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Nomaad OD:2010


Looks like OG to me. The last pic looks like the Ogre.

Speaking of the Ogre, two of four plants in my black box have become... not so happy. Not sure whether or not this is nute burn...but the soil is straight Roots Greenfields and perlite. No amendments... Scary. I hit them with Roots Trinity Yesterday and today was their first day of full sun. I noticed a similar burn on one other plant, a Pre98 Bubba...the only of its kind in the garden.





Hey mate I cant see any pics here........:cry:


Hard to say from the pics, looks sort of like something was spilled on the leaves and the sun burnt them.

Is the new growth tips burned also?

Imo use the AN since you already have it, just don't get anymore. For every satisfied user, Ive met 3x as many that burnt the hell out of there plants with it.

At least its just the depo, and Im sure it will get better with a little time.

Good luck and happy season,


cheak or calicum and mag levels..... is the well water... HARD>.. have you had it tested before.... you should maybe consider using a 2 stage sediment and carbon filter to help with the well water....


Active member
First off, the AN comment was a joke. Everybody hates on AN, so I jokingly said i could shift blame for the problem on to them (and away from the grower ;) !!!)... we need an emoticon for sarcasm. Highly doubtful that bennies could damage the plant anyway.

I hope it was just sunburn... going out to check on it now. woke up to a fine mist and cool temps. plants love it. 43 degrees tonight. scary?


Active member
:rolleyes: ( : rolleyes : ) is as close as we get to sarcasm. it's also good to denote self deprecation. My fave after :D



Here is the Afpak upgrade (terrible pictures, all i have at the moment is a crappy phone camera with flash) just to give you an idea of size:


These ladies are at week 5.5.

They were put straight into flower after rooted, so no veg. But the aeroponics boosted fast growth im sure..

Also no heavy ferts, just plain botanicare pro nutes.


Active member
yeah.. the cough looks right.

all I have to say about that afpak upgrade is... holy shit. looks like it will kill outside. what was the cross again?
Yeah it does kill outside. Tomorrow ill show you an outdoor plant 3 weeks into flower that was also flowered straight from rooting.

The cross is (Alien Kush x Pre98 Bubba) x (Hertitage Afpack x Blue Goo) i believe.

Drove all the way to Las Vegas to get this baby after seeing it shit on 20 different club clones i had... Drove 1500 miles total in about 24 hours, all in all... worth it


I saw the sarcasm about blaming it on AN.... just wanted to bash them a little more.

They are a business genius; selling the idea of having the ability to grow better and or more product in a over priced bottle.


Active member
no shit, they ARE great marketers. Can't hate em for that.

i still swear by bud candy. Just got a jar of pre-98 bubba for the head... i have recently smoked the same cut from two different grows. The first grow produced some of the best looking indoor bubba I have ever seen. As lovely as the Bomb Threat Tom Hill laid on me on one visit... but the taste was...eh, at best. Bubba should taste great, imo. That's the whole point. The second grow used AN nutes and finished with Bud Candy and Kushie Kush. The meds did not look nearly as good (still nice, though) but the taste and aromas are sublime.

Now... I'm not saying this is definitive proof that Bud Candy makes ganja taste better. But it is some data that goes into the column suopporting that theory. I am not giving up my Bud Candy just yet.
How do you guys go about curing such large amounts of OD buds? Even if you send them straight to your collectives, etc., dont you want to try and cure for at least 1 week? perhaps large plastic bins? Or do you know of larger glass containers?

Always wanted to try a good bubba, i hear so many good things but throughout the past few years have only been presented with bubba that only disappointed me severly. Ive got a great cut this year so hopefully i can give her the care to produce those tasty buds i hear so much about..
Here is the afpak upgrade in a 1 gallon pot right before transplant into 7 gal smarty and put straight into flower.

Here she is at week 3.5:


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