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Hovz : Your Next Door Neighbor


LOoking good here mate. Lovin Kaheel`s rubber maid cloner. Are the clones just sitting on the water floating on the polystyrene? I could do with making one or two of these as it`d be handy to free the cloning cupboard and these can just sit anywhere, lit from the inside right?

Cheers, Toke;-)


Active member

Okay well i did a lot of work on the tent yesterday. To start off i fixed the broken outlet box to make sure i didn't start any fires.

Here's a bulletin board i put up that has some different recipes and tea mixes printed out from icmag.

Time to hookup the ventilation

Carbon filter is hooked to the hood, then it goes up through the top, to the fan and out the window.

Brand new 600 watt hortilux eye bulb.

Okay so the plants are now in the tent, i still need to dial the ventilation in, its really easy to keep it cool in there once i vented out the window. I tried using my day night/thermostat but I'm not sure how well its really working. I went in there this morning and the temp was 58.8 according to my new thermometer. I have the temp set at 75 during the day and 65 at night. I might just not use that and try to dial it in with the fan speed controller.

I think i will transplant them today and mix up a nice EWC and molasses tea for tomorrow.


Active member
Bump, Just did a bunch of cleaning, took some more pics

Hung a calender on my bulletin board.

Picked up a bale of peat moss.

Here's assorted nutrients and you can also see my thermometer/hygrometer with min/max and temp says 666 :sasmokin:

Bubbling water

I still gotta work on dialing in my fan and temps but it shouldn't be too hard. I'll update in a few days, hopefully the clones take off... later Hovz


Hmm I just wanted to let you know that I have stopped by and read everything and tagged up and I think you are doing great. Keep it up and be careful and safe. Plants are doing but as a newbe I cant give you any info that would help lol. take it easy and 1 day at a time later


Active member
IamNug, lol thanks for the props on the water jug i thought it was a nice touch.

kava, Thanks for dropping in, If you stick around icmag long enough you will learn lots.

El Diablo, thanks for the kind words, good to know you'll be following.


Active member
nice hovz just read all and caught up. tagged and taking a seat.

Sup Metatron, thanks for commin by.

Heres the ladies in the vegging in the gl120.


I've been feeding them suby's base tea. I'm thinking i should give them a dose of some high N tea here pretty soon. There is a couple weird things going on with a couple fan leaves, a couple are more pale green then the rest. I also don't know if i let my soil cook long enough to allow the cal/mag to become available, maybe i should pickup some Epsom salts. The plants aren't doing too bad but i wish they weren't showing any deficiency's . I'll update as things progress.


Active member
Bump.. Also I'm using Brer rabbit molasses does anyone know if it will work? it is unsulphured but not blackstrap. Any suggestions on how to make these things extra happy. I think i will try a different veg tea mix and see how they respond. Any and all advice is welcome. Laterz... Hovz


hey hovz, im still following your thread. bottom line I hate soil :D nonetheless, I still think you'll get'er dialed. I could suggest something, but it would be going in a different direction which I'm not sure would be nice of me. Keep hanging in with the veg, it should latch on once they become established and able to eat what you feed them.



Active member
hey hovz, im still following your thread. bottom line I hate soil :D nonetheless, I still think you'll get'er dialed. I could suggest something, but it would be going in a different direction which I'm not sure would be nice of me. Keep hanging in with the veg, it should latch on once they become established and able to eat what you feed them.


Hey nug, i think i'm learning to hate soil myself too, but i'm really hopping i can figure things out, i know great things can be done in soil. Any and all suggestions will be considered, i don't mind any ideas. I think they are starting to come around, i believe it might of been a drainage problem. I transplanted them to 3 gallon and mixed up a batch of soil with more perlite than the last. ill update soon.... laterz hovz


nice work hovz that budswell guano is the shit -- pretty spendy too, huh ? lol i always end up using the jamacian on most of the way out... anyway tent is looking great. someone asked about the cloner -it is just a piece of styrofoam floating, yes. the plugs are Sunleaves brand. sort of like rock wool but more of a sponge/foam. hydro store has em.

great stuff hovz keep it up! :wave:


Active member
Hey everyone, i come today with some not so great news, my 9 plants i had in the tent were suffering from either poor drainage, or some cal/mag deficiency. I decided to put them outdoors to hopefully save them and give them a better chance at producing buds. As of now, i plan on putting the one vegging plant i have that is doing good into flower and see if i can't pull a harvest from this tent. I'll post pics once i find my stupid micro sized memory card.


hiya hovz just wonderin how the girl is doin hope some pics are on the way. peace out g


Active member
Greetings everyone , it's been a while since I last posted. Before I was having some major issues with my soil mix. I learned that you can't skimp on any ingredient of the soil mix especially when the perlite is like powder instead of chunky. Anyway I'm posting on a iPad so this is kinda weird not having a keyboard. I've since switched to fox farms happy frog soil mixed in with a small bag of chunky perlite, and the plants are loving the mix. I only took five clones and all of them survived and are growing fast. I'm not feeding them any nitrogen only letting them rely on the soil mix. I plan on trying the aerated compost tea as a additive for flowering. They are in 3 gallon black grow bags and I plan on flowering in about 1-2 weeks. Should I feed them with the flowering guano tea a couple weeks prior to flipping them to 12/12? Any and all advice is much appreciated, I would have pics but I still cannot find my memory card, prolly gonna have to get a new one. Later everyone.


I've since switched to fox farms happy frog soil mixed in with a small bag of chunky perlite, and the plants are loving the mix. I'm not feeding them any nitrogen only letting them rely on the soil mix. I plan on trying the aerated compost tea as a additive for flowering. They are in 3 gallon black grow bags and I plan on flowering in about 1-2 weeks. Should I feed them with the flowering guano tea a couple weeks prior to flipping them to 12/12? Any and all advice is much appreciated, I would have pics but I still cannot find my memory card, prolly gonna have to get a new one. Later everyone.

hey man hope my reply to your pm helped... sounds like it did.

should you feed plants high levels of phosphorous (you're talking a bloom tea i assume) prior to them really needing it? no. it will just build up in the soil and f*&k things up for your roots. sure they use trace amounts of phosphorous and K in veg too but your happy frog already has some levels in the mix. don't add the bigger dose until you need it. in fact, i don't start any decent level of guano until after a week or so in bloom. takes a while for the flower parts to develop before they go needing building materials. (?lol)

rule of thumb -- less is more. better for the plant to be deficient in something than to have too much. especially nutes. the problem is that whatever can't get used by the plant stays in the soil. this builds up, making the soil environment harder for taking in nutes, leaving more buildup, etc., in a vicious cycle until you get lock-out from having too many nutes and whacked out ph/ppm/everything. ironically the plant displays deficiency traits because of the nute lock-out, and most growers thus give more nutes. boom, you killed your plants.

when you flip to bloom your plants will go through a 1-2 week phase called the "stretch." if your plants are on the immature side (veg'd less than 3-5 weeks), they won't start flowering until they stretch up a little higher first (better way to get pollinated... like bitches putting on makeup lol). so you have another week or so until the real phosphorus and K are needed. if you have veg'd for a good enough time and have mature plants, then you can expect flowers a little earlier and can pretty much switch nutes within the first week, after cutting nitrogen.

that is important here -- generally it helps to think of nutrients as a zero sum game. if you are running a certain level of nitrogen and you suddenly throw in equal levels of phosphorus/potassium(K) you are now running TWICE as many nutrients in your mix than before. that is a lot. dial the one back as you add the other, or at least keep it in mind.

sativas grow bigger and bloom for longer. thus sativas need more nitrogen through the first phase of bloom. indicas are mostly bud. you wanna cut nitrogen immediately upon flipping if not a little before.

i know that is a lot of advice, but i am only writing this much because i care (ha). i just pulled 12 ounces of super-chronic, one-hitter quitter that lasts for hours, from 8 plants that were only veg'd for two weeks. my current run just went from this:

to this...

in exactly 13 days. and that is starting from the day i transplanted to bags. i did not add anything to the mix except 1.5 ml of bushmaster (an additive for veg) per gallon. original happy frog/coco mix had wormcastings added. but in your case without the coco making up the percentage (no nutes in coco!) the happy frog should be plenty to get this level of growth in two weeks.

zen masters say advice is great, but true satori lies only in first-hand experience. I've said enough, if not too much.

mmm... satori. lol :D

best of luck, man. you will kill it! :canabis:


Active member
Thanks for all the help khaleel, your pm helped me a lot. I'm defiantly liking the new soil, the plants are green and healthy, they're about 6 inches tall now, I'm thinking of topping them, so they are more bushy. I've really slowed down on my watering and its helping a lot. How much do ur grow bags weigh when your about to water?? That bushmaster looks like it works good, I've heard good things about the snowstorm ultra too


hmm, the bags probably weigh less than 5 lb.. if that. it will feel like cotton. if you want to do an experiment, let it sit until the plant actually starts to droop/wilt. seriously, you can let it happen. add water and within fifteen minutes she is perky like you never knew. in veg you kind of want to do this for a sort of resistance training. makes the roots go stretching out looking for more water, which is good. gets em strong and healthy, like having a good fan blowing on them. then, in bloom baby them a bit more. no sense stressing them then. you want to feed them well, but again better to let them get almost completely dry, like you are lifting nothing at all but the plant. they love that stuff for whatever reason. i swear by it.

k man gotta run to the store best of luck and catch ya laters



Active member
Hey icmag, just a little update, my 5 clones are about 8inch tall now and getting more bushy, some of the new leaves are twisted but for the most part the plants look great. I was thinking a nice little aerated compost tea to get the microbes in the soil going would maybe help, does anyone think this is a good idea? I was thinking maybe start off with a weak ratio of 4parts water to 1 part compost tea just so i dont burn them. I'm gonna try to post a video of the plants using a little recorder so you can see what they look like.