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DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!


THINKING GREEN I'm getting the CAP ART-DNe... Now that I have roots, I dont need to be misting 24/7. I will start with a 15min on, and 15min off cycle until they are ready to go! :joint:
THINKING GREEN I'm getting the CAP ART-DNe... Now that I have roots, I dont need to be misting 24/7. I will start with a 15min on, and 15min off cycle until they are ready to go! :joint:
You better hope they don't dry out. I don't know if they will I'm just throwing that out there. I already did this once but I was using 550gph pump in a 31 gal tub, and I think it didn't work because the water was getting to hot. I have since ordered the same EXACT pump the OP used and I also have the same 31 gal tub. Only thing that is different is that I have 16 misters and he has 12. I don't know if that will make a difference or not but we will see. I also went out and bought a 4 foot shop light, because I thiink my t5 was putting out too much light also. I know that clones don't need that bright of a light and I think the shoop light will be perfect. That's what they say to use for the EZcloneer and this is basically the same exact thing. What is your guy's thoughts on the light to use, and is it that important. I think that might have alot to do with people's success using these machines. If any of you pro's can tell us a little bit about what kind of light to use with this machine and how far away to keep it, I would really appreciate it. TYIA


New member
Thanks for the advise. Where do you find a timer that does one minute on and four off? I can't find one anywhere. Thanks bro.


THINKING GREEN I'm getting the CAP ART-DNe... Now that I have roots, I dont need to be misting 24/7. I will start with a 15min on, and 15min off cycle until they are ready to go! :joint:

Or for $20 more you can get one like kp mentions that will let you set whatever on/off combo you want:




New member
I also went out and bought a 4 foot shop light, because I thiink my t5 was putting out too much light also. I know that clones don't need that bright of a light and I think the shoop light will be perfect. That's what they say to use for the EZcloneer and this is basically the same exact thing. What is your guy's thoughts on the light to use, and is it that important. I think that might have alot to do with people's success using these machines. If any of you pro's can tell us a little bit about what kind of light to use with this machine and how far away to keep it, I would really appreciate it. TYIA

You're right... you don't need much light @ all. I usually mount a 2ft single-bulb T5 like 2-3 ft above my cloner and that's it. The shop light will probably be just as good if you put it a bit closer. Then once they show roots and I plant them, I put them under 4 bulb T5 at maybe 1.5 ft and move it closer every couple days.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Here's my lighting..... it consists of a cheap Ikea fixture and a Lights of Americs 7" Circle self-ballasted fluro. It hangs about 2 feet above the cloner. A small CFL from the Dollar Store works equally well.



Tropical Outcast

Wow what a clean looking job!

The foam inserts...are those cut from one of those gardening knee pads/foam sheets?

Here's my lighting..... it consists of a cheap Ikea fixture and a Lights of Americs 7" Circle self-ballasted fluro. It hangs about 2 feet above the cloner. A small CFL from the Dollar Store works equally well.

whatcha got in that sweet little aero cloner there? Mostly sativa? Well it looks like it anyways. Thanks for the advise bro. I keep my shop light about 18 inches from the tops. Man I hope everything goes good I got a new pump, a new light, and a lot of my time on this damn aero. Well if it does work then it dosen't get any much easier than taking a cutting throwing it in a neoprene and forgetting about it for 7 to 10 days and coming back to nice looking roots.:)


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
The foam inserts...are those cut from one of those gardening knee pads/foam sheets?

Same exact material, and I have used the knee pads. These however, are from one of those 2'x2' pieces that are used to make a foot-mat. When you get them they have those puzzle-type interlocks around the outside edge. The sheets cost a whoping $2 instead of $1. Of course they are twice as big. (LOL)

Yes, pure Jamaican Stivas. "Sata Nash" Been my plant of choice for many many years now.
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Tropical Outcast
Same exact material, and I have used the knee pads. These however, are from one of those 2'x2' pieces that are used to make a foot-mat. When you get them they have those puzzle-type interlocks around the outside edge. The sheets cost a whoping $2 instead of $1. Of course they are twice as big. (LOL)



what is that tea called that they are putting in these systems? It's called I think ECW or EWC or something like that. I need to know because I'm going to get some. Also the guy at the hydro shop says that he used clonex in there. I was always told not to use nothing but water. I also heard that the tea does excellent in there. What is your guys thougts


Active member
There's a guy who's actually done a lot of testing on all the variables out there, I mean real hard testing, not like one time this way or that way but dozens of times. His claims are

1) Rooting gel, clonex and the such actually slow down rooting
2) Warm temps speed up the process
3) 30 minutes on 30 minutes off was the fastest at routing.
4) Water is fine, weak nutes even better.
sill not working

sill not working

Ok I have everything the OP has with his set-up, I have a 31 gal tub, I have the same exact pump he uses, I have a 4 foot shop light that the company suggest for the ez cloner. I CAN'T GET ANY F*C*ING ROOTS, WHY? Please help a brotha out. My temp stay right at 80 deg. I'm going to check my water temp tom. and see what it's at. I know one thing though I was using a 550 gph and when I opened the lid it was really hot in there. Now when I open the lid it seems perfect. I will check temps in there tom. If any of you guys can give me some advice I would appreciate the hell out of it. Thanks.


My friend tried making an aerocloner with a few rubbermaid tubs. They all leaked and were real noisy. He ended up making one out of a big igloo cooler. Cooler lids dont leak, and it really cut down on the noise. Big coolers also already have a drain plug at the bottom.
Ok I have everything the OP has with his set-up, I have a 31 gal tub, I have the same exact pump he uses, I have a 4 foot shop light that the company suggest for the ez cloner. I CAN'T GET ANY F*C*ING ROOTS, WHY? Please help a brotha out. My temp stay right at 80 deg. I'm going to check my water temp tom. and see what it's at. I know one thing though I was using a 550 gph and when I opened the lid it was really hot in there. Now when I open the lid it seems perfect. I will check temps in there tom. If any of you guys can give me some advice I would appreciate the hell out of it. Thanks.
I got roots!!!!!! It took 14 days but I got them. I added a little bit of nutes, and boom they went.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

this thread definitely has been very influential to not only myself but many others... it has been the reason for MANY clones, and ALOT of money saved versus purchasing an ez cloner..


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I got roots!!!!!! It took 14 days but I got them. I added a little bit of nutes, and boom they went.

next round i suggest a cycle timer for the pump 1 min on 5 off or 30 sec on and off for 2 min type cycle.
keeps the temps from getting to high

EWC is earth worm castings bubbled into a tea... the beneficials help deal with the temps and provide a healthy root barrier and also feed the cuts some while in the cloner. once there are roots, u can start adding them and light nutes to keep the cuts fed now they need it with roots n all.

someone mentioned that rooting hormone slows rooting. i beg to differ. i have cloned many plants and the ones that are treated always show roots first. in my aero i have recently broke my rooting time record, with a 4 day time period this first try with the aero. a lil dip n grow, prob the cheapest stuff around, and bam ROOTS

mainly avoid high temps, and keep ph under 7 above 5.5 and u are good to go. always use clean cutting gear and healthy mothers. lower cuttings root sooner than tops, but tops make best cuts once rooted... in the aero i recommend tops to get plenty of length with my method.

about my method, i am sure someone else has thought of this but i though i would share my latest apiphony
i noticed people having trouble with leaking lids. so after a lil though, i came up with this.

notice i raised the manifold up to the lid, literally touching it. i then faced the sprayers down into the res itself. now it sprays down and my lid just sits on top loose, but held down with tiny bungees on the side but not sealed by any means... that is why i like long cuts, to reach beneath the manifold! ther are long lower cuts thats will work, but i notice that once rooted the tops take off way more vigorously than the others both root zone and veg growth... just my observations.
hopefully that helps someone, its prob already been shared but i dont know.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i just posted this up in my diary. i am loving this thing!

that is two weeks in cloner after showing roots. try gettin that in 2 weeks in soil. i am so glad i decided to fire up the diy beast. these things are so great. thanks for the thread.


"easy growing type"
Hi Sum... The misters are 4" down, they were actually closer to the lid in the pics I posted. I built a new manifold and made it as short as I could, but 4" is the best I can do.
The cooler is just too damn short. I can pull some more clones, and will drop them into Oasis cubes until I can build yet another cloner. I think the Aerocloner IS the better setup, I just need to build a taller one. Next go around, I'll also pick up one of the 1min On/4min Off timers... I'm thinking having the stems saturated 24/7 is prolonging the rooting. I'm using just plain H2O now. PH'd down to 5.8 or so now. Temp is hovering at 79f.

Here's another question... Several of the clones are very limp, I'm figuring they're done for. Several others looks great, just don't have roots... Can I take the healthy looking ones and dip them in some Cloning Gel and drop them into Oasis cubes, or are they doomed as well?
I wondered if maybe slicing off 1/4" of so of the stems from the nice looking ones before dipping in Gel would make any difference???
Please keep the advice coming... :)

The new 20"x36" tent showed up today... I'll get it built tomorrow and things transferred over from this crappy cabinet. It'll be a little tighter in there, but at least it'll be light proof now! ;)


Hi Casual,
I just wanted to check as to whether you had any luck with your rig? I love track while getting myself setup here but I remember you switched to plain H2o.


Active member
I've always been curious when is the best time to transplant from the cloner, when the roots just start to pop or when they are long. For dwc I had to wait for them to reach the bottom of the net pots to transplant but with other systems I wonder.

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