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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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The US government is acting with the same speed as with Katrina.A Dutch company has send three sweepings arms which each arm can clean up 240 tons of oil per hour and has the expertise how to clean up, but the US government is still denying their expertise.They bought the arms but they still not using it.


The only thing what happens is that some guys which were hired by BP are throwing paper towels into the water.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Dude you dont get it. All we can do is wait until the relief wells are finished so we can divert the flow. We are at BP's mercy to get that done properly as fast as possible. We cant just have the government take over because time is an issue and BP is there and drilling already. Plus they are still more experienced at this than anyone in the government. Everyone involved has known you cant just plug the leak from the start and now are done with the horse and pony show of pretending its not a disaster.


stoned agin ...
i really don't think you want to torch off a nuke underwater. read up on test shot baker back in the late '40's, nuclear depth charges and such. the radioactivity from the explosion stays concentrated locally due to the blast being surrounded by water, and is EXTREMELY hazardous. blowin one off as deep as this well may change things a bit ... but do you want to take the chance? as bad as crude oil is washing ashore, it beats "hot" fallout.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The way I see it is that a situation like this was bound to happen at some time or other......whenever you have humans involved in very dangerous situations such as this (drilling for oil thru 5000ft of ocean) human error is always a factor....

Planes fall out of the sky all of the time due to pilot error or the lack of proper maintenance or faulty equipment....

Trains crash because the driver falls asleep or the signalman goes to take a pee and neglects his duties.....

Cars colide because someone answers their cell-phone at a crucial moment or the brakes fail because someone didn't program the software properly.....

Accidents happen.......and some are waaay bigger than others as in the case of this huge oil spill......and the blame for it is not nationally specific.....an American company was operating the rig and wellhead for BP that is owned just about as much by Americans as it is by the British....

.....not to justify human error, but it always seems to be a factor in most accidents....


Cannabrex Formulator
Show us the line-up, there big talk. Just where does the list begin and where does it end. We need to see who it is you are going to execute, and list their crime along with it, if it's not too much trouble.

(imagining an ignorant reply like; Kill em all!...)

Let's start with the CEO of BP....it happened on his watch, he's in charge, he's responsible.

Then we can move down the list, covering BP execs who were in charge of safety for that rig, and anyone who had a part in any decisions to bypass regulations, standards and safety precautions.

The evidence is mounting that this disaster was the result of negligent, unsafe drilling practices where many many corners were cut to save a few tens of millions. Yet another example of these white-collar slime-sucking goatfuckers gambling with the health of our only home for a few percentage points on their quarterly statements.

If the measures I recommend were taken after Bhopal, where Union Carbide killed 25 000 people (instead of waiting 20 years so a few scapegoats could get 4 years in jail), then maybe the Deepwater Horizon calamity would never have happened....because the boss of BP would have made damn fucking sure it was safe....because it's his ass on the line....not just some poor shrimp farmers and fishermen.

These fuckers want to enjoy the wealth, power and extreme privilege that comes with their positions....fine.
But let them be accountable on the other end as well....or shit like this will keep happening, cause it just does not effect the ones in charge.

Amos Moses

Gypsy, you know, there are a lot of twists and turns to every decision made between politicians and special interests. Obama was in the pocket of BP for quite a while.

BP was not only a campaign contributor to Obama, but they are also behind the CCX deal that Obama and his comrades created. It's an interesting read and I'm not going into detail, but you can easily find the whole story by doing a search.

The facts about all of this are truly startling. The truth about the MSM's complicit behavior thoughout the last couple decades is amazing. We really are servants of monied interests and corrupt politicians. But serfdom is nothing new I guess.

Y'all have a really good day!

Amos :wave:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think that most educated and informed people are aware that the politicians are just puppets of the big corporations......and we have always been (to some extent, some more than others) servants and victims to the well heeled (monied) interests of the corporations that control the corrupt politicians with money and the power from it.....

The Oil industry has made trillions of dollars since it's inception and continues to make an obscene amount of money every year......these funds have built an enormous multi-national power base that is basically invulnerable to the fall-out from mistakes such as this Gulf oil-spill.....Oh maybe a few CEO's heads will roll and a few executives will loose their jobs but the drilling will continue........and more disasters will happen in the future....

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
I think we also have to blame alot of insatiable need for oil on the american people and the american auto manufactures. Pushing the need for ever more sources of oil to feed "the machine" was bound to cause a disaster from human error.

It's time the american automoble manufactures step up and start leading the american people toward oil independence, and stop causing us to desire ever more powerful muscle cars. Every add you see on TV sells power and performance, and that is the mentality that helped get us in the mess we are in now.

They say if everyone drove a hybrid then it would help solve this hold that the oil companies have on us.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think we also have to blame alot of insatiable need for oil on the american people and the american auto manufactures. Pushing the need for ever more sources of oil to feed "the machine" was bound to cause a disaster from human error.

It's time the american automoble manufactures step up and start leading the american people toward oil independence, and stop causing us to desire ever more powerful muscle cars. Every add you see on TV sells power and performance, and that is the mentality that helped get us in the mess we are in now.

They say if everyone drove a hybrid then it would help solve this hold that the oil companies have on us.

Yes the world today does have an insatiable need/want for oil.....and even if you look at these 'hybrid' vehicles.....mostly they are made of plastics and rely partly on electricity that usually is generated via fossil fuels......

Power and muscle will continue to be lusted after by the masses, it's not easy to take that away from the 9-5 corporate worker since it's probably his/her only way to flex/show some form of dominance in their dominated lives......

This all sounds very doom and gloom I must admit......and a disaster such as what has happened in the Gulf should be a wake-up call to all of us if we are to be able to protect the ecology of this planet for future generations......but sadly those with the real power to make a change are more concerned with their own personal wealth and status within their own life-times which for most of them is just the next 20-30 years.......if that.
What about French style nuclear power with recycling of waste. If we only used refined nuclear waste we have enough energy to power the country over 12 years. That and wind and solar where possible.

If you want achievable goals right now we should concentrate on carbon free electricity for the country and electric trains

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
You know Gypsy, I wish we had leaders in this country with your way of thinking. To me you are one of the leaders in the cannabis revolution. The kind of guy that gets things done.

I learn alot from reading your posts, and your YouTube videos. LOL!


Dude you dont get it. All we can do is wait until the relief wells are finished so we can divert the flow. We are at BP's mercy to get that done properly as fast as possible. We cant just have the government take over because time is an issue and BP is there and drilling already. Plus they are still more experienced at this than anyone in the government. Everyone involved has known you cant just plug the leak from the start and now are done with the horse and pony show of pretending its not a disaster.

Yeah sure lets wait till the well is finished.This can take a couple of months more since they don't know how big the well is.It is true that the US government has no expertise on this to stop the well, but so long i can see BP doesn't have the expertise as well.
The clean up operations from BP are a big joke and in several parts of the region they're doing totally nothing.
So you think that by using paper towels are much better than those sweepings arms they bought.

Actually if you can read i was talking about clean up not stopping the well.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Yeah sure lets wait till the well is finished.This can take a couple of months more since they don't know how big the well is.It is true that the US government has no expertise on this to stop the well, but so long i can see BP doesn't have the expertise as well.
The clean up operations from BP are a big joke and in several parts of the region they're doing totally nothing.
So you think that by using paper towels are much better than those sweepings arms they bought.

Actually if you can read i was talking about clean up not stopping the well.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

As far as I know those "paper towels" towels are the best way to get the oil out of the water because they only absorb oil and they dont sink. Plus booms for containment. If you got a better plan what is it? You
have to remember this stuff in raw form is real toxic to be around.


As far as I know those "paper towels" towels are the best way to get the oil out of the water because they only absorb oil and they dont sink. Plus booms for containment. If you got a better plan what is it? You
have to remember this stuff in raw form is real toxic to be around.

Yeah, we can see the effect of the paper towels and yeah i know how highly toxic the oil is, but there are better solutions to clean it up and they have done it before; oil eating microbes to clean up the coast.


To clean up the oil at open sea, just use the sweeping arms



Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:



Active member
ICMag Donor
They say if everyone drove a hybrid then it would help solve this hold that the oil companies have on us.
If that is the stance we should take, then driving should be just done away with. Why fix a percentage of the problem, why not go all out and do away with the items that require petroleum to manufacture or use?
Driving a hybrid would be the move of a hypocrite. But hey, it's done all the time everyday. Look at folks who do buy these hybrids...see these folks are only working their little minds and feelings, but in reality what they are doing is using a larger energy footprint when they buy one. They have helped nothing but their own self-serving egos.

Our dependence on petroleum energy is required and undeniable. There are no viable alternatives as of yet. None that are feasible.
But I'm sure that many of you think you have the simple answers, like nuking the spill hole...what a brilliant charge of intelligence that move would be. lol...


The cat that loves cannabis
Our dependence on petroleum energy is required and undeniable.

I'm going to agree and disagree with this statement at the same time.

Our dependence on oil is undeniable, agreed.

But our dependence on oil is defiantly not required, were not talking about water, or food here. Oil is not required to live, not at all.
All civilization prior to the last 200 years is proof of that.


last night the news gave an updated number of how much oil is spilling into the gulf,

60 thousand barrels a day. Triple the original number thought to be pouring in.


Active member
I'm going to agree and disagree with this statement at the same time.

Our dependence on oil is undeniable, agreed.

But our dependence on oil is defiantly not required, were not talking about water, or food here. Oil is not required to live, not at all.
All civilization prior to the last 200 years is proof of that.

yea... but almost all of civilization's population 200 years ago wasn't centered in major metropolitan areas which are completely void of natural resources.

we NEED oil to keep the masses alive
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