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there is alot of smoke going round that just dont burn right. wont stay lit, .... i assume that is from not flushing properly or overfeeding or combo?????????
its everywhere.... no one knows how to flush, cheap soil in "its just good enough" crops....

Iguana juice is just watered down fish emulsion with a bit of bat turds in it~ with a horrible usage rate~

The BIg bud Liquid is probably correct as for years most of us knew from there tech reps, On the sly, That the cant make the liquid with all the things in the powder with out it binding..Meaning most of us knew the Liquid was garbage or Not as efficient as the powder.....So it was missing things that the powder Bigbud uses, but they never stated on the bottles~ now they cant juice there labels any more , so i doubt its even been changed more of now the labels for the liquid is correct !!

They have discontinued , colossal bud blast, there scorpoin juice,,,,,,,,watered down the barricade to 1% so its a bottle of water

Buy the powder

i thought liquid was better? how can the powder contain more?
they watered down barricade because user error, ph rising.. they actualy made a good product and when users used it like [water] it fucked shit up....

Never seen the yellow bottle line, it's not sold in the EU. Paclobutrazol? Care to name some products that include it? The only one was Dutchmaster Superbud and it was withdrawn from sale. A copy of it has re-appeared and a couple of places in the UK are selling it, they even copied the old DM label just minus the DM logo.

You should study Ganja D's pics, his grows blow yours out of the water. No matter what excuses you make, your crops are clearly overfed and underflushed, this alone disqualifies you from being able to advise anybody else on nutrition as you obviously don't have your own nutrition regime properly worked out, the simplest way to improve your crops would be to stop overfeeding, even with a proper flush, an overfed plant is going to be inferior smoke to a properly fed one, that is plain fact.

This isn't about how many bottles you or anyone else uses, it's about AN changing their products so they are more watered down and trying to convince people they need to use tons of different things to get a good harvest.

What about the way they just changed Hammerhead? The old formula was 0-9-18, the new one is 0-4-8, quite clearly, they have watered it down to less than half the strength it used to be. This means you are paying for less than half the amount of active ingredients and more plain old water.

Name another company that has done that - taken their PK booster, watered it down to less than half strength and sold it for the same price?

Big Bud Powder and Barricade were the best two products AN had, they have changed em both, that means that most of the products in the AN line are now more dilute and more expensive than easily available alternatives.

alot of what your sugesting are raw ingrediants, not %100 suitable for plant uptake... not without some microbes...and time...
AN stuff is uusualy all chelated or organic.... way swifter on the uptake...
especialy when trying to drive the plants faster then 60days.... that shits is what helps.
not saying soil-n-poop isnt a superb way of growing.

there doing expensive reaserch and adjusting perportions accordingly. plants dont need that much phosophorus, it makes them burn into goop.
turns out adding more nitrogen into flower is required for most strains also...
all provem GCMS(gas chromatography, mass spectomitry) tests done on real cannabis flowers (white rinho and hashplant for example)

where as GH is marketing against MJ growing, and maybe even donating to the ONDCP(www.ondcp.gov)....

so why would they adjust there chemicals to what we need?
thats why there is such a radical use differantial compared to THE DIRECTIONS....
sure the cheap chemicals get PLANT MATTER....anyways. not trying to pick on you
its just that....
there are nuances that cant be picked up in a simple price debate....

theres a boatload of crappy 3-part ebb and flow junk going around my area, people think its THE SAME SHIT as other, more masterfuly grown crops (not even grown with AN!)

the new formulations are actualy way stronger.

scorpion juice vs. budx 10ml/l vs 2.
bigbud .. 5ml/l vs 2.
hammerhead? its not even in the 2+ program... not required.
connie is stronger.

plus, im not sure where ur shopping. but when i follow there ppm guide i get way more then needed. so i use WAY LESS then 'required'

barricade was a mistake.

Paclobutrazol is in Bush Master.

sensizyme is the worste enzyme product made by any nute company

most enzymes are useless without bacteria in the rootzone...
but why do u say that?
i found it equal to cannazyme and hygrozyme.
hygrozyme is actualy more expensive...25% more..

Care to elaborate?

I'm still not sold on enzymes. Maybe soon I'll do a side-by-side, but until then I just can't grasp the usefulness:cost ratio.
u need bacillis and other bac. to take full advantage of them.

Great post. ...Yup, the Big Bud Liquid sucks compared to the powder and for the precise reason you stated.

Iguana Juice is indeed fish emulsion and bat guano, shame it's so diluted, but then again, so are most of the organic base nutes out there, look at the NPK numbers, Biobizz Grow for instance is 2-1-4, pretty weak stuff. It costs 13ukp for a litre, yet at my local garden centre I can buy a local brand organic nute that is also 2-1-4 for 7.99 for 2.5 litres or a different brand that is 8-6-8 for the same price.

About enzymes, all the cannabis enzyme products are a rip-off, so watered down. You can buy the same enzymes in far more concentrated form for cleaning septic tanks or unblocking drains. Hagesan Sink & Drain Unblocker is 3.99 for 750ml and is extremely concentrated. Try this simple test, take two pieces of fruit, say two segments of an orange, place one in a glass of a cannabis enzyme product like Sensizyme or Cannazym, the other in a glass of septic tank or drain cleaner enzymes and leave them overnight. Come back in the morning and see what's happened, bet you the orange is still there in the cannabis enzyme glass, whereas in the concentrated enzyme glass it will be completely dissolved.

why is the powder better?

wouldnt that "eating of the fruit" damage the roots?

do you run your grows with septic enzymes?

are they even the same enzyme[as the septic]??

id run the septic[if it was plant safe]ive tried everything else...

good discussion.

i think advanced should stop changing their products too. I Just got good with their pre-2007 system now im trying to figure this new one out LOL

me 2.
user complaints (read; overuse) and user error was reason #1 id bet anything.
R.I.P. barricade

Well you got a different one to the one I had then. Mine was the old Dr Hornby version and it was obvious it was seaweed.

BTW why did you pull out a post I made a couple of weeks ago?

Trying to start an argument?

I think you actually want to get banned.

whats with the attitude?
thats why i argue.

indifferent, not being very indifferent!!! lol!
DH: the old hornby bottle was all 3 forms of nitrogen. urea, Amoniacal, and kelp based.
it smells like a 10 yr old dead walrus stuffed in my bottle after about month opened. the bottle is over 2 years old though, and still does what its supposed to when I do actually open it and use it.

its smells awful, the older it gets the worse it smells, and better it works, like a fine wine... and i never quite figured out what it did [to the plant, trigger, hormone, etc.] besids green up the leafs during first few weeks of flower....plants looked to "pray" a bit more with it, only reason i kept using it....

indifferent, please, smoke a fatty b4 logging in, if u had a bad week and are dry, hit me up. ill toke you out.
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Well-known member
yeah its a nice pick me up to foliar my moms and vegging girls 1-2x/week. It is one of the few AN products I will use until I run out.


Ah, people whining about change. Funny how that never changes. LOL

I haven't actually tried out the new AN products yet, but I have to trust them since they've been good to me in the past. I mean, so what if I have to change up the way I've been growing? I do that from time to time on my own anyways, what's the big deal with that?

To me, it just sounds like some growers are getting lazy, hoping that they can just run a grow without lifting a finger. Yeah, that sounds good, but your harvest is going to be mediocre, at best.

Maybe it's the Midwest in me, but I believe that hard work produces the best results. If you're not trying hard and changing your game up from time to time, you're not being the best grower you can be.

Of course, maybe that's not important to folks here who just want to grow enough to smoke and they don't care if they grow crap or not. Glad I'm not smoking yours.

Say what you will about Advanced Nutrients, but at least they're trying to improve their products, not just rest on their laurels. They're working hard for the growers, standing up for us, and that counts for something too.

But then again, this is an AN themed thread so OF COURSE there are going to be haters.

(I especially love the guy who said he hates some AN product, but doesn't come back to say why. Nice.)

I say good luck to everyone on their grows, no matter what you use. But don't come and whine about stuff, especially when you're not even going to use it.

That's like whining about how expensive a new car is when you have no intentions of buying it. What a waste of time - go back to your grow room and your half ass grows. LOL



Well-known member
plant nutrition is simple. I choose to step up every other facet to growing. You choose to complicate it. Perhaps some may be more inclined to buy that sportscar if it were more affordable, and not a total foreign RIP OFF.
Wassup AN DRONE? read this guys posts. he must get paid to sit on forums by AN...
I would hope Mike was too busy to actually post this dribble. he could be entertaining us with more vids!


Just Call me Urkle!!
LOL toohighmf you crack me up and I feel the same way cuz all those additives my buddy is using aren't giving him 3lbs a light and that's what it would add up to with a Grand Master Bundle he's using right? He was already getting 1.5lb a light before but all AN has done is make growing easy for him which is a plus and I give AN credit for standing up for cannabis growers. But I plan to try out Sensi Bloom A&B,Sensizyme, Piranha, Big Bud, Bud Candy and Overdrive and test it against H&G Aqua Flakes A&B, Multi Zen,Roots Excel, Top Booster, Bud XL, and Shooting Powder. Then we can all really see who stands up to who cuz it's going to be done in my new tent later this year with 2 2x2 tables and 2 400s and 5 1gal Smart Pots of coco/perlite mix on flood and drain. I think that will be a pretty fair side by side which I'm dying to see cuz you never see H&G compared and you got Mike telling us to buy Roots Excelurator over Jump Start so it's always led me to think H&G may have more than one better product than AN...

Bud Bug

plus and I give AN credit for standing up for cannabis growers.

Except all of their official media stuff that has their "name" and " logo" never mentions Cannabis anywhere or on their products. If they do mention weed its always "medical" other wise they'd be locked up for conspiracy.


Ah, people whining about change. Funny how that never changes. LOL

I haven't actually tried out the new AN products yet, but I have to trust them since they've been good to me in the past. I mean, so what if I have to change up the way I've been growing? I do that from time to time on my own anyways, what's the big deal with that?

To me, it just sounds like some growers are getting lazy, hoping that they can just run a grow without lifting a finger. Yeah, that sounds good, but your harvest is going to be mediocre, at best.

Maybe it's the Midwest in me, but I believe that hard work produces the best results. If you're not trying hard and changing your game up from time to time, you're not being the best grower you can be.

Of course, maybe that's not important to folks here who just want to grow enough to smoke and they don't care if they grow crap or not. Glad I'm not smoking yours.

Say what you will about Advanced Nutrients, but at least they're trying to improve their products, not just rest on their laurels. They're working hard for the growers, standing up for us, and that counts for something too.

But then again, this is an AN themed thread so OF COURSE there are going to be haters.

(I especially love the guy who said he hates some AN product, but doesn't come back to say why. Nice.)

I say good luck to everyone on their grows, no matter what you use. But don't come and whine about stuff, especially when you're not even going to use it.

That's like whining about how expensive a new car is when you have no intentions of buying it. What a waste of time - go back to your grow room and your half ass grows. LOL


So Sensibowl...you have no problem with a company removing the aminos, removing the Mg and reducing the concentration of this product? You honestly think they did that in your best interest? Please explain to me how any of those things can be good for me as a user?

I mean all those years telling me how important those aminos are...all that advertising telling me the PK ratio of 4:2 was the hoy grail, the be all and end all, the key to the 2lb/light, the only way.

C'mon now. Something is going on. You are the foreplay for the assfucking to come...right.

Plus, for the record, I will whine about any fuckin thing I want...with or without your permission. As far as bitchin about the price...tell you what, you will never hear me do that at least from this point on cause you have a point...I ain't ever buyin the shit so what difference could it make to me...good point.


Well-known member
Except all of their official media stuff that has their "name" and " logo" never mentions Cannabis anywhere or on their products. If they do mention weed its always "medical" other wise they'd be locked up for conspiracy.

how many hobby flower or food growers do you think use AN? how many commercial ag greenhouses use it? how many, if any win any awards?


when are you gonna tell me how much bulk amino acid powder, epsom salt, and MKP/MAP/MPP to make big bud original formula??

plant nutrition is simple. I choose to step up every other facet to growing. You choose to complicate it. Perhaps some may be more inclined to buy that sportscar if it were more affordable, and not a total foreign RIP OFF.
Wassup AN DRONE? read this guys posts. he must get paid to sit on forums by AN...
I would hope Mike was too busy to actually post this dribble. he could be entertaining us with more vids!


I think fatman<somenumber> on RIU is giving out that kind of info.

The original is 0-10-40, right?


Just curious how this minimum guaranteed analysis thing works...

Is this a loose term that can be abused by "tricky" companies, by chance?

For instance... could a company who wants to play the red herring game simply list "1-2-3", when the actual analysis would come out to something more like (just throwing numbers out) "7-31-4"?

And the removal of amino acids from the label... is there any chance at all that the labeling laws in certain states have changed recently, and AN is simply taking advantage of it?

Not saying that I'm suspecting it, just curious if it's at all a possibility... (starting to doubt it, since labels aren't going to protect "the recipe" from any company w/ $$ resources to find out through sample analysis.)


Well-known member
when are you gonna tell me how much bulk amino acid powder, epsom salt, and MKP/MAP/MPP to make big bud original formula??

When am I going to? I'm not. simple as that. Never said I was. If I had the recipe, I would bottle it and sell it for $50 a Kg. lol.
I think you mean fatman.

Dr. Ice

Well-known member
Does the powder have a shelf life?
I'm asking because my local hydro store has some of the original formula big bud in stock.

Thanks in advance.


Whered that Bike Mike thread go that shit was funny.

Bike Mike makes me want to throw up, him and his little friend.
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Dr. Ice, AN used to say that as long as you kept the powder dry and airtight, it should be good indefinitely.


So are there any other products out there to replace big bud, was planning on picking some up... was after the amino's and an early bloom stim


The base nutrients claim to have amino acids added to them. Maybe it was just a strategic move so that there is more dependency on being 100% loyal to to AN products? For instance, moving amino's to base nutes would mean also using AN base nutes for convenient amounts / ratios of amino's, possibly.

Maybe I'm way off.


I have a mid-late stim called green sensation that is supposed to be very similar to bloombastic without the clay... This is used from week 4-flush but I was looking for something for the initial weeks. I have Canna terra nutes (using soil/ compost) so already have base nutes sorted.

Ah well, maybe I'll just give it a miss this time, the added Mg was also a good thing for early bloom IIRC.


Well-known member
botanicare hydroplex has a low NPK and aminos, plant extracts, & humics.. it's a win win all the way through

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