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400w bare bulb vertical


Sorry for lack of update, I had internet trouble.

Final weight was 9.25 oz of bud, and about a 1/2 oz of popcorn/trim. I cut it maybe a little early, but I prefer a sativa high anyways.

The ones that I trimmed the backsides of yielded about the same as the others, but with less popcorn. But, they seemed to stall a little when I trimmed the backsides, so I would trim them all at once when switching to 12/12 rather than throughout veg as I did. I would use some type of air pruning pot like a Smart Pot instead of the plastic ones.

Beyond that I wouldn't change too much as I was pretty happy with the results.


So I've been continuing on using the 400w vertical. I've done a round of C99 bx in each closet. I picked out one girl out of 3 and today is 7 weeks for 6 clones of her.

Day 49, C99 #2 x 6


I switched to Smartpots and put a fence around the light instead of sticks and wires in the pots. It seems to work pretty good, I had to expand it out some as the plants were getting a little toasted but it seems about right now. You can see one plant in a fence of its owns, that's something I am thinking on for next round. The fence is 2x4" squares, but I think chicken wire would be better. With the 400 you need to keep it so close to the light that the odd fan leaf can flop into no mans land and get toasted. With the chicken wire that won't happen. But the 2x4" wire stands up better than the chicken wire so a compromise may need to be made.

I would like to do something like Marlo does, but one downside of the Smartpots is their lack of rigidity. I could definately rig something up, but it either wouldn't be easy to transport with the plant or it would be quite a contraption of wood, metal, and pvc and it sounds like work. I had the fence at home and am lazy as fuck. Regardless of all that, they seem to do alright with the fencing. I need to be better about trimming the backside, but I do have an excuse. I finally got around to making bubble hash from the last round of C99 right around when I was supposed to trim the backs... I made an educated decision to keep the backside cause the hash is really damn good.

Hmm, oh the 2 previous rounds of C99s yielded around 8 oz each. I was testing phenos and didn't really veg the plants much. This round should be closer to 10.


Maybe you could do a modified smartpot setup.

A friend has DIY smartpots for his veggie garden made out of milk crates lined with landscaping material. This gives him the rigidity he needs to stack some while also maintaining the air pruning of the roots. Maybe you can find or make something that would be size appropriate for your grow that would be like a milk crate. Then you could do modular screens like Marlo but still have you smartpots.

just a thought

one Q

air pots are better at being reusable.

you can also look at the dollar store for small trashcans with the holes on the sides.


Thanks for the ideas One Q and Wasntme, you've given me some things to think about. For this next round I've decided to just stick with the fencing around the light. I'll try to be more fastidious about trimming the back side, but I make no promises!

So this tent is pretty much the same except I added Blumats. I'm still getting them dialed in, but they seem pretty sweet so far. 5 clones of SFV OG Kush bx2 in here, today is the first day of 12/12.



I just ordered a 600 watt light and I am going to set it up in my other closet. I'm going to run the same number and type of clones as what I have under the 400 now. A few things other than the light are going to change, but it should be a decent comparison. I will attempt to report back on that but it will be 90 days or so.

one Q

maybe you answered this, but i re-read it so idk...
diameter of the fence from one side to the other OR just light bulb to fence?

Joe Budden

Looks great so far. I can't wait to read the rest of the thread. Job well done.


maybe you answered this, but i re-read it so idk...
diameter of the fence from one side to the other OR just light bulb to fence?

It is 6" from the bulb to the fence, and 15" from one side to the other. I tried 12" from side to side last time and they got a little toasted so I backed them out some. The distance they can take is somewhat strain dependent it seems. The C99 seems to handle the heat and lumens better than the OG Kush does.


I chopped the C99 that was in the closet with the 400 today, and moved in the next round under the 600. I'll only veg for a day or 2, just enough to get the light down to where I want it. I'm still monitoring temps, but it looks alright so far. The fencing is 20" side to side.

The other pic is the 400w tent with day 10 of 12/12 for some kush.


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Thanks Lime!

Well, I had an issue with my dual spectrum bulb, the issue is that its a POS. So I had to get a new bulb and that set flowering back a few days, so its probably gonna turn into a greasy whore show in there. Today is day 2 of 12/12 for the C99, and some of them are already almost to the top of the fence.... its gonna get saucy.

The Kush is at day 23 of 12/12 and ended up mainly at the top of the fence so we are all good there.

The previous round of C99 grown under the 400 is all dried and trimmed. I got 6 oz of bud, probably a little low because I had a bit of a thrip problem I ignored.

Sorry about the picture quality, first pic is the C99 under a 600, second is the Kush under a 400.


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East Coast, All Day!
hey bro how was the 600 grow? what space did you run the 600 in? and what was the general setup like? I am considering doing a 600w bare bulb setup very similar to yours and looking for any suggestions...