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10,000 watts. med grow. smoke local kush everyday.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
coming along bro!
looking nice.
i battling mites myself right now it is a true pain. i just bought some bombs and avid and neem and takedown and spidermite control. hopefully with all that ammo i can get rid of them. lol. well worth getting them dead IMO


Active member
it is starting to get hot out. i haven't switched on the a/c yet, but i plan on it soon. the plants are starting to grow a little slower because of the heat, and the leaves are curling a bit.

i did some preparing for the a/c to be turned on. i tested it today, and found through the use of multiple thermometers that the room wasn't getting evenly cooled. just as i suspected. so i went down and got some 12 inch duct. a couple t's and a 90. and a bunch of little shit(foil tape, self tapping screws, holey iron..etc) hooked it all up to the ceiling. this was a bitch to do by myself with the help of my 90 lb girlfriend. but it got done. i posted some pictures of half of the ducting (can't a full shot). the room is now evenly cooled.

the plants that were burned bounced back amazingly..aside from 1 that is getting bad, but i don't know wtf is up with it. i might just toss it. i'm a big advocate of survival of the fittest. if i got 60 plants and 1 or 2 are having a problem and the others are thriving. than i just chalk it up to survival of the fittest. and if a plant can't make it through veg with the other ones and i feel it's just gonna take up previous light..i toss it.

anyway. here is some pics. HAPPY FRIDAY!





there is another piece and a 90 on the other end.


ducting goes right down the middle of the room.

thanks for visiting..


holy crap, I love your a/c setup! Very beefy look, and simple. Absolutely beautiful grow show! Thanks again for sharing your work!
that room would be freezing if you had better insulation. all that cold air is escaping! R12 or better and lots of foil tape and that room would be nice and cool. 4 ton you can do 12 lights and co2 and keep the room around 75-76 looks great though. INSULATION.
gotta love big ac's there always the source of a problem. but when thats out of the way and your room is cool everything flows. lol
good luck and keep it green


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
knarly duct work. way to go hope it helps man.
90lb girl must be nice til its time to help lift shit lol


Fuck, I don't know how I ended up in here, but I'm DAMN happy I did! Guess that's what you get for surfin' high! haha! :D

I'm truly jealous of your setup, especially the AC man... damn... :bow:

Just realized I need to get off my ass and get a bigger place... :dance013:


Active member
well. just got back from a ban for talking to much shit. my bad guys. changed a few things around. moved them into 5 gallon grow bags, and switched to vertical bare bulbs. also added some tomato cages. i will be vegging for another 2 weeks, and then flipping them. been going through some bullshit. i over watered when i was all high, but they are coming back. just sprayed them with a dose of floramite. 2 more weeks to fill out the tomato cages and then time for the flip.

ill get some better pics later.



still recovering, but coming along nicely.


Active member
room temp: 81
rh: 35%
nutrient ppm: 850
co2 ppm: 1500

well the plants are looking ALOT better after all they have been through(over watered, transplanted, caged, sprayed with floramite).
they actually seemed to have liked being sprayed with the floramite. i think the mites were really starting to bother them.

some lights on pics(it is so much brighter).






Would it be easy to disconnect the lines and reconfigure it for sideflow, hanging from the ceilings? You'd get a ton of CFM back, plus you'd get hot intake.


Active member
a few problems i have with that. it's a drop ceiling, so i don't want to have to tear tiles out, and fuck it up. the s trap isn't connected to a pump. i just have it draining into a rez at the moment. the lines could be configured that way. hmmmm. maybe i'll look into this for my next grow. thanks man.