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1st Grow


Went to the THC Expose yesterday there were some helpful vendors there but it mostly seemed like a stripper convention. Almost every booth, at least it seemed that many, had some young hot chick dressed in next to nothing shakin her ass. Don't get me wrong I like a good lookin woman, but hey I'm there to get info that will help me grow bigger and better.

I had hoped to see some different hydro setups especially a UC under current system. I think there was one vert NFT system and a portable grow trailer. Way too many head shops.


Hey fellow farmers I need your help. It's been 11-12 days since I harvested. Most of the buds feel dry but the stems don't snap they bend. Should I wait longer for them to snap or start jarring em up to cure? :jump:
Hey fellow farmers I need your help. It's been 11-12 days since I harvested. Most of the buds feel dry but the stems don't snap they bend. Should I wait longer for them to snap or start jarring em up to cure? :jump:

If they aren't snapping, they still have moisture in them...if you do jar em...make sure you pack em loose and open the jar frequently.
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Veg is coming along nice, they'll be ready for flower come Mon.

All except a few are looking real good. The ones that aren't will be culled. Gave the ladies another shot of neem today and last week foliar fed them with Vermi Tea. I'm told the micro nutes will eat the PM.


enjoy man , you are ready for flower, the pict. is so far but looks good!!

Killer yeah they're just about ready. If you click on the pic it gets larger, but yeah it is far away.

Topped and FIM the ladies in veg again today and gave em a feeding. Girls are looking nice and green. This Fri they get another foliar feeding of the Vermi Tea and flushed before going into flower next Mon.

Speaking of flower, I've got to figure out how I'm going to seal this room and vent the lights. Looking at going thru the attic but concerned about how HOT it gets up there in the summer. :tumbleweed:

Veg Week 3: PBPG 15, ST 1D, HZ 8, DN 5, FP 1, PS 2.5, VT 60, PH 5.95, PPM 1037

I upped the Pro Silicate to help in fighting the PM, it will help by strengthening the cell walls. :sumo:


You can also spray your girls with Neem...it prevents PM as well....

Hey Dave thanks. Yeah I've been doing that, did it a couple times last week and again this past Mon. I think with the neem, vermi t and added pro silicate the PM should be under control. But I will keep an eye out. :watchplant:


AAAAGH I think I might have PM in flower. I noticed on a few leaves, not many just a few what appears to be the beginning stages of PM. The SG is gonna be harvested later today and the OG & CDS will be harvested next week. I can't spray em with neem or vermi tea to late in flower. Should I get a sulfur burner? I don't know since harvest is now. :dunno: :help:


Went to the hydro store and picked up some soy based product that kills off PM in late flower and can even be sed at harvest. It's called Super Natural, no longer sold in the US but he had a little that he shared with me. So I drenched the hell out of em and hopefully the PM will be gone. :dueling:


Round 1 down for the count

Round 1 down for the count

Been busy these last 5 days with harvesting the last of round 1 :harvest: getting round 2 started and a few others things. Didn't push myself with harvesting table 2 like I did with table 1 where I did 2 days at 5 hours straight of trimming. Took my time with this one, when I push I pay for it the following days.

So here's some bud porn of table 2, the CDS had the largest buds, while the OG's were so so.

The CDS is on the left you can see how much larger the buds are.

So round 1 is down for the count and round 2 has begun. A peak at round 2.

Introducing Bubba Kush Pre 98

Bubba Kush


This time I let the ladies get a little taller 12", before they were 8". I also topped and FIM them over the 3 weeks of veg. Before I only went 2 weeks.

Group Shot

They're all much healthier than my 1st grow.

Even though at the beginning I had some PM problems got it taken care of (I hope) washed down all rooms with bleach.

Here's a link to Round 2 Progress not Perfection


Where am I?
Looking good still. This is exactly how u get better. You are already making adjustments on your table 2 which means ur paying attention and getting it all dialed in. Honesly shit looks dank man for the first grow. You have a good future of growing ahead of you. Some people got it and some don't. And u def have it dude. Be well


Looking good still. This is exactly how u get better. You are already making adjustments on your table 2 which means ur paying attention and getting it all dialed in. Honesly shit looks dank man for the first grow. You have a good future of growing ahead of you. Some people got it and some don't. And u def have it dude. Be well

Biatchzxz thank you for the kind words good karma and inspiration. At 1st I was playing it by ear and then I started taking notes of what I was doing and that helped. Along with listening to other growers and reading books and other threads.

I'm already looking forward to the next round and changes I'll be making in the future. Big plans ahead hopefully they become reality.


Where am I?
Absolutely. That's how it was and still is for me. I'm always like the next round is gonna be ridiculous. And then after that even crazier. I love taking notes. Plans and stuff like that. It helps a lot for sure and it's great motivation (not that I need any when it comes to growing). No matter what I'm never gonna stop trying to improve. I'll never stop and be like I'm satisfied nope. Not me. With anything I do i'm like it could be Better. It's great. And I wish you the best of luck on your journey. You know that if you ever need anything..help or have questions whatever the case you feel free to shoot me a Pm and I'll Gladly help you. Your doing an amazing job for your first grow. Honestly. (Most*)peop¥{ who first start out half ass it.


New member
Read your thread non stop every page was very interesting!! Great job, Well done. One question if i may, What are your yields total per plant type?

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