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See, the Sens got a huge pickup in Milan. If you guys had him for the playoffs, you would have gone further. Sucks though that Cheech didnt pan out for you guys. He played really well the first couple of years, got hurt and fell off. I miss Milan though.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
KG, in all honesty, it causes me physical pain.

and Niemi hurts the worst. im sure you are all familiar with the last NHL goaltender that won a cup in his rookie season.

....his name was Patrick Roy

I know exactly how you feel. I've already told my boyfriend I AM going to Alfies last home game when he retires. I don't care if I have to camp outside in the middle of winter. End of an era. A lot of our players willbe leaving about the same time and when I think about it, I get sad. We'll literally have a whole new team. I can't really imagine it. Who says change is good? ;)

I agree with Michalek. He woulda made a difference. Oh well, I'm done cryin over what didn't happen....almost...Cheech...man, poor Cheech. I feel so bad for him. I was really hoping he'd get his confidence back when he came here. I really rooted for him when he got a shot in a playoff game. Guys got heart.


Yeah, I was really hoping he would work out for you guys. If we needed a fourth line winger, Id like to see him sign back with us for a small number. I miss hearing the Choochoo whistles at the games. haha.
KG, change can be good....when its made for a reason. change for the sake of change however, is borderline ridiculous!

in addition, the thought process in the front office boggles the mind. think about it. you just won the cup and see some cap issues in your future, you know you have to get rid of some people. why in the world wouldnt you make those moves work to your advantage??? you want Buff? sure, but you have to take this albatross from around our neck named Huet. if we had the money thats tied up in his contract....the moves would have been minimal.

this isnt to say that Huet is a completely useless goaltender, but he crumbles under pressure. you cannot be paid all-star money when you crumble at times where your team needs you most.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Dude.....it could be worse....you could have Brian Murray for a GM....he gets players just to trade em away 6 months later...And I wouldn't want Huet either....course my team ain't never had a great goalie so maybe he would fit in here...
its just begining to remind me of 96 or so.

the Hawks had one of the most killer lineups of players in their prime. Roenick, Chellios, and ED FUCKIN BELFOUR!

poof! gone...and we were garbage until 07

its just scary


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Ya, that was a crazy group. I can't believe Chellios is still going lol, that is insane. I still like Roenick too even tho he's retired, dude is so outspoken he just cracks me up. See? Change is bad!!! :laughing:

I'm pathetic....I was looking at an old pic of my b/f on FB (ya ya) and in the background the tv was on.....I tagged the Sens game in the pic :D 50 some days until puck drop!


You wanna talk about mediocre goalies? Lets talk Nitty....>.< As you guys saw in the playoffs, we dont have the D to have a shitty goalie. Im scared and excited about this upcoming season.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Dude got a sweet deal, that's for sure. My co worker is friends with his wife and I told her to beg them to stay. Apparently Volchy wanted to stay but his wife doesn't like it here and wanted to move. Boo. Want a signed jersey with Heatley and Volchy? lol I've also got Havlat's haha. I'm keeping that tho cause 9 is still my lucky number...


Haha. I can have Heater sign stuff whenever. Theyre always doing signing events during the season and stuff. The only sweater Id wear that wasnt a Sharks one is a Satan custom made for the Devils...^_^


lol. You can dislike him all you want, but you cant deny hes the greatest goalie to play the game. Yes, better than Roy.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I say nothing about him...except it's interesting how they felt the need to put one of the best shot blockers in front of him....guess ya can't be good forever... ;)


HOCKEY! I've missed you. Anyone else watching the Sens/Leafs tonight? Go Sens!

and yes I realize it's pre-season. But fuck that detail. This is the definition of entertainment. See, I even looked it up:

1. the act of entertaining; agreeable occupation for the mind; diversion; amusement.
2. hockey.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Do you have to ask? ;)

I'll probably just check it once or twice actually. Just gonna be mainly the young guys. Alfie and Spezza won't be there, probably not Fisher...I like to go watch pre season games but on tv they;re kinda dull. We're almost to the regular season :D Man, that was a loong summer :D I went and got my jersey signed by Ruutu Sunday...now I've got like 12 sigs on it :D

lol Totally didn't even realize I did this but I just looked down and realized I put on my Sens hoodie when I got home :D


im ready...about time.lol.


Not even worth watching... leafs are gunna win, and im sure KarmaGirl would agree with that :D

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