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Thansk subrob for being a source of realism. This thread is a joke. First of all that 'email story' was obviously made up by an anti immigration fiend.
It seems most of you folks would like Mexicans to come to YOUR country and pick your vegetables and provide food for your tables, but then get the hell out. elitist is the nice way of saying it.
Did the US forcibly take Arizona and California from Mexico in the first place? Answer:yes
I can hear the uneducated now...we got here first...wah wah wah

LOL, takes quite the set of blown-up e-balls calling anyone uneducated with that post.

I'll just assume ,for the moment, you're just chronologically challenged, until you follow-up and remove all doubt.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
vive la difference!!!!

vive la difference!!!!

Well that's good for you then, because by 2050(I've even heard 2030) they will be the majority group in the US

vive la différence! "[long] live the difference"; originally referring to the difference between the sexes, the phrase may be used to celebrate the difference between any two groups of people (or simply the general diversity of individuals):thank you:


breathe deep
LOL, takes quite the set of blown-up e-balls calling anyone uneducated with that post.

I'll just assume ,for the moment, you're just chronologically challenged, until you follow-up and remove all doubt.

It was called the Mexico-American war from 1846-1848.
UHHMM Whats your point?


Insanity Rules: this is so trippy...."Sounds to me the major issue isn't race but rather people illegally entering our country expecting to have equal rights and taking money that isn't their's, to receive! I fully stand behind Arizona and have no hatred towards any color of skin. Our country is in serious financial shape! Sending all our capital to Mexico isn't going to help the USA. It helps Mexico. "Parasites" is defiantly a correct term! Coming to America in pursuit of prosperity is what this country is all about. What it means though is you come here to be a part of this Great Country not steal from us, for your own benefits! Come to this great land and learn! Learn to be Dr's, Lawyers and Farmers. Take that knowledge to your country of origin and put those practices in place and make your own country great. DON'T put me and my family in poverty because your a parasite! We offer you freely. Observe and learn something. I believe Arizona is holding accountable those responsible; not Racism. A true leadership that sees the true problems, in their own economy and has to take steps to correct the unemployment, of those born and bred there. Whatever their nationality!!!! There's nothing wrong with that! The feds sure as fuck aren't gonna help! It's time the States recognize they need to individually prosper, on their own and quit relying on "Big Brother", to help out! Those of you that want to come to the USA illegally and protest in our streets. How dare you fucking ignorant pieces of shit!!!! We are the most generous people on earth!!!! As one writer wrote..."Where are all the countries we helped when we are in need"? Great question! Yet not one single response. We owe you nothing. We do owe the Vets of this country and those in the streets starving though. Where's mention of those Americans, in your bitch for unfairness??? America.....You need to realize we aren't responsible to take on the worlds problems. We can offer leadership and knowledge. Knowledge of a better way of life and the steps to get there. Then.....YOU must put those practices into place and make your own way. WELFARE should only be for those that CAN'T make their own way. NEVER for "Parasites" I resent driving through the hood and seeing crack dealers being fed and housed on my hard earned tax dollars all the while driving a BMW!!!! Thats fucking wrong my friend!!! Come November...People need to realize IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!!! And that change begins within the elected officials!!!

THANK YOU Arizona Your courage duly noted!!!!!.....

.....I must say i certainly did hear an Ancestor telling this same story but in different words once in a dream......Who knows, they say history repeats itself.


It was called the Mexico-American war from 1846-1848.
UHHMM Whats your point?

Of all the things in your post that smack of irony, the Mexican-American war would be the last place I'd start.

It was the chronologically challenged comment, wasn't it?

Ooooh no...Not the neg-rep button!



breathe deep
Of all the things in your post that smack of irony, the Mexican-American war would be the last place I'd start.

It was the chronologically challenged comment, wasn't it?

Ooooh no...Not the neg-rep button!


first off, i did not neg rep you.

Secondly you keep skirting the topic at hand.

What is your point?

What is incorrect in my post?

your silence speaks volumes. Now please lets keep this discussion educated. If you're not, then read and you may someday be.
good luck with that.


Awfully presumptuous for an 'educated' man, wouldn't you agree?

The nice thing about age is it gives a broader world-view, hopefully you'll get there one day.


breathe deep
way to make your point....(read sarcasm)

You have yet to say anything regarding this thread's topic.

Its been a bore. take care


way to make your point....(read sarcasm)

You have yet to say anything regarding this thread's topic.

Its been a bore. take care

Actually, it's been rather enlightening.

Truth be told, to expound further would be pointless.

But you take care as well.


Garden Nymph
Are you seriously calling for a return of lynching?

Not surprising this whole thread started with a chain email. If you feel like making a point how about sourcing it instead of repeating the same BS someone just forwarded you.

Are all of you aware how the immigration process in our country even works? Have a look, maybe you will learn something new:


If you aren't rich, don't have an immediate family member who is already a citizen, or are marrying a citizen, you are SOL, it's not going to happen. All of our ancestors who immigrated years ago and made this country what it is did it at a time when our laws were much more open.

Sub rob is right, this thread is embarrassing.

True, but my mom waited 8 years to come here when my dad petitioned her. People need to come here the right way, Mexican or any other people.


Active member
By the way, I saw that "chain email" a couple years ago.
It was actually in a column by Rush Limbaugh. Not sure if he wrote it or just featured it. However, the statements about immigrating to Mexico are true. You must prove financial stability and have a certain amount in the bank. You have nothing coming from Mexico, ie., social services that they come here for.
This is the greatest problem facing our country, IMO. But it's not only happening here. All of Europe is being inundated by Muslim populations coming from Africa/Asia. Population is out of control in the third world-with the average female having 7-8 children. This creates a massive problem for the developed nations, as we simply can't (and shouldn't have to) assimilate hundreds of millions or billions of refugees. This over population must stop, as the habitat of the natural world is being irrevocably destroyed. Once the rain forests are gone, they are gone for good, and so are we. We cannot allow the third world to breed us into oblivion. We must defend our borders, and we must come up with a solution for the world wide population explosion. This is really our number one problem, and the cause of the breakdown of all systems, natural, and man made, such as world economies. The earth cannot survive this onslaught of humanity, even if it means bigger sales for McDonalds. When things get so crowded, each of us is diminished. The problem is obvious. The solution not so simple.
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So true! For instance, France is pretty much held hostage by the 6 million or so muslims who live there. The largest muslim population outside of a muslim country.


Active member
So true! For instance, France is pretty much held hostage by the 6 million or so muslims who live there. The largest muslim population outside of a muslim country.

It won't be long before it is a Muslim country. The same thing is happening in Holland, England, and all over Europe.
Once the muslims have a majority, it will be sharia law. If you Google "muslim demographics", you will see a scary video that explains the shift in populations.
It's the same thing happening here, with the third world breeding the rest of the natural world into extinction.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
This thread is a shameful embarrassment.

If you Google "Instant Karma" you will see an awesome message intended for everyone.


LOL...the bleedin'-hearts of this site/country are absolutely amazing! Just because one partakes in growing & smoking his/her own, we should immediately side with the 'anti-establishment' objective and take leave of our common sense...Sure!...Right away!


You,sir, are sadly mistaken in your finger-pointing, regardless of where the OP recieved his 'info'. The validity of what's been said holds true and the only real embarrassment falls squarely on those trying to circumvent an already lenient, and welcoming countries immigration laws.

I know, it's a hard concept for pot growers to grasp, but you can lean both ways...think outside the box.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
LOL...the bleedin'-hearts of this site/country are absolutely amazing! Just because one partakes in growing & smoking his/her own, we should immediately side with the 'anti-establishment' objective and take leave of our common sense...Sure!...Right away!


You,sir, are sadly mistaken in your finger-pointing, regardless of where the OP recieved his 'info'. The validity of what's been said holds true and the only real embarrassment falls squarely on those trying to circumvent an already lenient, and welcoming countries immigration laws.

I know, it's a hard concept for pot growers to grasp, but you can lean both ways...think outside the box.


I would like for you to point where my finger was pointing.



This thread is a shameful embarrassment.

If you Google "Instant Karma" you will see an awesome message intended for everyone.


I would like for you to point where my finger was pointing.


My post was not made with you specifically in mind, but since you asked...My better judgment would lead me to believe that statement was directed at the thread-starter, no ?

Call me crazy
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