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Patented genetics


ICMag Donor
i did try an find the patents talked about in the last post ,,,but i cant find any patants listed,,as of yet
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Read the patent it is not even for a plant.


US Gov held patent for Cannabis Sativa


patent here: US Patent 6630507


I cant beleive it. Doesnt matter how much it "cant" happen, "wont" happen, shit..already has, and it has been a few years too...People are not aware of the net getting to ready to scoop us all up. Sam, you are a legend, I look up to you. But your "fuck the man" and independant stance on life that has so succesfully brought you to where you are today, and the corresponding benefit you brought to the community - all of us - sadly doesnt apply here. It is done..not a matter of when, but done.

So...the reality is that even NOW, all growers with strains that could be classified as "Cannibis Sativa" are being used on an unlicensed basis from the US federal government and could be held liable for doing so. Here is my thing, now bear with me as this is paranoid: By holding the patent under the US government, they can do whatever they want with it. They could determine that this patent is relevant to US national security, and anyone utilizing this "technology" could be found liable for treason...which the penalty for is death. Stuff to think about, shit is getting weird, TV is starting to look like it appeared in futuristic movies like "Total recall".

No one knows about it so no one throws up a fuss, except us. But who cares about some dumb stoners?

Stay safe out there folks.



In an interview with Pot-TV, law professor Ikechi Mgbeoji of the University of British Columbia agreed that it was possible that big drug companies could try to patent currently illegal medicinal plants, such as poppies, coca and cannabis. These plants, or extracts thereof, could be reintroduced with the claim that they've been gone from the market long enough to qualify as "new" and "distinct" species under the 1961 Plant Patent Act, and thus be subject to patent law.

Professor Mgbeoji explained: "There is in fact the possibility that, if the use of cannabis is decriminalized, and some of the varieties that had been known to farmers who farmed in secret are now available to those with the means, it is possible that they could lay claims to have discovered these strains... they can in fact apply and obtain plant variety protection."

Attempts have already been made by others to patent the ayahuasca vine (a tool for hallucination and visions), the neem tree (a powerful antibiotic) and tumeric (an anti-inflammation tool and the main ingredient in curry). These attempts to patent natural plants have had varying degrees of success, depending on the amount of opposition.2

Canada's patent law – unlike that in the US – does not allow as much latitude to patent medicinal plants outright. Canada requires some "purification" process here first. Hence, in Canada we will see the THC patented as "Tetranabinex" and CBD patented as "Nabidiolex." The outright strain patent on, say, "Panama Red" would be reserved for the US.

Mgbeoji warned that Bayer could attempt to "'polish up' the cruder aspects of the whole thing [marijuana] and repackage it as a new invention and put a patent on it. The same thing was done with Aspirin."

On another note, who owns International Oddities? Why to they have tm on all the popular strain names? It has recently been suggested to me that the sole reason those fake ass buds are advertised in High Times is so that those names can be transferred to Cannabis strains when legalized. Any thoughts on that?
I stand corrected, in this case about the plant...but did you guys read the abstract or all 26 pages. They list appx 38 cannabinoids they want covered in the "cannaboids for nueron protection" patent.

Here is where I get weird about it Sam. My research has indicated there are 80+ cannabinoids currently discovered in the plant. Most plants have a mix of 8-14 of these different cannabinoids present, which accounts for different highs. The different cannabinoid profiles are the "mix" that determines potency, effficacy, dosage, tolerance, etc. If someone (Greed inc.) exctracts them all - or least 85% of what is in 90% of strains - and patents all those, eventually we are going to get into a situation where no matter what you have in stock (except perhaps a gem of pure landrace which folks like you Sam have access to - the point being THEY can get their hands on it), you will likely have something that has one or more of these cannabinoids like finding GMO dna in something, and then you are in violation.

Can a patent be mutually exclusive - meaning without permission/compensation it cannot in any capacity be present - even when naturally occuring?

I do lean towards thinking the world is out to fuck me, so I tend to think worst case scenario and what is the long term angle on this brain fuck, no matter what is going on. So I am genuinely asking if you all think differently? Sam, I know you arent hiding under the bed anytime soon waiting on Patent Police raiding you, but do you have concerns for patening all the inner efficous workings of the plant and the implications it has long term?

In an interview with Pot-TV, law professor Ikechi Mgbeoji of the University of British Columbia agreed that it was possible that big drug companies could try to patent currently illegal medicinal plants, such as poppies, coca and cannabis. These plants, or extracts thereof, could be reintroduced with the claim that they've been gone from the market long enough to qualify as "new" and "distinct" species under the 1961 Plant Patent Act, and thus be subject to patent law.

Professor Mgbeoji explained: "There is in fact the possibility that, if the use of cannabis is decriminalized, and some of the varieties that had been known to farmers who farmed in secret are now available to those with the means, it is possible that they could lay claims to have discovered these strains... they can in fact apply and obtain plant variety protection."

Attempts have already been made by others to patent the ayahuasca vine (a tool for hallucination and visions), the neem tree (a powerful antibiotic) and tumeric (an anti-inflammation tool and the main ingredient in curry). These attempts to patent natural plants have had varying degrees of success, depending on the amount of opposition.2

Canada's patent law – unlike that in the US – does not allow as much latitude to patent medicinal plants outright. Canada requires some "purification" process here first. Hence, in Canada we will see the THC patented as "Tetranabinex" and CBD patented as "Nabidiolex." The outright strain patent on, say, "Panama Red" would be reserved for the US.

Mgbeoji warned that Bayer could attempt to "'polish up' the cruder aspects of the whole thing [marijuana] and repackage it as a new invention and put a patent on it. The same thing was done with Aspirin."

A more studied and objective argument than I made...well put.


Just to pour some gas into the fire... If one can patent a plant because it has been long enough off the market, one can also patent humans, since they've been off the market in the US since the downfall of slavery...


ICMag Donor
sensimilia knocked seeds on its head,,,that changed the game like a seedless watermellon,,,,kids nowadays are being brought up in a clone culture,,,,

i dont think patants are our worst worrie,,,

as of yet we still have access to landrace,,,we live in a golden age,,,,stock up!!,,,,an dont piss in the pond:),,,people have to drink from that in the future:),,,lets not turn a golden-age into a-golden shower for our kids:),,,


You misunderstand the difference between a utility patent and a plant patent, they are not the same. Someone can patent a Cannabinoid if they find a new novel use for it. But that does not give them any rights to plants which produce this Cannabinoid, it is a patent for a utility. I am pretty bored with all the fear and misconceptions around these issues, educate yourself before you start screaming the sky is falling...
BTW most Cannabis in the West does not have 8-14 Cannabinoids, it normally has THC and maybe very tiny tiny amounts of a few other Cannabinoids. None of the other Cannabinoids besides THC9, THC8, CBN, have any psychoactive effects and CBD and THCV don't either but the modulate THC as they are THC antagonists.
The different effects you feel that come from the mix of Cannabinoids are in fact from the 130+ Terpenoids, +THC. Maybe CBD if there is any but mostly there is not any CBD in most Western bred Cannabis.

I think the main point of issue would be when someone decides my pollon is interfering with their practices. When my tomatoes start bringing "down" the quality of a companies medicine for which they have a patent. When my stock is "outlawed" because it is genetically " flawed". Possibly it is the wrong color or is susceptible to certain diseases. Now I would hope no one has thought that of another human, cough cough... ehm
If we are bold enough history may not have to repeat itself.
How long did it take for American leaders to admit they might have a "problem" in europe a few score ago.
Just to be on the safe side I AM
Reserving the right to grow from seed, created organically with the help of a human hands.

Reserving the right to allow myself to breed any plant to any desired progeny, including the right to pollinate anything within a pollinatable distance through natural means.

Reserving the right to redistribute seed grown to any persons in need of the healing strength contained within these naturally created specimens.

In order to preserve these rights I find it is best to grow, breed, and seed- whilst accumulating knowledge on thus said specific natural remedy and holistic practices.

There are many ways to take active participation in our right to grow tomatoes, erm i mean cannabis, erm i mean valerian - no wait st. johns wort... oh right i get it!

From what i know they dont burn people at the stake very often anymore but this may be because materialism and manipulated consumerism have formed a new faith upon which to bind and control anothers whims.

Our rights need to be reserved in advance by the actions of today and a firm recollection of the yesterdays we come from.

I think we can look at what is hindering the agricultural community to peer into our possible futures of tomorrow.

Use of chemicals which are hazardous to natural systems
Sterility in procured seed stock
Corporate willingness to manipulate the market
and other moderately to severely "improper" bussiness tactics.

Theres a lot thats not being said here though I hope I covered the basics.
Individual rights and freedoms come up here and it is a basic humanitarian issue we are discussing.
One should be able to consume, grow and breed any plant they choose as long as they have done it in an educated way. For example by making sure the product is SAFE for use in medicinal and healing remedies.

Grow, breed, seed.
or grow bag seed!

Cheers folks
Krystal Avalanche



ICmag's Official Black Guy
You misunderstand the difference between a utility patent and a plant patent, they are not the same. Someone can patent a Cannabinoid if they find a new novel use for it. But that does not give them any rights to plants which produce this Cannabinoid, it is a patent for a utility. I am pretty bored with all the fear and misconceptions around these issues, educate yourself before you start screaming the sky is falling...
BTW most Cannabis in the West does not have 8-14 Cannabinoids, it normally has THC and maybe very tiny tiny amounts of a few other Cannabinoids. None of the other Cannabinoids besides THC9, THC8, CBN, have any psychoactive effects and CBD and THCV don't either but the modulate THC as they are THC antagonists.
The different effects you feel that come from the mix of Cannabinoids are in fact from the 130+ Terpenoids, +THC. Maybe CBD if there is any but mostly there is not any CBD in most Western bred Cannabis.


Hello to everyone.. Sam With the CBD info would supplement UV Light,LED, or other light source help with over all development of these. :thank you:
Hey forest 20
In order to have a higher percentage of CBD CBN or other medicinally active constituants or regulators of THC one needs to procure seed stock which can express such variations. This can be complicated by the fact that some of these constituants are coded for on the same loci as THC and during recombination the allelic expression is dominated by the THC gene stock. There are a few ways one can deal with this and most would be helped if the plant Cannabis was removed from any illegal stature.

LEDs and all sorts of nifty lighting would help since landraces - where CBDs and CBNs are hiding- grown indoors are very finicky, and again it would help if the plant was legal because then we could all grow baseball fields of it.
Possibly this could help our incessant need to use oil, too.

Not wanting to but in much as I would be glad if SamS explained this all a little better, or someone- as i get sick of hearing myself talk every so often.

I am sure there is a poster here with wealth of knowledge on how things could really be, and also one on how things really are.

High Sam


to be a Freedom Fighter



Some interesting reading on plant patents


13. Does this mean that the home gardener or farmer cannot propagate the seed of a protected variety and save it for future planting?
Answer: Under provisions of the PVP law and regulations growers and home gardeners can grow, and save seed for their own future planting, any legally purchased protected variety they wish. However some protected varieties that are sold may have other limitations due to patents or contracts and may not be saved for future planting.

Both the USDA and the FDA patents expire at the longest of 14 years after approval(FDA)

And some reading on GW pharma Sativex® that has been approved in the UK as a prescription medicine http://www.gwpharm.com/UK%20Launch.aspx

And dont miss the the CNBC interview about the UK launch of Sativex® http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=1526861050&play=1

Peace and Save Our Seeds AvA


Well-known member
They can make laws and we can grow.

No need to think beyond this, since everything will anyhows go like it goes.
Funniest thread I've read in a long time

Funniest thread I've read in a long time

I'm laughing my ass off.

If cannabis is outlawed and you can goto jail for it, and millions of people grow it, does anyone actually think those same growers will say to themselves, "Oh shit, Monsanto has a patent on the Gods Gift, I better not grow that one, scratch it, alright, the trainwreck, that's patented too, we'll have to get rid of that one"

So the law breaking cannabis growers are going to fear what now? A lawsuit?

Hell, I would just keep growing the same strains and do what all the dispensaries do...and CHANGE THE NAME! :moon:

If I were going to worry about anything, it would be Monsanto created Terminator Cannabis seeds being sold to clubs then spread out without anyone's knowledge. When that happens, then we can worry about something serious.


just don't molest my colas..
you can't patent genetics, however, you can trademark strain names and then sue people who sell medicine sold by that name not certified by the trademark holder. just ask bret bogue. he has trademarked every name apothecary genetics has bred and plans to have hologram labels for dispensaries that they personally provide with that "trademarked" weed. no patent necessary, the effect is the same...

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