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Chanting Growers Group

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we practice to elevate our baser aspects, overcome difficulty, accept total responsibility for our lives and make positive contributions to others, to society. But it goes much deeper than that. We seek enlightenment and peace.

The internal revolution that naturally occurs once a person begins to practice is a daunting struggle with inherent darkness and negativity and our more noble enlightened selves. The joy of victory can only be known by overcoming adversity.

Join us, if even you do so to try to prove our claims as the ranting of lunacy. Prove our practice wrong by doing it correctly. Then you are welcome to share your experience rather than spew your negative dribble.

You have the potential to live your dreams. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo can help you realize them. Just because you think something doesn’t make it so. President Ikeda is responsible for the world having access to this powerful practice. He, more than anyone lives the spirit of the Buddha.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Everyone !!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!!
Had a couple days out of town to celebrate 4/20. Had a great time at GoldenGate park smoking with everyone. We were able to start our 4/20 with Daimoku in front of the Big Gohonzon at the S. F. Soka Gakkai center.... then off to GG to celebrate a beautiful day!!! Hope you all had a great 4/20 holiday!!
Nam myoho renge kyo!


Hey Babba:

I was working my ass off and I did get to celebrate in the evening a lil bit! I was telling our little lady how much I miss you and mamma-bear! You're my myohobrother for life and I love you both very much! I'm so glad to see how your revitalized practice is keeping me going over here on my end! Together we'll continue to climb the mountain on the way to Eagle Peak throughout this life and the next! The same goes for all chanting growers, keep chanting and lets just chanting more and more!

Your brother,
Hello fellow IC chanters :D I thought I would stop in and join in with some daimoku nam myoho renge kyo! I had a great time this weekend/420 in SF with some great friends, met the Babbas and a few other great people and we puffed like crazy! I hope all you had a great 420 too...

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Friday, April 23rd, 2010
"Mr. Toda said: 'If you put faith first, you need never panic or get flustered. No matter what the problem or situation, the important thing is to chant about it deeply and strongly. Even when you feel deadlocked, that's precisely the time you can bring forth the true power of the Buddha.”


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I have two of the most beautiful and precocious three year old twin daughters that I have ever known in all of my life. I am so blessed and they are such treasures! My children are all such treasures!

I am much more fortunate than it would appear I deserve to be. But the one constant in my life since I was 19, (37 years ago) has been my willingness to have confidence in the promises and wisdom of Nichiren, and the results he delineates as karmic reward, and the responsibilities of faith that activate those karmic rewards.

I have followed his teachings in accordance with the understandings expressed by Josei Toda, and my mentors, Tony Matsuoka and Ted Osaki. Later in my practice I have come to understand and embrace the perspectives expressed by Daisaku Ikeda.

Ultimately, it is said that faith equals daily life. Could the fact that I now chant more than I ever have in my 37 years of practice, have anything to do with the life I am living at this moment? My friends, I am a living example that it must!


Thank you for being a wonderful part of my wonderful life!

I bow in humble obeisance!

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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Buddhism expounds the hope-filled principle of 'changing poison into medicine'*! The extent to which we encounter suffering is the extent to which we can grow. Let us enjoy playing out the wonderful drama of a winning life, looking at all hardships and sufferings as our honour!

Daisaku Ikeda

* SGI President Ikeda, states: “The power of the Mystic law to ‘change poison into medicine’ is absolute. The purpose of faith is to transform our karma and enjoy a life of unparalleled happiness. Prayer to the Gohonzon, chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, is not abstract or theoretical. It is a burning inner flame to be victorious. If that flame of resolve blazes in our heart the instant we chant, we have already won. It is, as the Daishonin declares, like ‘a lantern lighting up a place that has been dark for a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand- years.’ (WND-1, 23) This is the practice of human revolution that is accessible to all.” (May 15, 2010, World Tribune, p.5)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The wonderful means of truly putting an end to the physical and spiritual obstacles of all living beings is none other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

(The Wonderful Means of Surmounting Obstacles - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 842) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, April 22nd, 2010
I read a lot of this thread through my years of lurking. I was led here by following BOGs posts. Very inspirational and now that I started to post figured I say thanks!


Pull my finger


I am here online for just a minute while at a friends house. I have been going through alot lately and have not been able to get online like I used to. But the season is changing and we will bounce back soon enough.

It has been very hard to keep my head up through all of the crap that landed on us but the wisdom I have absorbed taught me that I can handle this and recover stronger than before.

I miss all of you and cant wait to see ya'll on the regular again.

Thank you all for keeping the swamps in your thoughts. Take good care of yourselves and each other ( I know you will) in my absence. See you all very soon.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Swamp ... so glad to see you post up !!!
Chant your way through it all Swamp..... ask the mystic law to give you what you need to make things work out and then chant for it .... use your faith and make it happen



ICmag's Official Black Guy
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Hello all I just wanted to thank you all for your support and chants. It helps and continue to help me everyday...I have lost hundred and ten pounds since Oct and I could not have done it without all prayers and encouragement... Thank you all
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