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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)



Thinking about making it an open group. What do you guys think? Right now I am just answering posts that show interest so they know that someone is aware of it. I am counting on you members that have been here longer to help so I don't break any Forum rules. And for newer members,this can be a place that you feel comfortable expressing your feelings,good or bad. Nobody is going to judge you or blow you off because you are ill. That happens enough already in the real world,this will be OUR WORLD to lean on each other. Any suggestions would be appreciated...................DR has already picked a pretty cool logo. If you guys want the Group private so only other members can read,thats okay too. I just thought that making it open might encourage others to participate. So lets hear your thoughts! MW

I would keep it behind closed doors. But that is just me.

I have a CT Scan & MRI on the May 7th at 9:00 am for my Liver the last CT Scan showed it was enlarged and the Liver Dr. who strictly practices liver & kidney's explained to me theirs a mass deep in my liver so his office called me to have these new test he ordered done right away so now my wife is going to go pick up these 2 large plastic bottle of thick drink, ( dye ) for my test plus I was told to hold off on taking my diabetes meds Metformin originally sold as Glucophage because they will be putting an IV in me and shooting me with a slow Injection of this dye as well that aluminates parts of my liver the inner parts so they can see what the mass is that is on the larger side of my liver.

I swear to God my medication I take on a daily bases is unbelievable, I will ask my wife what I take because she does all my meds and I have the 7 day pill holders and I use them and their marked, Morning, Dinner, & Bedtime.

Ya Ya Ya I know she spoils me what can I tell you, after 30 years of marriage who would my wife find more attractive them me and as sexy :dance:

emerald city

Thinking about making it an open group. What do you guys think? Right now I am just answering posts that show interest so they know that someone is aware of it. I am counting on you members that have been here longer to help so I don't break any Forum rules. And for newer members,this can be a place that you feel comfortable expressing your feelings,good or bad. Nobody is going to judge you or blow you off because you are ill. That happens enough already in the real world,this will be OUR WORLD to lean on each other. Any suggestions would be appreciated...................DR has already picked a pretty cool logo. If you guys want the Group private so only other members can read,thats okay too. I just thought that making it open might encourage others to participate. So lets hear your thoughts! MW
I personaly am not bothered by this being an open forum...this site is a lot more fun/cool/friendly then posting on "traditional" chronic pain forums that ive come across, usualy put on by some nuero hospital..They all about freaked when i brought up the subject of medical M.J....
Thanks mary for picking up the ball ,and trying to ressurect this place so folks with pain can hang and be understood by others dealing with the same type's of stuff...
Im quite new to this website tho ive lurked for years,but am willing to offer of my humble help if i can be of any.....
enjoy the day E.C/out


Natalie J. Puffington
Ughh; MRI's suck!

You never realize just how much you need to fidget, until you're laying in that damn tube, trying to remain perfectly still...
Then, all the sudden, your nose starts itching, you realize there's a stray hair hanging in your face, tickling your lip, and you discover that you have a huge wedgie!! :bigeye:

I hope your tests turn out alright, DevilsReject! I will keep you in my thoughts! Good Luck and enjoy that tube! ;)

Regarding whether the group/thread should be 'open' or 'closed'...
I will be posting either way; however, there are certain topics, which I imagine I'd feel more comfortable discussing "behind closed doors", knowing the convo. was visible to only those who were members of our CPC group. After all, we are discussing our personal, medical conditions; so there might be some things that I/we might be reluctant to share, were the group 'public'...

...On the other hand, were it to be a 'closed' group, it might exclude some people who may not otherwise find us. :chin:
I suppose I have mixed feelings; but I'll be ok w/ whatever you decide. :)

Hope this finds everyone properly medicated!! :kos:
Be well, friends!


Okay Von,you are forgiven but we have to kick your ass first:moon: jest kiddin. herbwarts and nattygurl welcome:wave:. I've been thinking about the open group thing..... If I could find this group when I came here,anybody can. I realize there is little privacy on the internet,but I think people would feel more comfortable if they know that the whole world isn't reading what they have written. And we have Von and Doobie who are mods and know all the rules. There might be things we tell each other as a group that we don't want others to know about our pain and illnesses...........In that aspect a invite only group would be good. SAVVY? And you know what,DR? I think the same thing everyday about my hubs. When he said in sickness or in health,he meant it. So maybe that is the one benefit of being ill,your true love will always be that. I do feel guilty because I think he got the shitty end of the stick. So,back to the group thang,lets keep it invite only when the time comes,shall we?So far I am really liking the folks that have shown interest and think we will get along well. ( now VON is kinda grouchy,but thats okay):) jest kiddin Von. MW:wave:
Mary your right about your hubby because my wife is in the same boat as your hubby, I use to be a manly type man now when it snows I sit or go outside but most of the time I stay indoors when it snows and watch her shovel heavy wet snow by herself and it makes me want to cry.

When we buy 40 pound bags of dog food or 2 or 3 cases of bottled water she carry's them up 3 flight's of stairs by herself while I carry bags under 30 pounds and it really does put a break right through my heart because a man should always work and take care of his wife or gf and make her feel complete and for me that is my take on what being a man is all about.


Natalie J. Puffington
Yup, I know all about that guilt.
It can't be easy to be w/ someone who deals w/ chronic pain. I tried to avoid getting into another relationship b/c I didn't want to burden anyone. (I actually was just talking about this in the post I just put up in the group forum...I feel more comfortable talking about that in 'closed' setting.) Anyways, I'm sure this topic will be brought up again.

Thanks for the updates on the plans for the CPC group Mary. I think you made the right choice as to whether the group should be public or not. I know I will feel more comfortable in a more private setting.

Thanks again to Mary, Doobie, DR and everyone else who is participating and making this such a warm, comfy place!

Merry Medicating! :smoke:
Your very welcome nattygurrl :) I have Mary to Thank for making me a part of her plan and I would do anything for her. TY Mary :thank you:


Hey marrywanna i have a quEstion for you.Did you say if you take protonics and come up possitive for cannabanoids that i would bE okay if i take protonics?
Well i checked my meds and i was prescribed protonics but my insurance only pays for generics.So what they pay for is pantaprazole,a generic for protonix.Would this still come up positive for marijuana?If yes ow would i go about telling my doctor that the reason i came up positive for marijuauna is from the pantaprazole?
this is some of the best news i have got recently,because the problem i had was i had to have morphine and xanax in my system without having marijuana in it.Could you tell me where i could read up on things that cause a false positive for marijuaja?
I would like to be really well informed on this subject incase i do get tested and they say something about the marijuana in my system.
Thank you very much for this info,it made my day.Now if i can document it somehow for later incase i need the documentation to back up my claims.
Once again thank you for this info.


Pantaprazole is the generic for Protonix,yes. And it will come up postive. There are other PPIs that you can buy over the counter,like Prevacid or Nexuim. But the doses are much smaller. I take 40 mgs twice a day to handle the gastric irritation and reflux. If you have an RX for pantaprazole,your Dr should KNOW you will test postive for marijuana. If he doesn't then tell him! Thats the only RX I am aware of that causes the positive. What a joke,huh? They are okay with highly addictive drugs like morphine and xanax,I am also a xanax junkie. But no MJ??? And I didn't get the xanax by myself,my Dr prescribes it for me and has for years. If I tell him I am a MMJ pt,I guarantee he will take me off xanax and prozac.....just to cover his own ass,because he knows NOTHING about the properties and good effects,and does not intend to find out. I guess you could actually Google drugs that cause a false positve for cannabinoids,Treating Yourself magazine is pretty helpful,you can read it here on line. Hopefully someone more knowlegable than I will be able to answer your question completely. On a personal note,my Gastro Dr is NO WAY FOR MMJ.Even though I have told him thru the years about controlling my nausea and vomiting with it.....I will never tell him I am a legal pt. Thats really too bad,he has been my Dr. for 20 years,and watched me go thru Ulcerative Colitis that got progressively worse untill I needed some big surgeries. I cannot tell him, his personal opinion is in the way of his professional opinion.


Pantaprazole is the generic for Protonix,yes. And it will come up postive. There are other PPIs that you can buy over the counter,like Prevacid or Nexuim. But the doses are much smaller. I take 40 mgs twice a day to handle the gastric irritation and reflux. If you have an RX for pantaprazole,your Dr should KNOW you will test postive for marijuana. If he doesn't then tell him! Thats the only RX I am aware of that causes the positive. What a joke,huh? They are okay with highly addictive drugs like morphine and xanax,I am also a xanax junkie. But no MJ??? And I didn't get the xanax by myself,my Dr prescribes it for me and has for years. If I tell him I am a MMJ pt,I guarantee he will take me off xanax and prozac.....just to cover his own ass,because he knows NOTHING about the properties and good effects,and does not intend to find out. I guess you could actually Google drugs that cause a false positve for cannabinoids,Treating Yourself magazine is pretty helpful,you can read it here on line. Hopefully someone more knowlegable than I will be able to answer your question completely. On a personal note,my Gastro Dr is NO WAY FOR MMJ.Even though I have told him thru the years about controlling my nausea and vomiting with it.....I will never tell him I am a legal pt. Thats really too bad,he has been my Dr. for 20 years,and watched me go thru Ulcerative Colitis that got progressively worse untill I needed some big surgeries. I cannot tell him, his personal opinion is in the way of his professional opinion.
There goes that double stander again :tiphat:


Yeah. Guess Drs learn it all then don't bother to keep up with new research. Wonder how he would feel if it was his wife or sister that was suffering. He is against any kinds of alternative treatments,so I never mention them to him or tell him I have tried something. He really is a good guy,just too stubborn. Besides he has a good business with his Clinic doing colonoscopies and gastros......and he always laughs at me when I tell him to dose me up REAL GOOD for the procudures. I make the RN run the Versed in real slow so I can enjoy it.
G`Morning Everyone ;)

I'm feeling like someone beat my ass today, My knee's are hurting and my back were the scars are at feels like someone took a bat and hit me with it.

I just had 2 colonoscopies in one year the last was several months ago, I dislike having them done and hate when nurses are looking at my Italian a$$ :moon:
Yeah. Guess Drs learn it all then don't bother to keep up with new research. Wonder how he would feel if it was his wife or sister that was suffering. He is against any kinds of alternative treatments,so I never mention them to him or tell him I have tried something. He really is a good guy,just too stubborn. Besides he has a good business with his Clinic doing colonoscopies and gastros......and he always laughs at me when I tell him to dose me up REAL GOOD for the procudures. I make the RN run the Versed in real slow so I can enjoy it.
I always look forward to Versed..always a good experience

I have to go out and pick up my Gleevec prescription today
because of the cost, I can only get 30 days at a time
and they won't mail it out

and then the monthly blood test on the 15th

it always seems like a major effort to shower/shave, get dressed, and get out


Thanks for being so helpfull.I'm just gladd that you posted about protonix being "helpfull" to us in more than one way.I never even new what i was taking for my hiatal hernia and gird,all i new was the generic name.When you said protonix i thought it sounded familiar so i looked at my bottle and sure enough it said generic for protonix.Yaaaahhooooo,lol.Now bring on the urinalisis,i don't care ,i do what i'm proscribed and nothing else,well you know what i mean.Thanks again for everybody's help.
Espiecially you mw.


Thanks for being so helpfull.I'm just gladd that you posted about protonix being "helpfull" to us in more than one way.I never even new what i was taking for my hiatal hernia and gird,all i new was the generic name.When you said protonix i thought it sounded familiar so i looked at my bottle and sure enough it said generic for protonix.Yaaaahhooooo,lol.Now bring on the urinalisis,i don't care ,i do what i'm proscribed and nothing else,well you know what i mean.Thanks again for everybody's help.
Espiecially you mw.

forgot to say i take 40mg 1 times a day,i have tried everything else and nothing worked .They (insurance)took it away from me until i tried every cheaper meds.Finnally they gave them to me,they didn't want to pay for generics what the f$%^*.