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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! Rhino Skin Exposed


Active member
After some searching, I found a nice, highly concentrated Potassium Silicon product, application rate is 0.5ml per litre, so not as strong as the old Barricade, but still 4x as strong as Rhino Skin!



Friends in the UK swear by Budlink, never used it myself, my usual shop doesn't stock it.


Guest 18340

Slightly off topic but I heard AN is discontinuing their PH up. Can anyone verify this? That shit is super concentrated. At my needed rate it will take me YEARS to use up a bottle, I'm talking mere drops per gal.
All this re formulating and watering down going on got me wondering if their PH will be watered down next.


Active member
I expect you are dead right, their will be a new 'PH Perfect' version that is 20x watered down and 2x the price.

Come on guys, AN only still exists because many of us are stupid enough to buy their shit, wake up and wise up!

grow nerd

So the old potassium silicate they made was 0.1ml per litre, the new one 2ml per litre, that means the new version is 20x more dilute than the old one.
Wouldn't that put Barricade at something like 20% rather than 100%?


Active member
No, it would make it 20x whatever percentage Rhino Skin is. If Rhino Skin is 5% then that would make Barricade 100%


Active member
No shit. But didn't you, yourself, post the Rhino Skin label that lists 1%? Haven't we been talking about how low of a percentage concentrate Rhino Skin is all along? Why the "if"?

Are you trying to put me on tilt?

I don't get what you are trying to do here, are you deliberately trying to be annoying?

What does it matter what percentage Barricade was? It was 45X cheaper than Rhino Skin, that is the crux of it.

1 litre of Barricade is 16.99 as listed on my fave hydro supplier's site. 1 litre of Rhino Skin is 38.40. That is 2.25x as expensive. Factor in the fact Rhino Skin is 20x more dilute, then it works out as being 45x more expensive than Barricade!

That is the bottom line, if you want to know for sure what percentage Barricade is/was go find out for yourself, I'm through with this.


Is it possible that a lesser concentration could work better>? Idk, just asking cuz I never tried either. I have hydrozyme, Clonex and the Fox Farms trilogy of hydro fertilizers and my plants were looking sad and after the 1st spray of their veg mix, the plants were healthy and green and started growing right away...I am trying to figure out what is best to use but find conflicting info everywhere...too bad there isn't a comparative chart of all the major brands of suppliments and how useful they are in growing....

mr noodles

Slightly off topic but I heard AN is discontinuing their PH up. Can anyone verify this? That shit is super concentrated. At my needed rate it will take me YEARS to use up a bottle, I'm talking mere drops per gal.
All this re formulating and watering down going on got me wondering if their PH will be watered down next.

i was shock a few months ago to be unable to find the ph up from advanced...

their ph + - where the best product an offered period . i can safely say it was the best and most concentrated product of any brand .

i bough some from another big brand and i have to put a bunch of ml to have a ph that have mood after a few hours...

with an ph products i used only a few drops and my 4 l last me more than 5 years ...

it was good.....they remove it ....dumb move...

Bud Bug

i was shock a few months ago to be unable to find the ph up from advanced...

their ph + - where the best product an offered period . i can safely say it was the best and most concentrated product of any brand .

i bough some from another big brand and i have to put a bunch of ml to have a ph that have mood after a few hours...

with an ph products i used only a few drops and my 4 l last me more than 5 years ...

it was good.....they remove it ....dumb move...

I can still get non AN concentrate ph up/down locally. Its been around for years and comes in clear bottles with a label but no company name on it. I believe Grotek use to make really concentrated up/down.
what i dislike more than anything else is on most there new products they have no description of what the product is or how it works but some weird poem instead about useless none sense. they must think were all quite stupid. i want data and information about any nutrient i may spend money on.


what i dislike more than anything else is on most there new products they have no description of what the product is or how it works but some weird poem instead about useless none sense. they must think were all quite stupid. i want data and information about any nutrient i may spend money on.

submitted for your approval.

ShroomDr's special formula Pixie Dust®

The key to our pixie dust is the .05 micron filtration process. We have searched the world for the finest quality pixie dust, and then use 100% cold fusion processing, the highest standard in the world.

This makes our pixie dust the best quality in the world, it contains over 5X more magic particles than our competitors, and with our proprietary cold fusion processing, the pixie dust stays in aerosol form for longer periods of time.

Studies show the longer your pixie dust is airborne, the better it is working.

Coming soon snake oil foliar spray. Watch those plants increase production 200X after applying snake oil!

heres the topical application too


So, i got hot girls for the labels, i mentioned 'science' and 'studies', made an outlandish claim, and i made competitors seem inferior? did i miss anything?

Yankee Grower

Any company selling a potassium silicate product to the agriculture market buys from a company like this that actually makes it:


AN does not manufacture PS. Dyna-Gro does not manufacture PS. The only thing either really does is buy PS from an actual manufacturer of the material and bottle it under their own label controlling the dilution rate.

If it's truly potassium silicate is there one better than another? Yeah with something like calcium you could be talking about calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium malate, etc. but PS is PS is PS.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
AN does not manufacture PS. Dyna-Gro does not manufacture PS. The only thing either really does is buy PS from an actual manufacturer of the material and bottle it under their own label controlling the dilution rate.
You just described the entire fertilizer industry as you probably know.

People don't hit the lottery and decide "Hmmmmmmmmm........I think I'll take $100 million and start processing silica into a liquid form because there's such a f*cking demand!"

Of course VideoMike has his devotees convinced that AN is using a 'super-duper secret source' for their Si - a material unknown to anyone outside their labs.

Touching stuff indeed.


Yankee Grower

Yeah CC you know the game. PS is a commodity product made by large chemical companies with low margins...especially when the Chinese get into the game...LOL. When you go into a health food store virtually all of those companies (products) are only buying raw materials and reformulating/repackaging and not much different with the ag business. There are very few unique materials available. For the most part it really does come down to marketing.


Just Call me Urkle!!
submitted for your approval.

ShroomDr's special formula Pixie Dust®

The key to our pixie dust is the .05 micron filtration process. We have searched the world for the finest quality pixie dust, and then use 100% cold fusion processing, the highest standard in the world.

This makes our pixie dust the best quality in the world, it contains over 5X more magic particles than our competitors, and with our proprietary cold fusion processing, the pixie dust stays in aerosol form for longer periods of time.

Studies show the longer your pixie dust is airborne, the better it is working.

Coming soon snake oil foliar spray. Watch those plants increase production 200X after applying snake oil!

heres the topical application too

OMFG!!! LOLOLOLOL so damn funny! :tiphat:


New member
Last time I ever bothered to post on this forum I was accused of being "Big Mike" himself simply for having the audacity to suggest that the best crops I ever produced and the best my buddies had ever produced were done with AN...but I would like to chime in on this discussion.

I used Barricade for 2 years and absolutely LOVED the stuff. I had one 1L bottle last me for the entire period of time and it was really thick and goopy like toohigh mentioned. It was probably twice as thick as Carboload to the point that it would hardly come out of the measuring spoon when I added to my nute mix. I always added Barricade as the last thing b/c it worked so well as a ph up, too, which was a nice bonus. Using Barricade would result in REALLY thick, woody, stems and just overall very strong plants. All my buddies used it to and had similar results.

When Barricade was taken off the market and Rhino Skin had not been released yet, everyone of us switched over to Silica Blast. I have been using Silica Blast for about a year now and the results are nothing like w/ Barricade. The plants are strong and sturdy, but the giant thick stems and everything that Barricade resulted in are not present with the Silica Blast.

I have yet to use the Rhino Skin but have been told by friends and the hydro shop owner that it is far more diluted than Barricade was and no one I know has actually switched back from Silica Blast to Rhino Skin now that it has been available for a while. I would be interested to use it once I run out of Silica Blast in order to see if it produces the same results as Barricade did...has anyone that used to use Barricade used the Rhino Skin and if so, were the results the same, comparable, or what?


Bud Bug

I used Barricade for 2 years and absolutely LOVED the stuff.

The plants are strong and sturdy, but the giant thick stems and everything that Barricade resulted in are not present with the Silica Blast.

No you didn't LOVE it as you wouldn't really have see a big difference in the actual plant size/growth by using potassium silicate. From the benefit you get out of PS you won't see that much of an external change in the plant compared to other products like sea weed, pk boosters and even sugars.

There are way too more important variables like veg time, system and strain that will determine how the plant looks.

Every liquid potassium silicate product from every hydroponics food manufacturer arrives in a 55gal barrel or bigger tote from any of the 100's of chemical wholesalers out there. Its then bottled down into smaller containers and sold to the stores. Its simple as that. In this industry its done with at least half of the products.


Well-known member
I find it really outright ... I guess "disrespectful" is the easiest word here ... that a "mentor" who is consistently just wrong about so many things, spreads lots of misinformation / fiction, is very adamant that he's right and continues demanding that he be proven wrong, gets proven wrong every time as a result, and yet there's a big "who cares?" at the end.


I mean, toohighmf, is it still a wonder why I say I can easily count off that list with two hands?

You act like I asked to be a mentor, and that is has ANY bearing on what I say. It changes absolutely nothing but 1 thing. The Moderation Team and Gypsy thought I could be of help to those who need it. As a former Mod on the AN forums, a technical rep, and retailer with over 20 years of (successful) growing experience. I think I qualify. You are rude, condescending, and think that you can count the number of people who actually know what their talking about on 2 hands. My title means shit to me. It means something to the new members with serious issues and don't know who to trust when they have issues.

For you to question the badge, and to claim that I am constantly wrong and that you are always right is pretty obvious that you have a serious ego problem or mental disorder. I think your parents lectured you too much or you were ignored as a child. your attacks and your holier than thou attitude keeps people from actually listening to you. Perhaps a smaller pond with less members that really need your help like the couchlock forums is more your style.
I suggest you head over there so you have a place to be the
"big dick".
You might actually get away with it over there. Frankly, A lot of us are getting pretty tired of you AND YOUR ALIAS BS. bye!:wave:

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