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Colorado House Bill 1284

"Now is the time to lock in the compromise reached in the House, to provide fair business regulations to Colorado's medical marijuana industry and to move forward on rationally implementing these new regulations."


More like "disturbed"...anyone who thinks these guys give a fuck about the patients...or the "local" grower, needs to get their heads examined.

Matt Brown and his ilk don't give a damn about patients or quality medication...it's all about the $$$ - I wonder how much the Cali "immigrants" have paid him. The true "local" businesses (read Mom & Pops shops) are going to be forced out...and, of course, this is after the state has already taken their $5K and told them they would be ok....these guys want to make wholesale changes to the bill, which is totally against House rules. The sweeping changes that are being mentioned would require it to go before all the committees again...at least that is how it's supposed to work...Chris Romer & Matt Brown can both kiss my :moon: !!!!!
Colo. Senate committee rejects asking voters to ban dispensaries

Colo. Senate committee rejects asking voters to ban dispensaries


By Associated Press
5:51 PM MDT, May 3, 2010

DENVER (AP) — Colorado lawmakers have rejected a proposal to ask voters to ban medical marijuana dispensaries.

The Senate Judiciary Committee killed the proposal from Republican Sen. Scott Renfroe of Greeley on Monday.

His referendum sought to only allow actual individuals — not shops — to provide medical marijuana to patients.

Prosecutors and Attorney General John Suthers backed the proposal. They've been urging lawmakers not to regulate dispensaries, arguing that will legitimize an industry they say wasn't sanctioned under the medical marijuana law passed by voters in 2000.

The law does reference dispensing of the drug and backers say dispensaries help patients get the strains of marijuana they need.


quick question-

under this bill will we still (at least, god forbid) be entitled to personal grows and/or the infamous five patient limit?


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
The Senate Judiciary Committee killed the proposal from Republican Sen. Scott Renfroe of Greeley on Monday.

Hey we have bigger problems now ladies and gents, apparently there is a wave of dogs eating edibles out of garbage bins, and getting high, not just high, but REALLY REALLY stoned. They even found a leaf in the dumpster outside of a Denver dispensary. Time to legislate.

Hey we have bigger problems now ladies and gents, apparently there is a wave of dogs eating edibles out of garbage bins, and getting high, not just high, but REALLY REALLY stoned. They even found a leaf in the dumpster outside of a Denver dispensary. Time to legislate.

I see you watched the news as well...they sure made it look like it was a REAL problem. Not saying that those dispensaries couldn't dispose of their edibles in a better way, but damn....as a pet owner, I know I wouldn't let my animal eat out of the trash!

I don't know....if we want MMJ recognized as a medication, maybe we should be a lil more careful about how we dispose of things...just saying...:tiphat:


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
They teased that story for like a week, and then it's about a dog getting high? But I agree might not be a bad idea to have a locked dumpster.
....and maybe, if these "dispensaries" were into helping their patients, they could do like the grocery stores do....sell them at a discount....or even better yet...give the edibles away to some of their "needier" patients....


New member

The dog story..
The republican bill to shut down dispensaries..

These things make 1284 look more legitimate.
Rich Dispensary owners, lobbyist even the news is in on it..
I been to many city council meeting.. Denver, Littleton, Colorado springs.. These fuckers in government give a fuck what we say..
I have been e mailing all these fucks.. Get back bullshit ass Prewritten Generic emails.. Fags don't care about the people..
I Think the bill is going to Pass... Its too much the Wildwest out here..
My hopes are one of two things.. Lawyers file an injuction because the law is unconstitutional.. Shit gets tied up in court for 5 years and we keep doing business as usual.. Or they amend it to make it a better bill...
But in my opinion the way this bill is moving through the house and senate it will pass..
What pisses me off is all these fucks passing the laws no nothing thing about Medical Marijuana... Bunch of politicians (Most of their experience is in lying) regulating something they know nothing about.. Like me showing someone how to scuba dive.. When I cant swim..


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
More today from our good buddy Mr. Romer

Michael and other interested parties,

We need to split the Amendment and need a few more. I think this is it. I hope/think Spense, Massey, McCann, Sommers and I can support these. Please let me know time is short.

1) Please include all the CML technical changes with the date changes to application deadline on August 1st. Certify 70% vertical integrating by September 1st and make it illegal to operate after September 1st without having applied to the state and having paid an application fee.

2) separate amendment for optional grow license for infused products, can only be used in infused products. let infused products be blended from the trim of up to five MMJ centers.

3) separate amendment for home bound patients or disable patients which can apply and receive a waiver from Dept Health to have a Caregiver named to pick and deliver from MMJ center. (this should be indicated on their MMJ card by CDPHE)

4) separate amendment to establish a public review hearing process with 72 hours of prior notice after emergency rules in early November 2010 to up date the Department of Revenue and CDPHE on status of the industry prior to final rule making by both Departments.

5) separate amendment to lower local excise tax option to no more than 10% from 20%.

Thank you for all the feedback. What a long strange trip it has been.



fuck the ticket, bought the ride
I heard they added a 2 year CO residency requirement to applying for a dispensary license. Does anyone know if this is also going to apply to those looking for the growers license? It's really tough staying on top of this shit. Thanks.
There are no "growers only" licenses....5 patients or less = caregiver, more = dispensary, unless you are going to open a dispensary, the bill, as written excludes growers....

Now a dispensary can get multiple "off-site" permits at $10k ea and then you can maybe work out a deal somehow with a dispensary & you can only sell 30% to ANOTHER dispensary...but growers are getting fucked in the :moon:

This bill is turning into a dream for the "mega-dispensaries"...I hope Romer gets hit by the Light Rail!!!

Well folks, it's all about being at the Capitol next Tuesday...we gotta let them we "the patients" as well as the growers are not for any of this...then, we gotta pray that it gets tied up in the courts....

If you don't think 5 patients is enough, then change your style of growing and adjust to the times. Jesus... you think all this bitching helps? If this bill is really for who we all think (and know) it's for... then there's nothing we can do to stop it.


If everyone had that attitude things wouldn't be where they are now!!!!...if you're happy with it, the way it is...kick back and STFU!!!


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
There are no "growers only" licenses....5 patients or less = caregiver, more = dispensary, unless you are going to open a dispensary, the bill, as written excludes growers....

Now a dispensary can get multiple "off-site" permits at $10k ea and then you can maybe work out a deal somehow with a dispensary & you can only sell 30% to ANOTHER dispensary...but growers are getting fucked in the :moon:

This bill is turning into a dream for the "mega-dispensaries"...I hope Romer gets hit by the Light Rail!!!

Well folks, it's all about being at the Capitol next Tuesday...we gotta let them we "the patients" as well as the growers are not for any of this...then, we gotta pray that it gets tied up in the courts....


That's not what Warren Edson told me. I plan to be getting a grower's license and being linked to a dispensary. It seems to be the way to go when you want nothing to do with retail and you want to grow as much great medicine as you can for the most number of patients.

I just hope the 2 year residency thing doesn't apply. It sure is a pain in the ass planning a move in the middle of this legislative nightmare.

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