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I really need some help- ORGANICS. very frustrated. with pics

I see two things from those plants.

1. I think they could use some N. They are quite light green.

2. They also look to be in need of mag, which coincidentally, they need to process the N.
The yellowing between the veins, as well as the leaf cupping that is going on, are classic mag deficiency signs.
Also, mag deficiency, when left untreated, will create necrotic spots between the veins.

I'd give them some mag and N, in whatever form you prefer, but that's just what I'd do..

This is it right here I would strongly recommend this for correcting the deficiency.


This is it right here I would strongly recommend this for correcting the deficiency.

Me too - I'm a new grower (in containers) and just had this kind of look - I had been really cautious with feeding and was flushing them with adjusted to 5.8 ro water on top of it. I potted them up into ewc and lime amended pro mix 2 gal and am adding about 50 ppm of cal mag to the no longer adjusted (ph 6.5-7) r.o. water, feeding a light tea, and they look totally gorgeous.....at the moment.


Active member
ok; after reading everything i'll weigh in

looks like a cal/mag def starting out

when i look at a leaf like that and then compare it to the rest of the plant my gardner friends all tell me the same thing... stop spending so much time in your garden... you're seeing things that aren't there... what could b as little as bumping a growth tip leading to a deformed leaf will be diagnosed as everything under the sun if given the chance

just my .02... try a slightly stronger feed with some cal/mag(organic if u must; not like the plant cells can tell a difference) added to it and see what happens

i just recently popped 80 seeds and one strain wanted extra cal/mag straight out the husk... spots all over the cotyledon just like ur leaf pic and nothing on any other strain i popped; from seed so i doubt it's fungal... like i said just my .02


Active member


thanks everyone for your input and help.
and thanks to CC1 for helping me through this and giving me some great pointers and really helping me out with my soil.:tiphat:
i transplanted them into a totally different mix and ditched the pro-mix and teas.
and this is what ive got so far, theyve been through a lot and have made major improvements to say the least. but here they are 6 days into flower under a 1k hps.

i took this SourD out and took the picture under a flash so you could really see the difference.





ill get some more pictures soon and keep updating as they go along. thanks again everyone, and thanks for looking.


Living with the soil
Give it time...it will continue to break down and balance out. Glad I could hemp...I mean help.


Active member
thanks much guys. and yes Cheeze, they look a little hempy stretch lol. the soil is peat, coco, EWC, organic compost, perlite, vermiculite, and dolomite lime. the added ferts are mexican and jamaican bat guanos, and kelp meal. watered with bubbled tap water and pro-tekt silicon. and some neptune's seaweed and pro-tekt foliars one or two a week. its been working out really well so far, however after i transplanted them and gave them a good watering with a kelp meal ewc tea they really started to transform, but i went a little too long after that without water and threw the balance off again, that at the same time was already trying to balance out. but ive got the watering issue dialed in, and theyre doing great so far.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
thanks much guys. and yes Cheeze, they look a little hempy stretch lol. the soil is peat, coco, EWC, organic compost, perlite, vermiculite, and dolomite lime. the added ferts are mexican and jamaican bat guanos, and kelp meal. watered with bubbled tap water and pro-tekt silicon. and some neptune's seaweed and pro-tekt foliars one or two a week.
It sounds like CaptCheeze1 gave you some good advice - the results are proof of that.

Really solid advice on the Pro-TeKt liquid silicon product.

Try spraying with neem oil every 3 days and make sure to have a fan blowing those leaves around and that should clear up. also let the medium dry out a little more than usual and that should help as well. Oh ya..... keep a close eye on your pH before and after watering


Active member
Try spraying with neem oil every 3 days and make sure to have a fan blowing those leaves around and that should clear up. also let the medium dry out a little more than usual and that should help as well. Oh ya..... keep a close eye on your pH before and after watering

oh i did forget to add that in there, i do a pro-tekt with dyna-gro neem spray once or twice a week as well.
and that is one thing i wont do again is let it dry out too much, it obviously is screwing with the microherd and not properly balancing.
ph? i think im done with testing any sort of ph at this point.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I was with CaptCheeze1 yesterday at a local organic farm store. I gave him my 'latest fertilizer mix' which was designed to be a 'water only' process. In particular it's going to be a viable option for medical patients with mobility issues and physical limitations.

I'm getting there fast and furious. It's a race against time. I'm hoping that this will work as I believe that it will.

I'll let you know. CaptCheeze1 will probably have some comments after he begins to give it a run.



Active member

I was with CaptCheeze1 yesterday at a local organic farm store. I gave him my 'latest fertilizer mix' which was designed to be a 'water only' process. In particular it's going to be a viable option for medical patients with mobility issues and physical limitations.

I'm getting there fast and furious. It's a race against time. I'm hoping that this will work as I believe that it will.

I'll let you know. CaptCheeze1 will probably have some comments after he begins to give it a run.


i would definitely love to know how the results come out. definitely let me know. what is it you tossed together if i may ask? and also if i may ask, what exactly are you racing against?

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Here's the basic mix:

1x = 5 lbs.

2x alfalfa meal
2x flax seed meal
1x soybean meal
1x canola/rape seed meal
1x fish meal (nitrogen)
1x fish bone meal (phosphorus)
1x neem seed meal
1x kelp meal
1x crustacean/shrimp meal
1x bokashi bran (I make this up but bokashi bran is available online at several sources)

That's pretty much it!

The race is the cancer that has invaded my spine and has now begun impacting the central nervous system. I've already signed the DNR paperwork at the local hospital. Hopefully it won't get to the point of having to die in a hospice - I'd rather accomplish that feat at home with my wife of 31 years and my trusted dogs.

It was an interesting ride all thing considered.



Living with the soil
Yes...you are done testing ph at this point unless you water with some wacked out city water source that is 9.something.

I have used the smaller batches of seed meal and mineral mixes CC gave me the first time...
results seemed good. The pots never developed pests,but I only incorporated it in a few for only a few weeks so I can't say otherwise because I'm not running a recorded test.
The buds came out great that were flowered in the test mixes....Today I'm mixing a large batch of soil and incorporating both CC's seed,and mineral mix in with my custom mix. I can only expect good things from it.


Active member

Here's the basic mix:

1x = 5 lbs.

2x alfalfa meal
2x flax seed meal
1x soybean meal
1x canola/rape seed meal
1x fish meal (nitrogen)
1x fish bone meal (phosphorus)
1x neem seed meal
1x kelp meal
1x crustacean/shrimp meal
1x bokashi bran (I make this up but bokashi bran is available online at several sources)

That's pretty much it!

The race is the cancer that has invaded my spine and has now begun impacting the central nervous system. I've already signed the DNR paperwork at the local hospital. Hopefully it won't get to the point of having to die in a hospice - I'd rather accomplish that feat at home with my wife of 31 years and my trusted dogs.

It was an interesting ride all thing considered.


man, i am really sorry to hear that CC. you will be in my thoughts buddy. and i wish you the very best.

i will definitely be writing this recipe down for future grows. im sure getting the ingredients around here is going to be a nightmare. but well see how it goes. and def. let me know how it goes along for you guys. best wishes


Active member
Yes...you are done testing ph at this point unless you water with some wacked out city water source that is 9.something.

I have used the smaller batches of seed meal and mineral mixes CC gave me the first time...
results seemed good. The pots never developed pests,but I only incorporated it in a few for only a few weeks so I can't say otherwise because I'm not running a recorded test.
The buds came out great that were flowered in the test mixes....Today I'm mixing a large batch of soil and incorporating both CC's seed,and mineral mix in with my custom mix. I can only expect good things from it.

yeah ill sometimes test the ph of my tap water to see where im at. 7's across the board. however, i may look into an alternative to the tap water. i can only expect to see good things from the both of you, so keep me updated as to how that is working out.

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