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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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but I don't like this proposal because it VALIDATES the actions of the pigs. Right now they abuse us and violate our rights and we proclaim the injustice. In December when they jackboot someone and say that bad guy had WAY TOO MUCH weed or WAY TOO BIG A GARDEN they can also say and EVERYONE agrees that TOO MUCH WEED = 7 years in prison, see the recent passage of prop 19
The thing is no one here bothers refuting other people's good arguments, you all just ignore it and don't try to see things from the other perspective, then there's really no point in discussing it.

Hydrosun posted a good argument above, and although the # of years of prison time is irrelevant here, the point is couldn't cops pin you with intent to sell if your garden is just a little over the limit, and they will have prop 19 to back them when they take your ass to court. Vague laws are not a good idea and leads to more problems.

True this bill may have been revised hundreds of times by expert lawmakers, but they were paid to do so and you do realize that these people are experts at carefully wording bills to conceal hidden agenda from the uninformed voter? It's been done many times in the past.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The thing is no one here bothers refuting other people's good arguments, you all just ignore it and don't try to see things from the other perspective, then there's really no point in discussing it.

Hydrosun posted a good argument above, and although the # of years of prison time is irrelevant here, the point is couldn't cops pin you with intent to sell if your garden is just a little over the limit, and they will have prop 19 to back them when they take your ass to court. Vague laws are not a good idea and leads to more problems.

How is this any diffrent than it is now? At least with 19 if your not following law your chances are still far better with it than without it.

PS: anyone notice that all pro 19 people have alot of positive rep and have been here years, while the opposers have little to no rep and maybe a few months undervtheir belt at IC.....maybe it's just a coincidence. I wonder if it's also a coincidence that 19 shows 30pts passing over not passing and that the yes on 19 facebook page has 133,000+ friends while the no on 19 page has less than 24??

Good to know that morality and common sense are not lost entirely....


How is this any diffrent than it is now? At least with 19 if your not following law your chances are still far better with it than without it.

Double standard.
It's different because with 19 we can still go to jail but corporations and large scale grow ops can't because they can afford a license? Fuck that.

Also, it is a really bad idea that the process for getting a license is not worded into this bill. This means that whichever agency is put in charge later will be able to regulate, tax, and set the license fees at their whim?


Active member
the point is simple. why would i want to vote in something that doesnt extend freedoms?

Saying that it doesn't extend freedoms is a flat out lie. How do you expect to be taken seriously if you're obviously not willing to deal with facts?

anyone can get a med card. am i abusing the medical system? BOO HOO.

Yes, any recreational smoker that got a medical card is abusing the system, and they're making it hard for people to take medical marijuana seriously.

im asking again, because i want to know,

what part of 19 is better than 215?

the question is so simple. i will bold it.

can anyone copy and paste the part of the wording of prop 19 that clearly outdoes 215?

i wanna know

It's not a fucking competition. They're two different things.


back, for a minute.

yes i already said im voting yes on this, and i am voting yes.

but i really hate this prop.

im voting yes because i believe we as cannabis afficianados will band together to mold the crappy possible outcomes of this crappy prop to our favor.

history has proven this wrong so far, but something exciting might be happening very soon that has my hopes up that we will.

still no answer to my question eh?


I wonder if it's also a coincidence that 19 shows 30pts passing over not passing and that the yes on 19 facebook page has 133,000+ friends while the no on 19 page has less than 24??
So you're saying that just/moral laws are always passed by majority vote? Oh wait... something's wrong here.

Funny how you're going by facebook ads too. You do realize a lot of people click the "like" button just to look cool but if you asked those same people to stand up for their rights they'd be scared little bitches.

I really don't see how prop 19 outdoes 215 either. In a way it is a competition because why change if it doesn't offer any benefits? Right now anyone can easily get a med card and grow legally so what is there to worry about? The people who don't grow don't need to worry about legality anyway since they only smoke so little and for recreational use.
The only change I see is that with prop 19 it becomes legal for those who can afford a license to do walmart sized grow-ops while everyone else gets reduced grow-space.


for the record, i changed my vote after tom hill, humboldt local and nomaad came out in favor of the bill. nomaad has since changed to on the fence. but all of those people i hold in the highest regard on icmag for their contributions to the cannabis scene, and as people who i hold in the highest regards as far as character.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
We can not answer that question 215 is not better then 19 as there 2 different laws. apples and oranges. 215 is for medical 19 is for recreational. If you are medical 19 wont effect you so why not let the guys/gals that don't have cards the same protection they we have by voting yes for them. 19 is for the average weekend smoker.


Which as a parent I TOTALLY support. You should not be smoking in the presence of child wether it is cannabis or tobacco EVER!!!!!

How can ANY parent not agree with this is beyond me.

Is it that hard to walk outside for a smoke?

I'd say these clowns are children - they don't have children (I hope). Hydrosun keep making your desperate pitches for people not to vote "Hell Yeah" on prop 19 - you're either commercial, a rabid prohibitionist or DEA is they way I figure it. Either way, voting day will decide the matter. At best its touch and go . If LEAP are supporting it, if anti drug war organizations are supporting it, if those who have been around more than 45 years are supporting it (members of the MJ culture), then questions have to be raised as to why so called growers and smokers aren't supporting it. You still have med laws in Cal along with prop 19 - that covers you two ways either way; at worst you simply have more choice. And please stop ranting and quoting our forefathers - believe me, you have no idea what you're talking about and your distortion of their beliefs and sufferance can only be likened to blasphemy.


So you're saying that just/moral laws are always passed by majority vote? Oh wait... something's wrong here.

Funny how you're going by facebook ads too. You do realize a lot of people click the "like" button just to look cool but if you asked those same people to stand up for their rights they'd be scared little bitches.

I'd say what it says is sweet FA people on FB are voting no to prop 19. That's about all one could say wouldn't you say? I'd say sweet FA people think it's cool to say they'd vote no based on your logic.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have plans to turn the garage into my smoke place no children allowed while pops has the sign up. I have my recliner a smal tv and radio just open the side door if you have one and puff puff pass to your wife :)


We can not answer that question 215 is not better then 19 as there 2 different laws. apples and oranges. 215 is for medical 19 is for recreational. If you are medical 19 wont effect you so why not let the guys/gals that don't have cards the same protection they we have by voting yes for them. 19 is for the average weekend smoker.

because the people that don't have cards don't need them to begin with. Your average weekend smoker isn't going to get more than a slap on the wrist with how much weed they have, unless they are a street dealer. But we're not legalizing weed so people can sell here. So prop 19 has no benefit to your average American "recreational" drug user.


Active member
because the people that don't have cards don't need them to begin with. Your average weekend smoker isn't going to get more than a slap on the wrist with how much weed they have, unless they are a street dealer. But we're not legalizing weed so people can sell here. So prop 19 has no benefit to your average American "recreational" drug user.

No benefit? I don't know if you're willfully ignorant or if you honestly don't get it.


I love my life
I'd say these clowns are children - they don't have children (I hope). Hydrosun keep making your desperate pitches for people not to vote "Hell Yeah" on prop 19 - you're either commercial, a rabid prohibitionist or DEA is they way I figure it. Either way, voting day will decide the matter. At best its touch and go . If LEAP are supporting it, if anti drug war organizations are supporting it, if those who have been around more than 45 years are supporting it (members of the MJ culture), then questions have to be raised as to why so called growers and smokers aren't supporting it. You still have med laws in Cal along with prop 19 - that covers you two ways either way; at worst you simply have more choice. And please stop ranting and quoting our forefathers - believe me, you have no idea what you're talking about and your distortion of their beliefs and sufferance can only be likened to blasphemy.

Direct quotes can only be likened to blasphemy and distortion? No need to quote forefathers to you because you are exquisitely fluent in Orwellian. So LAW ENFORCEMENT against prohibition is now part of the MJ community. I must have missed the memo that said pigs were part of the team.

More choice from government enforced monopoly? Oh year I forgot we are speaking Orwellian.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
because the people that don't have cards don't need them to begin with. Your average weekend smoker isn't going to get more than a slap on the wrist with how much weed they have, unless they are a street dealer. But we're not legalizing weed so people can sell here. So prop 19 has no benefit to your average American "recreational" drug user.

Not true they can still be incarcerated for cultivation put on probation have to go to a drug class a record with a felony attached hundreds if not thousand's of dollars in fines. Look at the big picture not just the ticket


my only beef with some yes voters is that they really really want 19 to be something it isnt. they want it so bad. they want 19 to be full legalization. when really it isnt. people have waited and wanted their entire lives to have a chance at voting for legal mj.

i just wish those people actually had a real legalization bill to put their yes vote on.

its such a leap of faith for me to say yes to this. it would be so exciting to say cali is legal.

without the pause, and the reality that most likely there will be more arrests, more money taken in the forms of new fines on pot smokers. and without a very real possibility of big businesses pushing out all of the mom and pop growers, and lobbying away our current freedoms on the city and board of supervisor levels, our grows and medical grows.

thats real, thats a very real possibility. hell the fight at the local level is continual just to maintain what we have goin now.


Not true they can still be incarcerated for cultivation put on probation have to go to a drug class a record with a felony attached hundreds if not thousand's of dollars in fines. Look at the big picture not just the ticket

no no, I'm talkin about people who purchase their weed. and only smoke like an 1/8th a month or less.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
even if we did it still would not be until the feds change it to 3 or 4. I do believe the feds are going to do something if this passes I can not say what but I believe it will be positive. Man it's way past my bed time


back, for a minute.

yes i already said im voting yes on this, and i am voting yes.

but i really hate this prop.

im voting yes because i believe we as cannabis afficianados will band together to mold the crappy possible outcomes of this crappy prop to our favor.

history has proven this wrong so far, but something exciting might be happening very soon that has my hopes up that we will.

still no answer to my question eh?

Bro, you're so full of shit it stinks. You claimed to have turned your vote and then have spent days here trying to turn others votes to no.
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