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Auto AK47 Outdoor Grow

it dont take much light to veg a plant, i think your going to end up with about 5-8 grams on theese when all is said n done via the budd faze though, imo better u just spend the 100 bucks and buy 5 grams and save the 70 days messin with this type of project but alot of people take offense to this type of thinking. i hope it goes well for u and i hope u pull 3-4 times my guess,, i just dont see it.

You're probably right bro. That's probably the reason for the hit to comment ratio on this thread.... Everybody is thinking the same thing, and didn't want to comment on it. I appreciate your honesty.. I'm going to cut and trash them tomorrow. Just wanted some halfway decent smoke. Looks like I'm gonna have to find somebody with some good pot, because I don't even know who's got it right now.... Lame ass shit, wish I had the money to start some indoors. FUCK IT! Thanks to the ones that commented for the advice and support and all that.....

vicious bee

I disagree. Growing your own smoke and breeding it is fun. You spend a 100 bucks and smoke once. For that you could get a bunch of 300W equivalent fluorescent lights at 14.00 a piece or so at home depot. Cobble together some ghetto reflectors. Flat white paint on aluminum or sheet metal. Use white shower curtains for grow room walls. Buy some kick ass auto genes. You don't need a gazillion dollar light system. I say Fuck paying for weed.
I disagree. Growing your own smoke and breeding it is fun. You spend a 100 bucks and smoke once. For that you could get a bunch of 300W equivalent fluorescent lights at 14.00 a piece or so at home depot. Cobble together some ghetto reflectors. Flat white paint on aluminum or sheet metal. Use white shower curtains for grow room walls. Buy some kick ass auto genes. You don't need a gazillion dollar light system. I say Fuck paying for weed.

Yeah, I got frustrated with it a little bit. Seems like most people think it's a waste of time, but it was all I could do.... By the way, I never cut them.... The buds on one plant seem to be doing better than the other. Guess it's getting more light... I have some small spots on a few leaves, but it doesn't seem to be too serious. The yield will be small for sure, but I have fun growing regardless. Vicious, could you elaborate a little on a "cheap" fluorescent setup, or post a link to give me an idea? If I knew I could build a little indoor setup for 100-300 dollars, that's what I would have done this year. I'm going to take some pictures today, and I could really use your input on that as well.... On the calender I have day 70 marked as July 9th(rough estimate). I'd like to see what you guys think about the estimated time left on them.

cyber echo

Maybe it has more to do with ventilation ? Are they getting enough air movement ?


for stealth id give it a 100% top marks tilting sounds good
look forward to seeing results best of luck
Maybe it has more to do with ventilation ? Are they getting enough air movement ?

Could be cyber echo. Don't know what I could do about it though.

Looking at the plants in person, they don't look too bad health wise, but looking at the pictures, I have a bunch of small rust looking spots on the leaves. Let me know any advice you have on that. The picture with the lighter colored leaves is a branch that shot up from the bottom of one plant a couple days ago. It's not pretty, but I'm sure it could be worse.


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vicious bee

**DIY** HID/CFL Combination Reflector
I can't find the part number for the 300W equivalent fluorescent bulb at Home Depot but they have them. I've got one I'll try to remember to write it down. You can screw a plastic light box to a board then screw on a plastic bulb socket to the box. Mount the reflector to the board. Lot's of people growing with fluorescents on this board. Search you'll find them. You name is Workingonit. You don't need 400.00 HPS to grow a little weed. You could use 100W equivalent fluorescents. 6 for 14.00 at Walmart. Use one of those little personal fans for ventilation. For 100.00 you should be able to grow all you can smoke and more. Add another 120.00 and get some killer genetics. I like the Blue Streak and the Sour60 is supposed to be kill. Or whatever makes you happy.
What about plexieglass for a lid. Siliconed into old top like a green house can.or get a square can cut the side out of it.replace it with plexieglass?

vicious bee

Mossy grows under a glass outdoor table. Original idea I thought. If the glass was a little frosted you'd never see the plants.
What about plexieglass for a lid. Siliconed into old top like a green house can.or get a square can cut the side out of it.replace it with plexieglass?

Hi dirtfarmer. I actually thought about something similar as well, but you'd have to do something about ventilation. You could cut out parts of the side of the can, but that would probably make it draw more attention.

Mossy grows under a glass outdoor table. Original idea I thought. If the glass was a little frosted you'd never see the plants.

That is a great idea.... I couldn't do it though because I have family and what not over once a week. With the can I just put the lid on it temporarily, and believe it or not, I haven't had anybody ask me about it.lol After these are finished, I might go ahead and plant my last three seeds out in the woods somewhere.

OH nice. Very Beautiful plants. Good Luck for smoke man :D

Thanks Manujito..... Just not enough light to really let them do their thing.... We'll see what the number looks like after I dry and cure. Not going to be a big number, but it will be good to have a little smoke....

Thanks for the replys. I'll post a picture update tomorrow... Nothing too exciting happening, but it's been fun anyway!

vicious bee

I wonder about winter grows. If you had one of the newer autos that grow a little longer 90 to 100 days and the cold would slow it down but maybe extend the grow to make up for it. Hmmm.
I plucked one of the smallest bud branches for a sample... I threw it in my dry box for one night... Still wet, I just pinched a bowl and sampled... Smoke crept up on me, and I can't feel my mouth, but I'm a lightweight..LOL Tasted clean, even wet.. I'm satisfied.. In another couple weeks I'll have a dry sample to throw in the jar, and I should be ready to harvest.. Tell me why that reggae song "ganja farmer" came on the radio right after I finished the bowl!!LOL Picture update to follow.
Ahhhh, went back later and smoked some more of my sample.... Gives a nice little body buzz, but not as good as I first thought.. Still happy though. It's cool smoking something you grew yourself, especially knowing I pulled it out of a trash can in the back yard.

I just checked the plants, and it looks like the one "good sized" nug I have is starting to turn a little yellow.... Day wise, I'm thinking I still have a couple weeks left to go, but they may have already done all they're going to do..... Not sure.. It's raining now, so no pics....... I have a cheap 30x scope I got on ebay, but the thing is crap. What do you guys think? Should I wait another couple weeks, or cut them? I'll get some pics up asap.... Maybe you can give me some advice.
MOLD!!!!!??????? DAMN!!!! Looks like mold to me... Plants look horrible.... What do you think? Should I cut them now? Should I trash them or try to save some... I'm disgusted with it.. Gonna wait until I get my indoor stuff to do anything else...... All that time for nothing.


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I wanted to upload a few more pictures, but it's not letting me.... I really need some help guys.. First off, is this mold? Second, what the hell should I do.......... Really upset right now.
More pics... Is this a mold problem.... I'm ignorant.


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Hard to tell from the pics, but it wouldn't be impossible. Probably a higher chance of mold since there is little to no circulation in that can.

You can always let them finish and make hash.