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Tutorial Organics for Beginners



I think it is too late for these two. Not sure what happened but check em out lol. I've never experienced so much difficulty get seedlings started...

I think I screwed up with my LC's soiless mix though. I let it sit outside damp for a month. I guess for soiless mix you just mix it up and use it right away, duh.

1-2: are the same plant (strawberry cough)
3: AK 47
4: My last grow at the same age in standard crappy off the shelf potting soil. I must have done something wrong with my LC's soiless mix for sure wtf!

Note I only applied one light EWC+Molasses tea at 2 weeks. They are at 3 weeks now lol. Sad.

Time to learn............

Work on them and get them to recover!!

First, transplant!!! It should have been your first move.

Then give them EWC and Molasses EVERY watering!

Now the next time I hear from you is when those plants are beginning to recover!

Get ´er Done!


hello everyone. just had a few basic questions (like everyone does.) i have 8 ppp clones that are just about ready to come out of the bubble cloner i built. i recently bought a bale of sunshine mix #4 as i want to switch from ffof that ive used since day one. also moving from the ff nute line to CNS17 coco/soil grow-bloom-ripe. ive looked and looked on here for experiences w/ sunshine4, but i only find threads where people have cut it w/ so much extra shit. are there any drawbacks to using it by itself? ph problems? defs.? should i add the extra amendments? and since its soil-less (hydroish) my ph shouldnt be 6.8 like the ffof right? more like 6.0-6.5?

If you use FF then you used amended soil.

Go to page one Read the whole page, buy the amendments, mix, plant and water.

Add some thing along the lines of liquid ferts as an extra.

If you mix it correctly you will not have a PH problem.



Active member
hello everyone. just had a few basic questions (like everyone does.) i have 8 ppp clones that are just about ready to come out of the bubble cloner i built. i recently bought a bale of sunshine mix #4 as i want to switch from ffof that ive used since day one. also moving from the ff nute line to CNS17 coco/soil grow-bloom-ripe. ive looked and looked on here for experiences w/ sunshine4, but i only find threads where people have cut it w/ so much extra shit. are there any drawbacks to using it by itself? ph problems? defs.? should i add the extra amendments? and since its soil-less (hydroish) my ph shouldnt be 6.8 like the ffof right? more like 6.0-6.5?

I dunno. I think I would take the time and follow the directions (exactly) of one of the soil recipes. Make sure to use the dolomite in the proper proportions. I would definitely add some sul-po-mag to my soil.

Why? Because I have been growing PPP for a while and in my opinion, you cannot have enough available mg. No matter what, you will probably see some mg deficiency. thus I say to add the dolomite and the sul-po-mag. That will keep your mg levels (and ph levels) up and your plants happy. The dolomite will help you immensely.
my 2 cents.


I dunno. I think I would take the time and follow the directions (exactly) of one of the soil recipes. Make sure to use the dolomite in the proper proportions. I would definitely add some sul-po-mag to my soil.

Why? Because I have been growing PPP for a while and in my opinion, you cannot have enough available mg. No matter what, you will probably see some mg deficiency. thus I say to add the dolomite and the sul-po-mag. That will keep your mg levels (and ph levels) up and your plants happy. The dolomite will help you immensely.
my 2 cents.

Mg i also in Kelp, Azomite, rock powders and may other things also. Not just the limestone and sul-po-mag.

Mg is in about every thing.



Are there any problems or consequences starting seeds using one of these mixes (preferably LCs #2)? I always start out my seedlings using FFOF and never have issues until ~3 weeks into growing, then I have to start adding nutrients.


Are there any problems or consequences starting seeds using one of these mixes (preferably LCs #2)? I always start out my seedlings using FFOF and never have issues until ~3 weeks into growing, then I have to start adding nutrients.

Start your seeds in this mix

50% peat
30% EWC
20% perlite
2 TBS dolomite lime per gallon of soil.

When they reach 2 to 3 weeks old start giving them Compost Teas and or Fish Emulsions.......diluted @ every watering.



What are peoples experiences with using coco instead of peat in lc's #1 mix?? I use it with teas.

Does the coco change anything as far as nutrients or lime usage go's?


Couple weeks spare time = free
A cranky wife whos sick of seeing ICMag on the screen = free but annoying
196 pages packed with everything you need to pull off a successful organic grow = PRICELESS!!!

Thanks goes out to all the contributors for putting so much time and effort into answering everyones questions! I'm running LC#2 with the Guano teas and have never had such uniformly health plants. I've had some nice looking girls back in my soil days but nothing like this. And my first try with hydro was a nightmare (all my own doing). I have a feeling I'll always have teas going and something organic going on even if I try other methods.


I believe VerdantGreen mentioned the other day that when he introduced coco into his mix he started having some problems with P getting locked out. We didn't get into the details as I have decided against using any. Don't want to have too many variables, personally.


I think I might give it a go on one or two plants, see if maybe I can up my yields a bit.
Couple weeks spare time = free
A cranky wife whos sick of seeing ICMag on the screen = free but annoying
196 pages packed with everything you need to pull off a successful organic grow = PRICELESS!!!

Thanks goes out to all the contributors for putting so much time and effort into answering everyones questions! I'm running LC#2 with the Guano teas and have never had such uniformly health plants. I've had some nice looking girls back in my soil days but nothing like this. And my first try with hydro was a nightmare (all my own doing). I have a feeling I'll always have teas going and something organic going on even if I try other methods.


the gnome

Active member
I have a Qabout adding kelp to FF OF,
I ammended FF OF with per gallon....
2tbs dolo
@tbs bone meal
1tbs blood meal

I transplanted about 30 16oz month old plants a few days ago, due to time and space constraints I had to do this.
so I just got my bag of brads kelp meal in today, figures.
can I just work a tbs of the Kelp meal into the top of the soil or would way beter for the plants to just redo the gallon pots and mix the meal in more thouroughly?


I have a Qabout adding kelp to FF OF,
I ammended FF OF with per gallon....
2tbs dolo
@tbs bone meal
1tbs blood meal

I transplanted about 30 16oz month old plants a few days ago, due to time and space constraints I had to do this.
so I just got my bag of brads kelp meal in today, figures.
can I just work a tbs of the Kelp meal into the top of the soil or would the plants be more better off to just redo the gallon pots and mix the meal in more thouroughly?

Top dressing will work just fine. Work it n god and water. It will last about a week or so.....then add another TBS and water in.


the gnome

Active member
thanks for the quick reply von :)
So is that all it lasts, 1 week?

I'm trying to follow LC's mix on the 1st page of this thread using FF OF
I assumed the Kelpmeal was going to be a somewhat slower release ferty like the
blood-n-bonemeal to keep providing K to the soil.
the only other thing I couldn't do was add the liquid karma and let the mix sit for a few weeks but my LK is due any day now so I will just have to add with watering.
while i'm on the LK, how often should I add it?

the gnome

Active member
Top dressing will work just fine. Work it n god and water. It will last about a week or so.....then add another TBS and water in.


the LC mix on t he 1stpage says 1tbls per gal of soil, your saying 2 or so over a period of time.
I just read my bag of bradfields organic kelp meal and they recomend 8 tbs per gallon of soil!
so it wouldn't hurt to had maybe 3-4 per gal.
thoghts on that one??


the LC mix on t he 1stpage says 1tbls per gal of soil, your saying 2 or so over a period of time.
I just read my bag of bradfields organic kelp meal and they recomend 8 tbs per gallon of soil!
so it wouldn't hurt to had maybe 3-4 per gal.
thoghts on that one??

Less=Better........start out with a little and see how the plants react. You can always add but never take away. Kelp does not burn the plants but an imbalance in the soil will effect the plant.

Start out slow.




Active member
I've been using compost and compost teas to provide for my plants with great success. But, right now I need something so simple my wife can take care of them if need be. It will be small cuttings going directly into flower. I would like for her to only have to water maybe with blackstrap molasses at most. So what should I mix up, needs to have available nutes immediatley, 70-80 day flower, so I guess about 60 days worth of ferts. What do you recommend?

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