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Not sure to to make of this? need help

basically everything was fine, one day the lower leaves started yellowing at the tip, and spread inward. eventually dying...so i thought nitrogen def.
plant growth slowed almost to a hault.
i re-potted thinking my lc mix would fix the problem, or at least temp. (needed done anyways was getting big)
4 days later, problem is worst.
it has spread up the plant to new growth.
which means its mobile. i dont think its PH because its fine around 6.8, which is what i always keep this mix at, if it works dont fix it.
The New growth is light green/ yellow, weak looking
and seems as tho its Inter-veinal chlorosis
yellow is starting to appear between the veins, but the vein remains green on new growth.
this is rapidly taking over the plants.
i think it may be a combo of several nutrients def. im not sure.
i did the following cheap tests.
ph- 6.8 ( which is my ideal) for those who hate, never been a problem in my soiless medium.
nitrogen- medium to low
potassium- Low
Phosphorus- medium to low.

thanks for the help, and sorry for the crappy pictures. all i had.:thank you:

strain of Mj? unknown from friend(mixup)
From seed or clone? clone
Age of plant in question? 2 months
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)? veg, dont know what day
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)? my version of LC soiless mix, pro-mix hp with organic admendments
Container/Pot size? 2 gallon now, just transplanted hoping to fix the problem 4 days ago. needed done anyway.
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)? Lc's soiless mix #2
Water runoff Ph? around 6.8, (which is what i always keep with this mix"
Nutrients added? organic slow release nutes to mix, allowed to cook.
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)? did a cheap test, between medium and low nitrogen, low potash, medium potassium
Feeding schedule? just water, sometimes Ewc tea.
When were they last fed/watered? watered yesterday. fed last week ewc tea.
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)? weight and top layer dryed out.
TDS/EC/PPM? unknown, dont use fancy stuff. never had
Tap/RO/Distilled water? RO
Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated? cheap test? dont know. never bothered with ph and never had problems.
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage? flouros, shop light style.
Distance to the canopy? close
Temps at canopy? 77
Temps at root zone or reservoir?
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)?
Current air flow (CFM)?256cfm
Is there air blowing directly onto plant? no but around it
Using CO2? no
Relative humidity? 45 percent
Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)? lst
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched? lst
Pests? nope hehe
Chemicals used to irradicate?
If so,When?
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I think you are right about needing a feed but obviously what you have in your media isn't getting accessed efficiently. What I would do is a fish/seaweed liquid fert and see if things improve.
its exactly LC's Soiless mix number 2. plus my usual additives.. usually dont have problems like this, i think its the strain. thanks for your input, anybody else?


Either you have very large hands or they look as though they are a bit stunted- I agree- nute are either not getting to them or not enough is getting to them. Also how old are your flouros? they lose intensity over time maybe they just not getting a lot of light? that also results in yellowing etc
the flouros are brand new.
and yes my hands are very large. bear paws.
im just worried so much because she really loves cannabis for her "pms" so my ladys got to be healthy or my ole lady will make me un-healthy lol or something to that extent.
so i really want to address this problem quickly and correctly.
with that said:
im going to feed them some fish poo, with some kelp.
and maybe do a light foliar feed. with the above mentioned.
what do you think?
by the way i try to grow organic, i say it this way because i dont want to start a organic nazi war in this thread lmao.
whats organic to some, is nuclear waste to others dont you know?

Anybody more experienced with plant problems, care to chime in?
i would greatly appreciate it.
and thanks Leeniebean!!! lightning quick response. and your help.
First I appreciate that you think I can be of help. I think your RH might be on the low side you might want to try and push it up to at least 60% or higher. I know you say your pH is fine and if it doesn't normally give you problems thats cool, but in a hydroponic or soilless environment a high pH will deny your plants access to certain nutrients that they need. Normally this may not be much of a problem but with them being sick I'd have to suggest to at least bring it down untill they get better. I agree that they look hungry and think it's time to hit them with some fish meal or kelp fert (something with N).


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
when you say "LC's mix #2" did you use pro-mix, FFOF, or ?

just wondering whether it's a soil mix w/ nutes in the bag?

what are your usual amendments?

looks like signs of nitro def, zinc def, and potassium def

more than likely those are all in the mix so it's probably lockout - thinkin' imbalance in the soil and suspicious of the commercial mix in your base


I'm using Iguana juice veg, and are are being flowered with it as well which is all organic base, my plants are loving it. In addition to that, I give them sea kelp. Its possible this strain is more sensitive to PH than others as well, things get locked out easily and escalate rather quickly if they're sensitive to it. Hopefully your ladies pull through. I doubt its your mix thats causing the issue, you've used it before and had no problems. Though there are additives to promix, I find its a really nicely balanced mix and its PH'd for plants at around 6. You could try using epsom salts in a flush alternately with your waterings, I ran into a similar issue back in the start of my grows and it cleared up the issue almost immediately. My plants now get watered with epsom salts a couple times a week and haven't had any more probs with that.
Hello thanks all for coming!
the red bull- thanks for your input, what do you recommend for bringing it down? maybe something organic? plus im a cheap bastard.
Xmobotx-- thanks for your input, the lc's mix i used was based for promix-hp.
the mix im using, never gives me a problem. i think u may be right about lockout, possibly due to ph being a tad high mentioned by the_red_bull.
i add the following.

60 percent promix-hp
30 percent perlite
10 percent ewc

add 1 tablespoon of greensand per gallon soil

Add a smidge of lime, i know pro-mix hp already has this, but i add some anyways. always have.

high phosphorus bat guano.

1/8 cup of Azomite soil mineral additive. its a-z on trace minerals. very good stuff.

bone and blood meal

kelp meal
allowed to cook for a bit, given ewc and molasses, to activate goodies.
Leeniebean yeah it must be this strain, i want to try and lower it, what do you recommend as a ph-down? organic source? cheap lol?
Technically you can use vinegar, but being that you're in a soilless media and closer to hydro I would go for the pH+/- from the hydro store. Right around the same price and it'll keep your values where you want them.


adding peatmoss to your mix will lower the ph of your soil. To lower PH of your water use lemon juice or cheap white vinegar. However, note the acidifying effects of these two are not long lasting 4hrs or so, so do not let your water sit for long. make sure to check ph of your nute solution after its mixed- it will probably be more to the acidic side than just your water on its own.
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the red bull, and leeniebean. you guys have been awesome, and thanks for the helping hand.

im going get some rest for now, ill be back on later after the trip to the store.

Note- i feel weird talking about ph. i never really cared before. nothing like this anyways.