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LED GROW-OFF Part Deux: HG LED 205w vs. PS 180w

The girls are looking mighty-fine. Nice job on the pictures! That T5 is a great idea for life-light photographs. 30-ish days in and looking better than how most of mine finish...

Keep up the goodwork WW :)


Day 41 Bloom

Day 41 Bloom

Yes, yes, it's been a while so it's time for an update for sure.... Sorry bout that life's just been oh so hectic as of late, so try to forgive me.

But yeah, here we are at 41 days into bloom just finishing up week 5 of blooming and tomorrow marks the start of week 6. So we got another good 3 to 3 1/2 weeks left for them to pack it on. The canopy on the ProSource side is a bit more wild so she is honestly kinda a bitch to capture on the camera, where as the HydroGrow LED side is pretty much perfect-o and very easy to get good shots of the canopy and colas. But enough talk on to some pics...

ProSource 180w Jumbo:

HydroGrow LED 205w:



Just for a lil fun I'd like to show ya'll my girls in the spinner at day 31 of bloom using a 400w hps.

Hopin to pull some damn good number outta here and by the looks of things thus far into bloom, I feel very very happy. :blowbubbles:


Great thread man - keep the updates coming.

Glad to have you aboard mate.

Just swapped out the res last night and went 1/3 strength base nutes and 2.5ml/gallon of Humboldt's own Gravity and will run that for 7 days. Then 1/2 strength nutes for 10 days and then flush the final 7. So I think we are down to the final 24 or so days left for them to pack it on and bulk up. Should be interesting, hope you all stick around for the ride and hopefully a few more people will hop on as well.


I should be able to get some pictures up tomorrow which will be a day before that start of the 7th week of bloom. Things are comin along nicely. I hope to be able to run at get my co2 tank refilled for the last couple weeks of bloom as I have been a wee bit poor to run it the entire time. They had co2 during veg and the first week of bloom, but other than that is been all natural


some fine photos & work you got there, i'm on this.

Thanks db, it's been lots of work and lots of fun to do this grow. Really lookin forward to the next grow using these lights. The current tent that the LED's are in will be used as my veg/mother area and the LED's will be in the tent with my 600w hps to help it out and it will be scrog'ed!


Day 48 of Bloom; taken a few days ago

Day 48 of Bloom; taken a few days ago

Had some friends in from outta town so was kinda busy the past few days, but did manage to get pictures while they were here this past sunday; 1 day before the start of the 7th week of bloom.

Have had to start tying a few colas up with twist ties, which is always a good sign. Gonna be swapping out the reservoirs today and goin 1/2 strength nutes for another week and then its flush time. So we're gettin close and I'm gettin pretty excited!!

I'll go head an say it myself that the pictures this update aren't the greatest of detail or quality. But I was in a hurry. I will snag some pictures this evening as sort of a mid week update that will be of better quality.

Jumbo 180w

HydroGrow LED 205w



Active member
Yeah lol, a few better quality pictures would be great for the comparison we're doing with photos from this thread ;) Looking good though.


Mid-week update day 52 of bloom

Mid-week update day 52 of bloom

So yeah since the last pictures blew goats, I went ahead and took some more pictures today...

HydroGrow LED 205w

ProSource 180w



Verry nice.
The buds under the HydroGrow light look biger. How many days left? aprox.
Anyway the both sides looks yummy.


Verry nice.
The buds under the HydroGrow light look biger. How many days left? aprox.
Anyway the both sides looks yummy.

Thanks man, we're 51 days into bloom with another 2 or so weeks left. I'm thinkin about 14-19 days left in this grow. We're gettin close! The flush begins in just a few days, so these dark green bitches are fixin' to yellow and ripen up. +rep for jumpin into the mix


Day 63 Bloom; Harvesting on Friday!!

Day 63 Bloom; Harvesting on Friday!!

So here we go the start of week 9 bloom. They have been flushing for the last week and will get to go another 5 more days before gettin chopped.

HGL 205w

PS 180w



For some reason the ps canopy never really wants to work with me, so suppose I'll try and snag a few more shots tomorrow.

Here's a random shot from day 57 on the HGL side, not the biggest top under the light but it was the easiest to take a picture of.


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