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What a sorry state of affairs...

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sac beh

YOU have free speech because yours is the "party line". I'm a contrarian...my thoughts aren't welcomed...in that regard.

You're just demonstrating the point, bro. I guarantee you no one here has any hidden conspiratorial political agendas against you, much less the Mods. I don't affiliate myself with any party or political worldview anywhere in the world. So why would you bring politics into it?

Just treat each person as an individual and don't assume that they have secret plans to take over the world, except in the case of wanting to over grow the world, which is one point we can all agree on. :)


Actually...my thoughts went way beyond just "here".

YOU have free speech because yours is the "party line". I'm a contrarian...my thoughts aren't welcomed...in that regard.

I completely understand private property...I'm a huge believer in it. NOBODY has the right to tell you what you can/can't do with your own property. If you don't want the word "circus" ever spoken here...you have that right.

And...I can understand keeping it "cannabis related". I was hoping since it's like "The Bar" if this place...people could be a little more open and honest. Mixed company...I get it. This is a "respectable bar"...not a titty bar.

I'm sure most Mods are true to the mission and I know someone has to keep the peace when things get out of hand. But it sure smells of someone complaining. Some people get special treatment...it's life. I give some people special treatment too.

It's a damn shame that "our" tongues are tied sometimes...that's all. It's too bad that honesty ISN'T the best policy...or the only policy. It's a shame we have to hide things behind lies. Oh well...I tried.

I get it, and I'm not bitter. There are things we aren't allowed to discuss. Not allowed to say.

I feel I can't participate because the REAL cause of things aren't what you hear about in the news. And no, no tin hat is necessary. I've seen first hand "news" that didn't happen the way it was reported. The truth is hidden to protect the bribe payer...or the powerful.

So, have fun with your knitting circle girls...:tiphat:

Really, it's cool...keep it weed related...got it!

Damn...I wish we could REALLY speak our minds sometimes!

Have a great day fellow tokers...I'm off for a bowl myself...

Kind of nice to at least know where you stand though...amirite or amirite? :D

I mean, which way did you expect the prevailing winds to blow on a 'fuck the man', non-conformist, pot-growing site? :laughing:

Take solace in the fact you're not one of those people, who in their infinite wisdom, would have their collective heads explode trying to wrap their minds around conservative idealism while growing weed.

I personally get a rather hardy chuckle from it all :wave:


Active member
You're just demonstrating the point, bro. I guarantee you no one here has any hidden conspiratorial political agendas against you, much less the Mods. I don't affiliate myself with any party or political worldview anywhere in the world. So why would you bring politics into it?

Just treat each person as an individual and don't assume that they have secret plans to take over the world, except in the case of wanting to over grow the world, which is one point we can all agree on. :)

You don't get it at all...

Kind of nice to at least know where you stand though...amirite or amirite? :D

I mean, which way did you expect the prevailing winds to blow on a 'fuck the man', non-conformist, pot-growing site? :laughing:

Take solace in the fact you're not one of those people, who in their infinite wisdom, would have their collective heads explode trying to wrap their minds around conservative idealism while growing weed.

I personally get a rather hardy chuckle from it all :wave:

Actually, I thought the "winds" would blow with a little more honesty. We ALL agree that "they" have been lying to us forever about Cannabis...right? We don't believe a word when they talk about drugs...because we KNOW they're just playing us for their fool.

Well news flash..."they" do this with more than drugs...EVERYTHING you "know" is what "they" want you to know. The "war on terror" is bullshit. The war on drugs is bullshit. And OTHER things...that I'm not allowed to say...here or anywhere...is bullshit too.

How many of their stories do you believe? Do you believe the God story too? EVERYONE is marketing to you...lying to you. Spinning things to look good for their cause...to get you to believe them. Governments invent stories, businesses invent stories, people invent stories...just to get you to "buy" what they're selling you.

I'm not conservative...nor liberal. I'm independent, everything I do, "I" decide whether it's right or wrong. Fuck laws. And I must admit...I clicked through the TOU...the horror!

I just hoped that since we were so "counter culture", we wouldn't be so hung up on being so politically correct. We could laugh at the differences instead of being embarrassed by them and denying them.

I was surprised...that's all...surprised at the lack of open mindedness.

like you said...I know where I stand...

BTW, this isn't directed at anyone in particular...you is plural...so don't feel I'm talking to you personally, I'm just replying to the posts...


The Voice of Reason
It is not in any way shape or form, about being politically correct, it is about being as apolitical as possible, avoiding politics altogether, except as it specifically relates to cannabis.

Nothing difficult to understand, nothing nefarious or biased, no one is being repressed.
Leave your politics at the door when you come in.


You don't get it at all...

Actually, I thought the "winds" would blow with a little more honesty. We ALL agree that "they" have been lying to us forever about Cannabis...right? We don't believe a word when they talk about drugs...because we KNOW they're just playing us for their fool.

Well news flash..."they" do this with more than drugs...EVERYTHING you "know" is what "they" want you to know. The "war on terror" is bullshit. The war on drugs is bullshit. And OTHER things...that I'm not allowed to say...here or anywhere...is bullshit too.

How many of their stories do you believe? Do you believe the God story too? EVERYONE is marketing to you...lying to you. Spinning things to look good for their cause...to get you to believe them. Governments invent stories, businesses invent stories, people invent stories...just to get you to "buy" what they're selling you.

I'm not conservative...nor liberal. I'm independent, everything I do, "I" decide whether it's right or wrong. Fuck laws. And I must admit...I clicked through the TOU...the horror!

I just hoped that since we were so "counter culture", we wouldn't be so hung up on being so politically correct. We could laugh at the differences instead of being embarrassed by them and denying them.

I was surprised...that's all...surprised at the lack of open mindedness.

like you said...I know where I stand...

BTW, this isn't directed at anyone in particular...you is plural...so don't feel I'm talking to you personally, I'm just replying to the posts...

I concur on most points, I too was just using your post to make a point on some observations through my time here.

Not an admission or condemning of one or the other, but it is fairly typical.

Some opinions just seem to be more tolerated when they follow a particular stream of thought round these parts. :tiphat:

Or depending on who exactly holds that particular opinion as to what is or is not an 'acceptable' topic of conversation.

No matter how black/white they try to paint it, political or otherwise.


Active member
It's not just political or insulting posts that get deleted, sometimes simple jokes that are just meant to lighting the mood are deleted as well. I made a very simple joke the other night in a thread in the hope that the thread starter who was in a rightfully foul mood; who I thought might get themselves in a lot of shit with the law because of their mood and the advice of other members to commit acts of violence, would read the joke and laugh for a second. I admit that I was a bit surprised that some mod really saw they need to delete, "Kirrrrk - Eugène Sue" a 3 word post.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
everytime one of my posts gets deleted one of my plants dies....
it makes me sad



~Resident Puck Bunny~
Then it wasn't truly on topic or it would be obvious. If one has to ponder if a post relates the the original..it probably doesn't ;)
I honestly haven't noticed any censorship. I've seen and even commented on politics when it was on topic in various threads and didn't notice the discussion being curtailed or posts deleted.

I imagine that sometimes moderators and admins DON'T delete posts that technically should be deleted b/c, OH MY GOD< they just can't read EVERY post. So then I imagine that people might see that happening and feel that they got "picked on" when really it's just that not every post can be read and the mods/admins deal with these things as they run into them.

I haven't thought that this place was censored at all, but maybe just the direction of the discussion is different than other boards b/c this board is so pot-centered. The same rules that apply to other boards are really just not applicable here and maybe that's what you're feeling.

Also, I can say from my own experience that it is VERY easy to accuse a mod/admin of censorship or whatever else simply b/c someone feels singled out b/c it was their post or comment that caught the admin/mods attention. I can tell you that this board really doesn't keep things as tight as many boards out there, in spite of a fairly clear and strict TOU agreement. Remember, we all agreed to the TOU to be here and we are NOT the owners of this board. The bottom line is that whoever is footing the bill and doing the work has the right to do whatever they want. And frankly, this board is very open and welcoming when it could be very different.

So how about giving the mods/admins a little bit of a break?

How about telling them you appreciate being able to talk freely about cannabis? This isn't something to take for granted!
No politics?! You've got to be kidding. Will you give me a nickel for every political post that I find tolerated on this board?


Active member
Then it wasn't truly on topic or it would be obvious. If one has to ponder if a post relates the the original..it probably doesn't ;)

Wow, that's just sad, really really really sad. People can say, "Go bust his kneecaps" and encourage shit that is illegal but if one has to think about a post it's deemed of no use?

If somebody doesn't know who Eugène Sue and how that might have something to do with a thread about revenge maybe they shouldn't be a mod ;)


Throbbing Member
Does anyone else know of any good websites where you can talk about politics till the cows come home





I think the reason so many members of ICMAG have 'beef' or 'issues' with the fact that political discussions are frowned upon here is because that, as consumers of cannabis, we a lot of times share and hold the same beliefs that the power structure of the world is corrupt and resorting to forums such as ICMAG a lot of times are ways for us who hold those *somewhat* same beliefs can share their thoughts in a forum where kindness normally comes naturally to cannabis users...MOST of the time.

I understand your concern that political debate can turn heated and cause people to argue with one another, and to focus on cannabis alone....but dude...it's 2010...just about every single thing related to cannabis has been discussed here, 10 fold, and I can't count how many threads per week are merged, deleted or whatever just because it's been rehashed so many times.

You have moderators for a reason - to moderate. If I recall I remember someone...a moderator...posting that he was BORED because so many people here are laid back and don't cause problems...which is obviously a great thing that a group of people can discuss things without fighting, arguing, etc...and yes certain topics (politics, religion) are touchy but it's not the TOPICS that are the issue...it is the people who cannot rationally discuss an issue without being rude, unkind, etc.

I remember when ICMAG had the religion section...I actually remember a specific member who constantly hurled insults at people who believed in God, calling them idiots for believing in "fairy tales", etc. This member is still here. I've seen other members banned INSTANTLY for far less. This is where moderation is required - you step in and inform the member that that behavior is not tolerated and the issue is solved.

But who am I to tell you how to run your forum? You chose to specifically allow certain things and disallow other things. Unfortunately yes, this, by definition, is not open debate or free speech, but being it's a private forum it's your call...but you have to also realize that by definition when you make that call you are limiting speech in a day and age in which it is very important.


Active member
........i'm glad the focus of this site is on cannabis, and not on politics or religion or really anything not directly cannabis related.

there are so many sites out there to go for discussion of the other things, i'm not finding a huge amount of serious cannabis growing sites with good information


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
So who wants to talk about Sweet Tooth? :biggrin:


your persistance has paid off Sotf420. Now I need to find me some of those beans.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
:party: Sweet Tooth rules brother, Kootenay's re-release of it for Spice of Life is gonna be EPIC. Gypsy I sure hope you upgraded all those bay/boo servers man! :woohoo:
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