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Sweet Island Skunk, Island Sweet Skunk, Sweet Skunk

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Of the three BC strains I've grown, ISS is definitely my favorite, even over Godbud and Burmese. We have a cut going around that is a pure resin bomb, the stickiest thing you've ever seen. As mentioned earlier on this thread, the second hand smoke is the BEST thing about ISS. It leaves an indescribably funk in the air that make you want to go out the door, just so you can come back in and re-experience it. We also have a Blue Dream cut with a similar smell and quality of high, I've considered crossing them.....

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I have a friend who has had a sweet skunk cutting from canada for maybe 7 years. A friend in vancounver gave him the cut from his mother and im not sure which of the "sweet skunks" it is, but.......

There was a thread running here a few weeks ago about people being tired of skunks and that you couldnt even hardly get high on them. Well, this sweet skunk cut will knock your friggin noggin loose. Not just once, but evertime you smoke i t.


Well-known member
the smell your referring to is incencsey in nature? if so-it is indeed lovely and i've noticed this in the best hazes/hybrids


got these pictures/links from a Scandinavian breeder from another forum who is working with Sweet Skunk and many others
he also promised to make some femmed seeds on those later in the year and pass around and maybe do a cross to ISS and then later backcross to the clone
sounds exiting i think

its 2 of his smaller moms
he will send me rooted cuts very soon
i cant wait!


Sweet skunk mom


Another Sweet Skunk mom to the right and some Blues on the left
he has some spider mite issues and the Blues and some others are badly hit so i told him to wait to send clones until he has gotten ride of the buggers




Here's some ISS... they grow fast and unruly. 1st pic is a bed with all plants removed but one ISS just to show how crazy she grew.


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Green Supreme

That ISS looks more like the real Sweet Skunk than those mitey cuts do. Peace GS


That ISS looks more like the real Sweet Skunk than those mitey cuts do. Peace GS

in case you havent noticed the ISS shown are in full flower and the small Sweet Skunk moms are in early growth.
i know the origin of the cut and who passed it etc so i have no doubt about it being the genuine thing :moon:
and ive had the pleasure of smoking it from another source but the same cut
Peace BD

Green Supreme

I have been growing Steve's cut for bout 10 years now. Its about the shape of the leaf, not the bud structure. Just sayin. Peace GS

ps. nice smile, very becoming


and i might not have grown this cut yet but ive been growing since you started wearing diapers and unless theres some extreme characteristics about a strain ( like a very long middle leaf like on the Exodus Cheese which btw also only shows some time into growth) theres no way to surely strain determine genetics from such small plants in early growth and esp ones suffering from heavy mite attacks or similar stress conditions.
cuts get shared all over the globe in case you havent noticed and BC isnt capital of the world or has exclusive cuts only although your probably proud to have had it for as long as you claim
Just sayin Peace BD

Green Supreme

Bout my first beans from A'dam in 85. Damn you must be old. Respect to such an oldtimer still in the game. The real Sweet Skunk has an extreme sativa leaf. Maybe look through my threads if you wish not to give me credibility. Good luck regardless. Peace GS


Bout my first beans from A'dam in 85. Damn you must be old. Respect to such an oldtimer still in the game. The real Sweet Skunk has an extreme sativa leaf. Maybe look through my threads if you wish not to give me credibility. Good luck regardless. Peace GS

and i grew local pot strains before any internet or any availability for commercial seeds.
and so what?
im not going to disclose my exact age as its none of your business any way
any grower who knows what he is doing knows that unless your dealing with an extreme indica or sativa like Original Haze or Deep Chunk etc or with similar characteristics, the leaf pattern changes a lot from a plant in early growth with only a few nodes to a large plant or even a plant in full flower.
If you want to know more about growing i suggest you start studying since you clearly havent learned much from '85 and onwards and i dont feel like being your mentor
when i look as you suggest i see a person with no gallery and past 1000 posts in less than a year and with only 11 started threads
i guess you have that small young plant in there which has very narrow sativa leafs from about the same early stage that the plant im showing which proves the cut im showing isnt sweet skunk?
if you have it
lets see it?
im not waisting more time on your obvious childish ( uhu i have the cut and i guess no one else has it because they dont live in BC ) behavior but i would of course like to see the proof of your claims if you have it...
Good luck regardless. Peace BD

Green Supreme

Never knew how to make a gallery. Does that make me a bad grower? I mean do all good growers have excellent computer skills. Bubbleman only recently pointed me in this direction. I think my plants and friends speak highly of my skills. I mean before the bust I had 46 different strains in veg. many growers never see that kind of variety in a lifetime. So I have had the opportunity to have hands on with many strains. I still wish you good luck and who knows in the future you may be able to rub my nose in this. Know that I too will be paying attention as you seem to want me to see ya go. Peace GS

ps. your net presence is awesome, must mean I am a bad grower


Active member
That ISS looks more like the real Sweet Skunk than those mitey cuts do. Peace GS

I would have to agree with GS on that one. That scandinavian (breeder) should brush up on his growing skills before attempting to release pollen...those plants look very sick...i suggest he read Jorges' book.


Green Supreme

Dude as you stated I cannot post more pics. I don't know how, but funny enough I am in one of the few that could be possible. Thanks Koots. Peace GS


Never knew how to make a gallery. Does that make me a bad grower? I mean do all good growers have excellent computer skills. Bubbleman only recently pointed me in this direction. I think my plants and friends speak highly of my skills. I mean before the bust I had 46 different strains in veg. many growers never see that kind of variety in a lifetime. So I have had the opportunity to have hands on with many strains. I still wish you good luck and who knows in the future you may be able to rub my nose in this. Know that I too will be paying attention as you seem to want me to see ya go. Peace GS

ps. your net presence is awesome, must mean I am a bad grower

computer or net skills doesnt indicate in any way the growing skill possessed or knowledge.
nor does numbers of galleries or lenght of registration on a specific forum or posts pr day for that matter
i have never shown any pictures of my grows or projects in here and probably never will
first for security reasons, secondly because several growers with a long experience told me to stay away from this place for reasons im not going to discuss here, but third and most important.
i have no need for boosting my ego to any one and besides myself i dont know a single grower with the years of grow and number of plants and strain ive done in the past who havent been busted at some point
without being religious i think that theres a reason not s single of my plants ever have been in police custody

i know what i know from years of experience and if ppl dont believe what im saying its their loss not mine

all im asking you is to put your money where your moth is and back your claims?
if you have had that cut as long as you claim you should have an extreme knowledge of that cut and of course also be able to both spot and proove if a cut of Sweet Skunk isnt the real deal

so far i havent seen you back up your claim with knowledge
on the contrary ive seen you share thoughts about growing that really doesnt impress me to say the least
especially taken your growing years and experience that should be common knowledge into consideration

i dont want you to rub my noise neither do i want you to rub mine

i dont want to roll down my pants either and do a dick comparison with you

im not that sad if a cut that is shared by growers of whom many has similar. longer or close to years of experience growing as i have, hands me a cut that isnt legit
in fact you are able to show me it isnt legit i would be grateful but so far you havent shown my anything but a childish and arrogant attitude that indicates that you have nothing to back up both the attitude and the claims

and btw the breeder who promised me the cut isnt the source of the cut around here
nor is he the one who make me believe that its genuine


Active member
Green Supreme is probably the only person that i know of that has grown the Sweet Skunk more times than probably Breeder Steve. Its pretty well documented on other cannabis forums.



heres the same Sweet skunk cut as im to receive
here grown with no spider mites or similar stress
2 plants from the same cut and in same pot
notice how the leafs like different from the smaller slow growing clone to the faster growing clone and still notice that they have not been stressed by a heavy spider mite attack

heres a Canadian grower showing his Sweet skunk cut claiming its the real deal


GS, wheres the difference that surely indicates that one cut is the real thing and the other isnt?

yes the SK cut in Scandinavia also get more narrow leafs later in growth and especially in flower but most plants got more strain characteristics regarding leaves later in flower compared to early in growth
thats common knowledge

if GS is legit in his claims he is probably able to prove it without your help if he has the knowledge about it he claims

Green Supreme

Nice, I got my point across, admit it or not. We will watch as you progress dude. Again, good luck. Peace GS

ps. thanks for bringing yourself to my attention.


Active member
Iam pretty sure Green supremes info is as legit as they come in this world. I mean you can ask Dj, Chimera, Steve and Red among others as they all trust GS with their select clones. I would classify him as a go to guy when needing info on any PNW clones. But thats just my opinion....doesnt really count for much.

Peace in the middle east.

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