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For longtime habitual smokers ONLY... health?


lol you guys are a joke

Does smoking cause lung problems??

According to the author's observation, when the bronchial mucous membrane is deficient in secretion, the pulse much accelerated, the skin dry and hot, belladonna rather adds to the distress; and its good effects are most conspicuous when there are abundant expectoration, a cool and moist skin, and a quiet pulse of low tension. In asthma, atropine may be injected subcutaneously, or the belladonna-leaves be used by the method of fumigation. Belladonna-leaves, dipped in a saturated solution of niter and then dried, may be burned in a close apartment, the patient breathing the fumes until relief is obtained. Pastiles are made of belladonna, stramonium, poppy, tobacco, etc. A good formula for cigarettes is the following (Trousseau): Belladonna, grs. v; stramonium and hyoscyamus, of each grs. iij; extract of opium, 1/5 of a grain; cherry-laurel water, a sufficient quantity. The leaves are moistened with a solution of the opium in the cherry-laurel water, and when dry made into a cigarette. Two to four of such cigarettes may be smoked daily. When the paroxysms of asthma occur in the morning, they may sometimes be prevented by the one sixtieth of a grain of atropine at bedtime.
Smoke used to treat asthma.

In the China study, the analysis of blood samples shows that plasma cotinine (a nicotine metabolite from tobacco smoking) is inversely associated with diseases of affluence including lung cancer

The people who smoked the most hand rolled cigarettes had the least amount of lung cancer. :laughing:

Many of the oldest people in the world have smoked all there life. The longest lived women smoked till the day she died. Fulla nayek who lived to 120 smoked cannabis blunts everyday of her adult life.


The majority of people in this village live past 90 and they all smoke cigarettes.

Shamans think tobacco is a very medicinal plant and smoke copious amounts of it. These people live long healthy, disease free life's.

Whats the missing link?

Is smoking bad or have we been tricked? The only evidence we have against smoking is the studies done on people who smoke toxic cigarettes filled with radioactive chemicals and poison.

Lets remember people that just because they think there is toxins in smoke and that it will cause harm doesn't make it true. There is absolutely no conclusive evidence that smoking causes any sort of problem, I would argue it actually keeps problems at bay.

So I suggest all of you that claim smoking is bad look at where your info is coming from and stop regurgitating BS mantras that you can't prove.


Active member
There is absolutely no conclusive evidence that smoking causes any sort of problem, I would argue it actually keeps problems at bay.

how old are you and how long have you been smoking? just wondering

So I suggest all of you that claim smoking is bad look at where your info is coming from and stop regurgitating BS mantras that you can't prove

i know this from experience


how old are you and how long have you been smoking? just wondering

I've been smoking for 13 years, my age is not relevant.

i know this from experience

You don't actually, you smoking and expierencing problems isn't proof. I had a chronic cough till I changed my diet and cut out cigarettes, I could have easily blamed it on weed but it had nothing to do with it.

You keep claiming(along with the other deniers) that everyone who disagrees is some 13 year old kid. While the people who disagree actually bust out the science.

Get a clue.

This thread is dumb without scientific evidence or epidemiological studies. People live toxic lifestyles and its easy to use weed as the scapegoat, I'm sure if your eating frozen pizza everyday your body won't be able to deal with the weed smoke.


I hold El Roacho's
Started receiving MJ when my hippie mom started smoking so before I had nads my body was already digesting and absobing all the 50's strains and when i was burped out 13 years later I started smoking joints and have not stopped for over 40 years now.

I have to admit I have had my lungs congested and had memory lose but the human body is a mystery so we have all different effects to our bodies and certain chemicals effect us all differently and the outcome for us all will very.

My opinion is that when you smoke regular cigarettes & weed or just one of the 2 for some time their is no way that people can run marathons and jog on a daily bases without some breathing difficulty as it is a true solid proven medical fact that smoking clogs the small tiny sponge like holes in your lungs that acts like filters and constricts the correct air flow to your brain and body and that's my opinion for today.


My opinion is that when you smoke regular cigarettes & weed or just one of the 2 for some time their is no way that people can run marathons and jog on a daily bases

Running marathons and jogging on a daily basis isn't healthy. Prolonged cardio is one of the most inflaming things you can do to your body.

proven medical fact that smoking clogs the small tiny sponge like holes in your lungs that acts like filters and constricts the correct air flow to your brain and body and that's my opinion for today.

Link to where it's proven with the science? This is a big claim.

Right Black and diseased this lung has seen better days

This guy smoked commercially made cigarettes, this has no bearing on marijuana or even hand rolled cigarettes. The mayo clinic is a propaganda agency run by the government to push there agenda. I'm sure you think saturated fat and red meat are gonna give us all heart attacks too?



The hallucinogenic effects of tobacco become far more explicable when it is borne in mind that the strains of tobacco smokes by the American Indians were far more potent than our commercially produced varieties. Furthermore, the amounts consumed by them were often considerably greater than even the most ardent chain-smoker is able to manage.

South American shamans believe that, whilst the human hunger is for food, the hunger of the spirits is for tobacco. Thus, by taking tobacco in its various forms, the shaman is making direct and intimate contact with the spirits.

In recognition of its awesome properties, native Americans traditionally restricted their use of tobacco by smoking only in the context of sacred ceremonies.

Think about who wants you to think smoking is bad, world government, the same people who want you to be a blind sheep.
The hallucinogenic effects of tobacco become far more explicable when it is borne in mind that the strains of tobacco smokes by the American Indians were far more potent than our commercially produced varieties. Furthermore, the amounts consumed by them were often considerably greater than even the most ardent chain-smoker is able to manage.

South American shamans believe that, whilst the human hunger is for food, the hunger of the spirits is for tobacco. Thus, by taking tobacco in its various forms, the shaman is making direct and intimate contact with the spirits.

In recognition of its awesome properties, native Americans traditionally restricted their use of tobacco by smoking only in the context of sacred ceremonies.

Think about who wants you to think smoking is bad, world government, the same people who want you to be a blind sheep.

You are right on Andre. As far as tobacco I only smoke my organic homegrown which happens to be Nicotiana rustica, the shamanic tobacco you speak of. "Cigarettes" are not the same thing at all. It's "reconstituted leaf and stem" sprayed with a processed juice. Worse, it has radiation from phosphate fertilizers and that is the primary cause of lung cancer in smokers.

Cannabis smoke does not restrict alveoli. In fact it does quite the opposite. Our lungs don't function like a bong or a pipe and I think high quality Cannabis smoke does nothing to harm them.


Active member
After 10 years of smoking all day every day honestly the only bad side effect is that my teeth have gotten a little more fucked since I started smoking. They didn't fall out or anything, just more frequent problems. I don't smoke cigs, never done any other drugs that would cause this problem. I brush 2x times per day, go to my regular dentist appointments, my dentist says I just have soft teeth and that the pot smoke doesn't help my cause at all and deteriorates my enamel from excess use.


Active member
I've been smoking for 13 years, my age is not relevant.

of course age is relevant , or better said how long you have been smoking

all i know is that sport goes a LOT better without smoking a LOT and i am not talking bout cigs , but about joints / bongs whatever

only vaping doesn't give me problems , but smoking just makes me feel unhealthy

when you smoke your oxigen level in the blood drops dramatically(30%)

You don't actually,

oh but i do cuz since i only vape i feel great ;)

keep denying and just wait for many years , really don't think that your airways will stay unaffected by smoking all day every day
it won't kill you , but it ain't healthy , you aren't superman and your lungs aren't made of steel

ou keep claiming(along with the other deniers) that everyone who disagrees is some 13 year old kid. While the people who disagree actually bust out the science.

no i thought you where young by your style of writing and the things you say

Btw I'm not using weed as an escape goat , but SMOKING, wether it be herb , tobacco or dogshit

I'm sure you think saturated fat and red meat are gonna give us all heart attacks too?

yeah duuuuhhhhh , of course , when consumed in great quantities , our bodies need fats , but crap like mcdonalds will give you heartattacks or worse
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Active member
It drops 2-3 hours

smoking maybe opens the bronchi but you also get a lot of other crap in your lungs

If i smoke and the next morning i hack up brown stuff , i know that it isn't healthy , what do you guys need to be convinced?
Some people act as if herb is some kind of holy thing that only does good
bottom line is breathing goes better without smoking

i do agree that vaping can have a positive effect on the airways but smoke is crap , even though i love to smoke i stay realistic
After 10 years of smoking all day every day honestly the only bad side effect is that my teeth have gotten a little more fucked since I started smoking. They didn't fall out or anything, just more frequent problems. I don't smoke cigs, never done any other drugs that would cause this problem. I brush 2x times per day, go to my regular dentist appointments, my dentist says I just have soft teeth and that the pot smoke doesn't help my cause at all and deteriorates my enamel from excess use.

I think a lot of smokers have teeth problems the biggest reason being lack of water..teeth are exposed bones and if they don't stay in a wet alkaline environment they start to rot.

I try to eat a more balanced diet with more vegetables and fruit and drink lots of water. I haven't touched a soda in years and don't have the taste for one anymore either..I wouldn't feed that to jane so how is it going to help me?


Damn dude did you really have to pull up the pictures of the lungs??

FWIW, when i was actively smoking, i used to cough up mucus with brown and sometimes black stuff in the morning.


i have been smoking pot daily since i was 19 (its been 14 years now and counting...)
i smoke more pot than most folks are comfortable with...
i roll out of bed and hit the bong. then start the shower and hit the bong before i jump in. then i dry, dress, and hit the bong again. thats the first 20 minutes of my day, every day. the rest of my day is pretty similiar - anytime i am going to go out the door, its a bong hit to get ready to go and then one more for the road. I SMOKE A LOT OF POT. ALL THE TIME.

LOL, you got a hold of my daily calender eh? I feel ya though bro, even friends/family who smoke a lot claim I smoke "too much". I just love the ACT of breaking off a bong rip, smelling it, loading it, lighting it, inhaling it, exhaling it. Only 1 buddy of mine will match me bong rip for bong rip, blunt for blunt. Maybe we should be friends Grey!


when you smoke your oxigen level in the blood drops dramatically(30%)

Dude are you joking?? How can you claim this with zero evidence?? At least post some sources...

I had one of these machines that test the oxygen level of your blood(you put it on your finger). My reading was always 99% whether I just smoked a big hit or nothing at all.


Active member
I think a lot of smokers have teeth problems the biggest reason being lack of water..teeth are exposed bones and if they don't stay in a wet alkaline environment they start to rot.

I try to eat a more balanced diet with more vegetables and fruit and drink lots of water. I haven't touched a soda in years and don't have the taste for one anymore either..I wouldn't feed that to jane so how is it going to help me?

Your totally right there on the soda, its my other big vice and a big problem to me health. I don't drink coffee or smoke cigs and coke classic is the only thing that can wake me up the the AM or keep me going during a long work day. I know its horrible for me but Im just not willing to give it up.


Active member
Dude are you joking?? How can you claim this with zero evidence?? At least post some sources...

I had one of these machines that test the oxygen level of your blood(you put it on your finger). My reading was always 99% whether I just smoked a big hit or nothing at all.

oh comon man don't act so retarded , when you smoke your lungs have to work a lot harder to get oxigen out of the air in your blood ,

breathing goes a lot better without smoking
oh comon man don't act so retarded , when you smoke your lungs have to work a lot harder to get oxigen out of the air in your blood ,

breathing goes a lot better without smoking

Yah you retart,, your just coting your' lungs in TAR like a BONNNGGG

Hilarious... :D

On a serious note I knew someone who actually died from smoking pot. I thought about trying to collect on Jack Herer's $100,000 challenge, but the kid had a congenital lung defect so that's not really fair.

He collapsed one of his lungs pulling bong hits and went to the ER and everything. Then he was doing some more bong hits one day and collapsed the other lung and died on the spot.

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