planet 4:20
SF, I'm gonna put this out then I'm gonna dip:

That book looks very interesting. I tried to scan it and sum it up but I couldn't. I gotta say tho that what I have been referring you to is "a hoo nubba leba."

Accepted For Value - Banker's Acceptance - Commercial Acceptance

There is no money, all accounts must be ZERO at the E.O.D. Remember, there is NO MONEY like the masses believe there is. ONLY debits and credits. ONLY accounts which simply must balance to ZERO at the end of the day.

batman57, he's got some stuff on talkshoe, talkshoe[dot]com. Don't need to have an account, just search for his name, d/l the mp3s, and start listening.

This might be the beginning, but its the end. I'm not trying to send people down rabbit holes - you'll find those on your own.

Finally, to those who are aware of the "conspiracies," let it go. Trust me and please ALWAYS bring to mind, that the system is perfect - PERFECT - the way it is. If many have been fooled and some have taken advantage, let that be on them. Address what you can touch, see, hear, and smell. "Prophecy?" Maybe. Maybe. Are you willing to bet your health and happiness on it? Too many prophecies that "make sense," end up being mutually exclusive. . . The more I focus on what I can touch, what I can see and hear, the clearer my perception becomes. "Let the world turn without you tonight." It will be there tomorrow. Greet it like the birds.

Accept for Value. The system is perfect. And the only thing bigger than the system is your private life. Keep them appropriately separate from each other and we can continue to heal this place.

AC...I started researching about A4V yesterday and watched a
video about it on Youtube, and about a year watched a long ass
video about how money is created out of debt.

When you have more time, can you explain what exactly you are
trying to say? Is it, that any person can live a private life, while
simultaneoulsy existing in the system? And that this can be done
without getting yourself into debt, or if you are in debt, then you
can use A4V to get out of it, and then live a private life, while
simultaneoulsy existing in the system, but without the pressure
of bank or credit card loans hanging over your head?

...and by the way, that book Busting Loose From The Money
Game is not about that...it is about something else, and it is
without a doubt the best book that I ever read that explains
in human language that "anyone" can understand how reality is created.
Last edited:


ICMag Donor
If numbers and dates are important, the date to be concerned about is 12/21/12. The end of the Mayan calandar lol. Will time end on that day?? We'll find out!


lives on planet 4:20
If numbers and dates are important, the date to be concerned about is 12/21/12. The end of the Mayan calandar lol. Will time end on that day?? We'll find out!

...the summary of this thread is that there is no time, and there are
no Mayans...and never have been...it is all an illusion...like in the
Matrix movie...lol

...there is no spoon!
golly sf, you're questions are good so i gotta keep going. . .

I got that about the Busting Loose from Money book. . . now onto a hoo nuba leba:

first, the batman57 stuff is only partially related to a4v, batman may not practice a4v in the same way I do. . .

to your other questions: it's very important to distinguish that there is a private world and a public world, that's why i've repeated it and stressed it. anyone can do or think what they want in their private lives - this can be tragic and it can be wonderful. serial killers and paedophiles do horrendous things in their private life, the public's influence only goes so far. "conservatives," and "liberals" (they call themselves) think all kinds of things that make no sense or make no difference in their private lives, they are free to do what they want. some gardeners and poor farmers grow wonderful things in their private lives - even though the public disapproves, as long as the two are kept separate life goes on and riches can even be made. Conspiracy theorists and "tea partiers" might know more about the inner-workings of history or politics than most (they might not), but the public has a function, and that won't ever change. The public makes people feel like a system will keep them safe - even though this will never be possible. The only safe life is one in a small padded room with bland food, and death will find the inside of even that room. But for whatever reason, most people strive for a sense of stability and safety, and humanity has created a "public world" to satisfy the illusion that such a thing can be guaranteed.

Some geniuses can bridge this gap, others can or will not.

As far as money. . .

Any public debt can be discharged with a commercial acceptance. That's what I'm saying. I can't say whether or not to take on debt, but I can say this: that society is here to be used and created. That our monetary system is designed to move and to move society along, based on conscious decisions. I'm saying there is no need to build cars if they won't be driven, no need to build a house if it won't be lived in, no need to have a million people without them making things, servicing things, buying things, enjoying things, creating things.

This is money. In today's system it is like water, not like gold. Its made to move and flow, not to be stored and saved. If more people understood this. . . but that is a long way away so begin by living like this yourself first. The masses now are still concerned with owning and having rather than using and giving. They will never understand how to properly use the "System," until they spiritually evolve.

In private if you give me a bag of weed and I give you a $20 bill, that's a private debt and totally acceptable and a proper way to use a $20 bill. But in public, say Wachovia? Wachovia only exists for the benefit of society, and because society allowed Wachovia to be created and to operate. So when you borrow money from Wachovia you're borrowing money from society, and society is obliged to "forgive" you that debt. Because you are here to benefit society and society is here to benefit you. There is no competition. If you mean to do ill with that money, or that house. . . well, that's between you and god. . . "God," "Universe," whatever.

I am NOT speaking philosophically here. I am NOT speaking esoterically here. I have sent my debts to the master accountants, with the proper instructions, and they've zeroed the accounts. No need to keep sending companies my hard-earned dolla-dolla-bills. Only a desire to improve what I can in private life, using the tools that the public provides. See, the public doesn't really care what I do - what we do - in private, as long as the books balance and the status quo remains intact. THis is SO important. Think of the public as the deck of a ship - a captain needs to see to it that the mission gets accomplished and everyone must obey the captain. But in private quarters everyone can think, say, and even do whatever they want - as long as they don't interfere with the mission of the ship. Its only in our private lives where we can appreciate beauty, fairness, evolution, good deeds, competition, happiness, achievement, disappointment. . .

Just remember that while most people cling to the idea that they will believe what they see, reality is constructed so that we see what we believe. Isn't that amazing? It is to me. When I notice the challenges in my life today. . . I can't help but refer to a wonderful truism from The Matrix:

"The choice has already been made.

Now you find out why you made it."



ya, there are 5 fri, 5 sat, and 5 sundays this Oct and it wont happen again for another 823 yrs


lives on planet 4:20
golly sf, you're questions are good so i gotta keep going. . .

I got that about the Busting Loose from Money book. . . now onto a hoo nuba leba:

first, the batman57 stuff is only partially related to a4v, batman may not practice a4v in the same way I do. . .

to your other questions: it's very important to distinguish that there is a private world and a public world, that's why i've repeated it and stressed it. anyone can do or think what they want in their private lives - this can be tragic and it can be wonderful. serial killers and paedophiles do horrendous things in their private life, the public's influence only goes so far. "conservatives," and "liberals" (they call themselves) think all kinds of things that make no sense or make no difference in their private lives, they are free to do what they want. some gardeners and poor farmers grow wonderful things in their private lives - even though the public disapproves, as long as the two are kept separate life goes on and riches can even be made. Conspiracy theorists and "tea partiers" might know more about the inner-workings of history or politics than most (they might not), but the public has a function, and that won't ever change. The public makes people feel like a system will keep them safe - even though this will never be possible. The only safe life is one in a small padded room with bland food, and death will find the inside of even that room. But for whatever reason, most people strive for a sense of stability and safety, and humanity has created a "public world" to satisfy the illusion that such a thing can be guaranteed.

Some geniuses can bridge this gap, others can or will not.

As far as money. . .

Any public debt can be discharged with a commercial acceptance. That's what I'm saying. I can't say whether or not to take on debt, but I can say this: that society is here to be used and created. That our monetary system is designed to move and to move society along, based on conscious decisions. I'm saying there is no need to build cars if they won't be driven, no need to build a house if it won't be lived in, no need to have a million people without them making things, servicing things, buying things, enjoying things, creating things.

This is money. In today's system it is like water, not like gold. Its made to move and flow, not to be stored and saved. If more people understood this. . . but that is a long way away so begin by living like this yourself first. The masses now are still concerned with owning and having rather than using and giving. They will never understand how to properly use the "System," until they spiritually evolve.

In private if you give me a bag of weed and I give you a $20 bill, that's a private debt and totally acceptable and a proper way to use a $20 bill. But in public, say Wachovia? Wachovia only exists for the benefit of society, and because society allowed Wachovia to be created and to operate. So when you borrow money from Wachovia you're borrowing money from society, and society is obliged to "forgive" you that debt. Because you are here to benefit society and society is here to benefit you. There is no competition. If you mean to do ill with that money, or that house. . . well, that's between you and god. . . "God," "Universe," whatever.

I am NOT speaking philosophically here. I am NOT speaking esoterically here. I have sent my debts to the master accountants, with the proper instructions, and they've zeroed the accounts. No need to keep sending companies my hard-earned dolla-dolla-bills. Only a desire to improve what I can in private life, using the tools that the public provides. See, the public doesn't really care what I do - what we do - in private, as long as the books balance. Its only in our private lives where we can appreciate beauty, fairness, evolution, good deeds, competition, happiness, achievement, disappointment. . .

Just remember that while most people cling to the idea that they will believe what they see, reality is constructed so that we see what we believe. Isn't that amazing? It is to me. When I notice the challenges in my life today. . . I can't help but refer to a wonderful truism from The Matrix:

"The choice has already been made.

Now you find out why you made it."


okay AC, I totally understand the difference between public and
private life as you wrote in the first part of the post.

But, to be honest I'm not grasping this sending debts to the master
accountants, with the proper instructions, and them zero-ing the
accounts...and about the part of not needing to keep sending
companies your hard-earned dolla-dolla-bills.

It's somehow going over my head, so if possible, since this is very
interesting to me can you explain like you would explain to a 12 year
old person, because my brain is just refusing to understand this
on any normal level. I'm trying, but for some reason I can't...lol

Let's use an example, that I had a debt to the banks for $10,000,
and based on what you are saying what would I do? And if this
debt was a mortgage with a lien on it by the bank, can I get rid
of this debt and continue to live in this house? Or, what you are
trying to say goes deeper than this, and that there is a different
way that I can start living than I live now?


Active member
I find this so intresting i feel im taking a peek at the fence and im thinking if I really want to cross it cause it seems like once you do, you arent really happy with the way your life is? Im young i want to enjoy this life cause its a one time opportunity wether i know the truth or not. Is there a movie or documentary about this maybe with pictures ? i find it easier to really understand that than just a wall of text

Btw are you familiar with the book called the secret? is this something that's appart of this whole theory?


Paint Your DreamStrain
Sandnut, I must say both The Secret and The Power from Rhonda Byrne have made a profound impact on my life. I even named one of my plants Rhonda.


You can even see The Secret in the background if you look closely! Yaknawmsay'n? Word.


I have had interesting conversations with "God" on shrooms, and so have my friends. I however do not believe that any of these experiences are nothing more than short bursts of all-encompassing psychosis, but they are interesting nonetheless. The most amazing feeling is the feeling that you're using the full capacity of your brain, it's pretty amazing what it can do on the right substance.


lives on planet 4:20
I find this so intresting i feel im taking a peek at the fence and im thinking if I really want to cross it cause it seems like once you do, you arent really happy with the way your life is? Im young i want to enjoy this life cause its a one time opportunity whether i know the truth or not. Is there a movie or documentary about this maybe with pictures ? I find it easier to really understand that than just a wall of text.

Btw are you familiar with the book called the secret? is this something that's appart of this whole theory?

This has nothing to do with the Secret! Let me give you a summary,
and if you want then you can read the book for which I gave a link
to in one of the above posts. But this explanation will be in totally
human words that anyone can understand, and not in the way
I would talk about this to someone that understood something about it.

Here Goes: The Universe is One Consciousness/Awareness that is
non-dual, meaning there is nothing in the Universe that is separate
from anything else. In other words, there is no one doing anything,
there is no one experiencing anything, there is no one observing
anything...it is like one large ocean, where there is no land, no
sky, nothing except water...nothing...just water...and NOTHING ELSE

Okay, now this Universe/Consciousness/Awareness sends an energy
through a Hologram, just like a projector sends light through a movie
reel, and what it manifested is the world as we live in it, on a moment
to moment basis, like right now while you are sitting in front of your
monitor reading this...okay? Just like a movie projector sends a light
through the "spinning movie reel" and a movie shows up on the

Now, in reality, our human lives are just like the movie that shows
up on the movie screen, they are not "real" -- in the sense, there
is no "you" in the way that you usually think of yourself as a separate
person that lives on Earth...blah...blah...blah

All there is -- is an "experience" of you -- that is being created by
the energy being sent through the Hologram by the Universe/

It look real to you, but you are not more real than a movie character
that you see on a movie screen when you go to the movies!

Now, what is important is to understand that I'm not talking BS, this
has all been known for thousands of years and the quantum physics
has come very close to proving this...in fact a lot closer than all the
scientists that are trying to prove that everything is made up
only of matter and there is no such thing as Consciounsess.

It's enough to know that it is a known fact that the atom is 99.999%
empty space to understand that everything right now that you
see, including your body, brain, etc...is 99.999% empty space.

But, the most interesting thing to grasp is that the
Universe/Consciousness/Awareness is actually you.

And, this can't be any other way!

Since the Universe/Consciousness/Awareness is one, nondual, and
there is nothing separate, this means only one thing. Everything that
there is in this Universe...including me, you, and everyone and
everything else is this One Consciousness that is all happening
as one present moment experience!

It's weird shit...but it is the truth...and anyone can confirm this
for themselves by noticing one thing that Consciousness could
not hide from our "character" in this made up "movie" and this thing is:

The Present Moment!

Each one of us can't deny one thing, and one thing only, which is
the only thing that is 100% true...it is the Truth!

This truth is that you (or me), or anyone else has never, ever
lived anywhere except the Present Moment, we are currently
living in this Present Moment, and will continue to live in this
Present Moment.

And, when you look back on your life, you will realize that in every
present moment, the "one" thing that has always there is "you."

And if you spin your life in your imagination and visualize yourself
living all these years, you will see that it has been just like a movie,
and that everything in the past, seems just like a dream.

Once you really start to observe all this, there is no going back,
all you can do is go forward.

Further is the most important word in this life, because as long as
your character is alive -- you can always keep going further,
because you are Consciousness.

Now, if you want to go from Phase One, and enter into Phase Two,
then you will have to turn and face the most uncomfortable things
that you see in your life, and instead of running from them, go and
do them...and keep doing them until they become comfortable, and
when this happens, see what is uncomfortable at that time, and
then do that...and so on!

This is the path that an awakened person walks, because he/she
realizes he/she is Consciousness and has the power to do those
things that are important and uncomfortable, which are the actions
the majority of folks are running and hiding from!


lives on planet 4:20
I have had interesting conversations with "God" on shrooms, and so have my friends. I however do not believe that any of these experiences are nothing more than short bursts of all-encompassing psychosis, but they are interesting nonetheless. The most amazing feeling is the feeling that you're using the full capacity of your brain, it's pretty amazing what it can do on the right substance.

You were in contact with the Universe/Consciounsess/Awareness,
and not in any kind of all-encompassing psychosis. There have
been many people that used and keep using LSD to become one
with all that there is!
Clearly I have avoided putting instructions to this on this forum, sf. . .

I feel like one needs time to digest all of the concepts I've presented. At the right time, the nuts-and-bolts of how to actually operate this way will start to appear for you. . .

But you have asked me explicitly. . . and I believe that honest questions deserve honest answers. . .

While I doubt this will be "jumped all over" by those here on this thread or in these forums, I sense it appropriate to answer you here for those who are drawn here to read.

I suppose I should just say that if the "solutions" to our problems seem simple, that they are. But clearly yourself and others at this thread are on the right track (most of them). So that is quite encouraging. I want to stress that I'm no niave dummy. I understand all the crazy implications of what I'm informing people of here. And let me say this one more thing:

What I am sharing here, what I'm about to share, is real. BUT THE SYSTEM WILL NEVER TEACH THIS OR ADMIT THIS. You have to understand that this is the case and why it is the case. It has NOTHING to do with secret conspiracies or brainwashing by elites. The system wants to perpetuate just the way it is and over 90% of those around us would rather ignore you, wish you ill, kill you, or tell themselves ANYTHING else before they open their eyes to what I've written in these posts. The people ABSOLUTELY DEPEND on their faith in the system, and the system will respect that. Understand this! The system is doing its job perfectly!

Many judges, lawyers, politicians, bankers, and some other CEOs understand exactly how all this works. They are not like me though, they are custodians of the system and reap a different set of benefits - benefits that I'm not interested in, and responsibilities they have that I am not interested in.

If nothing else, no matter how long it takes for you to digest, accept, or ignore all of this - realize that the system is perfect. The universal system is perfect, the one which allows matter and solar-systems and dna, and the man-made "system" is perfect, the one that enriches elites, puts down the meek, that supports D's and R's and C's and L's, wages violent wars, lies to the masses. It provides people with a sense of security and purpose that they have forgotten they should be giving themselves. The more people live that way, the stronger the system gets. It can be and should be no other way.

The more you get that, and hopefully realize your own power to build and create your own semi-independent life, the better you will get all of this to work for you. You've gotta completely let go of the disappointment, the anger, the perceptions of inequity and injustice. Well, do your best - the universe rewards the honest attempt.

And my last advice, or thing to meditate, is: If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with your life? TRUST ME. Taking money out of the equation will change your life, but it won't change life. As for myself, I made choices to be a good husband, to be a good father, to be a good gardener, to be a good friend, to be a good brother. Money only goes so far, and not very far, to help in these pursuits. TRUST ME. And this stuff, above all, is why so many people are limited by money - because money isn't what's limiting them at all - it's merely one of their many crutches that they blame for not being the people they imagine they could be.

. . .

This is one useful technology of many: "The commercial acceptance"

This will work for anyone, in any country. I'm not going to give a course and answer a hundred questions - all of this information is all over the internet. Its normally not going to be spelled out like I have it here. . . as you research just remember to keep your goals in focus and your moral compass tuned.

You take evidence of a debt, a public debt. Get a pay-off statement.

You gotta write some stuff on the top part and the bottom part (you know how most of the time there's that 'remove this portion' at the bottom?' ever notice how much that bottom part looks like a check? like its money)

ever notice how when you get a bill, it's always in a positive number? like when you overdraw your bank account its -$15.00 (you owe us $15), but when the credit card co send you a bill its +$50? that's 'cause that "bill" is _worth_ $50. . . technically you should be able to just sign that and send it back o balance the account. . . you can do it that way actually. . . but its tougher. . . (because its important for you to protect the public)

"Accepted for Value
Exempt from Levy
ID# 123456789
and charge the same to:

That turns the top of the statement into an asset

On the bottom of the statement, we want to charge off of that asset, in order to settle the account in question, so we write some things on it, and it looks like a check:

THIS IS A MONEY ORDER October 12, 2010

Ten-Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents

Sign it like a check
Authorized Representative


And then you gotta endorse the money order. Leave the bottom attached, but flip over the sheet and visualize that the bottom portion is a check/money order, and endorse it where you normally would, and I write my EIN under my signature.

Then mail that into the IRS. But not the address most people would use, the offices that take care of these (the only ones I know of) are the C.I.D. offices. That's right, criminal investigations division. I've sent all mine into the Covington office. . .

So, clear?

That's all you gotta do!

dot dot dot


lives on planet 4:20
So, clear?

Yes, now it is crystal clear, and what you are saying is that it is
one of the loop-holes that exist in this "system" that runs on debt.

So, basically, I can do this with any public debt? But, if I took a
mortgage and do this, then the bank will be able to reposses the
real estate, since it has a lean on it, or no?


lives on planet 4:20
Here is another quote from that book, and it is just one of the
things the majority of the people on earth simply accept, without
ever really thinking about it.

Most people just wave it off, and say it's simply nature, but calling it
something and giving it a name doesn't mean anything, because it is
what is "behind" the words that counts, and what most people call
NATURE...is really CONSCIOUSNESS...that is working moment to
moment...manifesting this experience that we are having!

Let’s take the human body as an example. As scientists view it,
the body is composed of subatomic particles that combine to
form atoms, that combine to form molecules, that combine to form cells,
that combine to form organs, that combine to form systems, that all
ultimately combine to form a human body. Once assembled, each of
those parts and particles has specific and very complex tasks to
perform in order for the body to function. However, the true source
of all of it is The Field and Consciousness.

Think about that for a minute. That’s a lot of particles that must
somehow be:

• Combined in specific ways

• “Glued together” once they combine into various shapes and
forms so they stay in those shapes and forms

• Taught how to perform their various tasks

• Able to communicate with each other to facilitate the performance
of those tasks

It is Consciousness that creates the particles from The Field,
“tells” them how to combine, glues them together, teaches them
how to perform their tasks, and allows them to communicate with
each other as they do it.
No, it's not a loop hole.

Yes, if you did this with a mortgage you'd still have to deal with the title of deed. That's a whole 'nother issue. But still can be handled. Don't forget property taxes (as if you would)

Just gotta remember all the stuff I have said in here. . . and take it to heart. Civilization is here for us to use, not to be owned by anyone. Not to be "owned" by inanimate corporations. It's _designed_ like this. What I'm talking about here are not loopholes - the way most people live is living in the "loopholes believe it or not. As they say, "Everything is upside down."

As far as the "title of deed" or whatever you call it for the house. . . maybe start to think about that the mortgage is all about the title of deed, not the house itself. . .

When you get into the bigger ticket things, more things need to be considered, but the premise is the same.

I'm not going to go into any of this more here. If someone is interested in this more, I think there are ways to private message?

But I wouldn't take my word for anything. Follow your hearts, and where there's a will there's a way. The internet is a great tool. Couple it with a good moral compass, ask good questions, keep an open mind, and in a month or a decade or more all your prayers will be answered. But be careful, the system is bigger than us all and will selfishly seek to perpetuate, work with it not against it. And of course, remember the woman in the red dress.

My best to all,


lives on planet 4:20
No, it's not a loop hole.

Yes, if you did this with a mortgage you'd still have to deal with the title of deed. That's a whole 'nother issue. But still can be handled. Don't forget property taxes (as if you would)

Just gotta remember all the stuff I have said in here. . . and take it to heart. Civilization is here for us to use, not to be owned by anyone. Not to be "owned" by inanimate corporations. It's _designed_ like this. What I'm talking about here are not loopholes - the way most people live is living in the "loopholes believe it or not. As they say, "Everything is upside down."

As far as the "title of deed" or whatever you call it for the house. . . maybe start to think about that the mortgage is all about the title of deed, not the house itself. . .

When you get into the bigger ticket things, more things need to be considered, but the premise is the same.

I'm not going to go into any of this more here. If someone is interested in this more, I think there are ways to private message?

But I wouldn't take my word for anything. Follow your hearts, and where there's a will there's a way. The internet is a great tool. Couple it with a good moral compass, ask good questions, keep an open mind, and in a month or a decade or more all your prayers will be answered. But be careful, the system is bigger than us all and will selfishly seek to perpetuate, work with it not against it. And of course, remember the woman in the red dress.

My best to all,

Okay AC, if I have more questions about the way this works, I'll
ask you using the PM option. This thread's primary direction is
consciousness, but since finances is also a game consciousness
plays...because all is one...lol...talking about it in here is an excellent
addition to all the other content. Thanks for taking your time and
answering my questions in such detail.

And obviously, I have to ask about the woman in the red dress...lol,
is this a saying, or something else?