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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
My view on this is that I don't really give a damn why anybody smokes marijuana. It is very benign in it's impact on society, and is largely positive in it's impact on individuals. However, I do find it offensive that, at least to a superficial examination, most of the people are using it for mostly recreational purposes, and get very defensive about their so-called "medicine". I find it very offensive that when I finally broke down and went to get a rec (because I would have been dropped out of a chronic pain program for testing positive for mj without a rec), the pot quack forgot the information that he was supposed to gather from me. The same pot quack was walking around the office singing the lyrics to "everybody must get stoned". I remember the 215 campaign, and it sure as hell wasn't about marijuana for the masses, and that is not why the majority of Californians voted for it. And the most offensive thing about it is when people who are making a living off growing, or making their house payment because they are otherwise unemployable, or for whatever reason are deriving a significant portion of their income from mmj then say that they aren't going to vote for 19. This is utter horseshit. As has been repeatedly established, growing on a large scale is a hell of a lot of work. Somehow I get the feeling that if you are one of the "seriously ill Californians" specifically mentioned in the first six words of 215 as being the target group for whom it is intended, you aren't going to be well enough to grow on this level. Yes, it is wonderful that people are providing this service. Yes, they should make a reasonable income from it. Yes, they should be horsewhipped if they oppose 19.


Well-known member
My view on this is that I don't really give a damn why anybody smokes marijuana. It is very benign in it's impact on society, and is largely positive in it's impact on individuals. However, I do find it offensive that, at least to a superficial examination, most of the people are using it for mostly recreational purposes, and get very defensive about their so-called "medicine". I find it very offensive that when I finally broke down and went to get a rec (because I would have been dropped out of a chronic pain program for testing positive for mj without a rec), the pot quack forgot the information that he was supposed to gather from me. The same pot quack was walking around the office singing the lyrics to "everybody must get stoned". I remember the 215 campaign, and it sure as hell wasn't about marijuana for the masses, and that is not why the majority of Californians voted for it. And the most offensive thing about it is when people who are making a living off growing, or making their house payment because they are otherwise unemployable, or for whatever reason are deriving a significant portion of their income from mmj then say that they aren't going to vote for 19. This is utter horseshit. As has been repeatedly established, growing on a large scale is a hell of a lot of work. Somehow I get the feeling that if you are one of the "seriously ill Californians" specifically mentioned in the first six words of 215 as being the target group for whom it is intended, you aren't going to be well enough to grow on this level. Yes, it is wonderful that people are providing this service. Yes, they should make a reasonable income from it. Yes, they should be horsewhipped if they oppose 19.

yeah, calling it MMJ has become a stretch, like rives i have no problem with whatever a person's needs are
and some may claim it's all medical, but most don't understand MMJ that way, if it's medical, then you should have some identifiable illness
but many of us have had to pay the price, many state's MMJ progress slowed to a crawl over the last several years


its funny how all you guys blast medical use as abuse, and then in the same breath compare no votes to LEO. i wonder who else sees the irony in that?


some may claim it's all medical, but most don't understand MMJ that way, if it's medical, then you should have some identifiable illness
but many of us have had to pay the price, many state's MMJ progress slowed to a crawl over the last several years
really i thought 14 states now allow medicinal use of cannabis in just as many years since prop 215 passed, thats "slowing to a crawl?"

and was it you or someone else who was stating that NY was about to vote on mmj but left out the "or any condition for which marijuana provides relief" part in their prop

its funny how all you guys blast medical use as abuse, and then in the same breath compare no votes to LEO. i wonder who else sees the irony in that?


Well-known member
really i thought 14 states now allow medicinal use of cannabis in just as many years since prop 215 passed, thats "slowing to a crawl?"

and was it you or someone else who was stating that NY was about to vote on mmj but left out the "or any condition for which marijuana provides relief" part in their prop


sure plenty of progress, but that's been more recent(relatively)
and NY is close, and will probably close the deal soon
but cali's MMJ was not a strong selling point to many states
NJ's is the most worthless piece of crap legislation so far


ICMag Donor
I really doubt this. There are a lot of great growers with a lot of great strains. People are going to buy the best, especially if it's not from big business, as you say.

It takes a lot of land to grow Tobacco, and the right climate where anyone can grow great Cannabis with a limited amount of space.

As for the cost of permits, your doing nothing but speculating and fearmongering. Do you have some inside info or are you just talking to be heard?

Big business is going to take over, no matter what we do about it...sorry to tell you. It will be like tobacco soon, no more strains. It will be legal to grow, but you will have to pay up the ass in fines, permits, fees, and taxes, so only big business can grow.

You know that the IRS can fine you and imprison you for growing tobacco and not claiming it on your taxes? The very same thing will happen, and the only thing you can do to stop it is to fly a plane into an IRS building...


Active member
No one is blasting medical use as abuse.

We are making light of the fact that there are many people who make up a bullshit ache or pain to have a medical excuse so that they can use for recreational purposes.

These people should not have to 'lie' to some 'doctor' to get 'medicine'.

It should be free to use and cultivate responsibly for all... not just the seriously ill.

If you can't see that clear distinction then I hope I made it for you.


No one is blasting medical use as abuse.

We are making light of the fact that there are many people who make up a bullshit ache or pain to have a medical excuse so that they can use for recreational purposes.

These people should not have to 'lie' to some 'doctor' to get 'medicine'.

It should be free to use and cultivate responsibly for all... not just the seriously ill.

If you can't see that clear distinction then I hope I made it for you.

paraphrased as: get off my lawn you damn kids!

no i know that ur upset that people in california are legally using their med laws. your concern with their relationship with their dr. is really none of anyones business. hating on em for using a law that was meant to be used that way in an attempt to garner support for 19, is just weak.

i too wish for free and open cannabis laws, but im not going to throw anyone under the bus in the process.


but many of us have had to pay the price, many state's MMJ progress slowed to a crawl over the last several years

sure plenty of progress, but that's been more recent(relatively)
and NY is close, and will probably close the deal soon
these are two very contradicting, subsequent posts. your arguing one point then automatically flip your statement once refuted?

dont worry your not the only one. but thats what is causing frustrations between members and the constant running in circles in this thread.

that said i have been swaying i little more to the yes side, though overall id still say no at this point.



paraphrased as: get off my lawn you damn kids!

no i know that ur upset that people in california are legally using their med laws. your concern with their relationship with their dr. is really none of anyones business. hating on em for using a law that was meant to be used that way in an attempt to garner support for 19, is just weak.

i too wish for free and open cannabis laws, but im not going to throw anyone under the bus in the process.
:yeahthats :scripture: :scripture: :bashhead: :deadhorse :wallbash: good post:good: they can hate, we can celebrate :yay:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
of course Anti, your just lookin for some "knuckle (head or dragger not sure)" to "rip into you"...... so you can get your kicks arguing. an really ANTI this is my own personal business... but since your so pushy

I'm so pushy. People claim they are legit medical patients NOT hiding behind their 'valid medical reason' to smoke recreationally... then admit they are.

All the things besides what you are 'scribed are not valid medical reasons, and therefore illegal. You are hiding behind your 'scrip in order to get high.

I get high all the time. Right now in fact. (Pauses for big rip.) If I could, I would also be hiding behind a 'scrip for some bullshit (or non-bullshit) reason. But I would also vote "Hell fucking yes!" for this Prop, because it further legitimizesmy not-strictly-medically-prescribed smoking.

All we're asking for you guys to do is be honest with US. We don't expect you to go tell the police or anything. Just be honest with US, your fellow cannabis cultivators and internet buddies.

i think my excerpt from my post and nomaads makes things pretty clear... but. yes at times i smoke with others for fun, but at the same time the reason it is fun is because it makes me feel more comfortable around groups of people and i can relax and be myself without feeling self conscious or anxious. so at its roots, is still medicinal and allows me to better socialize.

thanks for being so swell,
I have no quarrel with your desire to smoke for fun, feel comfortable around groups, relax, be yourself, avoid self-conscious anxiety. I fully support your right to do these things, and I do them too.

I'm just asking you why you would be FIGHTING against further support for OUR position?


Well-known member
these are two very contradicting, subsequent posts. your arguing one point then automatically flip your statement once refuted?

dont worry your not the only one. but thats what is causing frustrations between members and the constant running in circles in this thread.

that said i have been swaying i little more to the yes side, though overall id still say no at this point.


you have me there, but in the sense of time
cali MMJ has moved much forward, but it's had some consequences, not all good
it's slowed progress at times in some states, but time has helped to work through it
i believe more states would have MMJ by now if Cali's had been more MMJ than thinly disguised rec MJ
it really is a contradictory situation, MMJ made MJ legal in california(for the most part), but it had a price, slowed down some other states that want stricter MMJ


Active member
Okay, how about this.

Xanax, Ritalin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Morphine, Vicodin, Adderall, and many, many more drugs you have to go see a doctor and get a prescription.

Xanax, Ritalin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Morphine, Vicodin, Adderall, and many, many more drugs are deadly, habit forming, and have serious side effects if used improperly.

Does Marijuana belong in this category, or can we keep it over the counter?


you have me there, but in the sense of time
cali MMJ has moved much forward, but it's had some consequences, not all good
it's slowed progress at times in some states, but time has helped to work through it
i believe more states would have MMJ by now if Cali's had been more MMJ than thinly disguised rec MJ
it really is a contradictory situation, MMJ made MJ legal in california(for the most part), but it had a price, slowed down some other states that want stricter MMJ

yeah but without cali making mmj, whos to say that there would have been such a movement at all? i mean you cant boast that california leads the universe in all things politically edgy, but then complain that its calis fault.

you could claim that california must make a very liberal legalization bill, because after cali every other state tightens the belt. such as with mmj. thats a bad argument for 19, theres not much room to tighten up with. cali gets an ounce, ny gets a gram?


Well-known member
yeah but without cali making mmj, whos to say that there would have been such a movement at all? i mean you cant boast that california leads the universe in all things politically edgy, but then complain that its calis fault.

you could claim that california must make a very liberal legalization bill, because after cali every other state tightens the belt. such as with mmj. thats a bad argument for 19, theres not much room to tighten up with. cali gets an ounce, ny gets a gram?

definitely not claiming fault here, this is very tough to quantify
just pointing out that 'on the ground' in NY, cali's MMJ scares politicians
or it did, they finally grew enough nuts to take a step forward
how much did it slow? no one can answer that
NJ is probably a better example, theirs is so screwed up that it's total crap


ICMag Donor
There seems to be an untrue assumption that I do not like med users or growers. This is false. What I dislike is someone protected by med laws that would vote no because someone else didn't want to become part of the med program.

I don't care if someone sells 200 pounds of Cannabis as long as they respect someone elses rights and choices. It's your right as a Cannabis smoker to be able to be a part of 215, and enjoy the benefits it gives you. Those that choose to abide by stricter guidlines and stay private for whatever reason now have 19 to allow them to be legal. When we argue because of your being legal under 215, in my case it's not because a disagree with that program at all. In my mind, and in my opinion it seems selfish to deny this group.

Every year I give hundreds of clones to disabled veterans, and other people to grow. I also give many pounds a year away to this same group. And the group seems to get bigger every year. The man I learned alot about growing from is a disabled veteran. He also had a large amount of land in the family and I had permission to use it so I always kept him and a few of his disabled friends in Bud. It's just continued to go on for years.

The right thing to do here is to back each other up in whatever way we choose to be legal, without making assumptions about the other side. Each side has reason why they choose the program they do. I know I wouldn't be able to become part of a public med program for personal reasons. And I'm sure there are lots of people that are in the same boat. Even though what they were doing was legal by law, many people would be "phased out" of their jobs because of set opinions of employers. Of coarse, it would be for some other reason, lol.......

Hopefully at some point everyone can find some common ground with this. Lets all try not to put "to much water under the bridge" that we dislike each other.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
its funny how all you guys blast medical use as abuse, and then in the same breath compare no votes to LEO. i wonder who else sees the irony in that?

I guess I don't understand the irony here. First, I haven't seen anyone blasting medical use, just poseurs who say they are voting against 19.

paraphrased as: get off my lawn you damn kids!

no i know that ur upset that people in california are legally using their med laws. your concern with their relationship with their dr. is really none of anyones business. hating on em for using a law that was meant to be used that way in an attempt to garner support for 19, is just weak.

i too wish for free and open cannabis laws, but im not going to throw anyone under the bus in the process.

Nope, I don't believe the law was meant to be used that way. Again, read the damn thing! It is pretty clear how it was intended regardless of what has been said about it in the intervening years or interpretations by liberal judges. And while I don't believe that it was intended to be used this way by the people who voted it in, it has been a good thing. My bone of contention is with the people who have taken advantage of it and then want to deny others access under a more liberal law that addresses 95% of the usage.


I guess I don't understand the irony here. First, I haven't seen anyone blasting medical use, just poseurs who say they are voting against 19.

Nope, I don't believe the law was meant to be used that way. Again, read the damn thing! It is pretty clear how it was intended regardless of what has been said about it in the intervening years or interpretations by liberal judges. And while I don't believe that it was intended to be used this way by the people who voted it in, it has been a good thing. My bone of contention is with the people who have taken advantage of it and then want to deny others access under a more liberal law that addresses 95% of the usage.

from the no votes ive seen here, their beef with 19 is this:

1- 19 is not a more liberal or in any way a better law than 215, and in fact is just a corporate grab.

2- they dont absolutely need 19, they can exist under 215 and wait for a better prop.

the way i see it, some yes people see this and it makes them crazy. there really is no way to argue that stance, ive tried ive asked it in this forum. so the last resort is to personal attack med use.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
from the no votes ive seen here, their beef with 19 is this:

1- 19 is not a more liberal or in any way a better law than 215, and in fact is just a corporate grab.

2- they dont absolutely need 19, they can exist under 215 and wait for a better prop.

the way i see it, some yes people see this and it makes them crazy. there really is no way to argue that stance, ive tried ive asked it in this forum. so the last resort is to personal attack med use.

out if all the people I know and associate with, it's only dealers and growers against it. maybe I'm foolishly being optimistic with what 19 will do. but I just cant vote against legalization, as flawed as it may be, it will still be called legalization and if it fails, the outcome seems far worst for all involved than it's passing. I really think this is a good thing for everyone, even if they don't realize it.
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